The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 7. - Poetry
by George Gordon Byron
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Dervishes, the, i. 492; iii. 254

Derwentwater, iv. 525

Desaix de Voygoux, Louis Charles Antoine, vi. 14

Descamisados, or Sansculottes of the Spanish Revolution, vi. 456

Deshayes, ballet-master at the King's Theatre, i. 347

De Silver and Co., i. 452, 453

des Issarts, Marquis de Forbin, v. 566

Desmoulins, Camille, vi. 14

d'Este, Marquis, of Tuscany, ii. 354; iii. 503

d'Este, Alfonso, ii. 486

d'Este II., Alfonso, Duke of Ferrara, iv. 266

d'Este, Borso, ii. 354

d'Este, Ercolo, ii. 354

d'Este, Hugo, iii. 503

d'Este, Leonora, ii. 355; iv. 145, 147, 148, 151, 152

d'Este, Lionel, ii. 354

d'Este, Luigi, Cardinal, ii. 486; iv. 146

d'Este, Niccolo, Marquis, iii. 505-507

d'Este, Ugo, iii. 505-507

Destruction of Sennacherib, The, iii. 404

Detached Thoughts, i. 99, 205; ii. 301; iv. 75, 179, 562, 580, 584; v. 485; vi. 270, 360, 509

Dettingen, battle of, vi. 12

Deuteronomy, ii. 294; iv. 499

Devil's Drive, The, i. 30; vii. 21-34

Devonshire, Elizabeth, Duchess of, ii. 410; iii. 31; vi. 70, 488

Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of, v. 329, 378

Devonshire, William Spencer, 6th Duke of (Byron's "Duke of Dash"), vi. 50

Dewick and Clarke, printers, vii. 3

D'Herbelot, Bibliothque Orientale, ii. 149; iii. 76, 109, 120, 145, 173; iv. 113; v. 280; vi. 292

d'Houdetot, Comtesse, ii. 265, 300

Diana, vi. 151

Dibdin, Thomas John, i. 341; iv. 338; The Jew and the Doctor; Mother Goose, i. 345, 346; The Grinders, or more Grist to the Mill, vii. 61

Dickens, Charles, v. 114; vi. 208; Tale of Two Cities, vi. 435

Dictionary of Antiquities, vi. 151

Dictionary of National Biography, ii. 25, 280; iv. 501, 503, 513; v. 589; vi. 67

Diderot, ii. 266

Dido, i. 157

Diez, iv. 171

Digentia river, ii. 523

Dilettanti Society, i. 378, 379, 454; ii. xi, 109

Dillman, Professor, Ethiopic Text of Book of Enoch, v. 302

Dillon, Charles, actor, iv. 78

Dinner-bell, "the Tocsin of the Soul," vi. 232

Diocletian, iii. 308

Diocletian's (Pompey's) Pillar, v. 548

Diodati, Villa, ii. 257, 300

Diodorus Siculus, Bibliothec Historic, v. 3-5, 11, 14, 21, 81, 106, 405, 543

Diogenes, ii. 241; v 565; vi. 303, 436

Diogenes Laertius, i. 18, 414; De Vit et Sententiis, vi. 585

Dion Cassius, ii. 179; Hist. Rom., ii. 411, 510, 511, 512; iv. 370

Dionisus, G.J., Canonico di Verona, ii. 496

Dionysius, ii. 413; Antiq. Rom., ii. 510, 512, 513, 518

Dionysius the Areopagite, Celestial Hierarchy, v. 286

Dionysius of Halicarnassus, ii. 497

Dionysius the Younger, iii. 311

Dionysus, India occupied by, v. 21

Dirce river, ii. 189

Disdar, ii. 187

Disraeli, Benjamin, Vivian Grey, vi. 504, 506

Disraeli, Isaac (Curiosities of Literature), ii. 468, 470; iii. 217, 499; vi. 555

d'Istria, Count Capo, v. 575

Djerrid, or jerreed, Turkish javelin, iii. 97

Dniper river, vi. 201, 202, 208, 211, 233

Dniester river, vi. 362

Dodona, site of, ii. 132

Dodsley, A., The Ordinary, ii. 17; Description of the Leasowes, iii. 41; Plays, v. 200

Dodwell, E., Classical Tour, i. 455; iii. 272; Tour through Greece, vi. 151

Dog-tax Bill, 1796, vii. 49

D'Ohsson, Mouradja, Tableau gnrale de l'Empire Othoman, ii. 136, 206; iii. 176, 206

Dolabella, ii. 405

Dolce, Carlo, vi. 502

Dolfin Cronaca, v. 117, 118, 121, 172

Dolfino, Doge Giovanni, ii. 475

d'Olivet, M. l'Abb (Thoulier), Histoire de l'Acadmie Franaise, ii. 485

Dolman, Miss Maria, iii. 41

Domestic Pieces (Poems), ii. 247, 426

Domitian, ii. 408; iv. 334

Domitius Marsus, i. 73

Don, brig of, vi. 405

Don Juan, i. 260, 203, 362, 403, 434; ii. 30, 59, 139, 149, 227, 281, 332, 342, 366, 372, 374, 441; iii. 13, 397, 463, 481, 488, 490, 494, 495; iv. 16, 17, 47, 60, 125, 132, 165, 184, 195, 226, 232, 238, 243, 279, 280, 475-477, 566, 570, 578; v. 159, 202-204, 351, 396, 497, 568, 584; vi.; vii. 9, 25, 76, 77

Don Quixote, i. 490

Donati, Corso, iv. 253

Donati, Gemma, iv. 253

Donate, Andrea, v. 123

Donate, Ermolao (or Almoro), v. 116, 134

Donatus, Tib. Cl., ii. 514; Life of Virgil, ii. 407

Donne, Dr., vii. 19

Donoughmore, Earl of, Byron's speech on motion for Committee on Roman Catholic claims, iv. 561

Doomsday Book, vi. 411

Dorchester, Lady, ii. 319; iv. 548, 566; vi. 608

Doria, Paganino, iv. 356

Doria, Pietro (Genoese admiral), ii. 338, 476, 497

Doria, transcript of Sanudo's Diaries, iv. 326

Doroshnko, Peter, President of the Western Ukraine, iv. 201

Dorotheus of Mitylene, Archbishop of Monembasia, Univ. Hist., ii. 198

D'Orsay, Count Alfred, "Cupidon dchan," vi. 507, 526, 547

Dorset, Charles Sackville, Earl of, To all you Ladies, etc., i. 198, 418

Dorset, George John Frederick, 4th Duke of, i. 194; iii. 423, 425

Douce, Francis, edition of Holbein's Dance of Death, vi. 555

Dover, vi. 420

Dover, Lord, preface to Walpole's Letters to Sir H. Mann, iv. 339

Dowden, Edward, Life of Shelley, ii. 145, 258, 300; iv. 475

Downie, Commodore, iv. 198; vi. 508

Drachenfels, Castle of, ii. 249, 295; vi. 419

Dramali, Turkish general, v. 556

"Drapery misses," vi. 442

Drayton, Michael, The Barons' Wars, iii. 405

Dream, The, i. 210; ii. 219, 220, 260, 332; iv. 31-41, 63, 404, 544

Dresden, re-entered by Napoleon, v. 553; battle of, vi. 14

Drexel Institute, vii. 63

Dromedary, "ship of the desert," v. 606

Drouineau, Gustave, Rienzo, ii. 415

Druid oak, Newstead Abbey, vi. 497

"Druids," the, i. 443; ii. 213

Drummond, Sir William, iv. 337; A Review of the Government of Athens and Sparta; Herculanensia, ii. 204 Academical Questions, ii. 422; vi. 528

Drury Lane Theatre, burnt, i. 417; Byron's Address, iii. 51; iv. 69; Manfred at, iv. 78; Marino Faliero at, iv. 324, 328; the sub-Committee, iv. 338, 584; Sardanapalus at, v. 2; The Two Foscari at, v. 114; Werner at, v. 324; Lee's The New Peerage at, v. 337; Don Juan: or, The Libertine at, vi. 11; Nourjahad at, vii. 33 Manuel; Ina at, vii. 48

Drury, Henry, i. 25, 84, 88; ii. xvii, 100; iii. 13, 27; vi. 280; vii. 8, 10

Drury, Dr. Joseph, Headmaster of Harrow ("Probus"), i. 15, 16, 17, 25, 86, 89, 90, 94, 103; ii. 387

Drury, Mark, i. 17, 89

Dryden, John, on the Earl of Dorset, i. 198; his Virgil, i. 220, 477; referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 305, 306, 312; Byron's support of, i. 368; a translator, i. 375; in Hints from Horace, i. 395, 397; Almanzor, i. 398; a caricature of, i. 401; Alexander's Feast, ii. 123; iv. 446; Absalom and Achitophel, ii. 420; vi. 482; Cymon and Iphigenia, iii. 59; "the ponderous ball expires," iii. 493; Palamon and Arcite, iv. 26; Georgics, iv. 208; a borrower from Boccaccio, iv. 316; to "partake," iv. 362; "Thou shall believe in," vi. 74; Indian Emperor, vi. 178; Theodore and Honoria, vi. 180; "Dedication" of the neis, vi. 182; his publisher Tonson, vii. 57

