A Concise Dictionary of Middle English - From A.D. 1150 To 1580
by A. L. Mayhew and Walter W. Skeat
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Artou, art thou, S2; artow, S2, C2, C3. See Ert.

Arwe, sb. arrow, NED; arewe, S2; arwes, pl. S2, C2, P; arewis, W2; arowis, W2.—AS. arwe for *arhwe; cp. Goth. arhwazna, arrow, the thing belonging to the bow, from *arhw = Lat. arcus.

Arwe, adj. cowardly, timid, lazy, sluggish, vile, base, Prompt.; are[gh], S; arh, MD; ar[gh], NED; erewe, S; arewe, sb. betrayer, enemy, S, MD.—AS. earg (earh); Icel. argr; cp. OHG. arg (Otfrid).

Arwed, pp. made cowardly, PP.

Ar[gh]en, v. to be timid, to frighten, NED.

As, sb. unit, a single bit, ajot, ace, NED, C2; ace, S3; ase, PP. Phr.: ambes as, double aces, C2.—OF. as; Lat. as.

Asailen, v. to leap upon, assail, PP; assaile, PP, S; assaille, C2, PP; asailid, pp., PP; assal[gh]eit, S2.—AF. assailir, OF. asalir; Late Lat. adsalire. (+A-+7.)

A-saken, v. to deny, renounce; asoke, pt. s., S.—AS. of-sacan (Schmid). (+A-+3.) Cf. Of-saken.

Asaut, sb. assault, S2; assaut, C, PP.—OF. asaut. (+A-+7.)

Ascapie, v. to escape, PP; askapie, PP; ascapen, PP.—OF. escaper (Picard). Cf. Achape.

Ascaunce, conj. as though, C3, NED.

Asche, sb. ash, cinis; aische, W, W2; aske, H; asken, pl., S; axen, S; asshen, C2; asskess, S; asshes, C3; aschis, W2; askes, S2, P; askis, H; askez, S2.—AS. asce (axe): Icel. aska: Goth. azgo.

Ascrien, v. to cry out, NED; escrien, MD.—OF. escrier; Late Lat. ex + quiritare, see Diez.

Ascrive, v. to ascribe, H.—OF. ascriv- stem of pr. p.of ascrire: It. ascrivere; Lat. adscribere. (+A-+7.)

Ascry, sb. outcry, S2.

Asegen, v. to besiege, C.—OF. asegier: It. assediare (Florio). (+A-+7.)

Aselen, v. to seal up, to set one's seal to, NED; aseele, W2; asselen, PP, S2.—OF. anseler, enseler; Late Lat. insigillare, from sigillum, seal. (+A-+10.) Cf. Ensele.

A-senchen, v. to cause to sink, S; aseynt, pp., MD. (+A-+1.)

Asent, sb. assent, S2, PP; assent, C3, PP.—OF. as(s)ent. (+A-+7.)

Aseth, sb. satisfaction, PP, HD; aseeth, W; asethe, Cath., HD; assyth, JD; assetz, PP; asseth, NED, HD.—OF. aset, asset; from Late Lat. ad satis. For the final -t in OF. = in English, cp. OF. feit with ME. fei, faith. Hence our assets. (+A-+7.)

A-setnesse, sb. appointed order, S.—AS. -setnis, institute (Schmid).

A-setten, v. to set up, appoint, NED.—AS. -settan. (+A-+1.)

Asise, sb. decree, edict, judgment, S2; assise, C, G; assises, pl. assizes, PP.—OF. as(s)ise, asitting down, settlement of imposts, from as(s)is, pp. of as(s)eeir, to sit at, to settle; Lat. assidere. (+A-+7.)

Asisour, sb. juror, PP; acisoure, PP; sisour, PP; sysour,PP.

Ask-; see Asc-.

Ask, sb. a newt or eft, a lizard, NED, HD, JD; aske, NED; asker, HD, JD, DG; askis, pl., NED; arskes, S2.—AS. exe: OS. egithassa; cp. OHG. egidehsa (G. eidechse).

Aske, sb. ash, H; askes, pl., S2, P; askis, H; see Asche.

Aske-baie, sb. one who sits among the ashes, S; askebathe, NED.

Aske-fise, sb. one who blows the ashes, Prompt.; askfist, NED. Cp. Sw. askefis and G. aschenfister (Grimm).

Asken, v. to ask, S, S2; eskien, MD; aschen, MD; eschen, MD; esse, MD, S2; ocsien, MD; acsien, MD, S2; axien, MD, S2; axen, S, S2, S3, C2, C3, W, W2; escade, pt. s., S; easkede, S; haxede, S; esste, S2.—AS. scian: OHG. eiscn (Otfrid); cp. G. heischen.

A-slaken, v. to diminish, to become slack, C, NED. (+A-+1.)

A-slawe, pp. slain, S2; asla[gh]e, S; asla[gh]en S.—AS. -slagen, pp. of -slan, see Sievers, 378. (+A-+1.)

A-slepe, adv. asleep, S, PP.—AS. on sl[]pe. (+A-+2.)

A-slepid, pp. gone to sleep,W2.

A-sonder, adv. asunder, C, C3.—AS. on sundran. (+A-+2.)

A-soylen, v. to absolve, to answer (aquestion), PP, S2; assoile, S3, C3, P, G; asoyly, NED; asoilede, pt. s., S2; asoylede, S2; assoylid, pp., W.—OF. asoiler, assoiler; Late Lat. absoluere (=Lat. absolovere). (+A-+8.)

Aspaltoun, sb. asphalt, S2.—OF. *aspaltoun; from Late Lat. asphalton; Gr. asphalton.

Aspect, sb. a term in astrology; the relative positions of the heavenly bodies as they appear at a given time, NED, SkD, Sh.; aspectis, pl., S3.—Lat. aspectus. (+A-+7.)

Aspert, adj. expert, clever, S3; see Apert.

Aspie, sb. spy, W, W2; aspye, C3; aspy, S3.—OF. espie.

Aspien, v. to look after, to watch, S2, S3, W, W2.—OF. espier. See Espye.

Aspiere, sb. spy, W.

A-spillen, v. to destroy, kill, S. (+A-+1.)

Aspiyng, sb. ambush, W.

Aspre, adj. rough, cruel, fierce, NED.—OF. aspre; Lat. asprum, rough, harsh.

Asprely, adv. roughly, fiercely, S3; asperliche, NED.

A-squint, adv. obliquely, out at the corner of the eyes,S.

Ass-; see As-.

Assay, sb. trial, experiment, an attempt, attack, tested quality, NED, S2, S3, C2, C3; asaie, W.—AF. assai (asai): It. assaggio; Lat. exagium, aweighing, from ex-agere (exigere), to weigh, prove, to drive out the tongue of the balance.

Assayen, v. to examine, to attack, S2, S3, C2, P; asaien, W2; asayen, S3; assaied, pp., W.—AF. assayer (asayer): It. assaggiare.

Assemble, sb. assembly, P.—OF. asemblee.

Assemblen, v. to bring together, to come together, NED; assembled, pp., C3.—OF. asembler; Lat. assimulare.

Assiduel, adj. continual, H; asseduel, H.—OF. assiduel.

Assiduelly, adv. continually,H.

Assoilen, v. to loosen, absolve, explain, PP, S3, C3; see Asoylen.

Assoillyng, sb. absolution, acquittal,C.

Astate, sb. state, estate, S3; see Estat.

A-sterten, v. to start up, to happen, to escape, NED, S2, S3, C3, C; astart, S3; asterted, pt. s., S2, C3. (+A-+1.)

A-sti[gh]en, v. to proceed, ascend, descend, MD; astigh, pr. s., S; astah, pt. s., S.—AS. -stgan. (+A-+1.)

Astonen, v. to stupefy, amaze, NED; astony, NED, C2; astonyed, pp., W, PP; astoynde, S3.—OF. estoner; Late Lat. *extonare, to stupefy as with a thunderbolt. (+A-+9.)

Astore, v. to repair, to provide, store, NED; astorede, pt. s., S2; astored, pp., C; astorid, W2.—AF. estører, OF. estaurer; Lat. instaurare. (+A-+10.) Cf. Enstore.

A-strangeled, pp. suffocated, S2, (+A-+6.) See Strangelyn.

Astronomye, sb. astronomy, PP.—OF. astronomie; Lat. astronomia; Gr. astronomia.

Astronomyen, sb. astronomer, astrologer, PP; astromyenes, pl. (=Lat. magi), W; astrymyanes, PP.—OF. astronomien.

Asure, sb. azure, NED, C2, C.—OF. asur, azur; Low Lat. lazur (lazulus); Pers. lajward.

Aswagen, v. to assuage, C2, PP.—AF. as(s)uager: Prov. assuaviar; from Lat. suauis. (+A-+7.)

A-swelten, v. to die, S, NED. (+A-+1.)

Aswithe, adv. as quickly as possible, S2, PP; asswythe, S2; see Alswithe.

A-swowne, pp. as adv. aswoon, C2; assowe, HD.—AS. ge-swgen, see NED (s.v. aswoon) and SkD (s.v. swoon). (+A-+6.)

A-syde, adv. aside, C2. (+A-+2.)

At-, prefix (1), at; et-; a-.—AS. t-.

At-, prefix (2), from, away; et-.—AS. t- for o- proclitic form of *-, away: Goth. una-; cp. Du. ont-, OHG. int- (G. ent-).

At, pron. rel. and conj. that, S2, S3, H, NED; see at.

At, prep. at, in, with, from, of, amongst, PP, S, S2, C2; et, S; t, S; ed, S; at, used with the infin. mood, S2, NED (vi), H. Comb.:—atte, at the, PP, S, S2, C2; ate, S, S2; ette, S; eter, S; atten, S2, PP; at-after, after, C2; att-alle, in every way, S2; at-foren, before, MD; et-foren, S; at-uore, S2; at-om, at home, S2, PP; at-on, at one, in accord, NED, S; at oon, G (s.v. oon), C2; at-ones, at once, together, PP, C2, C3; attonis, S3; attonys, S3; attones,S3.

Atache, v. to arrest, indict, S2, PP; attache, PP; atteche, S3, NED; atachet, pp., S2, PP.—AF. attacher; cp. It. attaccare. (+A-+7.)

A-take, v. to overtake, catch, C3, HD, NED. Phr.: wel atake, well caught, NED. (+A+1.)

Atamen, v. to cut into, broach, open (avessel), NED, PP, HD; attamen, HD, Prompt., C2.—OF. atamer: Prov. (en)-tamenar; Lat. attaminare. (+A-+7.)

Atazir, sb. influence (astrological term), S2, S3. Cp. Sp. atazir; Arab. at-tthr, 'al + tthr, influence, see Steingass, Arab. Dict., p.157, and Dozy's Glossary, s.v. atacir.

At-beren, v. to bear away, NED; atbar, pt. s., HD.—AS. t-beran. (+At-+2.)

At-breken, v. to break away, escape, NED. (+At-+2.)

At-bresten, v. to burst away, escape, NED.—AS. (t-brstan. (+At-+2.)

Ate, sb. eating, S. See Eten.

Atel, adj. terrible; atell, NED.—AS. atol; cp. Icel. atall.

Atelich, adj. horrible, S; eatelich, S.—AS. atelic.

Ateliche, adv. horribly, S.—AS. atelice.

Atempre, pp. as adj. temperate, H; attempre, C, HD.—OF. atempr; Lat. attemperatus. (+A-+7.)

Atemprely, adv. temperately, H,HD.

A-tenden, v. to set on fire, kindle, MD; atend, pr. s., S. (+A-+2.) Cf. Ontenden.

At-ewen, v. to show, to appear; atewede, pt. s., NED; atywede, S; atawed, pp., MD.—AS. t-awan (t-wan): Goth. at-augjan, from augo, the eye; cp. OHG. ougen, to show (Otfrid). Cf. Awnen. (+At-+1.)

Ateynt, pp. convicted, affected with sorrow, PP; atteynt, S3; attaynt, S3.—OF. ateint, pp. of ateindre, to attain; Lat. attingere. (+A-+7.)

At-fallen, v. to fall away, NED.—AS. t-feallan. (+At-+2.)

At-fleon, v. to flee away, NED; atfli, pr. s., S.—AS. t-flon. (+At-+2.)

At-fore, prep. before, NED; atuore, S2; etforen, S; afore, NED.—AS. t-foran. (At- 1.) Cf. Afore.

At-gangen, v. to go away, MD; atgo, MD, NED. (+At-+2.)

Ath, sb. oath, S; see Oth.

Athamaunte, sb. adamant, C; see Adamant. [[Addition]]

Athamant; see Adamant.

Athel, adj. and sb. of good birth, noble, alord, NED, S, S2; hathel, NED, S2; hathill, NED; hatell, NED.—AS. ele, eele: OS. eili: OTeut. *aalis, of good family, from *aal, race, family; cp. OHG. adal (Otfrid).

Aeling, sb. a member of a noble family, anoble, aprince of the blood royal, NED; eelyng,S.

A-estrien, v. to darken, S.—AS. -ostrian. (+A-+1.)

A-et, conj. until that, S. See Oth.

At-holden, v. to withhold, retain, S; athlde, S; ethalden, S; athalde, S; etholden, S; ethalt, pr. s., S; atheold, pt. s., S; atholde, pp., S.—AS. -healdan. (+At-+2.)

Atiffen, v. to adorn, deck the person, S.—OF. atiffer, cp. atifer (Cotg.) (+A-+7.)

Atisen, _v._ to stir up, urge, entice, NED attyse, HD; attice, NED.—OF. _atiser_, to kindle (Bartsch); Late Lat. _attitiare_, from _ad_ + _titium_ (for _titio_) abrand (Voc.), see Ducange, s.v. _atticinari_. For the change of _ti_ into soft _s_ as well as into _ see Brachet, s.v. _agencer_. (+A-+7.)

Atlien, v. to think, suppose, intend, to direct one's way, to go, MD; attle, MD; attele, S2; etlien, MD; etteleden, pt. pl., S2.—Icel. tla (etla); related to OHG. ahtn, to consider.

Atlinge, sb. purpose, conjecture, MD; etlunge,S.

At-reden, v. to outdo in counsel, C, NED. (+At-+2.)

At-rennen, v. to run away, to surpass in running, C, MD; att-rann, pt. s., S; at-ornde, NED. (+At-+2.)

At-rinen, v. to touch, to befall, NED; att-ryne, MD.—AS. t-hrnan. (+At-+1.)

At-routen, v. to rush away, escape, S2; at-ruten, NED. From AS. hrtan. (+At-+2.)

At-scheoten, v. to shoot away, MD; atschet, pt. s., S; atschote, pp. NED. (+At-+2.)

At-stonden, v. to withstand, S; edstonden, S, NED. (+At-+2.)

At-stonden, v. to remain, to stop, NED, S2; etstonden, NED; atstonde, pp., S.—AS. t-standan. (+At-+1.)

Att-; see At-.

Attame, v. to broach, to cut into, HD, C2; see Atamen.

