Tum Tum, the Jolly Elephant - His Many Adventures
by Richard Barnum
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"Oh, papa!" cried a little boy, "couldn't we ride on the elephant's back?" and he was so excited, this little boy was, that he danced up and down with his red balloon. All the children had these toy balloons.

"Oh, I don't believe you could ride on the elephant's back," said the little boy's papa.

"They can, if you will let them," said Tum Tum's keeper. "My elephant is very kind and gentle, and many children ride on him. I will hold them on, if you are willing."

"Oh, let us, papa!" cried a little girl.

"All right, I don't mind," he said.

Tum Tum was led close to a wagon, from which the children could easily get into the little house on his back. In that they sat with their papa and the keeper, and around the circus grounds they went. It was not yet time for the show, and Tum Tum did not have to go in.

"Oh, what a lovely ride!" cried the little boy, when it was over. "Thank you so much!"

Tum Tum was glad the children had enjoyed it.

Then, as the boy and girl got down from the elephant's back, their toy balloons slipped out of their hands and floated off through the air.

"Oh, there goes my balloon!" cried the little girl.

"And there goes mine, too!" cried the little boy. "Oh, papa!"

"Never mind, I'll get you some others," said the man.

"But I'd rather have that one," the little boy said, half crying.

"I would, too," added his sister.

Just then the wind blew the two balloons into the top of a tall tree. It was a tall, slender tree, too little for any one to climb up, or put a ladder against.

"Oh, now we can never get our balloons!" sobbed the little girl, as the toys bobbed about in the wind, the strings fast to a tree branch. Then Tum Tum made up his mind, just as he had done at the peanut fire.

"I'll get those balloons back for the children," thought the big, kind, jolly elephant.



The little boy and girl, who had ridden on the back of Tum Tum, the jolly elephant, stretched up their hands toward the balloons that had caught in the tree. They even got up again into the little house, and, standing up, tried to reach their floating toys.

"Sit down! Sit down!" called their father.

"Yes, you might fall," said Tum Tum's trainer, or keeper, who was also riding in the little house on the elephant's back.

"But we want our balloons!" cried the little boy.

"Yes, our nice toy balloons!" said the little girl, and there were tears in her eyes. Tum Tum felt sorry for her. He did not like to see little girls cry.

"I must get those balloons back for them," Tum Tum said to himself, over and over again.

"I'll get you other balloons," said the children's papa again, trying to make them feel happier. But the boy and girl wanted the same balloons they had had first.

"Now if Mappo were only here," thought Tum Tum, "he could easily climb up that tree, even if it is a slender one, and will easily bend. For Mappo is not very heavy, and he could go away up to the top of the tree.

"But no one else can, and none of the monkeys but Mappo is smart enough to do it. So I'll have to get the balloons myself."

And how do you think Tum Tum did it? Of course he could not climb a tree—no elephant could, even if it were a big tree. But Tum Tum was very strong, and, just as he had often done in the jungle, he wrapped his long, rubbery hose-like nose, or trunk, around the tree.

"Here, Tum Tum, what are you doing?" called his keeper.

"Umph! Umph! Wumph!" Tum Tum answered. That meant: "You just watch me, if you please, and you'll see."

Then Tum Tum just pulled and pulled as hard on that tree, and up he pulled it by the roots. Right out of the ground the big elephant pulled the tree, and then, holding it in his strong trunk, he tipped it over so the top branches were close to the children on his back.

And, tangled in the branches were the cords of the toy balloons, that still bobbed about.

"Oh, look!" cried the boy. "Here are our balloons, sister!"

"Oh, so they are!" exclaimed the little girl. "Oh, what a good elephant he is to get our balloons back for us!"

"I should say he was!" cried the papa. "That is a smart elephant you have," he said to the keeper.

"Yes, Tum Tum is very good and smart," said the circus man. He reached over, loosed the strings of the balloons from the tree branch, and gave the ends of the cords to the children.

"Now you may let go of the tree, Tum Tum," the man said to the elephant, and Tum Tum dropped the tree on the ground.

"Oh, papa, the elephant was so good to us, can't we buy him a bag of peanuts?" asked the little girl.

"I guess so," answered her papa, with a laugh.

"And may I buy him some popcorn balls?" asked the boy.

"Oh, yes, but I hope Tum Tum doesn't become ill from all that sweet stuff," said the papa.

"Oh, I guess he won't—he's used to being fed by the children," the circus man said.