Dublin Examiner, iii. 473

Dublin University Magazine, iv. 82; vi. xx

Dubois, Edward, My Pocket-Book, etc., i. 378, 379

Dubost, i. 390

Dubourdieu, Admiral, iii. 25

Ducange, Glossarium ad Scriptores Med., etc., ii. 435

Ducato, Cape (Leucadia's Cape), ii. 125

Duel, The, iv. 542

Duff, Mary (Mrs. Robert Cockburn), i. 192

Duff, Sir M.E. Grant, Notes from a Diary, i. 293

Dufferin, Lady, i. 343

Dugdale, Monasticon, v. 200, 207

Dugdale, Sir William, A Short View of the Late Troubles in England, vi. 174

Duke William, wreck of the transport, vi. 95

Dulauloy, General, vii. 24

Dumarsais, i. 402

Dumouriez (Dumourier), General Charles Franois Duperier, Memoirs, vi. 12, 13

Dunbar, battle of, ii. 394

Duncan, vi. 14

Dunning, John, iv. 513

Dupaty, President, ii. 508

Dupont, Marshal, ii. 54

Duppa, R., Life of Michael Angelo, iv. 272, 273

Dupr, F., v. 554

Dura, in Assyria, vi. 504

Duran, H., Romancero General, iv. 529

Duris, the historian, v. 11

Dwarfs, vi. 242

Dyce, Rev. Alexander, iii. 348; Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, vi. 78

Dyer, George, Country Walk, iii. 330; Sketch of Southey, vi. 175

Dying gladiator, statue of the, ii. 432


E Nihilo Nihil; or, An Epigram Bewitched, vii. 55

Earl of Abergavenny, wreck of the ship, vi. 91

Early English Text Society, v. 207, 496

Early Poems from Various Sources, i. 210-285

Earthquakes, ii. 377, 505

East India Co., i. 377; vi. 236

Eastlake, Sir C.L., his picture "Byron's Dream," iv. 37

Eccentric Review, i. 322

Ecclesiastes, i. 307; vi. 303

Ecclesiasticus, ii. 155

Eckermann, Conversations with Goethe, iv. 157, 327, 328; v. 119, 122, 199, 204

Eckersall, Harriet (Mrs. T.R. Malthus), vi. 461

Eckersall, John, vi. 461

Eclectic Review, i. 379, 430, 431, 432; iii. 444, 493, 500; iv. 6, 158, 203, 240; v. 204, 329; vi. 162

Edgcumbe, or Edgcombe, Richard, ii. 430; iii. 72; iv. 15

Edgeworth, Maria, vi. 18

Edinburgh Annual Register, i. 435, 436

Edinburgh Evening Post, i. 430

Edinburgh Monthly Magazine, afterwards Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, q.v.

Edinburgh Review, i. xiv, 202, 292, 294, 301-303, 305, 310, 330, 331, 336-341, 382, 392, 395, 429, 432; ii. xv, 109, 196, 201, 204, 213, 315, 360; iii. 77, 151, 219, 377; iv. 6, 48, 80, 158, 239, 313, 329, 342, 513, 574; v. 5, 119, 204, 280, 282, 338, 551; vi. xx, 9, 51, 67, 76, 172, 175, 403, 445, 459, 551; vii. 32

Edinburgh Weekly Journal, vi. xix

Edleston (Byron's "Cornelian"), i. 66; ii. 104

Edom, Sea of, vi. 122

Edu, Rajah of Ellichpur, v. 631

Edward the Black Prince, i. 107; vi. 422

Edward III., vi. 496

Edward VI., iv. 542

Edwards, Captain, of the Pandora frigate, v. 584

Edwards, Dr., Master of Sidney Sussex Coll., Cambridge, i. 417

Egan, Pierce, Life in London, i. 321, 434; vi. 431-433; Anecdotes of the Turf, vi. 433

Egeria, ii. 454, 515; Grotto of, ii. 416

Egerton MSS., in British Museum, i. 235, 293, 387; ii. xvi

Eginhard, iv. 288

Egotism. A Letter to J.T. Becher, i. 247

Egripo, the Negropont, iii. 173

Egypt, evacuated by the French, ii. 108; the Pyramids of, v. 550

Ehrenbreitstein, ii. 251, 297

Eiger, the Grosse, iv. 129

Ekenhead, Lieutenant, iii. 13

Elam, v. 4

Elchingen, Michel Ney, Duke of, vi. 373

Eldon, John Scott, Earl of, ii. 213; iv. 328, 482; v. 203; vi. 460, 569; vii. 13, 29

Elector Palatine, the, i. 2

Electric telegraph, invention of the, iv. 505

Elegiac Stanzas, i. 5

Elegiac Stanzas on the Death of Sir Peter Parker, Bart., iii. xix, 417

Elegy, vii. 75

Elegy on Newstead Abbey, i. 116

Elena, Duchess, iv. 367

Elgin, Lady, i. 452

Elgin, Lord, and the Elgin Marbles, i. 378, 452-474; ii. x, xi, 100, 106, 108-110, 167, 168, 172, 188

Elizabeth, Princess, i. 437

Elizabeth, Queen, i. 197; ii. 453

Ellenborough, Lord, vi. 265; vii. 29

Ellice, v. 555

Ellis, A.G. (British Museum), iii. 95

Ellis, F.S., ed. Golden Legend, iv. 494; vi. 33, 230, 273

Ellis, George Agar, i. 396; ii. xiii; iii. 77, 94, 151, 219, 321; iv. 514

Elliston, Robert W., iii. 51; iv. 338; Memoirs of, iv. 328

Elmsley, Professor, vii. 52

Elosa, v. 634

Elze, Karl, Life of Lord Byron, i. xi, 4, 18; ii. 248, 352; iv. 14, 543

Encina, Juan del, Teatro Completo, v. 207

Encyclopdia Biblica, v. 4, 219, 491

Encyclopdia Britannica, iii. 107, 130; v. 558

Encyclopdia Metropolitana, ii. 415

Encyclopdie, La Grande, v. 566

Endor, witch of, iii. 392; iv. 108

Endorsement to the Deed of Separation, in the April of 1816, vii. 41

Engen, battle of, vi. 14

Englaender, Dr. D., Lord Byron's Mazeppa, iv. 214, 220

Englische Studien, iv. 214, 324, 329

English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. xiv, 128, 203, 289-384, 387, 406, 409, 431, 443, 448, 453, 454; ii. ix, x, 108, 109, 202, 304, 205, 366; iii. 32, 196, 210, 324, 435; iv. 21, 182, 244, 519, 555; v. 537, 540; vi. 50, 67, 292, 587; vii. 6, 15

Enigma on the Letter I (spurious), iii. xxi

Ennui, "the best of friends," vi. 176; "a growth of English root," vi. 512

Enoch, Book of, v. 281, 286, 291, 302, 311

Ensor, Miss Fanny, as "Myrrha" in Sardanapalus, v. 2

Eos (Dawn), v. 497

Epaminondas, ii. 155; vi. 376

Ephesians, v. 233

Epicurus, vi. 139

Epigram, vii. 65

Epigram. From the French of Rulhires, vii. 62

Epigram on an Old Lady who had some curious notions respecting the Soul, vii. 1

Epigram on the Braziers' Address to be presented in armour by the Company to Queen Caroline, vii. 72

Epigrams, vii. 81

Epilogue, vii. 63

Epirus, ii. 127

Episode of Nisus and Euryalus, i. xii, 151, 177

Epistle from Mr. Murray to Dr. Polidori, vii. 47

Epistle to a Friend in answer to some lines, etc., ii. 163; iii. 28

Epistle to Augusta, ii. 247, 456, 457; iv. 56, 57, 152; vi. 498

Epistle to Mr. Murray, vii. 51

Epitaph, vii. 65

Epitaph for Joseph Blacket, late Poet and Shoemaker, i. 359; vii. 11

Epitaph for William Pitt, vii. 64

Epitaph on a Beloved Friend, i. 18; ii. 137

Epitaph on John Adams of Southwell, vii. 1

Erasmus, ii. 281; Naufragium, vi. 93

Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Catasterismi, ii. 439

Eratostratus, i. 467

Erechtheum, the, i. 463; ii. 106

Erechtheus, ii. 102

Erizzo, Nicolas, ii. 472; v. 117, 134

Erneis, or Ernysius, vi. 410, 411

Ernst, W., Memoirs of the Life of Lord Chesterfield, vi. 525

Eros, iv. 105

Erskine, Thomas, Lord ("Strongbow from Tweed"), i. 429; iii. 45; vi. 509, 596; vii. 66

Esarhaddon, v. 4

Esau, v. 285

Eschinard, Descrizione di Roma, etc., ii. 516, 517

Esdaile, Mrs. (Shelley's eldest daughter), ii. 13

Espadas, or matadors, ii. 68

spinasse, F., Life of Voltaire, ii. 282

Essling, battle of, vi. 14

Este. See d'Este

Esterhazy, Prince, v. 539

Eteocles, v. 403

Ethiopians, Book of Enoch preserved by the, v. 302

Etna, v. 55

Eton, William, A Survey of the Turkish Empire, ii. 191, 194

Etruria, king of, ii. 90

Eucrates, ii. 393

Euganean hills, ii. 483

Eugene, Prince, Mmoires, iii. 256, 455; iv. 331

Eunapius Sardianus, Vit Philosophorum et Sophistarum, Philostratorum, etc., iv. 105