Atteir, sb. attire, S3; see Atyre. [[Addition]]

Atter, sb. poison, venom, esp. of reptiles, NED, S; hatter, NED.—AS. attor, for *tor, tr, (Voc.); cp. OHG. eitar, eittar (Otfrid).

Atter-coppe, sb. spider, NED, S; attercop, HD.—AS. attor-coppa.

Atter-lich, adj. venomous, bitter; atterluche, NED.

Atter-liche, adv. bitterly, NED.

Atter-lothe, sb. an antidote to poison, applied spec. to various plants, NED, Voc., HD.—AS. attor-le.

Attern, adj. venomous, cruel, HD, NED; hatterne, NED.—AS. ttern, ttren. See Atter.

Attice, v. to stir up, NED; see Atisen.

Attour, sb. array, dress, head-dress, HD; atour, NED; aturn, S.—OF. atour, aturn, from aturner, atorner; Lat. ad + tornare, to round off.

Attri, adj. venomous, S, HD; attri[gh], NED; wattri, S2.—AS. ttrig. See Atter.

A-tweyne, in twain, PP. (+A-+2.)

At-witen, v. to reproach, twit, S.—AS. t-wtan. (+At-+1.)

At-witen, v. to depart, NED; atwot, pt. s., MD. (+At-+2.)

A-two, in two, S2, C2, C3, PP; ato, S2. (+A-+2.)

A-twynne, in two, apart, W, G, PP; atwinne, C3; atwynny, W; otwinne, S; otwyn, H. (+A-+2.)

Atyre, sb. equipment, dress, head-dress, PP, Cath.; atir, S2; atteir, S3; atyr,HD.

Atyren, v. to attire, NED; atyred, pp., PP; atired, PP; tyred, S2.—OF. atirer. (+A-+7.)

Auchtene, num. eighteen, S3; see Eightene.

Aucte, sb. property, S; see Auhte.

Auctoritee, sb. authority, C2, C3; autorite, S3; auctorite, C.—AF. autorite, auctorite; Lat. auctoritatem.

Auctour, sb. author, C, C2, HD; auctor, S3; autour, S3, NED.—AF. autour; Lat. auctorem, from augere, to make to grow, to originate.

Augrim, sb. arithmetic, S; see Algorisme.

Auh, conj. but, S; see Ac.

Auht, adj. worthy, valiant, doughty, NED (s.v. aught); a[gh]t, S2, MD; oht, S; aht, NED; ht, MD.—AS. wiht (ht). Cf. Ought.

Auhte, sb. possessions, NED; auht, S2; ahte, S2; eahte, MD; ahhte, S; agte, S, S (15. 2090); eihte, MD, S; echte, S; ehte, S; eyhte, S; aihte, S; ayhte, S; aucte, S; aght, S2.—AS. []ht: Goth. aihts. See Owen.

Auhte, pt. s. ought, S; aucte, owned, S; see Owen. [[Addition]]

Aul, sb. an awl; aule, NED; owel, S; aules, pl., S.—AS. awel (Voc.); cp. OHG. ala (G. ahle).

Aulf, sb. elf, SkD; auph, SkD; awf, HD; ouphe, Sh.; oaf, SkD.—Icel. lfr. Cf. Elf.

Aumener, sb. an alms-purse, apurse, NED, HD.—OF. aumoniere; Low Lat. *almosinaria (bursa).

Aumoner, sb. almoner, alms-giver, NED; aumonere, S2, NED; aumenere, HD; amner, HD.—OF. aumoner; Church Lat. *almosinarius, from *alimosina. See Almesse.

Aun-; see An-.

Auncel, sb. a kind of balance and weight, NED, S2, PP; auncer, PP; auncere, P, HD.—AF. auncelle for *launcelle; Late Lat. lancella (cp. It. lancella), 'a kind of measure,' (Florio); dim. of Lat. lanx (lancem), aplate, ascale of a balance.

Auncessour, sb. ancestor, NED; ancessour, NED, HD.—AF. ancessur; Lat. antecessorem.

Aunceter, sb. predecessor, ancestor, NED, S2, CM; ancestre, NED; auncestre, NED; aunsetters, pl., NED, HD; aunceteres, HD.—AF. auncestre, ancestre; Lat. ante-cessor.

Auncien, adj. old, whilom, ex-; sb. an old man, an elder (title of dignity), asenior member of an Inn of Court, NED; auncient, S3 (25. 136), HD.—AF. auncien, OF. ancien; Late Lat. antianum (cp. It. anziano), for ante-anum, from Lat. ante, before.

Auncre, sb. anchoress, nun, S2; see Ancre.

Aunder, sb. afternoon, HD; see Undern.

Aunders-meat, sb. afternoon's collation, Cotg. (s.v. recin), HD. Cp. Goth. undaurni-mats.

Aungel, sb. angel, messenger, W; aunge, HD; aungeles, pl., S2, C3; aungels, W2 (Ps. 90.11).—AF. angele. Cf. Angel, Engel.

Auntour, sb. chance, adventure, S2; aunter, S3. Comb.: anaunter, for an aunter, in case, S2; see Auenture.

Auntren, v. to adventure, S3, G, PP.—OF. aventurer.

Auntrous, adj. adventurous, C2,PP.

Auote, adv. on foot, S2; see A-fote. [[Addition]]

Auter, sb. altar, S, S2, C, C2, C3, P, W, W2; awter, S3, HD.—OF. auter, alter; Lat. altare.

Autorite, sb. authority, C; see Auctoritee. [[Addition]]

Autour, sb. author, S3; see Auctour.

[[Corrected by author from "Autour; see Auctor."]]

Au- (Av-); see Af-.

Auailen, v. to avail, PP; auail[gh]e, B; auaille, C2, PP, S2; auayle, PP, Prompt.; awayled, pt. s., S2.—Cp. OF. vail(l)e, from valoir; Lat. ualere.

Aual, imp. s. fell, cause to fall, S; see A-fallen. [[Addition]]

Aualen, v. to descend, to lower, MD, S2, S3, B; availl, B; availed, pp., S3.—OF. avaler, from phr. val; Lat. ad uallem, to the valley. (+A-+7.)

Auarous; see Auerous.

Auaunce, v. to advance, NED, S3, C, C3, P; awance, S3; avaunset, pp., S2; auanced, S2.—OF. avancer.

Auauncement, sb. advancement, G; auancement,S2.

Auaunt, adv., and interj. forward, away, NED.—AF. avaunt, OF. avant; Late Lat. ab-ante.

Avaunt, sb. boast, vaunt, C, NED. See Auaunten. [[error for Avaunten]]

Auauntage, sb. superiority, advantage, NED, S3, C; auantage, S2, C3.—AF. avantage, from avant, before.

Avaunten, v. to speak proudly of, to commend, to boast, NED, W2.—OF. avanter; Lat. ad + Late Lat. vanitare, to boast. (+A-+7.)

Avauntour, sb. boaster, C; auaunter, NED.—OF. avanteur. (+A-+7.)

Auentaille, sb. the moveable front of a helmet, C2, HD.—AF. aventaille, OF. esventail; Late Lat. *exventaculum, airhole. (+A-+9.)

Auente, v. to get air by opening the aventaille, HD, NED.

Auenture, sb. chance, a chance occurrence, jeopardy, S, S3, C, C3, G, PP; auentur, S2; auntour, S2; aunter, S3, PP; antur, MD; eventour, HD. Comb.: an auenture, lest perchance, PP; on auenture, in case, PP; anaunter, for an aunter, S2; in auenture, PP.—AF. aventure; Lat. aduentura, athing about to happen. (+A-+7.)

Auer, sb. property, a beast of burden, HD.—AF. aver (pl. avers); OF. aveir (avoir); Lat. habere, to have.

Auere; see Afure.

Auerous, adj. greedy, H, HD, CM; auerouse, W, W2, PP; auarous, S2, PP, NED.—OF. averus. See Auer.

Auerylle, sb. April, NED; aueril, S2; auerel, PP.—OF. avril; Lat. aprilis, from aperire. See Apert.

A-ulem, imp. s. drive away, S; see Aflemen.

Auoide, v. to empty, to make of no effect, to make void, to remove, to move away, retire, to avoid, NED, W; auoyde, W; auoyd, WW, Sh.; auoided, pp., W, W2.—AF. avolder; OF., esvuidier; es, out + vuidier, to empty. (+A-+9.)

Avouter, sb. adulterer, W2; avowtere, Prompt.—OF. avoutre, autre; Lat. adulterum. For intercalated v see Brachet (s.v. corve).

Avoutrer, sb. adulterer, HD; auoutreris, pl., W; avowtreris,W2.

Avoutresse, sb. adulteress, W.—OF. avoutresse.

Avoutrie, sb. adultery, PP, CM, W, HD; avoutry, Cath.; avowtrie, NED, W; avowtery, NED; auowtries, pl., W.—OF. avoutrie, auterie, alterie; Lat. adulterium.

Auowe, sb. vow, S3, PP, Prompt.; auow, S2, C, C3, G; auou, PP; auowis, pl., W,W2.

Avowen, v. to bind with a vow, NED, W (Acts 23. 14), P.—OF. avoer; Late Lat. advotare, from Lat. uotum; from uouere. (+A-+7.)

Avowen, v. to call upon or own as defender, patron, or client, to avow, acknowledge, NED, S3, C3, PP.—AF. avower, OF. avouer, avoer; Lat. ad-vocare. (+A-+7.)

Avowry, sb. patronage, a patron saint, NED; vorie, NED.—AF. avouerie, from OF. avoeor; Lat. aduocatorem.

Avoy, interj. exclamation of surprise, fear, remonstrance, NED, C, HD.—OF. avoi.

Auys, sb. opinion, advice, C3; avise, PP.—OF. avis.

Auyse, v. to observe, consider, give advice, S2, C2, C3, H, PP; auisen, PP, S2.—AF. aviser; Late Lat. advisare. (+A-+7.)

Auysely, adv. advisedly, H; auisili,W.

Auysement, sb. consideration, C2; auisement,S2.

Auysyon, sb. vision, S3; auision, C, S2.—OF. avision (Bartsch).

Aw-; see Au-. [[Addition]]

A-wakenen, v. intrans. to awake, S; awakenin, S; awakened, pp., S.—AS. on-wcnan. (+A-+2.)

A-wakien, v. intrans. to awake, S; awalk (for awakk?), imp., S3; awoik, pt. s., S3; awoilk (for awoikk?), S3.—AS. awacian (for on-wacian). (+A-+2.)

Awarien; see Awerien.

A-way, adv. on way, onward, along, away (from a place), NED; awai, PP; awezz, S; awei, S; ewei, S2; owai, S2; aweye, C3, PP; away, interj. away, S2, NED.—AS. aweg, on weg. (+A-+2.)

Awayte, v. to await, watch, S2, S3, PP; awaite, PP; awaitie, NED.—AF. awaitier; OF. aguaitier. (+A-+7.)

Awayte, sb. a lying in wait, watching, NED, C.—AF. await; OF. aguait.

Away-ward, adv., adj. turned away, wayward, NED, PP awaywarde passing away,H.

Awe, sb. awe, C, C2; a[gh]e, NED.—Icel. agi (OTeut. *agon). Cf. E[gh]e.

A-wecchen, v. to arouse out of sleep, NED, HD; aweihte, pt. s., NED; aweightte, HD; aweht, pp., NED.—AS. -weccan; cp. OHG. ar-wekkan (Tatian): Goth. uswakjan. (+A-+1.)

A-weden, v. to become mad, S2, NED.—AS. -wdan. (+A-+1.)

A-wei, interj. ah woe! alas!S.

A-welden, v. to control, S, NED.—AS. gewealdan. (+A-+6.)

A-wenden, v. to go away, NED.—AS. -wendan. (+A-+1.)

A-wenden, v. to change to, NED; awente, pt. s., S.—AS. on-wendan. (+A-+2.)

A-werien, v. to curse, S; awariede, pt. s., S.—AS. -wergian. (+A-+1.)

A-we[gh]en, v. to weigh out, NED; awihst, 2 pr. s., S.—AS. -wegan. (+A-+1.)

A-winnen, v. to win, NED; awynne, S.—AS. -winnan. (+A-+1.)

Awke, adj. turned the wrong way, sinister, perverse, NED, Prompt.—Icel. afugr.

Awke-ward, adv. in the wrong direction, NED; awkwart,S3.

Awnen, v. to show, NED; awwnenn, S.—Related to OHG. ougen, to show (Otfrid); from oug, eye. See At-ewen.

A-wondrien, v. to be astonished, NED; awondered, pp., S2.—AS. of-wundrian. (+A-+3.)

A-wreken, v. to take vengeance, to avenge, NED, S2, P; awreke, pp., S, G, PP; awroke, P.—AS. -wrecan. (+A-+1.)

Axen, sb. ashes, S. Comb.: axe-waddle, an indolent stay-at-home, HD; see Asche.

Axen, v. to ask, S, S2, S3, C2, C3, W, W2; axien, S2; see Asken.

Axer, sb. asker, W. Phr.: maistirful axer (=Lat. exactor), W; axere,W2.

Axinge, sb. Asking, C3; axyngis, pl., W,W2.

Ay, adv. ever, S, S2, S3, C2, H; ai, S, S2; a[gh][gh], S.—Icel. ei. Cf. O.

Ay, sb. egg, G, HD; ayren, pl., MD; see Ey.

Ayel, sb. grandfather, forefather, C; ayeles, pl., PP.—OF. ael, aol: Pr. aviol; Late Lat. aviolus, dimin. of Lat. auus; see Brachet.

Ayen, prep., adv. against, back, S; see A[gh]ein.

Ayen-wende, v. to return, S.

Aynd, sb. breath, B; see Onde. [[Addition]]

Aynding, sb. smelling, B; see Onding. [[Addition]] [[error for Ondyng]]

Ayr, sb. oar, B; see Ore. [[Addition]]

Ay-where, adv. everywhere, S2, NED; aywhere, H; aywhore, S2; aiware, S; aihware, S; aihwer, SD.—AS. []-g-hw[]r. Cf. O-wher.

A-[gh]efen, v. to give, give up, give back, MD, S; a[gh]euen, MD; a[gh]iuen, MD; a[gh]eoue, S; a[gh]af, pt. s., S; a-iauen, pl., S.—AS. -gifan. +A-+1.)

A-[gh]ein, prep., adv., conj., opposite to, towards, against, in return for, again, PP, S, S2, G; a[gh]eyn, PP, S2; a[gh]en, PP, S, S2, G, W, W2; agayn, S2, S3, C2, PP; agen, S; ayen, S; ageyn, S, S3, C2, PP; a[gh]ain, S; ayeyn, S, C2; a[gh]ean, S; a[gh]on, MD; agon, S; a[gh]ien, S; a[gh]eo, S; a[gh]e, S2; aye, S2; igain, S2; o[gh]ein, MD; ogain, MD.—AS. ongan, ongeagn, see Sievers, 214, 3. (+A-+2.)

