When Winter Comes to Main Street
by Grant Martin Overton
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Roads to Childhood, by Annie Carroll Moore, 152

Robin Hood's Barn, by Margaret Emerson Bailey, 194

Rocking Horse, The, by Christopher Morley, 348; Quotation from, 348

Rolt-Wheeler, Francis, "Boy Journalist Series," 159, 161; Heroes of the Ruins, 160; Hunting Hidden Treasures in the Andes, 159; In the Days Before Columbus, 160; Plotting in Pirate Seas, 159; The Coming of the Peoples, 161; The Quest of the Western World, 160; wanderings of, 158

Rosebery, Lord, Miscellanies—Literary and Historical, 123

Rosinante to the Road Again, by John Dos Passos, 38, 347

Roving East and Roving West, by E. V. Lucas, Sadlier, Michael, comment on Huxley, 34

Saxton, Eugene F., 67; account of Stewart Edward White, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65

Secret of the Sahara: Kufara, by Rosita Forbes, 192, 193

Secret Victory, The. See The Sensationalists, by Stephen McKenna, 342, 346

Self Healing Simplified, by Dr. George L. Perin, 304

Sensationalists, The, by Stephen McKenna, 341; Lady Lilith, 342; The Education of Eric Lane, 342; The Secret Victory, 342

September, by Frank Swinnerton, 225, 226, 243

"Seymour, Hugh," of The Golden Scarecrow, 16, 21

Sheffield, Alfred Dwight, Joining in Public Discussion, 297

Sheridan, C. M., The Stag Cook Book, 217

Shops and Houses, by Frank Swinnerton, 226, 243

Sixth Sense, The, by Stephen McKenna, 340, 345

"Social Amenities" in "Soles Occidere et Redire Possunt," 36

Social Forces in Literature, by Dr. H. W. L. Dana, 300

Some Things that Matter, by Lord Riddell, 303

Somerset Maugham in Tahiti, article, by Hector MacQuarrie, 292

"Song for a Little House," from The Rocking Horse by Christopher Morley, 348

Sonia, by Stephen McKenna, 251, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 346

Sonia Married, by Stephen McKenna, 341, 342, 346

Speare, Dorothy, 264; Dancers in the Dark, 255, 256

Spellbinders, by Margaret Culkin Banning, 252

Spindrift, by Milton Raison, 352; extracts from preface by William McFee, 353; quotation from, 354

Splendid Folly, The, by Margaret Pedler, 256

Splendour by Numbers, Aldous Huxley, 36

Splinters, by Keith Preston, 358; quotation from, 359

Squire, J. C., Books in General, Third Series, 44; collected parodies, 98; editor of the London Mercury, 44; Life and Letters, 46; on Anatole France, Jane Austen, Keats, Pope, Rabelais, Walt Whitman, 46; pen name (Solomon Eagle), 46; Poems: Second Series, 351; The Birds and Other Poems, 351

Stag Cook Book, The, by C. M. Sheridan, 217

Stevens, William O., see Allan Westcott, A History of Sea Power, 331

Stevenson, Candace T., review of Olive Roberts Barton, 162

Stevenson, Robert Louis, description of Edinburgh, 86; in Miscellanies, by Lord Rosebery, 123; Swinnerton, on, 242

Stewart, Donald Ogden, A Parody Outline of History, 93, 94, 371; Perfect Behaviour, 93, 94

Stickfuls, by Irvin S. Cobb, 169, 185

Struggle for Power in Europe (1917-21), by Leslie Haden Guest, 323

Sunny-San, by Onoto Watanna, 253

Sutherland, Jean, Beauty for Ashes, 262

Swinnerton, Frank, Analyst of Lovers, 225; Arnold Bennett's Comments, 225; Coquette, 226, 243; criticism of R. L. Stevenson, 242; list of books, 242, 243; literary critic, 241; Nocturne, 225, 233, 235, 239, 243; On the Staircase, 226, 243; Personal Sketches by Arnold Bennett, Grant Overton, H. G. Wells, 243; publisher, 240; September, 225, 226, 243; Shops and Houses, 226, 243; Sources on, 243; The Casement, 236, 242; The Chaste Wife, 226, 243; The Happy Family, 226, 238, 242; The Merry Heart, 236, 242; The Three Lovers, 226, 227, 233, 243; The Young Idea, 238