Euphrates, river, v. 15, 108

Euripides, Medea, i. 168; vii. 10; Hippolytus, v. 496

European Magazine, i. 343; iii. 444, 500; iv. 99, 490; v. 329

Eurotas' banks (Laconia), ii. 150

Euryalus, i. 151, 175; ii. 387

Eurystheus, ii. 431

Eusebius, ii. 513; v. 281; Chron., v. 107

Eustace, Classical Tour in Italy, i. 452; ii. 440, 500, 516, 524

Euthanasia, iii. 39

Eutropius, Hist. Rom. Brev., ii. 411; the Eunuch, vi. 8

Euxine Sea, ii. 455; vi. 219, 220

Evans, Mr., Master at Harrow, i. 25, 89

Eve's curse, v. 271

Evening Statesman, i. 319

Examiner, ii. 215; iii. xx, 304, 389, 427, 428, 436, 438, 532-534, 538; iv. 478; v. 204, 540; vi. xx; vii. 17, 40

Eyre, trunk-maker, i. 437

Ezekiel, iv. 43


Fabius, i. 220

Fabricius, Script. Gr. Var., iii. 122

Facciolati, ii. 92

Fagiono, Stefano, iv. 464

Fagiuolo, Niccolo, iv. 464

Fagniani, Maria (Lady Yarmouth), i. 501

Fairburn, John, The Stripling Bard; or, The Apostate Lartreate, iv. 521

Fairfax, Edward, translation of Tasso's Ger. Lib., iii. 362; iv. 296

Falbowski, the pane (Lord), iv. 201, 212

Falconer, William, The Shipwreck, ii. 169

Faliero, Dogaressa Aluica, iv. 448

Faliero, Bertuccio, iv. 346, 367, 464

Faliero, Lucia, iv. 365

Faliero, Marino, iv. 239, 240; story of, iv. 462; Petrarch on the Conspiracy of, iv. 468

Faliero, Doge Ordetafo, iv. 336, 390

Faliero, Doge Vitale, iv. 336, 390

Falkland, Charles John Cary, 9th Viscount, i. 351

Falkland, Lucius Cary, Lord, i. 121, 128, 432; iv. 21

Falkner, Mr., i. xii

Fandango, the, i. 492

Fanshawe, Harriet, Enigma on the Letter H., iii. xx

Fare Thee Well, iii. 537

Farewell! if ever fondest prayer, iii. 409

Farewell Petition to J.C.H., Esq., vii. 7

Farewell to England (spurious), iii. xx

Farewell to Malta, iii. 24

Farewell to the Muse, i. 254

Farish, Rev. W., i. 417

Farquhar, The Beaux' Stratagem, i. 415; iv. 481; Recruiting Officer, ii. 88

Fas, or Fez, vi. 197, 198

Faucit, Helen, as "Angiolina" in Marino Faliero, iv. 324; as "Marina" in The Two Foscari, v. 114; as "Josephine" in Werner, v. 324

Faunus, Lucius, De Antiq. Urb. Rom., ii. 510-513

Fauvel, M., ii. 99, 168, 187, 190

Favell, iv. 225

Favila, Duke of Cantabria, v. 558

Fazillac, M. Roux-, iv. 514

Fazzioli, Venetian kerchiefs, vi. 83

Fea, the Abbate, Spiegazione dei Rami Storia, etc., ii. 518

Feere, consort or mate, ii. 22

"Feeble" used for "foible," vi. 550

Feinagle, Gregor von, vi. 16

Fellowes, Henry Wallop, vi. 569

Fnlon, Tlmaque, ii. 118; vi. 303

Fennell, C.A.M., Ancient Marbles in Great Britain, i. 455

Fenwick, John, translation of Dumourier's Memoirs, vi. 13

Ferdinand and Isabella, ii. 47

Ferdinand V. of Spain, vi. 212

Ferdinand VII. of Spain, ii. 54, 55, 78, 90, 91; v. 538, 558

Ferdousi, i. 353

Ferney, iv. 53

Ferrand, M., Histoire des Trois Dmembremens de la Pologne, v. 551

Ferrara, ii. 312, 354, 503, 505; iv. 141

Ferrara, Alfonso d'Este II., Duke of, iv. 266; vi. 212

Ferrari, Girolamo, iii. 441

Festus, De Verb. Signif., ii. 437

Fewterel, the prize-fighter, i. 433

Fiandra, Comte Baldovino di, iv. 352

Ficino, ii. 365, 495; iv. 280

Fielding, Beau, iv. 541

Fielding, The Tragedy of Tragedies, or the Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great, i. 313, 389, 392, 436; Amelia, i. 385; The Golden Rump, i. 414; Jonathan Wild, ii. 171; iv. 284; Tom Jones, ii. 386; iv. 284, 332; History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews, iv. 284; vi. 254, 511; Journey from this World to the Next, iv. 483, 518; his "superior grossness," vi. xviii, 210; his use of "was," vi. 208

Fielding, Sir John, Bow Street magistrate, i. 416

Figuranti, vi. 207

Fiji, v. 599

Filicaja, Poesie Toscaine, ii. 312, 361

Fill the goblet again, i. 283

Finden, Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord Byron, ii. 11

Fingall, Arthur James Plunkett, 8th Earl of, iv. 559

Finlay, History of Greece, ii. 107, 139, 140, 146, 165, 175, 180, 193, 441; v. 556; vi. 168; Greece under Othoman and Venetian Domination, iii. 166, 194, 195, 481

Finley, John, the pioneer, vi. 349

First Kiss of Love, The, i. 82

Fitger, Arthur, iv. 324

Fitzgerald, Colonel, iv. 157

Fitzgerald, Edward, translation of Rubiyt of Omar Khayym, iii. 87, 109

Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, iv. 548

Fitzgerald, Percy, Life of George IV., i. 416

Fitzgerald, W.L., The Tyrant's Downfall, iii. 435

Fitzgerald, William Thomas (Nelson's Triumph; Tears of Hibernia; Nelson's Tomb), i. 297, 444, 448, 481, 485; iii. 312; iv. 549

Fitzpatrick, Richard, Dorinda: a Town Eclogue, i. 500

Flaminius, Consul, ii. 505, 508

Flaminius Vacca, Memorie, ii. 508, 509, 511, 515

Flash language, instances of, vi. 431-433

Flavian Amphitheatre (Colosseum), Rome, ii. 423-435

Fletcher, Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, i. 415; The Two Noble Kinsmen, ii. 217

Fletcher of Saltoun, Andrew, An Account of a Conversation, etc., v. 602

Fletcher, William (Byron's servant), ii. 28, 52; iii. 381; iv. 367; vii. 6, 8

Fletcher, Mrs. William, vi. 22

Florence, ii. 312; iv. 249; Uffizzi Gallery at, ii. 365

Florence Miscellany, i. 358

Florentine nobility, the, ii. 365

Florus, ii. 179

Foix, Odet de, v. 498

Folger, Captain Mayhew, of the American ship Topaz, v. 582, 622

Fontainebleau, Treaty of, ii. 90

Fontenelle, Le Bovier de, Entretiens sur la Pluralit des Mondes, ii. 198; iv. 523; vi. 246

Fontenoy, battle of, vi. 12

Foote, Samuel, The Mayor of Garratt, i. 412

Fop's Alley, i. 410; vii. 58

Forbes, Lady Adelaide; ii. 447; vi. 116

Forbes, Sir W., Life of Beattie, ii. 5, 479

Forbin des Issarts, Marquis de, v. 566

Ford, John, i. 304, 397; 'Tis Pity she's a Whore, iv. 377

Fold, Richard, Handbook for Spain, ii. 54, 57, 68, 79; vi. 116

Forli, vi. 212

Forman, Alfred, The Metre of Dante's Comedy discussed and exemplified, iv. 239

Forman, H. Buxton, i. xi; Prose Works of P.B. Shelley, iv. 3, 18, 100; vi. xix; The Metre of Dante's Comedy, etc., iv. 239

Forster, John, v. 114

Forster the murderer, i. 308; vi. 50

Forsyth, Joseph, Remarks on Antiquities, etc., in Italy, ii. 435, 484

Forsyth, William, History of the Captivity of Napoleon, v. 544-546, 548

Forteguerri, Ricciardetto, iv. 156, 166, 176, 319

Fortunes of Nigel, i. 351

Foscari, Doge Francesco, ii. 327, 507; iv. 459; v. 115, 117, 118; vi. 199

Foscari, Jacopo, v. 115

Foscari, Lucrezia (ne Contarini), v. 115, 130

Foscari, Marco, v. 118

Foscari, Maria, or Marina (ne Nani), v. 115

Foscari, Nicol, v. 115

Foscolo, Ugo, ii. 324, 496; iv. 156, 166, 281, 319, 367, 436, 457

Foster, Augustus, iii. 31

Foster, Vere, The Two Duchesses, iii. 31; vii. 15

Foston-le-Clay (Foston, All Saints) Vicarage, vi. 596

Foulon, Joseph Franois, vi. 435

Four-Horse Club, the, vii. 26

Fox, C.J., i. 113; vi. 9; Byron's On the Death of Mr., i. 34; Monodies on, i. 356; his friend Fitzpatrick, i. 500; one of "the wondrous Three," iv. 75; "with Fox's lard was basting William Pitt," iv. 511; History of James II., iii. 170; his grave in Westminster Abbey, v. 541

Fox, Charles Richard, ii. 80

Fracassetti, Giuseppe, Petrarch's Letters, ii. 351

Fragment, A, i. 21, 192; iii. 123; iv. 47, 51, 193, 203

Fragment from the Monk of Athos, iii. 18

Fragment of an Epistle to Thomas Moore, vii. 39

Fragment of a Novel by Byron, iv. 20

Fragment of a Translation from the 9th Book of Virgil's neid, i. xii, 151

Fragment—written shortly after the marriage of Miss Chaworth, i. 210

Fragments of School Exercises: from the "Prometheus Vinctus" of schylus, i. 14

Fragonard, his portrait of Franklin, v. 554

Frame Workers' Bill, i. 412, 495

France, v. 553

Francesca of Rimini, iv. 313-322

Francis I., Emperor of Austria, i. 489; v. 498, 503, 539, 573, 576

Francis Maria II., Duke of Rovere, ii. 498

Francis, Sir Philip, iv. 513

Franguestan (Circassia), iii. 111

Frankfort, i. 489

Franklin, Benjamin, iv. 516; Opinions and Conjectures concerning ... Electrical Matter, etc., v. 554