A-[gh]eines, prep. and conj. against, contrary to, in return for, PP, S; a[gh]eynes, PP; a[gh]enes, S, S2; agenes, S; agnes, S; a[gh]ens, S2, W, W2, PP; a[gh]eins, PP; a[gh]eyns, PP; ayeins, C2; ageyns, S3, C2; agayns, C2, C3, PP; igaines, S2; o[gh]eines, S; oganis, S2; ogaines, S2; ogaynes, S2; onn[gh]ness, S. (+A-+2.)

A-[gh]einst, prep. and conj. against, MD; a[gh]eynst,PP.

A[gh]en, v. to have, to be obliged, to owe, S; see Owen.

A[gh]en, adj. own, S; see Owen.

A[gh]en, prep., adv. against, back, S; see A[gh]ein.

A[gh]en-bien, v. to buy back, NED, W2; a[gh]eenbieth, pr. s., S2; a[gh]enboght, pt. s. S2; a[gh]enbou[gh]t, W,W2.

A[gh]en-biere, sb. redeemer, NED, W,W2.

A[gh]en-biyng, sb. redemption, NED,W.

A[gh]en-clepe, v. to recall, W,W2.

A[gh]en-fi[gh]tinge, pr. p. fighting against,W.

A[gh]en-risyng, sb. resurrection, NED.

A[gh]en-seyen, v. to say nay, to contradrict, NED; a[gh]enseie, W,W2.

A[gh]en-stonden, v. to withstand, NED, W; a[gh]enstood, pt. s.,W2.

A[gh]en-ward, adv. backward, in reply, over again, NED, W, S3; a[gh]einward, S2; agaynward, S2,C3.

A-[gh]er, in the year, S2. (+A-+2.)

A[gh]te, num. eight, S2; a[gh]t, S2; see Eighte.

A[gh]t-sum, adj. eight in all,S2.


Ba, adj. and conj. both, S.—AS. b, both.

Baar, pt. s. bare, carried, C, W; see Beren.

Babelen, v. to babble, P.

Babelyng, sb. babbling, S3.

Baber-lipped, adj. having thick lips, P, Prompt.

Babishe, adj. babyish, S3.

Bacheler, sb. a bachelor, an unmarried man, C, C2; anovice in the church, or arms, young knight, P.—OF. bacheler.

Bachelerie, sb. state of bachelor, CM, MD; bachelrye, company of young men, C2.—OF. bachelerie.

Bacin, sb. basin, cymbal, alight helmet, MD; bacyn, helmet, MD.—OF. bacin.

Bacinet, sb. helmet, MD; bacenett, Prompt.; basnetes, pl., S3.—OF. bacinet.

Bacoun, sb. bacon, C, PP; bacon, PP.—OF. bacon.

Bad, pt. s. prayed, S; see Bidden.

Bad, pt. s. bade, C2; see Beoden.

Badde, adj. bad, PP; badder, comp. worse,C2.

Baddeliche, adv. badly, PP,HD.

Bade, pt. s. remained, S3; see Biden.

Bagage, sb. dregs, refuse, S3; baggage,ND.

Baid, pt. pl. remained, S3; see Biden.

Baie, in phr.: to baie, at bay, S2; see Bay.

Baili, sb. stewardship, villicatio, W; baillye, power of a bailiff, G.—OF. bailie, power.

Baili, sb. steward, villicus, W; baillif, bailiff, C; bailliues, pl., bailiffs, P; bayllyues, P.—OF. baillif.

Baill, sb. sorrow, S3; see Bale.

Bair, adj. bare, S3; see Bare.

Bairnis, sb. pl. bairns, S3; see Barn.

Baiten, v. to feed, C2, S3; bayte, S2, C3.—Icel. beita.

Bak, sb. back, PP, C; cloth for the back, cloak, coarse mantle, C3; bac, S.—AS. bc.

Bak-biten, v. to backbite, slander,P.

Bak-bitere, sb. backbiter, S.

Bak-bitynge, sb. backbiting,P.

Baken, v. to bake, MD; boke, pt. s., MD; book, MD; baken, pp., P; bakenn, S; bake, C, C2, P; y-baken, P; y-bake, P.—AS. bacan.

Bakere, sb. baker, MD; bakers, pl.,PP.

Bakestere, sb. baker, P; baxter, NED, P.—AS. bcestre, woman-baker (also used of men).

Bald; see Bold.

Balde, pt. s. encouraged, S; see Bolden.

Bale, sb. sorrow, misfortune, death, S, C3; destruction, S2; baill, S3; bales, pl., evils, torments, H; balys, S3.—AS. bealu.

Bale-drinch, sb. a deadly drink,S.

Bale-ful, adj. baleful, evil, MD.—AS. bealoful.

Bale-fully, adv. miserably; balfully, S2,MD.

Balene, sb. whale, S2, Voc.—Lat. balaena.

Bali, adj. grievous, S, NED.—AS. bealu, baleful: Goth. balws (in compounds).

Balies, sb. pl. bellies, S2, PP; see Bely.

Balke, sb. balk, beam, ridge, MD; balks, pl. ridges, divisions of land, S3; balkes, P.—AS. balca.

Balled, adj. bald, C, PP; ballede, S2,PP.

Baly; see Bely.

Ban, sb. bone, S, S2; banes, pl., S2; see Bon.

Band, pt. s. bound, S; see Binden.

Bane, sb. destruction, death, bane, poison, PP, C; bone, PP.—AS. bana, bona.

Banere, sb. banner, S, PP, Prompt.; baner, S2, C, PP.—OF. baniere.

Banere, sb. banner-bearer, NED.—OF. banere; Low Lat. bannator; from bannum, bandum, standard.

Baneur, sb. banner-bearer, S2; see Banyour.

Bank, sb. a bank, tumulus, PP; bonk, S2; bonkis, pl., S3; bonkez,S2.

Bannen, v. to ban, curse, summon, S2, S3, P; to forbid, prohibit severely, P; bonnen, MD; i-banned, pp.,S.

Bannyng, sb. cursing, H.

Ban-wort, sb. bone-wort, S3, MD; see Bon.

Banyour, sb. banner-bearer, MD, S2; banyowre, Prompt.; banyer, MD; baneur, S2, NED; baneoure, PP.—AF. baneour, OF. baneor; Low Lat. *bannatorem.

Baptym, sb. baptism, S2, W; baptimys, pl. W.—OF. baptisme.

Bar, pt. s. bare, S, S2, C2; see Beren.

Barayn, adj. barren, S3; see Bareyne.

Barbarik, sb. barbarian, W.

Barbarus, sb. barbarian, W.

Barberyns, sb. pl. heathen men,W.

Barbour, sb. barber, C, NED; barboure, Prompt.—AF. barbour, OF. barbeor; Late Lat. barbatorem.

Barbre, adj. barbarous, S2,C3.

Bare, sb. bier, S; see Beere.

Bare, sb. a wave, billow, NED, S2 (8b. 38); beres, pl., NED; bieres, MD; beares, MD.—Icel. bra.

Bare, sb. boar, S2; see Boor.

Bare, adj. bare, simple, single, sheer, S, C; bair, bare, worn alone, S3. Comb.: baruot, barefoot,S.

Bare, sb. the open country, S; naked skin,W.

Barel, sb. barrel, C2.—OF. baril.

Baren, v. to make bare, uncover, S, MD; y-bared, pp., S3.—AS. barian.

Baret, sb. deceit, strife, NED; barrat, confusion, S3.—OF. barat, fraud; cp. Icel. bartta, acontest.

Bareyne, adj. barren, C, C2, PP; bareyn, W2; barayn, S3.—OF. baraigne.

Bare[gh], sb. a barrow-pig, S; see Barowe.

Bargane, sb. business, strife, combat, S2; bargayn, bargain, PP; bargeynes, pl., PP.—OF. bargaine.

Barly, sb. barley, MD, PP; barlic,S.

Barm, sb. bosom, S3, C2; berm, S.—AS. bearm.

Barmkyn, sb. rampart, S3; barnekin, the outermost wall of a castle, HD; barnekynch,MD.

Barmkyn-wall, sb. rampart-wall,S3.

Barn, sb. bairn, child, S, S2, H, PP; bern, S; barne, S3, P; bearnes, pl., S; bairnis, S3.—AS. bearn.

Barnage, sb. childhood, S2,MD.

Barnen, v. to burn, S, S2; see Bernen, Brennen.

Barnhede, sb. childhood, H,PP.

Barn-site, sb. sorrow felt for a child, S2, NED.—Icel. barn-st.

Barn-team, sb. offspring, afamily of children, MD; barntem, S2.—AS. bearn-tam.

Baronage, sb. the men, vassals of a feudal chief, S; assembly of barons, S2, C3; barnage, MD.—OF. barnage, Low Lat. baronagium.

Baroun, sb. baron, lord, PP; baronys, pl. PP.—OF. baron, acc. of bers, aman, amale.

Barowe, sb. barrow-pig, MD; bare[gh], S, NED.—AS. bearh.

Barrat, sb. confusion, S3; see Baret.

Barre, sb. bar of a door, C; bar of justice, G, PP; barres, pl., ornament of a girdle, C, PP.—OF. barre.

Barste, pt. s., burst, S2, PP; see Bresten.

Baselarde, sb. dagger, MD, PP, Prompt.; Baslard, PP.—AF. baselarde. OF. basalart (cp. Low Lat. bassilardus). Probably from Late Lat. badile, abillhook; see NED.

Basnetes, sb. pl., helmets, S3; see Bacinet.

Bataille, sb. battle, S, PP; bataile, PP; batayle, S2, C, PP; batayls, pl. battalions, S3.—OF. bataille.

Bataillen, v. to embattle, fortify, MD; batailed, pt. s., PP; bataylld, pp. embattled, C.—OF. bataillier.

Baten, v. to bate, abate, grow less, S2, MD; see Abaten. [[error for Abate]]

Bateren, v. to batter, beat, pat, PP.—OF. bat-, stem of batre, with freq. suffix -er.

Bae, adj. and conj. both, S, S2; see Bothe.

Baiere, sb. water-pot, S.

Batte, sb. club, staff, bat, Prompt., Voc.; battis, pl., W.—OF. batte.

Battill, adj. rich for pasture, S3, JD; battle,HD.

Baudekyn, sb. a gold-embroidered stuff named from Bagdad, MD; bawdekyn, Prompt.; baudkin, S3.—OF. baudequin; Low Lat. baldakinus, from It. Baldacco, Bagdad.

Bauderye, sb. unchastity, foul conversation, MD; pandering, CM; bawdry,S3.

Bauderyk, sb. baldric, MD; bawderyke, Prompt.; bawdryk, C, Voc.

Baudry, sb. baldric, NED.—OF. baudrei, baldrei.

Baudy, adj. dirty, C3, P, Palsg.

Bauld; see Bold.

Baundoun, sb. discretion, freewill, power, S2; baundon, CM.—OF. bandon; Low Lat. *bandonem, from bandum for bannum, public proclamation.

Bausand, adj. marked with white, NED.—OF. bausant; cp. Prov. bausan, It. balzano.

Bauson, sb. badger, MD; bawsone, Prompt.; bawsyn, Voc.; bausenez, pl. S2; baucynes, MD. See above.

Bawd, pt. s. bade, commanded, S3; see Beoden. [[error for Beden]]

Bawe-lyne, sb. bowline, HD, S2; see Bowe-lyne.

Baxtere, sb. female baker, PP; see Bakestere.

Bay, sb. noise made by the united songs of birds, S3; barking of dogs, MD, HD. Phr.: to baie, at bay, S2.—Cp. OF. abaier, to bark.

Bayard, sb. a bay horse, a horse, P, CM; baiardes, pl., P. Phr.: blynde bayardes, i.e. foolish people, lit. blind horses, HD, S3, MD, ND.—Cp. Low Lat. baiardus.

Bayn, adj. ready, willing, obedient, fair, pleasant, easy, good, NED; bayne, Manip.; beyn, Prompt., S3.—Icel. beinn.

Bayne, sb. bath, S3.—OF. bain.

Bayske, adj. bitter, H, MD; bask, MD, HD, JD; be[gh][gh]sc, MD.—Icel. beiskr.

Be-, prefix. See in many cases Bi- words.

Beade; see Bidden.

Bearnen; see Bernen.

Bearyng in hand, sb. cajolery, S3; see Beren.

Be-bedden, v. to supply with a bed,S.

Beche, sb. valley, S; bch, MD; bache, NED.

Be-chece, v. to choke, stifle, S, NED.

Bedde, sb. bed, PP.—AS. bedd.

Bedde-strawe, sb. bed, couch, stratum, Voc.; bedstre,W2.

Bede, sb. prayer, S, H, PP; beode, S; beyde, S3; bedes, pl. S2, S3, P; beads, C; beades, S3.—AS. (ge)bed.

Bedel, sb. messenger, herald, crier, beadle, H, P; bedeles, pl. S, H; bedelles, P.—OF. bedel; cp. AS. bydel. Cf. Budele.

Bede-man, sb. beadsman, one who prays for another, P; beodemon, S2, NED; beodeman,PP.

Beden, v. to command, to offer, S, S2, S3, C2; beode, S2; bedden, S; bidden, S; beot, pr. s. S; byt, C; bet, S; bead, pt. s., bed, S, S2; bawd, S3; bad, C2, S2; boden, pl. S; beden, S3; bode, S2; bede, pp. S2; bode, bodun, invited, W; bodyn, S2; bidde, C3.—AS. bodan.

Note that many of the above forms are confused with those of the verb Bidden.

Bede-sang, sb. the singing of the prayers, S, NED.

Bedred, adj. lying in bed, bedridden, CM, PP; bedreden, S2, P; bedrede, PP.—AS. bedreda and bedrida (Voc.).

Be-drenchen, v. to drench completely; be-dreynt, pt. pl., S3; pp.MD.

Bed-roll, sb. catalogue, ND. See Beyde-roule.

Bee, sb. bee, Voc.; been, pl. S3, C2, W2; beys, S3 (13. 244); bees, C2.—AS. bo.

Bee-; see Be-.

Beek, sb. beak, C2; bec, S; beekis, pl. PP.—OF. bec.

Beem, sb. beam, C, PP; beom, S; bem, MD.—AS. bam, tree, plank.

Beere, sb. bier, W, CM, MD; beer, C; bare, S, MD; beare, S3; bere, HD, MD; byears, pl. S3.—AS. b[]r; cp. OF. biere.

Beest, sb. beast, C, PP; best, PP, C, S, S2; bestes, pl. S, S2; beestes, S2.—OF. beste; Lat. bestia.

Beestli, adj. animal, W.

Beeten, v. to beat, W2, CM; beten, S, C; bet, pr. s. P; bet, imp. s. S2; beot, pt. s. P; beet, PP; bet, S3, PP; bette, P; beten, pl. S; beeten, W2; beten, pp. C2, G; bete, C2; betun, W2; y-beten, C2; y-bete, C; y-bette, P; i-beaten, S; ibete, C.—AS. batan, pt. bot, pp. baten.