When Tum Tum heard the boy and girl talking about getting him good things to eat, the big elephant felt very glad. For he was such a big fellow that he was nearly always hungry, and, no matter how many peanuts or popcorn balls he had, he was always willing to eat more.

It was now nearly time for the circus to begin, and Tum Tum was led back toward the tent, the children still riding on his back, holding tightly to the strings of their balloons. They were not going to lose them a second time, if they could help it.

Near the tent was the same peanut man whose stand had nearly burned up the time Tum Tum put out the blaze with water from his trunk. The boy and girl bought two bags full of peanuts from this man, and from another man they bought popcorn balls. These they fed to Tum Tum, who reached out his trunk for them, and put them into his mouth.

"Good-by, Tum Tum!" called the little girl to him, waving one hand, while in the other she held her balloon.

"Good-by, elephant!" called the little boy, also waving his hand. "I'll see you in the circus," he added.

Tum Tum waved his trunk. He was too busy chewing popcorn and peanuts to speak, even if he could have talked boy and girl language, which he could not.

Later on, in the show, Tum Tum, as he went through his tricks, saw the little boy and girl sitting near the ring, with their papa, watching the animals and performers.

Two or three days after that something else happened to Tum Tum, and it made him very happy.

He was in the tent, after the show, eating his hay, and blowing dust over his back now and then to keep away the flies and mosquitoes, when, all of a sudden, in came a monkey. Tum Tum gave one look at the monkey, and then another look.

"Why—why!" cried Tum Tum, in elephant language. "That looks like Mappo."

"I am Mappo!" cried the little chap. "Oh, don't let him get me!"

"Let who get you?" cried Tum Tum. "What is the matter?" for Mappo looked very frightened.

"The hand-organ man is after me!" chattered Mappo, and with that he gave a jump, and landed right upon Tum Tum's broad back.

"Don't be afraid," said the elephant. "No one will get you while I am here, Mappo," and Tum Tum swung his long trunk.

Then in came the hand-organ man after the monkey, just as I have told you he did in the book about Mappo. But the circus men and Tum Tum would not let Mappo go. And Tum Tum looked so big and fierce and strong that the hand-organ man was afraid to try to take Mappo away.

So that is how Mappo came back to the circus again, after having had many adventures. He told Tum Tum all about them.

"Are you going to run away again?" asked Tum Tum.

"No, I guess not," answered Mappo, hanging by his tail.

Tum Tum was glad Mappo had come back, for the big elephant was lonesome for his little friend, and I guess Mappo was also lonesome for Tum Tum. At any rate, the two were soon as good friends as before.

The show went on from town to town, and it was nearing the time for the circus season to be over. Then the animals would be taken back to the big barn, there to stay all winter, until spring and summer should come again.

One day a bad man came into the tent where the elephants were standing, eating their hay, and held out something in his hand. Tum Tum, and the other elephants, stretched out their trunks, for it seemed as if the man had something good for them to eat. And Tum Tum, being the nearest, reached it first.

The thing the man held out was in a bag, and it smelled like peanuts. In fact, there were a few peanuts, and shells, in the bag but, besides that, there were also some sour lemons, which Tum Tum did not like at all. But he had chewed on them before he knew what they were, not stopping to open the bag the bad man gave him.

As he felt the sour juice running down his throat, Tum Tum gave a squeal. He was angry at the man who had played this trick on him.

"Ha! Ha!" laughed the man. "I fooled you that time, Mr. Elephant. How do you like lemons?"

Tum Tum did not answer.

He just reached his trunk in his mouth, and pulled out the sour stuff, and threw it away. The man laughed very hard at his mean trick, and one of the keepers said to him:

"You had better look out. Elephants have good memories, and if ever you get near Tum Tum, where he can reach you, you may be sorry for what you did."

"Oh, I'm not afraid of an elephant!" cried the man with another laugh.

"If ever I can reach that man with my trunk, I'll make him wish he'd never given me lemons," thought Tum Tum. But, try as he did, he could not stretch himself far enough to reach the man, for there were chains about the legs of the elephant.

Later on that day, the same man came walking past the elephants in the animal tent, after the circus was over. I guess he had forgotten about the trick he played. But Tum Tum and the other elephants had not forgotten.

All of a sudden Maggo, the elephant standing next to Tum Tum, saw the bad man, and, reaching out her trunk, Maggo caught him around the waist, and lifted him off his feet.

"Oh! Oh! Put me down! Oh, an elephant has me!" cried the man.