Fraser, Mrs. Susan, Camilla de Florian, iii. 26

Fraser's Magazine, iv. 542; v. 204

Fraticelli, Il Canzoniere di Dante, iv. 248

Frederick the Great, i. 107; vi. 337

Frederick II. of Prussia, ii. 209, 282; iv. 334; v. 637

Frederick William III. of Prussia, v. 539, 550, 553, 577; vii. 39

French, Waterloo and the, vi. 345

French Revolution, ii. 82; vi. 13, 14

Frere, J. Hookham, i. 395; ii. 327, iii. 151; vii. 48, 49; The Rovers, or the Double Arrangement, ii. 7; British Minister, Spain, ii. 79; The Needy Knife-Grinder, ii. 80; his article in Q.R. on Lady Morgan's France, ii. 187; Whistlecraft, iv. 155, 156, 279, 283; vi. xvi; vii. 53; the ottava rima, iv. 238

Frron, Elie Catharine, ii. 282

Friar, the Black, at Newstead Abbey, vi. 576, 578, et seq.

Fricker, Edith (Mrs. R. Southey), iv. 521; vi. 175

Fricker, Mary (Mrs. Robert Lovell), iv. 521

Fricker, Sarah (Mrs. S.T. Coleridge), iv. 521; vi. 175

Fricker, Stephen, vi. 175

Friendly Islands, the, v. 581

Friuli's mountains (Julian Alps), ii. 348

Frizzi, Antonio, Memorie per la Storia di Ferrara, iii. 507

From Anacreon, i. 149

From the French, iii. 428; vii. 76

From the Portuguese ("Tu mi chamas"), iii. 71

Frosini, or Phrosine, iii. 145

Frundsberg, George, leader of the Landsknechts, v. 520

Fry, Elizabeth, vi. 425

Fryer, John, master of the Bounty, v. 594

Fugitive Pieces, i. xi, 1-75, 213; iii. 381, 383, 387, 388, 390, 400, 438; iv. 584

Fuller, Worthies: Lincolnshire, vi. 596

Fullerton, Lady Georgiana, v. 329

Fulvius Ursinus, ii. 510, 517

Funck-Brentano, M. Frantz, L'Homme au Masque de Velours Noir, iv. 514

Furius Leptinus, ii. 520

Furtwaengler, A., Masterpieces of Ancient Greek Sculpture, ii. 446

Fusina, ii. 349; vii. 72


Gabor, Bethlen, king of Hungary, iv. 331; v. 349, 352

Gabriel of Bergamo, Bishop, iv. 467

Gaddi, Cardinal de', v. 516

Gail, Jean Baptiste, ii. 197

Galahad, iv. 320

Galiffe, J.A., Notices Gnalogiques sur les Familles Genevoises, iv. 5; Galignanis Gazette (or Messenger), i. 452; iv. 338; v. 540; vii. 80

Galileo Galilei, ii. 369, 496; vi. 610

Galiongee, or galiongi, Turkish sailor, iii. 184

Gall, Richard, i. 211; vi. 462

Gallehault, iv. 320

Gallienus, vi. 446

Gallo, Cape, iii. 248

Gallois, Lonard, Historie de Napolon d'aprs lui-mme, iii. 304

Galt, John, Voyages and Travels, i. 492; Life of Lord Byron, iii. 150, 205; vi. 195

Galvani, Professor, i. 308; vi. 50

Galvanism, i. 307; vi. 50

Gamba, Count, vi. 179, A Narrative of Lord Byron's Last Journey to Greece, vii. 86

Gambas, the, iv. 259

Gambier, Admiral Lord, i. 468

Gandia, Duke of, iii. 367

Garcia, H.E. Don Juan, vi. 437

Garcilasso, or Garcias Lasso, de la Vega, vi. 40

Gardiki sacked by Ali Pasha, ii. 139 Garnett, Dr. Richard (keeper of Printed Books in the British Museum), Italian Literature, ii. 324, 351, 370; iv. 281; v. 535

Garrick, David, i. 26, 344, 409; iii. 51, 52, 53; Lying Valet, i. 400; produces Don Juan; or, The Libertine Destroyed, at Drury Lane Theatre, vi. 11

Garter, story of the, ii. 7

Garth, vi. 236

Gas, nitrous oxide, i. 307

Gas first used in London, vi. 434

Gas Light and Coke Co., i. 307

Gascoigne, M.P. for Liverpool, i. 479

Gaston de Foix, Due de Nemours, vi. 212

Gastuni, iii. 184

Gates, General, vi. 12

Gauls, the, ii. 413; iv. 331, 334

Gautier, Lon, Voyage en Espagne, ii. 67, Les Epopes Franaises, v. 496

Gavotto, or Cabotto, Giovanni, iv. 262 Gay, The Beggar's Opera, i. 416, iv. 75; vii. 74; Trivia, iv. 160, Epitaph, vi. 561

Gayarr, Charles tienne Arthur, History of Louisiana; Fernando de Lemos, iii. 298

Gayton, Miss, i. 347, 348

Gazette, i. 488

Gazette Extraordinary, iii. 303

Gazetteer, iv. 542

Gazetteer of the World, ii. xxiv; iii. 24

Gebhart, mile, De l'Italie (Le Sac de Rome), v. 471, 472, 510, 515, 520

Gebora, battle of, i. 470

Geddes, Rev. Alexander, Critical Remarks on the Hebrew Scriptures, v. 208

Gelasius, ii. 512

Gell, Sir William, Topography of Troy; Ithaca; Itinerary of Greece, i. 336, 379; ii. 109, 189, 204

Gelo the tyrant, iv. 440

Gemma, Dante's wife, iv. 253

Genesis, iv. 127; v. 197, 201, 207, 210, 277, 280, 285, 291, 300, 527

Genest, English Stage, ii. 331; iv. 573; v. 324

Geneva, iv. 53

Genlis, Stephanie Flicit Ducrest, Marquise de Sillery, Madame de, i. 494

Genoa, v. 158

Genseric, king of the Vandals, ii. 390, 408; iii. 233, 251

Gentleman's Magazine, i. 337; ii. 11, 216; iv. 53, 82, 99, 139; v. 470, 578; vi. 410, 508, 551; vii. 19, 27

Geoffrey II., of Villehouardin, iii. 185

George I., iii. 209, 299

George II., ii. 282; iv. 491; vi. 12, 496; vii. 76

George III., i. 416, 425, 486, 500; ii. 230; iv. 476, 556; v. 542, 560; vi. 77, 368, 451, 496; vii. 31, 35, 76; in Vision of Judgment, iv. 485-525

George IV., i. 319, 487, 491, 495, 497, 500; ii. 360, 450; iii. 45; iv. 74, 548, 555; v. 204, 206, 539, 569, 578; vi. 374, 385, 425, 451, 478; vii. 17, 20, 22, 27, 29, 32, 35-37, 40, 80

George William, Elector of Brandenburgh, v. 373

Georgia, i. 378; vi. 279

Grard, his portrait of Napoleon, iii. 314

G. Dict. Univ., ii. 415

Germantown, battle of, i. 500; vi. 12

Germany, "how much we owe to thee," i. 486

Gesner, Death of Abel, iii. 31, 32; v. 200, 201, 208, 266; Bibliotheca Univ., iii. 122

Ghibellines, the, iv. 253

Ghormezano, Signor, ii. 99

Ghosts, ii. 255

Giaffir Pacha, iii. 189

Giamschid, Sultan, iii. 108

Giant's Grave (Bosphorus), vi. 219

"Giants' Staircase" (Venice), iv. 325, 336

Giaour, the, ii. 37, 135, 136; iii. 17, 85-146, 149, 150, 183, 210, 217, 225, 235, 254, 293, 384, 453, 464, 465, 481; iv. 21, 38, 125; v. 428, 612; vi. 165, 244, 332

Gibbon, Edward, as a translator, i. 375; Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ii. 174, 185, 202, 283, 307, 350, 392, 434, 475, 479, 482, 508; iii. 173, 251, 301, 519; iv. 53, 141, 288, 386; vi. 8, 9, 139, 179, 260, 279, 446; Miscellaneous Works, ii. 490; iii. 299, 503; Antiquities of the House of Brunswick, iii. 503