Swords, by Sidney Howard, 364; Kenneth Macgowan's criticism, 364, 365

Taggart, Marion Ames, 164; At Greenacres, 164; Poppy's Pluck, 164; The Bottle Imp, 164; The Queer Little Man, 164

Tahiti Days, by Hector McQuarrie, 270

Tales Told by the Gander, by Maude Radford Warren, 153

Talkers, The, by Robert W. Chambers, 317, 320

Tarkington, Booth, box score, 183, 184; study of, by Robert Cortes Holliday, 53

Tell England, by Ernest Raymond, 250; Prologue, by Padre Monty, 250, 251

Terhune, Albert Payson, Black Caesar's Clan, 71; Black Gold, 71; Further Adventures of Lad, 215; home of, 214; Lad: A Dog, 214

That Which Hath Wings, by Richard Dehan (Clotilde Graves), 200, 210

They Have Only Themselves to Blame, 118

Thirty-nine Steps, The, by John Buchan, 249

This Marrying, by Margaret Culkin Banning, 253

Three Crowns, The, by Winnifred Wells, 190

Three Lovers, The, by Frank Swinnerton, 226, 227, 233, 243; Extracts from, 229, 243

Three Men and a Maid, by P. G. Wodehouse, 99; extract from, 99-101

Three Soldiers, by John Dos Passos

Tilden, William T., The Art of Lawn Tennis, 213; tennis champion, 213

Timothy Tubby's Journal, extracts from, 95, 96, 97, 98

Tish, by Mary Roberts Rinehart, 108, 115, 116

Tomorrow We Diet, by Nina Wilcox Putnam, 90

"Touch of Tears, The," from Vigils, by Mrs. Kilmer, 350-351

Trade Union Policy, by Dr. Leo Wolman, 299

Translations from the Chinese, by Christopher Morley, 348; Quotation from, 349

Trees and Other Poems, by Joyce Kilmer, 349

Truth About an Author, The, by Arnold Bennett, 144, 150

Turns About Town, by Robert Cortes Holliday, 52

Twenty Years of Lawn Tennis, by A. Wallis Myers, 213

Vanished Pomps of Yesterday, The, by Lord Frederic Hamilton, 131

Vanishing of Betty Varian, The, by Carolyn Wells, 76, 77

Van Loan, Charles E., Buck Parvin: Stories of the Motion Picture Game, 212; Fore! Golf Stories, 212; Old Man Curry: Racetrack Stories, 212; Score by Innings: Baseball Stories, 212; Taking the Count: Prize Ring Stories, 212

Van, Rensselaer, Alexander, 220; bibliographies by, 223

Van Vechten, Carl, New York Evening Post, review of Herman Melville: Mariner and Mystic, 325-328