Instantly there was great excitement in the animal tent. The people yelled, and the trainers came running over to see what was the matter. They saw the man lifted high in the air in Maggo's trunk.

"Put him down! Put him down at once!" cried Maggo's keeper.

But Maggo was not going to do that at once.

"Now is your chance, Tum Tum," said Maggo. "I'll hold this bad man, who gave you lemons instead of peanuts, and you can hit him with your trunk."

"No, I'll not do that," said Tum Tum, who was very gentle. "If I did, I might hurt him, for I strike very hard with my trunk. But I will fix him, so he will not play any more tricks on elephants."

Then Tum Tum dipped his trunk in a tub of water near by, and, suddenly, spurted it all over the man, making him as wet as if he had gone in swimming.

"Oh, my! Oh, dear! Oh, stop it!" cried the man excitedly, with the water squirting all over him.

"Let him down now, Maggo," said Tum Tum, with a queer little twinkle, like laughter, in his eyes. "I guess he won't want to play any more tricks."

Maggo set down the dripping man, who was glad enough to run away. He did not once look back.

"It served you right, for giving Tum Tum lemons," said a keeper. "Some elephants would have done worse than just to squirt water on you."

One afternoon it was very hot in the circus. It was so hot that the sides of the animal tent were lowered to let in the air, but, even at that it was not very cool.

"Don't you wish we were back in the jungle, near some river, where we could wade in and float until the sun went down?" asked Maggo of Tum Tum.

"Indeed I do," was the answer. "But there is no use wishing."

"It doesn't seem so," spoke Maggo, and she fanned herself with her large ears, in a way elephants have. "I wish I had something cool to drink," went on Maggo.

"Yes, a nice, cool drink would be just fine," said Tum Tum. "But I do not see where we are going to get it," he went on.

Then he happened to look over the side of the tent, which had been let down low, to allow the breeze to come in. What Tum Tum saw made him feel very good.

Just outside the tent, was a lemonade stand, and on the ground by it was a big washtub full of pink lemonade, the kind they always sell at circuses. Tum Tum stretched out his trunk, and found that he could easily reach the pink lemonade.

"I say, Maggo," called Tum Tum, in an elephant whisper. "I know how to get a cool drink."

"How?" asked Maggo. "Now, don't play any joke on me. I could not bear that. I am so thirsty!"

"No, this isn't a joke," said Tum Tum. "At least it isn't a joke on you. Come, we shall both have a drink. Put your trunk out over the side of the tent. On the ground outside is a big washtub, full of pink lemonade. We can easily suck it up through our trunks and drink it. Come on, I'll show you how to do it."

"Oh, fine!" cried Maggo. Then she and Tum Tum, not thinking it was wrong, put their trunks down in the pink lemonade, and sucked it all out, putting it into their mouths.

"Oh, but that's good!" cried Tum Tum, for the lemonade happened to be very sweet.

"It certainly is," said Maggo. "I wish there were more."



The two elephants sucked up all the pink lemonade from the washtub near the stand outside the tent. Then they felt much better, and cooler. They did not mind the heat so much.

But, in a little while, there was a great sound of some one shouting and calling outside the tent. It was the voice of the man who had made the pink lemonade to sell to those who came to see the circus.

"Oh, my lemonade!" cried the man. "My pink lemonade! It is all gone! Some one drank it all up, or else it leaked out of the tub! What shall I do? What shall I do?"

The man ran up and down, trying to find his lemonade, but it was all gone.

"Say, Tum Tum," said Maggo, "was that his lemonade we drank?"

"I—I guess it must have been," said Tum Tum. "But I didn't know it belonged to anybody. I thought it was just standing there in the tub, and that we might as well take it as anyone else."

"Well, it's too bad if we've taken the poor man's lemonade, that he was going to sell for money," said Maggo.

"Yes, it is," agreed Tum Tum. "But we can't help it now."

"Yes," spoke Maggo. "We can't do anything."

Just then the man who owned the lemonade looked up, and saw the trunks of the two elephants sticking out over the top of the tent. The man guessed what had happened.

"Ha! They took my lemonade!" the man cried. "They sucked it up through their trunks. Oh, they took my lemonade, and I'll make the circus pay for it!"

Tum Tum's keeper heard the noise the man was making, and came running up.

"What is the matter?" asked the circus man.

"Oh, yoy! Yoy!" cried the man. "Your elephants took all my pink lemonade, from the washtub where I had ice in it! They sucked it up in their rubber-hose trunks!"

"Tum Tum, did you and Maggo do that?" asked the keeper.