Gibraltar (Calpe's Rock), i. 378; ii. 89, 113, 455, 525; v. 588; vi. 344

Gieta, Colonel, iv. 205, 208

Gifford, William (editor of the Quarterly Review), his edition of Massinger, i. 292, 304; his Baviad and Mviad, i. 294, 304, 362, 363; short account of, i. 304; Epistle to Peter Pindar; edition of Ben Jonson and Ford, i. 304; translation of Juvenal, i. 304, 362, 375; iii. 301; v. 63, 64, 613; vi. 255, 256; of Persius, i. 304; "a true poet," i. 306; alludes in Mviad to Kotzebue's Pizarro, i. 344; describes Miles Peter Andrews in Baviad, i. 353; referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers:—"his heavy hand, etc," i. 356; "born beneath an adverse star," i. 360; "bear witness, Gifford, Sotheby, Macneil," i. 362; iv. 182; "Why slumbers Gifford?" i. 363; attacks Delia Cruscans in Baviad and Mviad, i. 358; criticizes Jerningham in Baviad, i. 383; on Weber, i. 397; his patron, Lord Grosvenor, i. 412; his "ultimus Romanorum," i. 444; "Edwin's mewlings" in Baviad, i. 444, 445; advises publication of Childe Harold, Canto I., ii. xi; advises suppression of stanzas on Sir John Carr in Childe Harold, ii. 65 enthusiastic about Childe Harold, Canto III., ii. 211; approves Canto IV., ii. 327; on the Giaour, iii. 76; Byron on Bride of Abydos, iii. 149; on Corsair, iii. 217; on Siege of Corinth, iii. 443; his corrections of Siege of Corinth, iii. 467-470, 474, 479-482, 484-486, 489, 492, 494, 495; on Parisina, iii. 449; on Manfred, iv. 79, 136; Murray's adviser, iv. 157; on Marino Faliero, act i., iv. 367; omits to correct Byron's bad grammar, iv. 419; reviews Lectures on the English Poets, etc., iv. 575; his addition to Two Foscari, v. 196; on Cain, v. 204; revises Heaven and Earth, v. 279, 310; his note to Don Juan on Memnon Statue, v. 497; "we've Gifford here reading MS.," vii. 48

Gight, i. 336

Gill, landlord of Byron's lodgings in Nottingham, vii. 1

Gillies, History of Greece, iii. 90

Gillray's Caricatures, i. 307, 476; iv. 509; vii. 29

Gindely, Anton, History of the Thirty Years' War, v. 352, 371, 416

Ginguen, P.L., Hist. Lit. d'Italie, iv. 459

Giorgione (Giorgio Barbarelli), "Judgment of Solomon", iv. 162

Giovanelli, Palazzo, iv. 163

Girl of Cadiz (To Inez), ii. 59, 75; iii. 1; vi. 82

Girondins, or Girondists, vi. 13, 14

Gisborne, v. 204

Gisborne, Mrs., iv. 100

Giustiniani, Franceschino, iv. 365

Giustiniani, Pietro Giovanni, v. 134, 179, 188, 195

Glaciers, ii. 385

Gladiators, ii. 431, 433, 520

Gladstone, W.E., iii. 157; vi. 26

Gladwin, Francis, translation of Sa'di's Gulistan, iii. 160

Gleig, History of the British Empire in India, i. 468

Glenbervie, Sylvester Douglas, Lord, Ricciardetto, iv. 156, 176

Glenesk, Lord, MS. of Siege of Corinth, iii. 448, 451, 452, 454-467, 469-471, 473, 476, 477, 479, 482, 483, 487-489, 491-495

Gloria, Maria da, of Portugal, ii. 11

Gloucester, Duke of, i. 498; iv. 177

Glover, i. 317

Gluck, music of Don Juan; or, The Libertine Destroyed, vi. 11; Armida and Rinaldo, vi. 34

Gnatoo, or tappa cloth (Tonga Islands), v. 600

Gneisnau, August Wilhelm Antonius Neidhart von, vi. 345

Gobbi, iv. 271

Godfrey of Viterbo, ii. 337

Godoy, Manuel de, Duke of Alcudia, Principe de la Paz, ii. 54, 90

Godwin, William, iii. 444; iv. 475; Essay Of Population, vi. 459

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, and Monk Lewis, i. 317; Faust, i. 318; iv. 80, 81, 85, 110; v. 201, 247, 281, 294, 409, 470, 471, 474, 493, 494; vi. 483; Sorrows of Werther, i. 494; Travels in Italy ("Letters from Italy"), ii. 330, 335, 424; Kennst du das Land, iii. 157; review of Mannfred in Kunst und Alterthum, iv. 21, 80-82, 340; translation of Manfred, iv. 136; vii. 55; Conversations of, iv. 157, 327, 328; v. 119, 122, 199, 204; Marino Faliero dedicated to, iv. 328, 340-342; vi. 443; vii. 63; Aus meinem Leben, iv. 342; on Vision of Judgment, iv. 480; on Irish Avatar, iv. 556; Sardanapalus dedicated to, v. 7; on The Two Foscari, v. 119, 122; on Cain, v. 199, 204; "The moment he reflects, he is a child," v. 279; on Heaven and Earth, v. 281; Werner dedicated to, v. 335; on Don Juan in Kunst und Alterthum, vi. xix; Madame de Stal on, vi. 168

Goethe-Jahrbuch, iv. 82, 136; v. 282

Goettlingius, C., Hesiod Carm., ii. 188

Gold, vi. 455

Goldau, iv. 97

Golden Fleece, vi. 158

Goldoni, Carlo, iv. 157; Belisarus; Le Bourru Bianfaisant, etc., iv. 164; Mercanti, iv. 166

Goldsmith, Edmund, v. 289

Goldsmith, Oliver, Vicar of Wakefield, i. 480; vi. 145, 586; Citizen of the World, ii. 88, 323; Deserted Village, vi. 471

Golitsyn, Prince Basil, iv. 202

Gondola, description of a, iv. 165

Gondoliers of Venice, ii. 329, 468; iv. 165

Gonzaga, Cardinal Luigi Valenti, ii. 371, 495

Gonzaga, Scipio, iv. 143, 144

Good, John Mason, The Book of Job, iv. 498

Goodman's Fields Theatre, i. 414

Goose, game of, vi. 471

Gordianus III., Emperor, ii. 423

Gordon, Duchess of, ii. 350, 479

Gordon, Lord George, i. 484

Gordon, Pryse Lockhart, Personal Memoirs, etc., ii. 226, 227, 294; iv. 156; Life of Alexander VI., iii. 369

Gordon, Mrs. P.L., ii. 226

Gordon, Thomas, History of the Greek Revolution, v. 557; vii. 53

Gordon, Sir William, i. 173

Gordons, the, i. 172

Gorrequer, Major, v. 545

Gorton, Biog. Dict., ii. 173

Gosnell, S., printer, i. 478

Gothenburg (Gottenburg). i. 487, 488

Goths, Rome sacked by the, ii. 390

Gottschall, Rudolph von, iv. 203

Gouffier, Count Choiseul-, Voyage Pittoresque de la Grce, ii. 168; iii. 295; vi. 151

Gounod, his "Maid of Athens," iii. 16

Gouria, ii. 143

Gower, Hon. F. Leveson, his article in Nineteenth Century—"Did Byron write Werner?" v. 329

Goza (Calypso's Isle), ii. 118, 173; iii. 10

Gozzi, Count Carlo, Memoirs, ii. 120, 339

Grabius, Joannes Ernestus, Spicilegium SS. Patrum, v. 302

Gracchus, Tiberius, vi. 407

Gradenigo, Dogaressa Aluica, iv. 333, 377

Gradenigo, Beriola, iv. 377

Gradenigo, Nicol, iv. 377

Gradenigo, Doge Pietro, iv. 360

Grafton, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of, iv. 177; Autobiography iv. 510

Grafton, Duchess of, iv. 177

Graham, Mrs. (Lady Callcott), iii. 532; vi. 206, 207

Graham, General Thomas (Lord Lynedoch), i. 469

Grahame, Rev. James, Sabbath Walks; Biblical Pictures; British Georgics, i. 305, 323, 370, 429

Granada, ii. 46, 54; v. 558; vi. 30

Granard, George, 6th Earl of, vi. 116

Granby, John Manners, Marquis of, vi. 12

Grand Council (Venice), v. 169

Grande Encyclopdie, La, v. 566; vi. 313

Grange, James, pastry-cook, Piccadilly, i. 321; iv. 583

Granger, Biog. Hist. of England, iii. 298

Grant, Harding, Chancery Practice; Lord Byron's Cain, etc., with Notes, v. 203, 204

Granta, A Medley, i. 56; iv. 516

Granville, Lady, v. 329

Granville, Lord, v. 329; vii. 36

Grattan, i. 100; iv. 556, 561; vi. 226, 450

Graves, Oliver B., of Cambridge, Mass., vii. 3

Gray, May, Byron's nurse, vii. 1

Gray, Thomas, Alcaic Fragment, i. 49; The Fatal Sisters, i. 70; ii. 252; Lloyd's parodies on, i. 220; Lewis' Tales of Wonder, i. 317; "glance their many-twinkling feet," i. 483; Elegy, ii. 399; iii. 240; vi. 181, 503; Progress of Poesy, ii. 413; his lyric measure, iii. 128; Poemata, iii. 423

Great Council (Maggior Consiglio), Venice, iv. 360, 399

Greatheed, Bertie, i. 358

Greece, i. 424; ii. 62, 109, 149, 154; iii. 90, 446; v. 555; vii. 85, 87; Isles of, vi. 169