Bege, sb. collar, S; see Bei[gh].

Beggen, v. to beg, PP, C2, Prompt., W (John 9.8).

Beggere, sb. beggar, C, PP, W (John 9.8).

Beggestere, sb. beggar, C, NED.

Be-grime, v. to smear, daub all over,S3.

Beild; see Belde.

Bei[gh], sb. a ring, collar, P; by[gh]e, PP; bege, collar, S; bie, W2; beies, pl. circlets of metal, S; bi[gh]es, P; behes, PP.—AS. bah: Icel. baugr.

Bek, sb. brook, H, Voc., Prompt., MD; beckis, pl. H.—Icel. bekkr.

Bekken, v. to nod, C3; beken, Prompt.; beks, pr. s.S3.

Beknen, v. to beckon, show, S; bikenen, W2.—OMerc. bcnian(VP).

Bel, adj. beautiful, PP.—OF. bel.

Belamp; see Bilimpen.

Belde, sb. protection, shelter, MD, HD; beld, S2; beild, S3, JD.—AS. byldo, boldness, from beald. See Bold.

Belde, adj. big, blustering, S; see Bold. [[Addition]]

Belden, v. to build, S3; see Bilden.

Beldinge, sb. building, S3.

Belle, sb. bell, S, C2, PP.—AS. belle.

Bellyche, adv. beautifully, S3, MD. See Bel.

Belphegor, sb. Baal Peor, H (p.376).—Lat. Belphegor (Vulg.).

Belt, pp. built, S3; see Bilden. [[Addition]]

Bely, sb. belly, bellows, MD, P; baly, S3; below, follis, Voc.; balies, pl. S2, PP.—AS. blg.

Bely-ioye, sb. belly-joy, appetite,PP.

Bel[gh]en, v. to swell, to be angry, MD; boll[gh]henn, pp. MD; i-bol[gh]e, S.—AS. belgan, pt. bealh, (pl. bulgon), pp. bolgen.

Bemare, sb. trumpeter, S.—AS. bmere.

Beme, sb. trumpet, MD, Voc.; bemen, pl. S; beemes, C; beamous, S3.—OMerc. bme(VP).

Bemen, v. to sound a trumpet, S, NED.

Bemyng, sb. humming of bees, S3,JD.

Ben, v. to be, PP, S, S2; been, C; bien, bienn, S; buen, S2; beo, S, S2; bi, S, S2; bue, by, S2; beonne, bienne, ger. S; beo, pr. s. S; be, bu, by, bi, S; beis, S3; bes, S2; beo, pl. S; bie, S; bu, S, S2; beth, S2, S3, C2; ben, W; bes, S2; bi, pr. s. subj. S; bie, S (s.v. Ibie); beo, pl. S; beth, imp. pl. C2, S2, S3; bye, S2; ben, pp. S; been, C; bue, S2; be, S3, C; y-be, S2; iben, S; ibeon, S; ibeo, S, S2; ibe, S, S2; ibi, S.—AS. bon.

Benam; see Binimen.

Benche, sb. bench, Prompt., PP.—AS. benc.

Benched, pp. furnished with benches, SD; y-benched,S3.

Bend, sb. bond, MD; bendes, pl. S, G; bende, dat. S, S2, G.—AS. bend: Goth. bandi.

Benden, v. to bend, Prompt., MD; bende, pt. s. MD; bent, MD; bend, pl. S2; y-bent, pp. S3; ye-bent, S3.—AS. bendan, to fasten a band or string to a bow.

Bene, sb. a prayer, S, S2, NED; benes, pl. S2.—AS. bn: OTeut. bni-z, see Sievers, 268.

Bene, adj. pleasant, S, NED.

Benefet, sb. benefit, PP, MD; bynfet, PP; benfait, P; bienfetes, pl. P.—OF. bienfet; Lat. benefactum.

Bent, sb. coarse grass, small rushes, Manip., Voc., MD, HD.—Cp. OHG. binuz (G. binse).

Bent, sb. a moor, an open grassy place, NED, S, S3, C. See above.

Benumde; see Binimen.

Beo, Beo; see Ben.

Beo-, prefix; see Bi- words.

Beode, v. to pray, S; see Bidden. [[Addition]]

Beodele; see Budele.

Berd, sb. beard, S, S2, C; berde, P, G; berdes, pl. S3.—AS. beard.

Bere, sb. beer, Prompt.; ber, S, MD.—AS. bor.

Bere, sb. noise, S, S2, MD, HD; ber, S2.—AS. (ge)b[]re; see I-bere.

Bere, sb. bear, C, MD, PP; beres, pl. C2; beores, PP.—AS. bera: OHG. bero.

Bere, sb. bier, HD, MD. See Beere.

Bere, sb. barley, MD; beir, S3; beris, gen., S3.—AS. bere.

Bere-lepe, sb. basket, H; berlepe, H; barlep, basket for keeping barley in, HD. See Lepe.

Beren, v. to bear; bere, S, W; ber, pr. s., S2; beore, pl., S; bar, pt. s., S, S2, C2; bare, S2; ber, S2, C3; baar, W; bure, S3; beore, pl., S; boren, pp. born, S2; borun, W2; iboren, S; iborn, S; ibore, S, S2; y-boren, C2; y-born, C2; y-bore, S2, C2, Phr. bereth on hand, persuades, makes (him) believe, assures, S3; berth hir on hond, beareth false witness against her, C3.—AS. beran.

Beren, v. to cry, make a noise, MD, HD; bere, to low as a cow, PP; see Bere.

Bergh, sb. hill, PP; berghe, PP; beruh, PP; berwe, PP; berghe, dat., P.—AS. beorg; cp. OIr. bri (Windisch).

Beriall, adj. blueish-green, beryl-coloured, S3. See Beril.

Berie, sb. berry, C; bery, Prompt.; beries, pl. grapes, S, PP.—AS. berige.

Berien, v. to pierce, strike, MD; bery, to thresh, Cath.—Icel. berja, to strike; cp. Lat. ferire.

Beril, sb. beryl, MD; berel, MD.—OF. beril; Lat. beryllus; Gr. brullos.

Beringe, sb. birth, behaviour, bearing, C2, S; berynge, PP; see Beren.

Berken, v. to bark, S2, PP; berkyd, pt. s., S2.—AS. beorcan.

Berkere, sb. watch-dog, PP.

Berkyng, sb. barking, C.

Berme, sb. harm, Prompt., S; berm, C3.—AS. beorma.

Bern, sb. a man, PP, HD; berne, PP; burn, S2; burne, S2; beorn, MD; burnes, pl., S2; biernes, P.—AS. beorn.

Bern, sb. barn, C2, MD; beren, S (12.263), MD; berne, S; dat., C3, W; bernes, pl., W, W2, P.—AS. bern: ONorth. ber-ern, i.e. barley-house.

Bern; see Barn.

Bernacle, sb. a snaffle for a horse, W2; barnacle, Voc., NED.

Bernake, sb. an instrument set on the nose of unruly horses, Voc.; bernak, Prompt.—OF. bernac.

Bernake, sb. barnacle, a fabulous kind of goose, S2, MD, NED.—OF. bernaque; cp. Low Lat. bernaca.

Bernen, v. to burn, MD, S, S2; barnen, MD, S; bearnen, S; beornen, S; birnen, S; barnde, pt. s., S2; barnd, pp., S2.—AS. beornan. Cf. Brennen.

Bersten, v. to burst, S, C; see Bresten. [[Addition]]

Berstles, sb. pl. bristles, C; see Brystylle.

Berwe; see Bergh.

Berynes; see Burinisse.

Ber[gh]en, v. to help, deliver, preserve, NED; berwen, S; berr[gh]henn, S; berege, pr. s., S; iborhen, pp., S; ibore[gh]e, S; iboruwen, S.—AS. beorgan.

Besaunt, sb. a gold coin named from Byzantium, W, MD; besauntes, pl., S3; besauntis, W.—OF. besant.

Besene, Besie; see Bisen.

Be-slombred, pp. dirtied, bedaubed, S3; beslombered, NED.

Besme, sb. besom, rod, Prompt.; besmes, pl., S; besyms, W; besmen, dat., S.—AS. besma.

Best, adj. and adv. superl. best, PP; beast, S; bezste,S.

Beste, sb. advantage, S.

Be-steriinge, sb. bestirring, emotion,S2.

Be-swapen, pp. convicted, S.—AS. be-swpen, pp. of be-swpan, to persuade.

Bet, adv. comp. better, S, C, C2, S2, G; bette, P. Phr., go bet, go as fast as you can, C3; betere, adj. and adv. S, S2; betre, S, S2; bettre,S.

Betaken, v. to betoken, S2; see Bi-toknen. [[Addition]]

Beten, v. to amend, S, S2, P, S3; beete, to kindle, C; beyt, S3; bet, pr. s., S; betten, pt. pl., kindled, C3; bet, pp., S, S2; ibet, S.—AS. btan, pt. btte, pp. bted. See Bote.

Beten, v. to beat, S, C, PP; see Beeten.

Be-thenchinge, sb. thinking upon, meditation, S2. See Bi-enken.

Beuer, sb. beaver, S, Voc.; beuveyr, S.—AS. befer (beofer); cp. OHG. bibar.

Beyde-roule, sb. bead-roll, prayer-roll, catalogue of persons for whom prayers are to be said, S3; beadroll, bedroll, ND. See Bede.

Beye, v. to buy, CM, C3; see Biggen.

Beye, adj. both, S2; beien, S; beyne, S.—AS. begen.

Beyer, adj. gen. of both, PP; beire, PP, MD; beyre, MD.—AS. begra.

Beyn, adj. pliant, flexible, pleasant, S3, Prompt.; see Bayn.

Bi-, prefix, also be-, by-, beo-, b-.

Bi-bled, pp. covered with blood, C; bybled, MD; bebledd, S2,S3.

Bi-burien, v. to bury, MD; be-byrieden, pt. pl. S; bebyried, pp., S; bebered, S2.—AS. bi-byrgan.

Bi-cacchen, v. to catch, ensnare, MD; bi-cauhte, pt. s., MD; bi-keihte, S; bi-cought, pp.,MD.

Bi-callen, v. to accuse, summon, MD, S; becallen, MD,HD.

Bi-cause, conj. because, MD; by-cause,C.

Bicche, sb. bitch, PP; bycche,PP.

Bicched, pp. a word of doubtful meaning, applied to the basilisk, and to bones used for dice, NED, CM, C3; byched, MD; bichede, NED.

Bi-chermen, v. to scream at,S.

Bi-cherren, v. to entice, mislead, betray, S; bicharre, S; bicherd, pp., S.—AS. be-cerran.

Bi-clappen, v. to lay hold of suddenly, C3; beclappe, Palsg.

Bi-clarten, v. to defile, make dirty, S, NED.

Bi-clepien, v. to accuse, S; bicleopien, S; bicleoped, pp., S.—AS. be-cleopian.

Bi-clippen, v. to embrace, W, W2; bi-clipped, pt. s. wrapped (him) round, S3; by-clypped, pp. surrounded, S2; bi-clippid, W.—AS. bi-clippan.

Bi-clusen, v. to enclose, S.—AS. be-clsan.

Bi-colmen, v. to blacken with soot, S, NED (p.722a), MD. See Culme.

Bi-comen, v. to come, go to, to befall, to become, befit, suit, PP, S2, S; bycome, PP, S2; bicom, pt. s., S; bycam, PP; bicome, pp., S2; bycome, S2; becomen, S3; bicumen, S.—AS. be-cuman.

Bi-cumelich, adj. comely, becoming, MD; bicumeliche, adv. becomingly,S.

Bi-daffed, pp. befooled, C2; bedaffed, NED.

Bidden, v. to beg, pray, ask, S, S2, PP; bydde, S2; beode, S; bit, pr. s., S, P; byd, S2; bad, pt. s., S, S2, PP; bede, subj., PP; beade, S; beden, pp. S; ibeden, S.—AS. biddan.

Note that some of the above forms are due to a confusion with those of the verb Beden.

Biddere, sb. asker, PP; bidders, pl. beggars, S2,P.

Biddinge, sb. prayer, S; biddynge, begging,P.

Biden, v. to bide, remain, PP; byden, S2, PP; bod, bode, pt. s., S2; bade, S3; baid, pl. abode, lived, S3.—AS. bdan.

Bidene, adv. together, S; at once, S2; bedene, NED; bydene,S2.

Bi-draueled, pp. slobbered, covered with grease,P.

Bie, sb. collar, W2; see Bei[gh].

Bienfet; see Benefet.

Biennales, sb. pl. biennials, biennial commemorations of the dead,P.

Bierne, sb. man, PP, HD; see Bern.

Bi-fallen, v. to befall, C; biualle, S; biful, pt. s. befell, S; byfyl, S2; befyl, S2; byfel, byfil, C; bifil, bifel, C2; bifelde, W2; bifalle, pp. befallen, S, S2, C; bifelde, W2; biualle, S.—AS. be-feallan.

Bi-flen, v. to fly from, S.—AS. be-flon.

Bi-fleten, v. to flow round; biflette, pt. s., S, NED (p.721a).

Bi-foren, prep. before, S, C2; biuoren, S; byuoren, S; beforen, S; biforn, S2, C2, C3; bifore, S; bifor, S; befor, S2; beforne, S3.—AS. biforan.

Big, adj. big, C2; byg, PP; bigg, wealthy, S2, MD; bygge, pl.,PP.

Bigat; see Bi[gh]eten.

Biggen, v. to till, dwell, build, MD, PP, S (5. 1611); byggen, PP; biggand, pr.p., H.—Icel. byggja; cp. AS. bgian.

Biggen, v. to buy, S3, P; buggen, S, S2, PP; bygge, PP; beggen, MD; beye, C3; bij, S2; bye, S2; by, C3; bie, W2; buye, pr. s., PP; bu, S; bies, redeems, S2; bohte, pt. s., S; bouhte, S; bo[gh]te, S2; bohton, pl., S; bo[gh]te, S; bogt, pp., S; y-bou[gh]t, P.—AS. bycgan.

Biggere, sb. buyer, W; biere,W2.

Bi-gilen, v. to beguile, S, P; bigyle, C2,C3.

Bi-ginnen, v. to begin, S, S2; bigan, pt. s., S, C2; bigon, S; bigonne, 2 pt. s., C3; bigunnen, pt. pl., S; begouth, pt. s., S2, S3; bigunnen, pp., S; begunnon, S.—AS. be-ginnan.

Bi-gon, pp. surrounded, provided, set round, MD; be-gon, filled, S2.—AS. begn, pp. of begn, to go round, surround.

Bi-greden, v. to cry out at, to lament, S; begredde, pt. pl.,MD.

Bi-gripen, v. to seize, MD; be-gripe, pp., S.—AS. be-grpan, to chide.

Bi-growe, pp. overgrown, S; begrowe,MD.