Tum Tum could not answer, of course. But the circus man looked at Tum Tum's long, white ivory tusks, and on one of them were some splashes of pink lemonade.

"Yes, Tum Tum, you did it," said the man. "Well, I won't punish you, for you did not know any better, I suppose."

"But what about my lemonade?" asked the peddler. "Don't I get paid for it?"

"Yes, I guess the circus will have to pay you," spoke the keeper. "After all, I am glad Tum Tum had it, for he has been a good elephant, and so has Maggo. I am glad they had it!"

The other elephants wished they had had some also, but there was not enough to go around. The keeper paid the man for the lemonade the elephants had taken, and the man made another washtub full. But this he took care to place far enough away from the tent, so the elephants could not reach over and suck it up in their trunks.

"Well, we made a lot of trouble, even though we did not mean to," said Tum Tum to Maggo that evening, when they were cooling off after the show. "But that lemonade tasted good, didn't it?"

"It certainly did," said Maggo with a sigh that almost shook the tent.

That night Tum Tum, and all the elephants, had to work very hard, pushing the heavy animal cages down the road to where they were loaded on the railroad cars to go to a distant city. As Tum Tum was pushing the cage of Sharp Tooth, the big tiger, he heard that striped animal talking with Roarer, the lion.

"Can you hear me, Roarer?" asked Sharp Tooth, as her cage was pushed alongside that of the King of Beasts.

"Yes, I can hear you, Sharp Tooth," said Roarer. "What is it you want to say?"

At this Tum Tum lifted wide his ears away from his sides, so he could hear better.

"I think something is going to happen," mused Tum Tum.

Then Tum Tum made up his mind that he would listen and find out what it was. He knew the tiger and lion were dangerous animals. They had never become tame, and were always trying to find a way to escape, or get loose from their cages.

"And if that's what they're trying this time, I'll stop them if I can," thought Tum Tum.

So, while he was pushing first the tiger, and then the lion cage along, he listened, though he pretended not to hear anything.

"What is it you want to tell me, Sharp Tooth?" asked Roarer.

"Listen carefully," answered the tiger. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes, yes," growled the lion again. "What is it? Be quick!"

"I know a way to get out of our cages," said the tiger. "If I tell you, will you come with me? Then we can run off to the woods, and live there until we can find our way back to the jungle. Will you come with me, Roarer?"

"Yes," said the lion, "I will. Tell me how to get out of my cage and back to the jungle."

The lion and tiger did not know that the jungle, where they had lived, was many miles away, across the big ocean.

"This is how we can get out," said Sharp Tooth. "You know when the man cleans our cages each night, he leaves the door unlocked so the feeding man can follow and put meat in easily."

"Does he do that?" asked the lion. "I never noticed."

"Yes, he always does that," said the tiger. "For a little while each evening, just before we are fed, the doors of our cages are not locked. We can easily push them open, before the meat man comes to feed us and closes them. We can get out then."

"But if we go before we get our meat, we shall be hungry," roared the lion.

"What of it, silly?" cried Sharp Tooth. "Is it not better to get away, and be hungry for a little while, than to stay here shut up in a cage all your life?"

"Well, I suppose it is," said the lion with a big sigh. "Then we are to come out of our cages to-night?"

"Yes, soon after the man has finished cleaning them, and has left the door unlocked. He does not know that I know about the door. I suppose he imagines I think it is as tightly shut as ever. But it isn't!"

"Good!" cried the lion. "Then we'll run away! But when?"

"To-night," hissed the tiger. "Be quiet now, some one may hear us."

"Ha! Some one has already heard you," thought Tum Tum. "So you are going to get away to-night, are you? Well, not if I know it! I'll stop you all right! It would never do to have you loose in the woods; all the people would be scared. Let me see, how can I stop you?"

Tum Tum wished he could speak man-talk, so he could tell the keepers what the lion and tiger were going to do. But Tum Tum could speak only animal language.

"But I can stay near the tiger's cage, and when he does get out, I can grab him in my trunk, before he has time to scratch me, and push him back in his cage again," thought Tum Tum. "By that time the keepers will come, and shut the cage doors. Yes, I'll do that with Sharp Tooth; but what about Roarer? I need help there. I'll get Maggo."

So Tum Tum told Maggo, about the lion and tiger going to escape from the circus.

"And if you'll stand in front of the lion's cage, he won't dare run very far," said Tum Tum to Maggo. "If you'll look after the lion, I'll look after the tiger."