Greek Committee, the, v. 331

Greeks, the, ii. 191, 192; defeat Turks at Lerna, v. 556

Green, Hist. English People, i. 468

Green, poet, iii. 330

Greene, Robert, Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, vi. 78

Greenwood, scene-painter, Drury Lane Theatre, i. 346

Grenville, Lord, i. 437, 470, 497; iii. 45

Grenville, Lord George, Portugal; a Poem, ii. 4

Grete, river (Southwell), i. 239

Greville, Charles, vi. 451

Greville, Colonel, i. 348

Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl of, vi. 478

Grey, Lord, i. 497; iii. 45

Grey, Mr., iii. 170

Grief, Martin, iv. 329

Griffin, A., i. 234

Griffith, H.T., edition of Cowper's Task, etc., vi. 348

Griffiths, Arthur, Memorials of Millbank, vii. 34

Griffiths, George Edward, iv. 165

Grillion's Hotel, Albemarle Streetvi. 437

Grillo, Angelo, iv. 146

Grillparzer, Sappho, v. 61

Grimaldi, Joseph, i. 345; vi. 11

Grimm, Baron F.M., Cor. Lit., ii. 266

Grindelwald, iv. 110

Gritti, Benedetto, v. 116

Grolierius (Grollier), Csar, Historia Expugnat ...Urbis, v. 471, 510

Gronow, Captain, Reminiscences, i. 345, 357, 476; vi. 69, 276, 507, 508, 529

Gropius, Karl Wilhelm, ii. 166, 171

Grose, Captain Edward, 1st Life Guards, vi. 355

Grose, Francis, Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, ii. 66; vi. 433

Grosvenor, 1st Earl, i. 412

Grosvenor, Robert, 2nd Earl (afterwards Marquis of Westminster), i. 412

Grote, George, History of Greece, ii. 102, 158, 341; iii. 311; iv. 566

Grotta Ferrata, site of Cicero's villa, ii. 522

Grouvelle, i. 402

Gruterus, ii. 299

Guadalquivir, ii. 54; vi. 112

Guadiana river, ii. 46

Gualandra hills, ii. 505-507

Guardian, i. 418

Guariglia, Signor, vi. 205

Guarini, Pastor Fido, iv. 141

Guasti, Tasso's Letters, ii. 355

Guelphs, the, iv. 253

Guesclin, Bertrand du, v. 549

Guhl, ii. 441

Guicciardini, Francesco (Luigi), Sacco di Roma, iv. 258; v. 471

Guiccioli, Countess (My Recollections of Lord Byron), i. 99; ii. 289, 374; iv. 119, 213, 237, 241, 545, 547, 549, 563, 570; v. 5; vi. 52, 297, 373

Guiccioli, Palazzo, ii. 372; iv. 279

Guido, fresco of the Aurora, vi. 526

Guilford, Earl of, iv. 143

Guiscard, Robert, ii. 390

Gunpowder, discovered by Friar Bacon, vi. 340

Gurney, Hudson, The Golden Ass of Apuleius; in English Verse, entitled Cupid and Psyche, vi. 165

Gurney, William Brodie, vi. 66

Gurwood, Colonel, Wellington Dispatches, vi. 266

Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, "The Lion of the North," v. 371, 373, 553

Guy Mannering, iv. 566

Gwynne, Nell, vi. 496

"Gynocracy" used for "gyncocracy," vi. 473, 588


Hachette, iv. 14

Hadrian, i. 20, 462, 493; ii. 167, 411, 431, 436, 440

Hadrian's Mole, ii. 439

Hafiz. See Stott

Hague, vi. 419

Haivali (or Kidognis), ii. 200, 207

Hales, Sir Matthew, vi. 610

Halford, Bart., Sir H., An Account of what appeared on Opening the Coffin of King Charles the First, vii. 35

Halgh of Halgh, George, vi. 294

Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of, i. 413

Hall, Captain Basil, Narrative of a Voyage to Java, 1840; Voyage to the Corea and the Loochoo Islands; Extracts from a Journal written on the Coast of Chili, etc., v. 546, 548, 556

Hallam, Henry, i. 306, 340, 380; Middle Ages, i. 337; iv. 288; vi. 464

Hallet, midshipman on the Bounty, v. 588

Hamburg, i. 487, 488

Hamet Benengeli, Cid, i. 299

Hamilton, Anthony, Archdeacon of Colchester, ii. 108

Hamilton, Archibald, 9th Duke of, i. 311

Hamilton, Lady Anne, Epics of the Ton, i. 294, 311, 330, 343, 353, 468, 471; Secret Memories of the Court of England, i. 311; vii. 78

Hamilton, Sir William Richard ("Dark Hamilton"), Lord Elgin's Secretary, Memorandum on the Earl of Elgin's Pursuits in Greece, i. 455, 466; ii. x, 108, 167, 168, 204

Hamlet, i. 401; ii. 64, 99, 103, 154, 418, 450; iii. 543; iv. 77, 95, 458; v. 25, 423; vi. 309, 342, 386, 394, 432, 456, 511, 550, 570-572

Hammer-Purgstall, J. von, Histoire de l'Empire Othoman, iii. 166, 312, 441, 454, 455

Hammond, George, iii. 217; iv. 472; vii. 49

Hamond, Mrs. (Miss Chaworth Musters), i. 277

Hampstead, ii. 66

Handbooks for—Central Italy, ii. 373, 380; iv. 275; Greece, ii. 117, 127, 157, 166, 189; Northern Italy, ii. 372; iv. 336, 392, 430; vi. 212; Rome, ii. 389, 403; iv. 271, 273

Hanmer, vi. 487

Hannibal, i. 349, 493; ii. 187, 459, 505; iii. 301; v. 606

Hansard, Parliamentary Debates, iv. 482

Hanson, Charles, vi. 460

Hanson, Hargreaves, i. 86

Hanson, John, i. 25, 86; iii. 540; vi. 100

Hanson, Mary Anne (Lady Portsmouth), vi. 569

Hanson, Newton, i. 86

Happiness, "was born a twin," vi. 130; Horace's Art of, vi. 490

Haratch, Turkish capitation tax, iii. 195

Harcourt, General, ii. 23

Harcourt, Mrs., ii. 23

Hardinge, George ("Jeffries Hardsman"), Senior Justice of Brecon, etc., vi. 508

Hare, Francis ("Silent Hare"), vi. 529

Harley, Lady Charlotte Mary (afterwards Bacon), "Ianthe," ii. xii, 11

Harmodius and Aristogeiton, ii. 228, 291; v. 556

Harmonists, the, vi. 554

Harness, Rev. W., i. 66; ii. 204; iv. 575

Harold, Baron de, iii. 100

Harper's New Monthly Magazine, vi. 349

Harpocration, vi. 169

Harrison, John ("Longitude Harrison"), inventor of watch compensation, vi. 19

"Harroviensis," A letter to Sir Walter Scott, etc., v. 202

Harrow, i. 15-20, 25, 84-106, 208, 222, 237, 259; ii. 66; vi. 49; "Byron's Tomb" at, i. 26; speech-day at, i. 86, 102; rebellion at, i. 93; Byron's first English exercise at, iv. 48

Harrowby, Lord, vii. 13

Harte, Bret, The Society upon the Stanislaus, iv. 296

Hartford, Works of Lord Byron, In verse and Prose, iii. xxi; Remarkable Shipwrecks, vi. 98, 102, 103

Harvard University Library, vii. 3

Harvey, i. 405

Hasell, E.J., Tasso, ii. 356

Hastings, Francis Rawdon, 1st Marquis of, i. 497

Hastings, Warren, impeachment of, iv. 72; v. 542

Hathaway, Miss, as "Zarina" in Sardanapalus, v. 2

Havard, William, i. 428

Hawarden, Lady, i. 485

Hawke, Admiral Edward, Lord, vi. 12

Hawkesbury, Lord, vii. 13

Hawksworth, Voyages, ii. 7

Hay, iii. 217

Haydn, iii. 376

Haydon, Life of, i. 456; "The Elgin Horse's Head," ii. 336

Hayley (or Hailey), William, The Triumph of Temper; The Triumph of Music, i. 305, 321, 322, 370; vi. 587; translation of three cantos of Dante's Inferno, iv. 238, 244, 313; Essay on Epic Poetry, iv. 244; Life of Milton, vi. 7

Haymarket Theatre, Werner at, v. 324

Hayter, Bishop of Norwich, iii. 299

Hayward, Peter, midshipman on the Bounty, v. 588, 605

Hazlitt, William, ii. 17; My First Acquaintance with Poets, iv. 518; "Scamp, the Lecturer," of The Blues, iv. 570; Lectures on the English Poets, iv. 570, 586; vi. 12, 175; Lectures of 1818, iv. 575; The Spirit of the Age, vi. 506, 509

Hearne, Journey from Hudson's Bay, iv. 220

Heath, James, Flagellum, vi. 174

Heath, Miss, actress, as "The Witch of the Alps," in Manfred, iv. 78; as "Zarina" in Sardanapalus, v. 2

Heathcote, Katherine Sophia Manners, Lady, vii. 17

Heathcote, Sir Gilbert, vii. 17

Heaven and Earth, iv. 50; v. 277-321, 469, 527

Heaviside, Dr., i. 431, 432

Heber, Richard, Early English Poets, i. 396

Heber, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta, i. 396; iii. 151, 217; v. 111; Reviews Marino Faliero in Quarterly Review, iv. 329; reviews Sardanapalus, Two Foscari, and Cain in Quarterly Review, v. 5, 111, 119, 204; on Don Juan in Quarterly Review, vi. xx

Hebrew Melodies, ii. 273; iii. xix, 382-406, 417; v. 199, 231

Hecatonnesi Islands, ii. 200

Hecla (Iceland), vi. 569

Hector, v. 488, 577

Heinemann (G. Vuillier), History of Dancing, i. 492

Heiss, Baron, iv. 514

Helbig, Guide to the Collection of Public Antiquities in Rome, ii. 432

Helen, iv. 334; vi. 535

Helena, Princess (Duchess of Albany), iii. 157

Helicon, i. 373, 397

Heligoland, i. 487, 488

Hell, Byron's definition of a gambling, i. 407; vi. 436 paved with good intentions, iv. 499; vi. 338