Bi-grucchen, v. to begrudge, murmur at, P; bygrucche,PP.

Bi-gurdel, sb. a purse, PP.—AS. b-gyrdel (Matt. 10.9).

Bi-gynandly, adv. at the beginning, H. See Biginnan. [[error for Biginnen]]

Bi-hangen, v. to deck, clothe, MD; bi-hengen, pt. pl. hung about, S.—AS. be-hn.

Bi-healde, v. to behold; bihalden, S2; see Bi-holden. [[Addition]]

Bi-heden, v. to behead, MD; bi-hedide, pt. s., W; biheedid, pp., W.—AS. be-hafdian.

Bi-heste, sb. promise, S, S2, C2, P; byheste, S2; beheste, S2; byhest, S2; bihese, S; biheest, W; bihese, pl., S.—AS. be-h[]s.

Bi-heten, v. to promise, S, C3, W; bihote, S, S2, P; byhote, C; beohote, S2; bihat, pr. s., S; bihet, pt. s., S, S2; bihi[gh]te, W; behighte, S2; behihte, S2; bihight, P; biheyhte, S; bihoten, pp., S; byhote, S2; behote, S; named, S3.—AS. be-htan. See NED (s.v. behight).

Bi-heue, adj. profitable, S, MD.—AS. be-hfe, necessary; from *bihf, utility (in behflic). See Bihouely.

Bi-hinde, prep. behind, S; adv. S2; bihynde, backwards, W2; =to come, future,C3.

Bi-holden, v. to hold, to behold, PP, C, MD; bi-healde, S; bihalden, S2; bihalt, pr. s., S; biheold, pt. s., S; beoheold, S2; bihuld, S2; biheolt, S; biholde, pp., W2, C3; beholdinge wrongly used for beholden, indebted, S3.—AS. be-healdan.

Bihote; see Biheten.

Bi-houe, sb. dat. advantage, MD; biofe, S2. Cf. Biheue.

Bi-houely, adj. behoveful, necessary, CM, MD; behouelich, S2.—AS. be-hflic.

Bi-houe, pr. s. behoveth, needs, S, C2, P; behoue, S2; byhoue, S2; bihoues, S; byhoues, pr. pl., are obliged to, S2; behoued, pt. s., S; bihofte, W.—AS. be-hfian.

Bi-huden, v. to hide, MD; by-hud, imp. s., S.—AS. be-hdan.

Bi-iapen, v. to deceive, befool, MD; byiaped, pp., C, C3,PP.

Bijs; see Bisse.

Bikeihte; see Bicacchen.

Bikenen, v. to beckon, W2; see Beknen.

Bi-kennedd, pp. begotten, MD.

Bi-kennen, v. to commit, commend, to signify, MD; bikenned, pt. s. recommended, S2; bekenned,S2.

Biker, sb. a fight, MD, HD.

Bikeren, v. to fight, PP, HD; bekeryn, Prompt.; byckarte, pt. pl. skirmished,S3.

Bi-knowen, v. to acknowledge, know, P, C3; byknowe, C; beknowe, S2; biknew, pt. s., C; biknewe, pl., S; biknowen, pp., favourably received,P.

Bilde, pt. s. enclosed, S; see Bi-leggen. [[Addition]]

Biluen, v. to remain, S; see Bi-leuen. [[Addition]]

Bild, sb. building, S3.

Bilden, v. to build, PP, W, CM, MD; bulden, MD; belden, MD, S3; bulde, pt. s., C, MD; bildide, W; bildiden, pt. pl., W; bilden, W2; belt, pp., S3; y-buld, S2, S3; y-beld, S3.—Probably from AS. bold, dwelling.

Bile; see Bule.

Bi-leden, v. to use, treat, MD; biledet (for bilede), pr. pl., S.—AS. be-l[]dan.

Bi-lefful, adj. believing, S,MD.

Bi-leggen, v. to lay (something) on, cover, to prove, explain, MD; bileist, 2 pr. s., glozest, S, MD; bilde, pt. s., enclosed, S.—AS. bi-lecgan, to cover.

Bi-leue, sb. belief, S, S2, PP, C3; beleaue, S; byleue, PP; belaue, S; bileaue, S; biliaue, S; beoleeue, S2, PP; bilefues, pl., S.—Cp. AS. (ge)lafa.

Bileue; see Biliue.

Bi-leuen, v. to believe, PP, MD, S; beleue, S; bilefe, pr. pl., S; biliue, S; bilefden, pt. pl.,S.

Bi-leuen, v. to leave, forsake, renounce, HD, MD; bilef, imp. s., S, MD.—Cp. AS. l[]fan, to leave.

Bi-leuen, v. to remain, be left, MD, CM, C2, S2, HD; byleue, HD; biluen, S; bileaue, S; bilefue, S; bleuen, S2; blef, pr. s., S2; bileued, pp. left remaining, G; byleued, G.—AS. be-l[]fan.

Bilfoder, sb. food, sustenance, S2, MD; bilfodur, NED.

Bi-liggen, v. to belong to, MD; bi-lien, pr. pl., S.—AS. bi-licgan, to lie round.

Bi-likien, v. to make pleasing, MD; bi-liked, pp. made pleasing,S.

Bi-limpen, v. to happen, to belong to, S; belimpen, S; belamp, pt. s., S.—AS. be-limpan.

Bi-linnen, v. to cease, to be silent, to make to cease, MD; by-linne, G; blinnen, S, S2, C3; blyne, S3; blynne, S2; blin, S2; blan, pt. s., MD; blane, S3.—AS. blinnan (=be + linnan, to cease, to be deprived of), pt. blann (pl. blunnon), p.blunnen.

Bi-liue, adv. quickly, S, S2; bylyue, S2; belyue, S2, S3; bliue, S, S2; blyue, S3.—AS. be lfe, with life.

Bi-liue, sb. food, sustenance, S (4b.102), MD; bylyue, PP; bileoue, MD; bileue, S, SD.—AS. bigleofa; cp. OHG. bilibi.

Bi-liuen, v. to live by, S.—AS. bi-libban.

Bille, sb. papal bull, petition, PP; see Bulle.

Bille, sb. bill, beak, S, C; bylle, Voc.—AS. bile.

Billen, v. to peck with the bill,S.

Billet, sb. a piece of firewood; byllets, pl., S3 (26. 785). [[Addition]]

Bi-loken, v. to look upon, regard, MD; be-locest, 2 pr. s.,S.

Bi-long on, prep. pertaining to,S.

Bi-luken, v. to enclose, lock up, imprison, include, MD; biloken, pp., S; beloken, S; bilouked, S2, MD.—AS. be-lcan.

Bi-lyen, v. to lie against, accuse falsely, MD; belye, P; bilowen, pp., S2, P, MD.—AS. be-logan, pp. belogen.

Bi-masen, v. to confuse, SkD (s.v. maze).

Bi-menen, v. to mean, to bemoan, MD, HD; bymenen, P; bemenen, S2, P; biment, pp., S.—AS. bi-m[]nan.

Bi-mening, sb. bemoaning, S.

Bi-mong, prep. among, S, MD.

Bi-mornen, v. to mourn over, MD, W; bimurnen, S.—AS. bi-murnan.

Bi-mowe, v. to mock, W2.

Binam, Binom; pt. s. of Bi-nimen. [[Addition]]

Binden, v. to bind, S; band, pt. s., S; bond, S2, G, C2; bunden, pl., S; bunden, pp., S; bundyn, S2; bunde, ibunde, S; bounden, S, C2; y-bounde, S2, S3, C2; y-bound, S3; ibunde, S.—AS. bindan.

Bi-nemnen, v. to declare, stipulate; by-nempt, pt. s. promised, S3.—AS. be-nemnan.

Bi-nee, prep. and adv. beneath, S2; bynee, C; bineen, S.—AS. be-neoan.

Bi-nimen, v. to take from, MD; bynymen, S; benymen, S2; bineome, pr. s. subj. deprive, S; binam, pt. s., P; binom, S2; benam, S; bynome, pp., P; benumde, S3.—AS. be-niman.

Binne, sb. bin, chest, MD; bynne, C, Voc.—AS. binn, manger.

Binne, adv. and prep. within, S; bynne, S2; bine, S.—AS. binnan (for be-innan).

Bi-queste, sb. bequest, P, MD.—Aderiv. of cwean, see NED.

Bi-quethen, v. to bequeath, MD, CM, PP; byquethen, C, G; bi-queth, pt. s., S2; biquath, PP, G.—AS. bi-cwan.

Bi-quide, sb. bequest, 82; bequide, MD.—Cp. AS. cwide, awill.

Birafte; see Bireuen.

Bird, pt. s. impers. (it) behoved, S2; birrde, S; see Bureth.

Bird, sb. a young bird, MD; see Brid.

Birded, pt. pl. laid snares for birds,S3.

Bire, sb. dat. force, impetus, W; see Bur.

Bi-reden, v. reflex. to take counsel, MD; by-rad, pp. determined, resolved,S2.

Bi-reinen, v. to rain upon, bedew, MD; be-rayne, pr. pl. berain, S3; birine, subj. S; beraynde, pt. pl.S3.

Bi-reusien, v. to lament, regret, MD, S; bireused, pp. S.—AS. be-hrowsian, to feel remorse.

Bireusunge, sb. contrition,S.

Bi-reuen, v. to bereave, C3, P; birafte, pt. s. C2; bireued, pp., S; byreued, G; byraft, C.—AS. bi-rafian, to depriveof.

Bi-rinnen, v. to run with moisture, MD; bi-runne, pp. bedewed with tears, S.—AS. bi-rinnan, to run as a liquid, bi-runnen, pp. Birle, sb. cup-bearer, MD, HD.—AS. byrle, byrele.

Birlen, v. to pour out drink, to give to drink, MD, JD, H, HD; bryllyn, Prompt.—AS. byrlian; cp. Icel. byrla.

Birlynge, sb. a giving to drink; pouring out liquor,H.

Bi-rolled, pp. rolled about,S2.

Birth, sb. birth, offspring, natural disposition, nation, MD; bur, MD; bires, pl. nations, S2, MD.—Icel. burr; cp. Goth. ga-baurths, birth, native country.

Birth-tonge, sb. native tongue; bur-tonge,S2.

Bisay; see Bisen.

Bi-sched, pp. besprinkled, W2.

Bi-schetten, v. to shut up; bessette, S2; bischetten, pt. pl., PP; bishetten, P; bishette, pp.,PP.

Bi-schinen, v. to shine upon, MD; byschyne, pp. shone upon,S2.

Bischop, sb. bishop, S, PP; bisscopp, the Jewish high priest, S; bischopis, pl. chief priests, W; bissopes, S2.—AS. biscop; Lat. episcopus.

Bi-schrewen, v. to corrupt, to curse, MD; byschrewed, pp. cursed,P.

Bi-schrichen, v. to shriek at,S.

Bi-schunien, v. to shun, MD; bisunien,S.

Bise, sb. the north-wind, S.—OF. bise; cp. OHG. bsa.

Bi-sechen, v. to beseech, S; biseke, C2; beseken, C, S; besech, imp. s., S; bisohte, pt. s. S; besoght, S2; biso[gh]te, S2; bisou[gh]ten, pl. pl.,S2.

Bi-segen, v. to besiege, MD; bi-segiden, pt. pl., W2; bi-seged, pp.,C2.

Bi-semen, v. to beseem, to appear, MD; bi-seme, pr. s., him biseme, he appears, S; bisemyde, pt. s., beseemed, fitted, W; ibsemed, pp. made seemly, plausible, S (16. 842).

Bi-sen, v. to look, to behold, consider, to arrange, appoint, to manage, MD, S; besie, S; biseo, S2; bisi, pr. s., S; bise, imp., W; byse, S2; biseh, pt. s., S; bisay, S2; beseyn, pp. arranged; beseyne, decked; besene, equipped, S3; biseye, as in phr. yuel biseye, ill to look at, C2, richely biseye, splendid in appearance, C2.—AS. bison, to look about.

Bisenen, v. to give an example, MD; bisend, pp. likened, signified, S2.—AS. bysnian. See Bisne.

Bisening, sb. example, S.—AS. bys-nung.

Bi-setten, v. to fill, occupy, to surround, beset, to set, place, to employ, MD, C, P; bisettiden, pt. pl., W.—AS. bi-settan.

Bisi, adj. busy, S; see Busy.

Bisily, adv. busily, C2; bisili, W; bisiliche,S.

Bi-sitten, v. to sit close to, to press hard, MD, P; be-st, pt. s. besieged, S; be-stte, S.—AS. be-sittan.

Bi-slabered, pp. beslobbered,P.

Bi-smeoruwed, pp. besmeared,S.

Bi-smer, sb. scorn, reproach, P; bisemar, S; busemare, S2; bismare, HD; bissemare, CM; bismeres, pl., PP; bismares, PP.—AS. bi-smer, insult; cp. OHG. bismer, ridicule (Otfrid).

Bi-smitten, v. to dirty, MD; bismitted, pp. dirtied, S; besmet,MD.

Bi-smotered, pp. spotted, smutted,C.

Bisne, sb. example, parable, S, MD.—AS. bysn; Goth. busns (in anabusns); from biudan; see Douse, p.60.

Bi-soken, sb. request, petition, MD; bisokne, NED; bi-socne, dat., MD; bisocnen, dat. pl.,S.

Bi-so[gh]te, pt. s. of Bi-sechen. [[Addition]]

Bi-speken, v. to speak to, to speak, blame, to decide, resolve, MD; byspack, pt. s., G; bespayke, S3; bispeke, pp. S.—AS. be-sprecan.

Bi-spel, sb. parable, S.—AS. bigspell, example, proverb, parable.

Bi-speten, v. to spit upon, W; bispatten, pt. pl., W; bispat, pp.,W.

Bi-sprengen, v. to besprinkle, MD; bi-spreynde, pt. s. W; besprent, pp. bedewed, S3; bysprent, S3; besprint, S3; bispreynt, W2.—AS. be-sprengan.

Bisse, sb. a stuff of fine texture, MD; bis, MD; bys, S2; bies, bijs, fine linen, W; bijs (=byssus = Heb. shsh, fine linen, also Egyptian cotton), W2.—OF. bisse; Lat. byssus; Gr. bussos; Heb. bts, fine Egyptian cotton.

Bissyn, sb. fine linen (= byssinum), W.—Lat. byssinum, agarment made of byssus.

Bi-stad, pp. placed, circumstanced, bestead, hard bestead, sorely imperilled, overcome, MD, S2, C3; bystad, G; bistadde, CM; bistaed, MD; bistaet, S; bisteaet, S. Probably from Icel. star, place, see NED.

Bi-standen, v. to surround, to be busy about, to attack, MD; bi-stod, pt. s., S; bistode, S2; bistonden, pp., S.—AS. be-standan.

Bi-steken, v. to shut out, MD; pp.,S.

Bi-striden, v. to bestride, S; bistrood, pt. s., C2; bystrood,G.

Bi-sunien, v. to shun, S; see Bi-schunien.