Vardon, Harry, The Gist of Golf, 213

Vigils, by Mrs. Kilmer, 350; Quotations from, 350, 351

"Vision," from Spindrift, by Milton Raison, 354

Vital Message, The, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 302

Voice in the Wilderness, The, by Richard Blaker, 263

Walking Stick Papers, by Robert Cortes Holliday, selection from, 51, 52

Walpole, Hugh, 15 27, 28, 29, 31, 32; A Hugh Walpole Anthology, 32; American following of, 21; appearance, 22; article on, by Mrs. Belloc Loundes, 23; birthplace, 15; Books of, 31; comments on The Bookman, 366; connection with London Standard, 26; appreciation by Joseph Hergesheimer, 15, 29, 30, 31; courage of, 25; description by Arnold Bennett, 22; education of, 22; educational experiences of, 22; English Literature During the Last Half Century, 32; father of, 15; Fortitude, 21; goes to England, 16; Hugh Walpole, an appreciation, 31; Hugh Walpole, Master Novelist, 32; life in New York, 16; London scenes pictured by, in Anthology, 28; Maradick at Forty, 26; Note by Joseph Conrad, 28; Novels, list of, 31; optimist, 23; Romances, list of, 31; Service in Great War, 16; Selections for Anthology, 27; Short Stories, list of, 31; Sources on, 31; superstitions, 24; reader, 24; Tait Black Prize for best novel of year, 30; won by, 30; The Captives, 24; The Cathedral, 19; The Dark Forest, 16; The Duchess of Wrexe, 19; The Gods and Mr. Perrin, 22; The Green Mirror, 19; The Wooden Horse, 25; Visits to America, 16

Wanderings of a Spiritualist, The, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 302

Warren, Maude Radford, Tales Told by the Gander, 153

Watanna, Onoto (Mrs. Winnifred Reeve), 254; A Japanese Nightingale, 254; Sunny-San, 253

Warbasse, Dr. James B., Cooperative Movement, 300

Weaver, Raymond M., Herman Melville: Mariner and Mystic, 325, 326, 327, 328

Wells, Carolyn (Mrs. Hadwin Houghton), 77; Book of Humorous Verse, 99; The Room with the Tassels, 76; The Vanishing of Betty Varian, 76, 77

Wells, H. G., 94; Comments on Frank Swinnerton's Nocturne, 233, 234, 235; Soviet Russia, 192

Westcott, Peter, in Fortitude, by Hugh Walpole, 22

West Broadway, by Nina Wilcox Putnam, 88, 90

Westerners, The, by Stewart Edward White, 55, 63, 66

West, Rebecca, books by, 86; article by Amy Wellington, 83; artist, 78; biography of, 83; The Judge, 78; The Return of the Soldier, 86

Westcott, Allan, and William O. Stevens, A History of Sea Power, 331

What Timmy Did, by Mrs. Belloc Lowndes, 77

What to Eat and How to Prepare It, by Elizabeth A. Monaghan, 218

While I Remember, by Stephen McKenna, 324, 346

Whispering Windows, see More Limehouse Nights, by Thomas Burke, 187, 188

White, Albert C., The Irish Free State, 191

White, Stewart Edward, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 66; account of by Eugene F. Saxton, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65; Appendix, to Gold, by Eugene F. Saxton, 67; The Birds of Mackinac Island, 55, 63; boat and books, 56, 59; books of, 66; by John Palmer Gavit, 67; education of, 61; Gold, 61, 67; in France, 56; military service, 61; On Tiptoe: A Romance of the Redwoods, 59, 67; parents, 60; Simba, 55, 67; sources on, 67; The Claim Jumpers, 55, 63, 66; The Land of Footprints, 55, 67; The Westerners, 55, 63, 66

Wild Life in the Tree Tops, by Captain C. W. R. Knight, 214; Photographs, 214

Wingfield-Stratford, Esme, Facing Reality, 300

Wire Devils, The, by Frank L. Packard, 68

With the Band, poem, by Robert W. Chambers, 317

Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville, 70; lyrical writer, 99; Three Men and a Maid, 99

Wolf, Robert, 297; The Creative Spirit in Industry, 300

Wolman, Dr. Leo, Trade Union Policy, 299

Woman of No Importance, A, Recollections and Reflections, 129

Women and the Labour Movement, by Alice Henry, 299

Women Who Make Our Novels, The, by Grant Overton, 117; chapter on Mary Roberts Rinehart, 109, 117

Wonder Book, A, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 165

Wooden Horse, The, by Hugh Walpole, 25, 26, 31; sale of, 25

Workers' Bookshelf Series, 297

Workers' Education Bureau of America, editorial board, 297

Writing as a Business: A Practical Guide for Authors, by Robert Cortes Holliday, 220; Extracts from, 222, 223

Wylie, Elinor, 357

Young, F. E. Mills, 263; Almonds of Life, 263; Imprudence, 263; The Stronger Influence, 263


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