"All right," said Maggo, "I shall. It would not be right for those fierce animals to get away."

Toward evening, when the show was over for the afternoon, Maggo and Tum Tum were allowed to roam about the animal tent a little, the chains being taken off their feet.

"Now's our time, Maggo," whispered Tum Tum. "You go over by the lion's cage, and I'll stay by the tiger's."

"All right, I will," said Maggo.

Over she went to stand in front of the lion's cage. The cleaning man had been around, and the doors of the cages were open.

Then, before Tum Tum could get to the tiger's cage, that big, striped beast gave one blow with his paw on the unlocked door, pushing it open. He sprang out, crying:

"Come on, Roarer! Come on with me. I'm out! Jump out through the door and we'll go to the jungle!"



Tum Tum tried to get in front of Sharp Tooth and stop the tiger from getting out of his cage, but the big elephant was not quick enough. Besides, the tiger moved so swiftly, that hardly any one could have stopped him.

"Come back here! Come back!" cried Tum Tum, when he saw Sharp Tooth running out of the tent.

"Indeed I will not! I'm off to the jungle!" snarled the striped beast. "Come on, Roarer!" she called.

But Roarer could not, for Maggo, the big elephant, had placed herself in front of the door of his cage, and was leaning against it. And Maggo was so big and heavy that Roarer could not push open the iron-barred door.

"Get out of my way!" cried the lion to the elephant.

"No, no! I will not!" answered brave Maggo.

Then the lion put his paws through the bars of the cage and scratched Maggo, but the lady elephant did not mind that. She made a loud noise through her trunk, and this call brought the keepers on the run. One of them saw what the matter was.

"Quick!" cried this keeper. "The lion's cage door is not fastened. He is trying to get out, but the elephant is holding him in. Quick! Fasten shut the door!"

Then the circus men, very quickly, made the door tightly shut, and that was the end of Roarer's chances for getting out. Oh, but that lion was angry!

He sprang about the cage, roaring loudly, but he could not get out to go and join Sharp Tooth, the tiger.

"Some of you put some salve on the elephant's scratches," said the head circus man, "while I look to see if any other animals have gotten loose."

Then he saw the open door of the tiger's cage, and he cried:

"Sharp Tooth is loose! We must go and find that tiger!"

Then some one else called:

"And Tum Tum is gone also!"

"What, Tum Tum gone!" cried the elephant trainer. "That's so," he said, as he saw that the place where Tum Tum used to stand was empty.

"I wonder where Tum Tum can be?" said the keeper. Maggo wished she could tell how Tum Tum had tried to stop the tiger from running away, but how the big elephant had not been in time. However, the head keeper must have guessed it.

"I don't believe Tum Tum ran away," he said. "He must have gone out after the tiger. Come on, we must find them both."

As it happened, the circus performance was over, so there were no boys or girls, or men and women, to be frightened by hearing that the tiger was loose. Sharp Tooth was so excited at getting out of the cage, that she did not try to bite anybody. She slipped out of the tent, and ran toward some woods near the circus lot.

But Tum Tum was right after her. The tiger could go along very fast, but the elephant could travel almost as quickly, and he kept right behind the striped beast.

"Ha! Go on back! Stop following me!" snarled Sharp Tooth.

"No, I'll not," answered the brave elephant. "I want you to come back to the circus."

"I'll never come!" snapped the tiger.

"Oh, yes, you will," the elephant said.

The tiger kept on, and Tum Tum followed. Finally the tiger ran up a tree and crouched out on a big limb.

"Ha! Now you can't follow me!" she said to the elephant. "You can't climb up this tree!"

"No, but I can stay here until you come down," said Tum Tum, "and that's what I'll do."

"Bah!" snarled the tiger. "Go away and let me alone!"

But Tum Tum would not. He stayed under the tree where the tiger was, for he knew that soon the circus men would come to hunt for Sharp Tooth, to put her back in her cage.

And, surely enough, that is just what happened. The head keeper could easily see which way the tiger and elephant had gone, for, though Sharp Tooth did not make much of a track, Tum Tum did. An elephant cannot crash and push his way through the bushes and trees without making a broad path. And this path the circus men followed. Soon they came to the tree in which Sharp Tooth was crouching.

"Here she is!" cried one. "Bring up the cage!"

The tiger's empty cage was wheeled under the tree, and the door was open. Inside was put a nice piece of meat, such as the tiger loved, and she was very hungry now.

"You had better go down in your cage and behave yourself," said Tum Tum.