Bi-swiken, v. to betray, deceive, S, S2; beswike, S; besuiken, S.—AS. be-swcan.

Bi-swinken, v. to obtain by work, to, earn by labour, MD; biswynke, P.—AS., be-swincan.

Bisy, adj. busy, C2, P; see Busy.

Bisyhed, sb. busyhood, MD; bysyhede,S2.

Bisynesse, sb. business, W2; see Busynesse.

Bi-taken, v. to commit, entrust, S, C2, W, NED; betake, PP; beotake, PP; bytake, PP; bitaak, W; bitak, imp. s., S; bitok, pt. s., S2; bitook, C3; bytokist, 2 pt. s., W; betoke, 1 pt. s., S; bitoken, pl., W; bitakun, pp. W; bitake,S2.

Bi-techen, v. to entrust, assign, S; beteche, HD; byteche, PP; biteache, S; bitache, imp. s., S; bithte, pt. s.; bitahte; bitagte; bitaucte, S; bitaughte, G; byta[gh]t, S2; bitht, pp.; bitaht; biteiht; bitagt; beteht, S.—AS. be-t[]can, pt. bet[]hte, pp. bet[]ht.

Bitel, adj. sharp, biting, MD.

Bitel-browed, adj. with shaggy, prominent eye-brows, S2, P; bytelbrowed,PP.

Bi-tellen, v. to clear, justify, to express, show, to claim, to set free, to persuade, deceive, MD, S; bitald, pp., H, MD.—AS. be-tellan.

Biten, v. to bite, PP; byte, PP; bot, pt. s., S2, PP; bote, P.—AS. btan, pt. bt (pl. biton), pp. biten.

Bi-teon, v. to draw over, to cover, to employ, NED; biten, MD; bitowen, pp., S; bito[gh]en, NED; bitogen, MD.—AS. be-ton.

Bi-enken, v. to think, bethink, S, W; bienchen, S; biohte, pt. s., S; bio[gh]te, planned, S2; biouhte, S; beout, S2; bioht, pp. repented, S; biouht, S; bythought, called to mind, C.—AS. bi-encan.

Bi-tiden, v. to happen, betide, MD; bityde, C2, C3; beotyde, PP; bitit, pr. s., PP; bitid, S; bitide, pt. s., S2; betydde, PP; bitid, pp., S; betight, pp., S3; NED.

Bi-tilden, v. to cover; bi-tild, pp., S.—AS. be-teldan. See Ouer-tild.

Bi-time, adv. betimes, S, S2; bityme, PP; bitimes,C3.

Bi-toknen, v. to betoken, C2; bitocknen, S; bytoknen, PP; betoknen, S, PP; betaken, S2; bitacnedd, pp.,S.

Bi-trayen, v. to betray, PP, C2; bitraide, pt. s., S. From OF. trar: It. tradire; Lat. tradere.

Bitter, adj. bitter, MD; bittur, PP; bittere, adv. bitterly, P.—AS. bitor.

Bitter, sb. bitterness, S2,P.

Bittur-browed, adj. having prominent brows, PP. See Bitel-browed.

Bituhhe, prep. between, S; see Bi-twi[gh]e. [[Addition]]

Bi-turnen, v. to turn; biturnde hom, pt. pl., turned themselves about,S2.

Bi-twenen, prep., between; bitwine, bitwen, betwenen, betuene, S.—AS. be-twonan.

Bi-twix, prep. betwixt, S2, C2; bitwixe, C2; bitwixen, C2; betwyx, betwux, S; bitwex, S; bythuixte, S2.—AS. be-tweox.

Bi-twi[gh]e, prep. between, MD; betwe, S2; bituhhe, S.—AS. be-twih, be-twuh.

Bityl, sb. beetle, NED.—AS. bitula.

Biuien, v. to tremble, NED; biue, pr. s., S.—AS. bifian (beofian); OHG. bibɇn, see NED.

Bi-wailen, v. to bewail, lament, C2; biwaille, MD; biweile, MD, W; biwailled, pp.,C2.

Bi-welden, v. refl. to wield oneself, i.e. to have full and free use of one's limbs, MD; bywelde, S3; bewelde, Palsg.; beweld, to wield,HD.

Bi-wenden, to turn, MD; biwente, pt. s., turned round,S.

Bi-wepen, v. to beweep, S, W.—AS. be-wpan.

Bi-werien, v. to defend, S.—AS. be-werian.

Bi-winden, v. to wind about, S; bewinden, to enwrap, cover, S; bewunden, pp., S.—AS. be-windan.

Bi-winnen, v. to obtain, MD; biwon, pt. s.,S.

Bi-witen, v. to guard, MD; bywite, S; biwiste, pt. s., MD; biwisten, pl.,S.

Bi-wlappe, v. to wrap round,W2.

Bi-wreyen, v. to accuse, to reveal, disclose, C2, C3; bywreye, C; biwreie, S; bewreye, C, S2; bewraye, NED.

Bi[gh]es, sb. pl. collars, P; see Bei[gh].

Bi-[gh]ete, sb. profit, S, S2; offspring,P.

Bi-[gh]etel, adj. profitable, S.

Bi-[gh]eten, v. to obtain, possess, beget, S; bi[gh]iten, S; bigat, pt. s. S; bigt, S; begt, S; bygeten, pp. S2; bi[gh]etenn, biyete, bi[gh]ite, bi[gh]ute, bigotten, bi[gh]oten, S.—AS. bi-gitan (bigietan).

Bi-[gh]onde, prep. beyond, S, S2, PP; bi[gh]ende, W; bi[gh]unde, P; biyond, S2; beionde, S; bi[gh]endis,W.

Blaberen, v. to blabber, to talk idly, HD, Prompt.; blaberde, pt. s.,PP.

Bladder, sb. bladder, MD; bladdre, C3; bledder, S3; bleder, Voc.—AS. bl[]dre, OMerc. bldre (OET.)

Blak, adj. pale, MD; blake, wan, Palsg. Phr.: blak and blo, pale and livid, MD, NED (s.v. black, 13).—AS. blc. Cf. Bleike.

Blak, adj. black, MD.—AS. blc.

Blake, sb. smut, black, S; blackness,S2.

Blake-beryed, sb. blackberrying, i.e., wandering hither and thither purposely,C3.

Blanchet, sb. a white powder used as a cosmetic, S.—OF. blanchet.

Blanc-mangere, sb. a kind of cheese-cake, PP; blammanger,PP.

Blane (for blan), pt. s. of Bi-linnen. [[Addition]]

Blank, adj. white, S3.—OF. blanc.

Blase, sb. blaze, flame, PP.—AS. blse.

Blasen, v. to blaze, flare, PP; blasie, pr. s. subj., S; blesand, pr.p.,S3.

Blasen, v. to blow (with trumpet), to proclaim, publish, NED, CM. Cp. OHG. blsan.

Blasen, v. in heraldry to blaze arms, i.e. to describe them, MD, S3, Prompt., Palsg.; blaze, Cotg. (s.v. blasonner).

Blasfeme, adj. and sb. blasphemous, blasphemer, MD, W.—Lat. blasphemus; Gr. blasphmos.

Blaundissen, v. to flatter, H; blaundiss, pr. s., H; bloundisand, pr.p., H.—OF. blandir (pr. p.blandisant).

Blawen; see Blowen.

Bledder; see Bladder.

Blee, sb. colour, complexion, MD, HD; ble, MD, JD; bleo, S, S2; blie, JD.—AS. blo.

Blef; see Bileuen.

Bleike, adj. pale, S, NED; bleyke, Prompt.; blayke, NED; bleyk, S3; bleke, wan, Palsg. Phr.: blaike and blo, pale and livid, NED (s.v. black, 13).—Icel. bleikr. Cf. Blak.

Blenchen, v. to flinch, turn aside, S, P; bleynte, pt. s., C; bleinte, NED.—AS. blencan, to deceive.

Blenden, v. to mix together, MD; blende, pp., S2.—Cp. Icel. blanda.

Blenden, v. to blind, deceive, MD, PP; blent, pr. s., C3; blente, pt. s., PP; blent, pp. blinded, C3, HD.—AS. blendan.

Blenk, sb. a gleam, blink, glance, S3; blenkis, pl., NED; blinkes,MD.

Blenken, v. to glitter, to glance, NED; blynke, to open the eyes, S2; blenkit, pt. s., looked, S2; blencheden, pl.,MD.

Blere, adj. blear, dim, NED.

Bleren, v. to make dim, to be blear-eyed, MD, S2, P; blered, pp. dimmed, S2, C3,P.

Blesen, v. to blaze, S3; see Blasen.

Blessen, v. to bless, PP, S; blesseth hir, pr. s., crosses herself, C3; blesced, pp. S; bletcd, consecrated, S; y-blessed, S3, C3, P; i-blessed, S; iblescede, S; iblesset, S2.—AS. bltsian, bldsian ONorth. bledsian (NED); from bld, blood.

Blete, adj. bare, exposed, miserable, S, MD; blait, JD; blout, JD.—AS. blat, wretched, miserable; cp. Icel. blautr, Du. bloot G. bloss.

Bleten, v. to bleat, Prompt.; blten, S.—AS. bl[]tan.

Bleuen; see Bileuen.

Blewe, adj. blue, livid, C2, PP; black, MD; blew, MD.—OF. bleu. See Blo.

Blewe, sb. blue, MD; blu[gh],S2.

Bleynte; see Blenchen.

Blinnen, v. to cease, S, S2, C3; see Bi-linnen.

Blis, sb. bliss, S.—AS. bliss (=bls), see Sievers, 202(7). See Blie.

Blissien, v. to rejoice, be glad, to gladden, MD; blissin, S, S2.—AS. blissian (=blsian). See above.

Blie, adj. blithe, cheerful, S, S2; blye, S2, C2.—AS. ble.

Blie-liche, adv. gladly, S; blueliche, S; bloeliche, S; blieli[gh], S; bleely, S2.—AS. blelice.

Bliue, adv. quickly, S, S2; see Biliue.

Blo, adj. livid, S2, PP; black, MD.—Icel. bl(r). See Blewe.

Blod, sb. blood, S, S2, PP; blode, dat., S2.—AS. bld.

Blode, sb. a blood-relation, aperson, living being, MD, CM; blod,MD.

Blok, adj. pale, NED. Phr. blok and blo, NED. See Blak.

Blo-man, sb. negro, MD; blamon, MD; blewe-men, pl., MD.—Cp. Icel. bl-mar, negro. See Blo.

Blome, sb. flower, S2, MD.—Icel. blm, flower, blossom.

Blosme, sb. blossom, S, PP, Prompt., CM; blostme, S; blosmen, pl., S2; bloosmes, S3.—AS. blstma.

Blosmen, v. to blossom, W2, Prompt.; blosmed, pt. pl., P.—AS. blstmian.

Bloundisen, v. to flatter, H; see Blaundissen.

Bloundisynge, sb. blandishing,H.

Blowen, v. to blow, PP; blawe, S; blou, imp. s., S; bloawe, pr. s., S; bleu, pt. s., S; bleowen, pl., S; blawen, pp., S2; blowe, C3.—AS. blwan, pt. blow, pp. blwen.

Blowen, v. to blow, to bloom, MD; i-blowe, pp. S.—AS. blwan, pt. blow, pp. geblwen.

Blubren, v. to bubble, MD; blubrande, pr.p.,S2.

Blustren, v. to rush about aimlessly, NED; blustreden, pt. pl.,P.

Blu[gh], sb. blue, S2; see Blewe.

Blyn-hede, sb. blindness, H.

Blynke; see Blenken.

Bo-; see Bou-, Bu-.

Bobbe, sb. a knock, jerk, jog, S3; bobbes, pl.,S3.

Bobben, v. to knock, strike,MD.

Bocche, sb. tumour, boil, PP; botche, W2, Prompt.; boche, CM; boce, CM.—AF. boche, OF. boce, bump.

Bocher, sb. butcher, S2, S3, P, C.—OF. boucher.

Bocherie, sb. shambles, W, Prompt.—OF. boucherie.

Bod, sb. abiding, waiting, delay,S2.

Bod, pt. s. waited, S2; bode, waited for, S2; see Biden. [[Addition]]

Bode, sb. message, command, S, PP; bodes, pl., S, S2.—AS. (ge)bod, command.

Boden; see Beden.

Bode-word, sb. command, S; bodworde, message,S2.

Bodien, v. to announce, S; bodeden, pt. pl., S.—AS. bodian.

Body, sb. body, person, PP; bodie, S; bodi, S, PP; bodi[gh], S. Phr.: my ioly body, my jolly self, C2.—AS. bodig.

Body-half, sb. the front part (of a dress),PP.

Boile; see Bule.

Boistous, adj. boisterous, noisy, S3; boustious, S3; bustuus, busteous, S3; buystous,W.

Boistously, adv. loudly, C2.

Bok, sb. book, S, S2, PP; boc, S, S2; boke, P.—AS. bc; cp. OHG. buoh (Tatian).

Bokele, sb. buckle, MD; bokle, MD.—OF. bocle.

Bokeler, sb. buckler, shield, C, G; bocler, Palsg.—OF. bocler.

Boket, sb. bucket, C; bokett, Prompt.

Bold, adj. fierce, bold, daring, PP, S; bauld, bawld, S3; belde, big, blustering, S; bald, S2; balder, comp., P.—AS. beald; OHG. bald (Otfrid).

Boldeliche, adv. boldly, S; baldly, S2; boldely,C2.

Bolden, v. to make bold, encourage, MD; bolded, pt. s., P; balde, S.—AS. bealdian.

Bole, sb. a kind of clay, C3. Comb.: bole armoniak, Armenian clay, C3, NED (s.v. ammoniac).—Lat. bolus; Gr. blos, clod.

Bole, sb. bull, S, C, C3; bule, S; bulez, pl., S2; bolis, W; boolis, W.—Icel. boli.

Bolle, sb. bowl, S, S2, C3, P; arounded seed-vessel, NED (s.v. boll), HD; boll, rounded top (of barley), S3.—AS. bolla.

Bollen, v. to swell, S2, PP; bolled, pp., S2,PP.

Bollen, pp. swollen, NED; bollen, W; bolne, S3; bowlne,S3.

Bollyng, sb. swelling, P.

Bolnen, v. to swell, S2, P, H; bolned, pt. s., S2; bolnyde, W2; bolnyd,W.

Bolnyng, sb. swelling, H, W.

Bolt, sb. arrow, S; bolte, Prompt.—AS. bolt (Voc.).

Bol[gh]en, v. to puff up, MD; boluwe, pr. s., S.—AS. belgan, pt. bealg (pl. bulgon), pp. bolgen.

Bon, sb. bone, PP., S2; boon, W2; ban, S; banes, pl., S, S2; bon, S; boonys, W2; bannes, S2. Phr.: to make bones, to hesitate, S3.—AS. bn.

Bon, pp. prepared, S2; see Boun.