Hellespont, iii. 13, 178, 179; vi. 112, 204

Helps, vi. 567

Helvetii, the, ii. 299

Helvoetsluys, vi. 419

Hemans, Captain, vii. 70

Hemans, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea (ne Browne), vii. 70

Henley, S., Notes to Vathek, iii. 76, 87, 105, 109, 110, 120; iv. 244

Henley, "Orator," vi. 303

Henry, John, v. 560

Henry, Patrick, one of the leaders of the American Revolution, v. 560

Henry of Prussia, Prince, v. 550

Henry I., i. 493

Henry II., i. 1, 116; v. 495

Henry IV., i. 399; iii. 134, 432; iv. 13, 262, 407

Henry IV., vi. 20, 48, 256, 342, 347, 431, 444, 453

Henry IV., Emperor of Germany, ii. 390

Henry V., ii. 19, 216

Henry V., vi. 487

Henry VI., vi. 347

Henry VII, vi. 496

Henry VII., Emperor of Germany, ii. 403, 494

Henry VIII., i. 1, 119; v. 499; vii. 35, 36

Henry VIII., vi. 495

Hephstion, vi. 378

Hephstus, v. 396

Heraclid, the, ii. 431

Herbert, Baron, Austrian Ambassador, iii. 4

Herbert, George, Jacula Prudentum, iv. 500

Herbert, William, Dean of Manchester, i. 306; Hor Scandic, i. 336

Hercules (Alcides), i. 144; v. 27; Couch of, vi. 220

Hercules, wreck of American ship, vi. 90

Hermann, Mrs., as "Angiolina" in Marino Faliero, iv. 324

Hero and Leander, iii. 14, 178

Herod the Great, iii. 400

Herod, king of Chalcis, vi. 139

Herodes Atticus, ii. 416

Herodias, i. 490

Herodotus, ii. 272; v. 107; vi. 79, 169, 572; Cleobis and Biton, vi. 186

Herod's Lament for Mariamne, iii. 400

Herostratus, i. 467

Herrick, Robert, To Anthea, iv. 35

Hertford, Marchioness of, vii. 22

Hervey, Lord ("Lord Fanny"), Lines to the Imitator of Horace, i. 326

Hesiod, ii. 188; Works and Days, vi. 169

Hesperus, vi. 180

Heterodoxy, vi. 267

Hetman of the Cossacks, vii. 39

Heyne, Christian Gottlob, i. 490

Hiero, a painter, ii. 168

Highgate, "swearing on the horns" at, ii. 66

Highland Light Infantry, iii. 416

Highland Society, the, iii. 415

Highland welcome, a, vi. 272

Hildyard, Lieutenant J.T., Historical Record of the 71st Highland Light Infantry, iii. 416

Hill, Rev. H., iv. 476; vi. 4

Hill, S. McCalmont, iii. 18

Hints from Horace, i. 298, 303, 343, 359, 360, 385-450, 453; ii. ix, 108, 192, 196; iv. 517; vi. 433, 442

Hippocrates, ii. 197

Hippocrene, i. 328, 373

Hippolytus, vi. 255

Hiron, vi. 153

Hispalis (Seville), ii. 52, 60, 93; vi. 15

Historical Records of the Life Guards, i. 495

Hita, Gins Perez de, Historia de las Guerras Civiles de Granada, iv. 529, 530; v. 558

Hoadley, ii. 504

Hoare, Rev. Charles James, i. 372

Hobbes, Thomas, v. 615; vi. 195, 200, 570; vii. 32

Hobhouse, John Cam (afterwards Lord Broughton de Gyfford), Imitations and Translations, i. xiii, 264, 327; ii. 30; iii. xix; vi. 62, 142; vii. 8; his lines in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. xiv, xv, 292; Epistle to a Young Nobleman in Love, i. 267; on Hints from Horace, i. 388; Travels in Albania and other Provinces of Turkey, in 1809 and 1810, i. 454, 460; ii. 15, 60, 84, 100, 106, 125, 130, 131, 133, 136, 137, 142, 145, 148, 153, 157, 158, 169, 171, 174, 182, 189, 194, 198, 200, 208, 441, 461; iii. 7, 8, 14, 20, 85, 93, 145, 173, 179, 180, 194, 272, 468; iv. 31; vi. 151, 204, 208, 231, 261; vii. 9; "I don't remember any crosses here," ii. 36; "one of the finest stanzas I ever read," ii. 42; with Byron in Spain, ii. 52; "said they were vultures," ii. 61; en route for the Negroponte, ii. 75; Historical Illustrations to the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold, ii. 313-315, 358, 379, 380, 389, 390, 403, 408, 410, 412, 435, 437, 439, 486, 512, 524; iv. 146, 245; v. 153; vi. 233; Italy: Remarks made in Several Visits from the Year 1816 to 1854, ii. 315; Childe Harold dedicated to, ii. 321; Letters written by an Englishman resident in Paris, etc., ii. 326; v. 545; the Abb de Sade's Mmoires, ii. 350, 351; Notes to Childe Harold, Canto IV., ii. 465-525; at Theodora Macri's, iii. 16; the Giaour story, iii. 76; an odd report about Byron, iii. 218; Siege of Corinth dedicated to, iii. 445; his parody of Stanzas to Augusta, iv. 56; "went to the highest pinnacle," iv. 95; "pelted with a snowball," iv. 97; note on Dante, iv. 238; Essay on the Present Literature of Italy, iv. 245; on Cain, v. 204; the MS. of Werner, v. 326; "about morality," vi. xix; the Zoili of Albemarle Street, vi. xix, 467; his article in Westminster Review on Don Juan, vi. 3; "this is so very pointed," vi. 22; his remarks on Don Juan, vi. 22, 26, 47, 50, 52, 59, 62, 78, 79, 98; MS. of Don Juan, Canto XVII., given to, vi. 608; on the Lisbon Packet, vii. 6; Farewell Petition to, vii. 7; Miscellany, vii. 8; "will bring it safe in his portmanteau," vii. 51; My Boy Hubbie O! vii. 66; his pamphlet, A Trifling Mistake in Thomas Lord Erskine's recent Preface, vii. 66; M.P. for Westminster, vii. 69; Byron's Love and Death, vii. 85

Hobhouse, Sir John, iii. 76

Hobson, Captain, vi. 146

Hoche, General L., ii. 251, 296; vi. 14

Hock, i. 486

Hodgson, Rev. Francis, Byron on Boatswain's death, i. 280; letters from Byron to, i. 280, 282, 379; ii. 29, 42, 63, 78, 104, 187, 192, 331; iii. 35, 38, 449; vi. 182, 467; vii. 10; Gentle Alterative for the Reviewers, i. 295; Bland's Greek Anthology, i. 306, 366; iii. 32; translation of Juvenal, i. 337; referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 375; Lines on a Ruined Abbey, ii. 20, 170; Byron's Epistle to a Friend, ii. 163; iii. 28-30; Lady Jane Grey, ii. 170; Monitor of Childe Harold, ii. 360; on the Giaour, iii. 137; on the Bride of Abydos, iii. 151; "scribbler Mr. Hodgson," iv. 165; and Cain, v. 199; Byron's Lines to—written on board the Lisbon Packet, vii. 4; MS. of Devil's Drive, vii. 21; "principally to shock your neighbour," vii. 42

Hodgson, Rev. James T., Life of the Rev. Francis Hodgson, i. 375; ii. 288; iii. 28, 30

Hofmann. Lexicon Universale, ii. 156, 173, 261, 328, 390; iii. 181

Hofmann, C., Primavera y Flor de Romances, iv. 174, 529

Hogarth, caricature of Wilkes, iv. 508

Hohenlinden, battle of, vi. 14

Hohenlohe, Prince, v. 550

Holbein, Dance of Death, vi. 555

Hole, Rev. Richard, Arthur; or, The Northern Enchantment, i. 314, 436

Holford, Margaret, Margaret of Anjou, vii. 44, 45, 59

Holland, Henry Fox, 1st Lord, ii. 40

Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 2nd Lord, ii. 80

Holland, Henry Richard Vassall, 3rd Lord, i. 294, 306, 337, 338, 340, 356, 380, 417; ii. xi, 51-54; iii. 151, 155, 170; "Sir Richard Bluebottle" of The Blues, iv. 570; his motion on Napoleon's treatment at St. Helena, v. 545

Holland, Elizabeth, Lady (ne Vassall), i. 294, 355, 380; ii. 80; vi. 541; A Memoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith, vi. 596; Napoleon's snuff-box, vii. 77

Holy Alliance, the, ii. 402; v. 538, 539, 564; vi. 267

Homer, i. 312, 379, 398, 404; vi. 73, 173, 177, 211, 263, 327, 478; vii. 62; a punster, i. 377; Odyssey, i. 426; ii. 100, 173; iv. 264; "and Homer (damn him) calls," i. 427; in Hints from Horace, i. 432, 438; the Homeric ghosts, ii. 255; v. Ariosto, ii. 359; iv. 266; Iliad, ii. 301, 452, 462; v. 488, 512, 573; vi. 117, 218, 339, 513, 534; Dante superior to! ii. 495; [Greek: a)pei/rn], iii. 179; his Ocean stream, vi. 218; catalogue of ships, vi. 503

Homunculi, v. 493

Hone, W., publisher of Poems on his Domestic Circumstances, i. 452, 453; iii. xx, 24; Every Day Book, ii. 66; publishes Wat Tyler, iv. 521