"No, I will not!" snarled the tiger. But when the circus men snapped their whips, and fired off guns, and brought blazing torches, Sharp Tooth was afraid. Besides, she was very hungry, and as the lion had not run away with her, she was afraid she could never get to the jungle alone.

"I guess I had better go down in my cage," said the tiger. "But," she added to Tum Tum, "if ever I get a chance to scratch you, I will."

Into the cage she jumped, and the circus men slammed the door shut. The tiger was caught again.

"Good old boy, Tum Tum!" called the elephant's keeper to him, as they were going back to the animal tent. "You saved the tiger from getting away, and that was a good thing, for Sharp Tooth might have bitten someone. You are a very good elephant!"

This made Tum Tum feel quite happy, more happy even than did the nice big lumps of sugar, and loaves of bread, he was given for his supper as a reward.

For you know animals like to be spoken kindly to, as well we do, boys and girls. You just try it with your dog. Speak harshly to him, or scold him, and see how he cringes down, and tucks his tail between his legs. He knows when you are not kind to him.

And then try speaking nicely. Tell him what a good dog he is, and how much you like him, and see what a change there is.

He will jump up, and wag his tail, and bark, he is so glad because you are speaking kindly to him. And, if you let him, he will try to kiss you with his red tongue. Oh, yes, indeed, animals know a great deal more than most persons think they do.

So that was how Sharp Tooth got out of her cage, and how Tum Tum helped to catch her again. After that the animals' cages were never left open, even for a second.

"Did you get very scratched?" asked Tum Tum of Maggo, when everything was once more quiet in the animal tent.

"No, not much," answered the lady elephant.

"I'm sorry I was not quick enough for the tiger," said Tum Tum. "Never mind, it is all over now."

Then the two elephant friends stood side by side in the tent and ate hay and talked to each other in elephant language.

And now my story of Tum Tum is drawing to a close. I shall tell you one more thing that happened to him, and then I am finished.

One day the circus was showing near a large city, and great crowds of people came out to see it. There were boys and girls—more than Tum Tum had ever seen before. The big tent was full.

Tum Tum did all his tricks as best he could. He stood on his head, and on his hind legs. He sat up at the table, and made believe eat a meal. In this trick Mappo, the merry monkey, had a part, for he sat up with Tum Tum, and they both ate.

When the circus was almost over, and Tum Tum had played soldier, and marched out of the ring carrying Mappo on his back, while Mappo waved a flag, the little monkey, who could see out of the top of the tent said:

"Tum Tum, we are going to have a big thunder shower. I can see the lightning and the black clouds."

"Well, it will not hurt us," said Tum Tum. "We often used to have thunder storms in the jungle, and here we are under a tent."

Then, suddenly the storm came. It grew very black, and the thunder and lightning frightened the big crowds in the circus tent. It rained very hard, too, so that some of the tent ropes were made loose and slipped.

"Run out, quick!" suddenly called a man. "The tent is going to fall on us! Run, everybody!"

"No! Sit still! Keep your seats!" the circus men cried, but the crowd was frightened and ran.

Just then, one of the big poles of the tent began to fall.

"That pole must not fall!" cried Tum Tum's keeper. "But how can I hold it up? I am not strong enough."

Then he looked at Tum Tum, the big elephant.

"Ha! Tum Tum will hold up the pole, until all the people get out of the tent!" cried the circus man. "Here, Tum Tum," he called. "Hold up this pole."

Tum Tum knew what was wanted of him. He pushed his strong head against the pole, and it did not fall over. Tum Tum held it up, and the tent did not come down.

"Tum Tum, you are a fine elephant!" cried his master. "I love you!"

The rain was soon over, and that night, after the evening performance, the circus went on to another town.

That brings me to the end of Tum Tum's adventures. But I have some stories about other animals, and in the next book I'll tell you about "Don, a Runaway Dog; His Many Adventures."

As for Tum Tum, he lived in the circus for many, many years, growing older and stronger and wiser every day, and everybody thought he was the jolliest elephant in all the world.


STORIES FOR CHILDREN (From four to nine years old)



In all nursery literature animals have played a conspicuous part; and the reason is obvious for nothing entertains a child more than the antics of an animal. These stories abound in amusing incidents such as children adore and the characters are so full of life, so appealing to a child's imagination, that none will be satisfied until they have met all of their favorites—Squinty, Slicko, Mappo, Tum Tum, etc.


Cloth, Large 12mo., Illustrated, Per vol. 50 cents

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