Bonayre, adj. kind, gentle, MD; bonere, MD; bonair, adv., MD; bonure, S2. See Debonnaire. [[error for Debonaire]]

Bonayrelyche, adv. reverently,S2.

Bonchen, v. to strike, bump, S2, P; see Bunchen.

Bond; see Binden.

Bonde, sb. a peasant serf, slave, NED, S2; pl., PP.—AS. bonda, bunda, ahouseholder; Icel. bndi, for bandi, atiller of the soil.

Bonde-man, sb. tiller of the soil, NED; bondman, P; bondemen, pl., S2, P, G,PP.

Bone, sb. pain, poison, PP; see Bane.

Bone, sb. prayer, petition, S, S2, C3, G, PP; bon, S2; boone, C, G; bonen, pl., S.—Icel. bn. Cf. Bene.

Bonen, adj. made of bone, S2.

Bonet, sb. additional sail, PP, Cath.—OF. bonet, bonnet.

Bonk, sb. bank, shore, S2, S3; see Bank.

Boo-; see Bo-.

Boor, sb. boar, C, W2; bare, S2; bore, S, PP; bor, S2, PP; bores, pl., P.—AS. br.

Boot, sb. boat, S2, W, CM; bot, PP.—AS. bt.

Boras, sb. borax, C, C3.—OF. boras: It. borace; Arab. børaq.

Bord, sb. board, table, S, S2, C, NED; borde, S; boord, W; bordes, pl., S.—AS. bord, plank. Cf. Bred.

Borgounen, v. to bud, S2; see Burjounen.

Borne; see Burne.

Bornen, v. to burnish, S3; see Burnen.

Borwe, sb. pledge, surety, W2, C, C2, G; borgh, H; borghe, P; borewe, S2; borwes, pl., sponsors, S2; pledges, P.—AS. borh.

Borwen, v. to deliver, to borrow, MD, PP, C2, G; borewe, W2; borowe, NED; borwede, pt. s., PP.—AS. borgian.

Borwynge, sb. borrowing, Prompt.; borewyng,S2.

Boske; see Busch.

Bosken; see Busken.

Bost, sb. boast, noise, MD, C3, PP; boost, C2; boste, PP; bostus, pl.,H.

Bosten, v. to boast, PP; booste, NED.

Bosum, sb. bosom, S, W (John 13. 23); bosem, MD.—AS. bsm.

Bote, prep. and conj. without, except, unless, but, S, S2, PP; bot, CM, S2; bute, S; butt, S; boute, S, S2; buten, S; buton, S; Comb.: bote-[gh]ef, except that, unless, S2, C.—AS. be-ton (bton).

Bote, sb. remedy, succour, amendment, S, S2, C2, G, P; boote, S3, C, G. Phr.: to bote, to advantage, in addition, NED.—AS. bt; cp. Goth. bota.

Botelees, adj. without remedy, PP; bootelesse, useless, S3; botles,S2.

Botelere, sb. butler, Voc.; botiler, C; butler,S.

Botelle, sb. bottle, MD; botel, CM.—OF. boutelle, also botel.

Boterace, sb. buttress; boteras, Prompt.; butterace, SkD (p.789); butteras, pl., SkD; buttrace, SkD; butteraces, SkD.—ME. boterace for OF. bouterets, i.e. (pillars) bearing a thrust, pl. of bouteret.

Boterace, v. to buttress; butteras, Palsg.; boteraced, pp.,PP.

Bothe, adj. both, PP, S; bae, S, S2; beoe, S; bee, S; buoe, S2.—Icel. bi, both (neut.).

Botme, sb. bottom, C, C3, Prompt.; boom, avale, S2, NED; boem, S2.—AS. botm.

Botme-les, adj. bottomless,CM.

Botnen, v., to heal, to recover, MD; botened, pp. bettered, P. See Bote.

Botun, sb. button, bud, Prompt., Voc.; bothom, MD, CM; buttonys, pl., S3.—OF. bouton, button, bud (Cotg.).

Bouel, sb. bowel, MD; bouele, S2.—OF. boel (and boele); Lat. botellus.

Bouge, sb. a leathern bottle or wallet, uter, W2 (Ps. 77. 13); bowge, W2, Prompt.—OF. bouge, budget, leather-case; Low Lat. bulga, leathern vessel (Voc.). Cf. Waterbulge.

[[Cross-reference could not be identified. In sources other than the Dictionary, the most common term is "water bouget".]]

Bouhte; see Biggen.

Bouk, sb. the belly, trunk, body, C, JD; buc, S.—AS. bc: Icel. bkr.

Boun, pp. prepared to go, ready to start, S3, CM, PP; bon, ready, S2; bun, S2; bown, P, H.—Icel. binn, prepared, pp. of ba, to get ready, to till; cp. AS. ge-bn, pp. of geban; cp. E. bound (said of a ship.)

Bounden, pp. bound, S, C2; see Binden. [[Addition]]

Bounen, v. to get ready, to go, also to make ready, NED; bowneth, pr. s., NED; bownd, pt. s., prepared himself, got ready,S3.

Bour, sb. bower, chamber, womens' chamber, C, G; bur, dat., S; boure, S, S2, P; bowre, P; bourez, pl. sleeping-places, S2.—AS. br, adwelling.

Bourde, sb. jest, PP, C3, G; bourd, S2, S3; bord, NED.—OF. bourde.

Bourden, v. to jest, C3, PP; borde, NED.—OF. bourder.

Bourding, sb. jesting, 83.

Bourdon, sb. pilgrim's staff, CM, HD; bordun, S2, PP; burdon, S, HD; burdoun, P, MD; bordon, MD, PP; bordoun, HD.—OF. bourdon (Cotg.); Low Lat. burdonem; see Burdon.

Boustious, adj. noisy, S3; see Boistous.

Bou[gh], sb. bough, PP; boh, S; bogh, S2; bowh, PP; bo[gh]e, dat., S; boges, pl., S; buges, S; bughes, S2; bewis, S3; bewys, S3; bowes, PP, S3; boowes, C; bo[gh]e, dat., S.—AS. bg, bh, Icel. bgr, shoulder, bow of a ship; cp. Gr. pachus.

Bowe, sb. bow, W2, PP; bouwe, W2; bowes, pl., PP; boys, S3.—AS. boga.

Bowe-lyne, sb. bowline, MD; bawelyne,S2.

Bowen, v. to bow, bend, submit, to direct one's course, turn away, PP, S2, C2, W; bouwe, W2, PP; boghen, S2, H; buwen, S; bu[gh]en, S; buhen, S; bugen, S; beien, S; bowande, pr.p. obedient, S2; bues, pr. s., S2.—AS. bgan.

Boydekyn, sb. poniard, bodkin, NED, Prompt.; bodekyn, Prompt.; boydekins, pl.,C2.

Boyste, sb. box, PP, Prompt., Cath.; boyst, MD; boist, C3.—OF. boiste (F. bote).

Bo[gh]te; see Biggen.

Brac, sb. a, crashing sound, fragor; brace, outcry, S.—Icel. brak; cp. AS. (ge)brc.

Brace, sb. couple of hounds, Prompt.—OF. brace, the two arms, agrasp; Lat. brachia,pl.

Bracer, sb. a guard for the left arm in archery, C; braser, Voc. See Ascham, Toxophilus, ed. Arber, p.108.

Brade, sb. roast flesh, S; brede, S.—AS. br[]de.

Bradit; see Brayden.

Brak; see Breken.

Brand, sb. brand, firebrand, sword, MD; brond, brand, S2, C; brondes, pl., S; brands, i.e. fire-side, S2; brondis, torches, W.—AS. brand (brond).

Brant, adj. steep, high, MD, HD; brent, JD; brentest, superl., S2.—AS. brant (bront); cp. Swed. brant, Icel. brattr.

Bras, sb. brass, C2; bres, S; breas, S.—AS. brs.

Brasten; see Bresten.

Bratful; see Bretful.

Bra, sb. violence, MD; brae, dat., S.—Cp. Icel. br. See Bro.

Braun, sb. brawn, CM; boar's flesh, PP; brawnes, pl., muscles, C2.—OF. braon, Prov. bradon (brazon); Low Lat. bradonem; see Ducange.

Brayde, sb. a quick movement, astart, awhile, moment, MD, CM; braid, S3; braydes, pl. grimaces, S2; breides, cunning tricks, MD. Phr.: at a brayde, in a moment, S2.—Icel. brag, quick movement.

Brayden, v. to draw, pull, to draw away quickly, to twist, braid, to start, to move quickly, hasten (intr.), to wake up, MD, Prompt., S2, CM; breyde, CM, C2; breide, W2; breyde, pt. s., PP, CM, C2, C3; brayde, MD; bradit, S3; broiden, pp., MD; broydyn, laqueatus, Prompt.; brayden, MD; browden, MD, JD; browded, C, HD; brouded, C2; broyded, WW; brayded, MD.—AS. bregdan, pt. brgd (pl. brugdon), pp. brogden.

Brea-; see Bre-.

Breas, sb. brass, S; see Bras. [[Addition]]

Bred, sb. bread, S, PP; breed, C2, W2; brd, S; bread, S; brad, S; brede, S2; breade, dat., S.—ONorth. brad.

Bred, sb. board, tablet, MD, S (s.v. wax); brede, Prompt.—AS. bred.

Bred-ale, sb. bride-feast, S; see Bryd-ale.

Brede, sb. bride, PP; see Bryde.

Brede, sb. roast-flesh, S; see Brade.

Brede, sb. breadth, S, S2, S3, C2, H; breede, C, W2. Phr.: on breid, on breadth, abroad, S3; did on breid, did abroad, unfolded, S3.—AS. br[]du.

Breden, v. to spread, S, Prompt.—AS. br[]dan.

Breden, v. to roast, MD; bret, pr. s., S.—AS. br[]dan.

Breden, v. to breed, to produce, to be produced, MD, PP; bredden, pt. pl., PP; i-bred, pp., S.—AS. brdan, to nourish. See Brode.

Bred-gume; see Brydegome.

Bred-wrigte, sb. bread-wright, baker, S. See Bred.

Breech, sb. pl. breeches, drawers, C2, C3; brech, S; breche, PP; brek, Voc.—AS. brc, pl. of brc; cp. Icel. brkr, pl. of brk.

Breed; see Bred.

Breels, sb. pl. wretches, HD, MD (p.343).

Breggid, pt. s. shortened, W; see Abregge. [[Addition]]

Breken, v. to break, S, S2, PP; breoken, S; brec, pr. s., S; brac, pt. s., S; brek, S; brec, S2; brak, S2, PP; breken, pl., S; y-broke, pp., S2; ibroke, S2.—AS. brecan, pt. brc (pl. br[]con), pp. brocen.

Brek-gurdel, sb. a breech-girdle, MD; brekgyrdylle, lumbare, Voc.; brechgerdel, MD; breigirdel, MD; brigirdil, MD; brygyrdyll, Prompt.; breigerdlis, pl., purses, PP. See Breech.

Breme, sb. bream, Prompt.; brem, C.—OF. bresme (F. brme); OHG. brahsema.

Breme, adj. fierce, angry, S, S2, S3, H, PP; brem, S2; breme, adv., S2; breeme, C.—AS. brme famous, noble.

Bremely, adv. fiercely, furiously, loudly, S2; bremly,S2.

Bremstoon; see Brynston.

Bren, sb. bran, S2, C, P.—OF. bren (F. bran).

Brene; see Brune.

Brenke; see Brink.

Brennen, v. to burn, S2, S3, C, C2, PP, W; bren, S2; brinnen, S, S2; brende, pt. s., S, S2, C2; brent, S2; brendon, pl., S; brenneden, W; brende, brenned, brend, S2; brende, C; brenten, W2; brend, pp., S, S2, C; brent, C2, S3, W; y-brend, C3; y-brent, C.—Icel. brenna; cp. Goth. brinnan, Cf. Bernen.

Brenningly, adv. ardently, fiercely,C.

Brent, adj. steep, high, S2, JD; see Brant.

Breo-; see Bre-.

Brerd, sb. brim, margin, surface, top, S3, MD; brurd, MD; brerde, MD.—AS. brerd, brim, top of a vessel, shore; cp. OHG. brort, also Icel. broddr, the front.

Brerd-ful, adv. brimful, MD; brurdful, S2. Cf. Bretful.

Brere, sb. briar, S3, W2; brer, S3; breres, pl., S, S3, C; breris, W.—AS. brr, also br[]re, pl. (OET).

Bres; see Bras.

Bresil, adj. brittle, H; see Brisel.

Brest, sb. breast, C; breost, MD; breast, voice, S3; breste, PP; bryst, MD.—AS. brost.

Bresten, v. to burst, S2, C2, W, MD; brasten, S3, MD; bersten, S, C; brast, pt. s., C3, PP; barste, P; braste, pl., C3, S2; brest, S3; brusten, pp., damaged, hurt severely, S2, MD.—Icel. bresta, pt. brast, pp. brostinn; cp. AS. berstan.

Bretful, adj. brimful, S3, C, PP, HD; bratful, S2, PP; bredful, PP. Cp. Swed. brddful. See Brerdful.

Bre, sb. breath, vapour, voice, word, MD, PP, CM; bree, dat., S.—AS. br[].

Brethe, sb. anger, wrath, H; breth, H.—Icel. bri, anger, from brr, hasty. See Bro.

Brethir; see Broer.

Breuet, sb. brief, letter of indulgence, P; breuettes, pl., P.—Late Lat. brevetum.

Brewen, v. to brew, MD; brew, pt. s. contrived, C2, PP; breuh, S2, PP.—AS. browan, pt. braw, pp. browen.

Brewestere, brewster, P; breusters, pl. ale-wives, female-brewers, S2,PP.

Breyden; see Brayden.

Brid, sb. a young bird, PP, C2, C3, W; bridd, S; bridde, PP; bred, PP; bredde, PP; berd, MD; bird, MD; briddes, pl., S2, C; bryddez, S2; briddis, W, H; birds, S3 (26. 1150).—AS. bridd.

Brigge, sb. bridge, PP, S, CM; brugge, PP; bregge, MD; brygge, PP; brig, S2.—AS. brycg; cp. Icel. bryggja.

Briggen, v. to bridge, S.

Brike, sb. calamity, C2; see Bryk.

Bringen, v. to bring, S; brohte, pt. s., S; brochte, S; brou[gh]te, S2; brouhte, S; bro[gh]te, S, S2; broght, pl., S2; broht, pp. S2; broght, S2; brou[gh]t, S2; ibr[gh]t, S2; y-bro[gh]t, S2; y-brought, C; ibroht, S; ibrouht, S2; ibrocht,S.

Brink, sb. brink, margin, MD; brenke, dat., W; brynke, MD.—Cp. Swed. brink, Icel. brekka.

Brinnen; see Brennen.

Brisel, adj. brittle, H; bresil, H; brissal, JD. See below.

Brisen, v. to crush, MD; brisse, MD; bresen, MD; brisid, pp.,W.

Brisokis, sb. pl. wild cabbage,H.

Britel, adj. brittle, fragile, MD; britil, S2, W; brutel, MD; brutil, CM; brotel, MD.—From base of AS. bruton, pt. pl. of brotan, to break.

Britnen, v. to break, break up, MD; bruttenet, pp. destroyed, slain, S2; bretynyd, HD.—AS. brytnian, to distribute, dispense.

Britoner, sb. a man of Brittany, aFrenchman, P; Brytonere, P; see Brutiner.

Bri[gh]t, adj. bright, S, PP; bricht, S; brict, S; briht, S; brigt, S; bryht, S2; bry[gh]t, S2; brihtre, comp., S; bri[gh]ter, S; brictest, superl., S.—AS. beorht.

Bri[gh]te, adv. brightly, MD; bryghte,C2.

Bri[gh]tnesse, sb. brightness, W2; brichtnesse, S; brihtnesse, S; brictnesse, S.—AS. beorhtnes.

Brocage, a treaty by an agent, PP; brokages, pl., P.—OF. brocage, 'exprime l'ide de ruse et de perfidie' (Godefroy).

Broche, sb. brooch, match, spear, spit, MD; brouch, S2; broch, C; broches, pl., C2, PP.—OF. broche.

Brochen, v. to spur, pierce through, put on the spit, broach a cask, MD; brochede, pt. s., S2, PP.—OF. brocher, Prov. brocar.

Brocket, sb. a stag in its second or third year, HD, MD, Cotg.; broket, MD; brokkettis, pl., S3.—Cp. OF. brocart (Cotg.).

Brocour, sb. broker, P; brokour, P.—AF. abrocour; Low Lat. abrocatorem (Ducange), from abrocare, to broach a cask, from broca. See Broche.

Brod, adj. broad, S, S2, PP; brood, C; braid, S3; brode, C, PP; brade, S, S2, H; broddeste, superl., W2.—AS. brd.

Brode, adv. broadly, wide awake, C3; widely, PP; broode, broadly, plainly,C.

Brode, sb. brood, S, Prompt.—Cp. OHG. bruot (Weigand).

Broiden; see Brayden.

Brok, sb. brock, badger, Prompt.; broc, W; brockes, pl., P; brokkys, PP.—AS. broc; OIr. brocc.

Brok, sb. brook, PP; broke, P.—AS. brc.

Brol, sb. a brat, child, MD, S3, PP; brolle, P; brawl, ND.—Cp. Low Lat. brollus, 'miserculus' (Prompt., p.50).

Brond; see Brand.

Bro, adj. violent, MD; bra, MD; braith, JD.—Icel. brr. Cf. Bra.

Broeful, adj. violent, MD; braithful,JD.

Brothel, sb. a wretch, PP, MD, HD; brothell, Palsg.

Broeliche, adv. violently, MD; broely, hastily, quickly, S2; braithly,JD.

Broer, sb. brother, PP; gen. s., C2; broere, pl., S; breere, S; brethir, S3; brere, S; briere, S; bretheren, C2, PP.—AS. bror.

Broer-hed, sb. brotherhood, MD; bretherhede, C; britherhed, W; britherhod,W.

Broer-rede, sb. fraternity, MD (p.354).—AS. brorr[]den.

Brouded, pp. braided, C2; see Brayden.

Broudster, sb. embroiderer,JD.

Broudyng, sb. embroidery; browdyng, C,CM.

Brouken, v. to use, enjoy, eat, PP, C, G; bruken, S; breken, S; brooke, to endure, S3; bruc, imp. s. use, S; ibroken, pp., S.—AS. brcan, pt. brac (pl. brucon), pp. brocen.

Broun, adj. brown, C, PP; brun, sb. brown horn, S.—AS. brn.

Bru-; see Bry-, Bri-, Brou-.

Brugge; see Brigge.

Bruk, sb. locust (= bruchus), W2, H; bruyk, H.—Gr. brouchos, broukos.

Brune, sb. burning, S, MD; brene, S2.—AS. bryne.

Brunie, sb. corslet, coat of mail, S; brinie, MD; brini, HD, MD; burne, MD; bryniges, pl., S; brenyes, HD.—Icel. brynja: Goth. brunjo; cp. AS. byrne.

Brurd; see Brerd.

Brusten; see Bresten.

Brut, sb. Briton; Bruttes, pl.,S.

Brutayne, sb. Brittany, S2.

Brutil; see Britel.

Brutiner, sb. a man of Brittany, aFrenchman, aswaggerer, PP; Brytonere, P; Britoner,P.

Brutnen, v. to hew in pieces, MD; bruttenet, pp. slain, S2; see Britnen.

Bryche, adj. reduced, poor, S2.—AS. bryce, frail.

Bryd-ale, sb. marriage-feast, MD; bridale, P, W; bredale, S; bruydale, P; brudale, S.—AS. brd-ealo, abride-ale, bride-feast.

Bryde, sb. bride, domiduca, Voc., PP; brede, PP; bruyd, CM; brud, MD, S; brid, MD.—AS. brd: OS. brd; cp. OHG. brt (Otfrid).

Bryde-gome, sb. bridegroom, MD; bredgume, S; brudgume, MD.—AS. brdguma (brdguma); cp. OHG. brtigomo (Otfrid).

Bryk, sb. misery, calamity, MD; brike, C2; bruche, injury, MD.—AS. bryce.

Bryllyn; see Birlen.

Brymme, sb. margin, shore, S, MD.—AS. brim, surf, the sea; cp. Icel. brim.

Bryn-ston, sb. sulphur, Voc., PP, S2; brymston, W2; bremstoon, C, PP; brimstoon, C3; brunstan, H.—Cp. Icel. brennisteinn.

Brystylle, sb. bristle, Prompt., Voc.; berstles, pl., C.—From AS. byrst: OHG. burst.

Bryttlynge, sb. breaking up, S3. See Britel.

Bu-; see Bou-, Bo-.

Budele, sb. beadle, officer, PP; budeles, pl., S; beodeles, S2.—AS. bydel; cp. OHG. butil. Cf. Bedel.

Bue, Bu; see Ben.

Bulde, pt. s. built, C; see Bilden. [[Addition]]

Buggen, v. to buy, S, S2, PP; see Biggen.

Bugle, sb. wild ox, S2, Prompt.; bugill, S3; bowgle, S3; bugle, buffalo-horn, bugle, MD.—OF. bugle; Lat. buculum (acc.).

Builen, v. to boil, S2; buylith, pr. s., W2; buylyng, pr.p., PP; buyliden, pt. pl., W2.—OF. buillir; Lat. bullire.

Bule, sb. boil, PP; bilis, pl., W; byles, PP; boilus, PP.—AS. ble; cp. G. beule (Weigand).

Bule; see Bole.

Bulle, sb. bull, papal rescript, P; bille, PP; petition, PP; bylle, PP.—Lat. bulla, boss, stud, hence Late Lat. bulla, seal, document with seal; see Ducange.

Bulten, v. to boult, sift, C, Prompt.; boulte, Palsg.; bultedd, pp., S.—OF. buleter, bureter, to sift through coarse cloth, from bure, coarse cloth; Late Lat. burra; see Ducange (s.v. buratare).

Bult-pele, sb. a sifter, Voc.

Bumbase, v. to quilt with bombast, i.e. cotton wadding, Florio (p.234a); bumbast, pr. pl., S3.—From Milanese bombs; Low Lat. bombacem, cotton; from Gr. bombux.

Bummen, v. to taste, take a draught, MD; bummede, pt. s. tasted, S2,P.

Bun, pp. prepared, S2, MD; see Boun.

Bunchen, v. to strike, MD, Prompt.; bonchede, pt. s., S2; bonched,P.

Bunden; see Binden.

Bur, sb. wind, storm, force, impetus, MD; bir, MD; birr, HD; hire, dat., W, MD; birre, W; byrre, HD.—Icel. byrr, wind, storm.

Bur, sb. the broad ring of iron behind the place for the hand on a tilting-spear, S3; burr,HD.

Burde, sb. maiden, virgin, lady, S, S2, PP; birde, P; berde, PP; buirde, PP; buyrde, S2, PP; see Bryde.

Burden, sb. burden, Manip.; see Burene.

Burdenous, adj. burdensome,S3.

Burdon, sb. mule; burdones, pl., MD; burdowns, MD.—Lat. burdonem (Vulg.).

Burdoun, sb. droning sound, bass, MD, C.—OF. bourdon, adrone, the humming of bees, the drone of a bag-pipe (Cotg.).

Bureth, v. it behoves, MD; birr, pr. s., S; burth, MD; birs, MD; bers, MD; birrde, pt. s., S; bird, S2, MD; burd, MD.—AS. ge-byrian; cp. OHG. gi-burren, to happen (Otfrid).

Burgage, sb. an estate held of a lord of a borough; burgages, pl., P; borgages, PP.—Low Lat. burgagium; OF. bourgage (Cotg.).

Burgeis, sb. burgess, MD; burgeys, C, CM; burgeis, pl., S2, P; burgeyses, P.—OF. burgeis; Low Lat. burgensis.

Burgh, sb. borough, town, fortress, shelter, MD; burghe, PP, CM; borghe, PP; borw, PP; borugh, PP; borowe, PP; borh, S; burch, S; burh, S; bureh, MD, S; biri, MD, S; berie, S; borw[gh], S2; borwes, pl., PP, MD.—AS. burh; gen. byrig.

Buriel, sb. tomb, S2; buryel, S2; biriel, W; biryel, S2; buriels, pl. the Catacombs, C3; biriels, W2; birielis, W.—AS. byrgels.

Burien, v. to bury, MD, S, PP; birien, MD, W2; berien, C3; bery, MD, C3; byrien, S; i-burred, pp., S2.—AS. byrigan.

Burien, sb. grave, MD; berien, S.—AS. byrgen.

Burinisse, sb. burial-place, MD; berynes, H.—AS. byrignes.

Burjoun, sb. burgeon, bud, MD; burioyn, H; burgon, HD; burgionys, pl., S3; burioyns, H.—OF. borjon, in Cotg. bourgeon.

Burjounen, v. to bud, MD; buriowne, W2; burgionys, pr. s., S3; borgoune[gh], pr. pl., S2; burione, PP; burionand, pr.p., H; buriownynge,W.

Burn, sb. man, S2, HD; burne, S2; see Bern.

Burne, sb. spring of water, MD, S; bourne, S2; borne, S2; burn, stream, S2.—AS. burna.

Burnen, v. to burnish, MD; burned, pp., C; borned, S3.—OF. brunir, to burnish, polish, to make brown (Cotg.). See SkD. p.789.

Burnet, adj. brown, S3.—OF. brunet, brownish (Cotg.).

Burnet, sb. cloth of brown colour, CM, MD.—OF. brunette (Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. brunetum.

Burene, sb. burden, MD; birthin, W; birthun, W2; burden, Manip.—AS. byren.

Busch, sb. bush, wood, W, W2, MD; buysch, W; busk, the head or tuft of a stalk of wheat, S; bush, S2, MD; boske, S2; boskez, pl.,S2.

Buschement, sb. ambush, MD; busshement, S3. Cp. OF. en-buschement, an ambuscade NED, (s.v. ambushmenf).

Busken, v. to prepare oneself, to get ready, to go, to hasten, to prepare, dress, MD, H, S2, P; buschen, S2; bosken, S2. Icel. bask (reflex.), to get oneself ready.

Buskinge, sb. equipment, dress, MD, S3; bosking,MD.

Busteous, adj. noisy, S3; buystous, W; see Boistous.

Busy, adj. busy, MD; bisi, S, W2; bisie, S; bisy, C2, P; besy, C.—AS. bysig.

Busyen, v. to busy, occupare, MD; bisien, C3, S2,W.

Busynesse, sb. business, activity, care, industry, MD, C, C3; bisinesse, C3; besynesse, S3; besynes, H; bisynesses, pl.,W2.

Bu; see Ben.

Bu; see Biggen.

Buuen, prep. and adv. above, S; buue, S; boue, MD; bufon, S.—AS. be-ufan.

Buxum, adj. obedient, ready, willing, courteous, PP; boxum, S2, PP; buxom, CM; buhsum, S. See Bowen.

Buxumliche, adv. obediently, PP; boxumly, S2; buxomly,C2.

Buxumnesse, sb. obedience, PP; buxomnes, P; boxumnes,S2.

By-, prefix. See Bi- words.

By, Bi, prep. by, at, according to, S, S2, with regard to, PP, S, S2, S3; bie, S; be S, S2. Phr.: by and by, adv. immediately, S3; in order, separately, C, Prompt.,MD.

By, v. to dwell, build, C2; see Biggen.

Bye, v. to buy, S2; by, C3; see Biggen. [[Addition]]

Byggyng, sb. building, S2.

By[gh]e; see Bei[gh].


C-; see also under K.

Caas, sb. case, circumstance, chance, C; kas, S2; cass, S3; cas, S2, C2.—AF. cas; Lat. casum (acc.), afall, from cadere, to fall.

Caas, sb. case, quiver, C; see Casse.

Caban, sb. hut, small room, MD, PP; cabin, MD.—OF. cabane; cp. Low Lat. cabanna, capanna; see Brachet.

Cabine, sb. a shed made of boughs, Cotg. (s.v. cabane); cabin, small enclosed place,Sh.

Cabinet, sb. small shed, arbour, S3.—OF. cabinet, an arbour in a garden, Cotg.; cp. It. cabinetto (Florio).

Cacchen, v. to catch, to chase, MD, C3, P; katchen, MD; kecchen, MD; chacche, S2; chacen, MD; chaci, MD; caucht, S3; cacces, pr. s., S2; cahte, pt. s., MD; ca[gh]te, S2; caughte, C2; cau[gh]t, MD; cought, MD; caght, MD; cahten, pl., MD; kei[gh]t, MD; caht, pp. MD; kau[gh]t, W2.—OF. cachier, cacier (also chacier, chasser); Late Lat. captiare, from Lat. captare, freq. of capere, to take, to hold; see Constans.

Cache-pol, sb. a tax-gatherer, constable, bailiff, MD, PP; cahchpolle, Prompt.; catchepollis, pl., W.—AF. cacchepole, OF. chacepol, chassipole; cp. Low Lat. cachepollus, cacepollus, chacepollus, chassipullus. The form cacepollus is met with in the Leges Ethelredi, see Schmid and Ducange. The word probably meant at first the officer who collected from the tenant the fowls (pullos) paid as rent.

Cacherel, sb. an inferior officer of justice, MD; kachereles, pl., S2.—OF. cacherel; cp. Low Lat. cacherellus.

Cse; see Chese.

Cste, sb. dat. chest, S; see Chest.

Caf, sb. chaff, H; see Chaf.

Caitif, adj. and sb. captive, miserable wretch, MD, W, C3, H; caytif, C2; caytiue, P; caitifes, pl., S3; caytiues, S3; kaytefes, S2.—AF. caitif; Prov. captiu; Lat. captiuum (acc.); see Brachet (s.v. chtif).

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