Honorius, ii. 35, 86, 440, 521

Hood and Sharpe, publishers, i. 379

Hook, James, A Lass of Richmond Hill, vii. 59

Hook, Theodore, i. 306, 344; Tekeli; Fortress; Music Mad, i. 341; editor of John Bull, v. 206

Hoole's Tasso, ii. 143

Hooper, G., Waterloo: The Downfall of the First Napoleon, ii. 234

Hooper, W., Rational Recreations, vi. 550

Hope, Thomas, Anastasius, i. 390; Byron omits stanzas in Childe Harold on, ii. xi; Household Furniture and Internal Decoration, ii. 108

Hope, Mrs. Thomas (Louisa Beckford), i. 390; iv. 580

Hoppner, John, R.A., vii. 54

Hoppner, John William Rizzo, vii. 54

Hoppner, Richard Belgrave, English Consul at Venice, ii. 351; iv. 15, 459, 471, 472, 547; vii. 54; translation of Goethe's review of Manfred, iv. 82

Horace, Odes, i. 81; ii. 40, 76, 262, 387, 421, 448; iv. 197, 243, 323; vi. 15, 77, 78, 236, 453, 521; vii. 73; Satires, i. 184; ii. 405; v. 568; vi. 391, 446; Ars Poetica, i. 385, 402, 409; ii. ix, xiv; iv. 518; "Farewell, Horace—whom I hated so," ii. 388; his Sabine farm, ii. 455, 524; Epist., v. 367; vi. 246, 273, 474, 490; Louis XVIII.'s criticisms on Sanadon's translations of, v. 567; Epist. ad Pisones, vi. 15, 177, 505; Scholar of Love, vi. 139; Epodes, vi. 378, 536; his Art of Happiness, vi. 490

Horistan Castle, Derbyshire, i. 2

Homer, Francis, i. 302, 470

"Horns," "swearing on the," at Highgate, ii. 66

Horsetails, a Pasha's standard, iii. 480

Hortensius, vi. 270

Horton, Eusebius, iii. 381

Horton, Anne Beatrix, Lady Wilmot, origin of "She walks in beauty," iii. 381; iv. 569, 570; vii. 54, 61

Horton, Sir Robert J. Wilmot, vii. 54

Hoste, Captain Sir William, iv. 456

Hounslow Heath, i. 484

Houris, ii. 60; iii. 110; vi. 364

Hours of Idleness, and Other Early Poems, i. xi-xiii, 1-288, 303, 311, 374, 432; iii. 182; iv. 67

Houson, Miss Anne, i. 70, 244, 246, 251, 253

Houson, Rev. Henry, i. 70

Howard, Hon. Frederick, i. 355; ii. 11, 234, 293

Howatt, Hill, iv. 31

Howe, Admiral Richard, Earl ("Black Dick"), v. 588; vi. 12, 14

Howell, iv. 167

Hoyle, Rev. Charles, Exodus, i. 372, 430

Hoyle, Edmund, i. 372; vi. 173

Hroswitha, Lapsus et Conversio Theophrasti Vice-domini, iv. 81

Huascar, Supreme Inca of Peru, ii. 82

Hucknall Torkard Church, i. 3, 70; ii. 334; iv. 14, 479

Hughes, iii. 16

Hughes, Mrs., vi. 496

Hugo, Victor, Les Feuilles d'Automne, ii. 358; Le Rhin, iv. 14; Orientale, iv. 202

Hulme, Thomas, Journal, vi. 554

Humane Society, vi. 50

Humboldt, Baron Alexander von, v. 539; vi. 215

Hume, David, History of England, i. 374; ii. 266

Hume, Joseph, ii. 504

Hungary, Bethlen Gabor, king of, iv. 331; v. 349, 352

Hunt, James Henry Leigh, his copy of Fourth Edition of Childe Harold, i. xvi, 311, 334; Byron's letters to, iii. 218; v. 537, 582, 584; Lord Byron and Some of his Contemporaries, iii. 474; Autobiography, iii. 509; vi. 26; the Examiner, iii. 532, 538; Story of Rimini, iv. 36; Stories from the Italian Poets, iv. 275, 281, 314; Morgante Maggiore, iv. 285; the Liberal, iv. 571; in Horsemonger Lane Gaol, vii. 16; "Blackguard Hunt," vii. 67, 68

Hunt, John, iv. 281, 285, 478, 479; v. 279, 325, 537, 581; publishes The Deformed Transformed, v. 472; and Don Juan, vi. xvi

Hunt, Dr., i. 455

Hunter, Imperial Gazetteer of India, v. 631

Hunter, William, vi. 412

Huntingdon Peerage, ii. 215

Huntly, George, 2nd Earl of, i. 173

Huon, of Bordeaux, v. 496

Hussite, or Taborite, Crusade, v. 549

Hyde of land, a, vi. 411

Hydra, Hydrea, or Idra, island, i. 457; iii. 270

Hyginus, Fabul, iv. 287; vi. 535

Hymettus, i. 459; ii. 157; iii. 271

Hypocrisy, vi. 410, 453

Hypsilantes, v. 556


I saw thee weep, iii. 390

I would I were a careless child, i. 205

"Ianthe" ("Flower o' the Narcissus"). See Harley, Lady Charlotte M.

Ibort, Jorge (Tio Jorge), ii. 94; v. 559

Ibrahim Pasha, ii. 174

Ich Dien (Windsor Poetics), vii. 36

Idra, Hydra, or Hydrea, island, i. 457; iii. 270

Iermolof, Catherine II.'s favourite, vi. 388, 389

If that high world, iii. 383

Ihne, Hist. of Rome, ii. 377

Ile de Paix, iv. 26

Ilissus, i. 459; iii. 272

Illyria, ii. 129

Imitated from Catullus, i. xi, 75

Imitation of Tibullus, i. 74

Imitations and Translations, i. 264, 266, 268, 272, 277, 281-283, 285, 287, 288; vi. 62

Imlay, North America, vi. 349

Imperial Dictionary, ii. 137

Imperial Gazetteer of India, v. 631

Imperial Magazine, iv. 43

Impromptu, vii. 82

Impromptu, in reply to a friend, iii. 69

Incantation, the (Manfred), iv. 15, 63, 64, 79, 91

Independent Whig, iii. 534

India, i. 468; conquered by Dionysus, v. 21; invaded by Nadir Shah, vi. 384

Inglefield, Captain, H.M.S. Centaur, vi. 90, 92, 94-96, 99

Ingleston, George, "Brewer," i. 433

Innocent II., Pope, ii. 389

Inquisition, Spanish, v. 558

Inscription on the Monument of a Newfoundland Dog, i. 280; ii. 30; vi. 304

Interlaken, iv. 119

Invercauld, i. 171

Ionian Islands, ii. 193

Iphis, ii. 13

Irad, son of Enoch, v. 285

Ireland, W.H. ("Flagellum"), All the Blocks, an Antidote to All the Talents, i. 294, 356

Iris, The, i. 331, ii. 383

Irish and Carthaginians, vi. 337

Irish Avatar, iv. 49, 555; vi. 368, 439

Iron Mask, Man in the, iv. 514

Irving, Sir Henry, iv. 78; as "Werner," v. 324

Irving, Washington, Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey, iv. 32, 38; vi. 497, Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, vi. 30, History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, vi. 552

Isaiah, ii. 166, 398, iii. 305

Iskra, iv. 202

Island, The; or, Christian and his Comrades, i. 173; iii. 459, 467, 494, v. 579-639; iv. 61, 485; v. 514, vi. xvi, 106, 193, 405

Isles of Greece, vi. 169

Ismail, siege of, vi. 264, 304-370

Ismenus river, ii. 189

Israello, Bertuccio, iv. 356, 464

Italy, ii. 361; iv. 256; vi. 8

Ithaca, ii. 124, 177

Itys, iv. 287

Ilulus, i. 159


Jackals, vi. 382

Jackson, General Andrew, iii. 298

Jackson, "Gentleman," i. 433; iv. 303; vi. 433

Jackson, James Grey, Account of the Empire of Marocco and Suez ... to which is added an account of Tombuctoo, vi. 51, 198

Jackson, Lady, The Court of the Tuileries, v. 567

Jackson, Rev. Luke, i. 70

Jackson, William, a Keswick carrier, vi. 177

Jacobi, M., i. 494

Jacobinism, v. 544

Jacob's Reports, v. 204; vi. 460

Jacobs, Epig. Grc., i. 18

Jamat-al-Aden, the Mussulman paradise, iii. 197

Jamblichus, the philosopher, iv. 105; v. 480

James I., i. 173, 198, iv. 543

James II., ii. 121, 292; iv. 504

James V., ii. 295

Jⱥmⱥ, Medjnoun and Leila, iii. 160

Janina, or Joannina (Yanina), lake of, ii. 129, 179, 189; Archbishop of, iii. 145

Japhet, v. 284

Jason, i. 170, vi. 177, 521

Jassy, Treaty of, v. 551

Jeaffreson, Cordy, Real Lord Byron, iv. 32

Jefferies, Judge, i. 332

Jefferson, Thomas, iv. 159

Jeffrey, Francis, Lord, referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. xiv, 301, 302, 332, 333, 339; Moore's duel with, i. 203, 305, 333-335, 380; "self-constituted Judge of Poesy," i. 301; "his pay is just the sterling pound a sheet," i. 302; founder of the Edinburgh Review, i. 302; v. 338; reviews Marmion in E.R., i. 310, Montgomery's poems in E.R., i. 331; article on de Cavallos' work in E.R. by Brougham and, i. 338; Byron accused of personality towards, i. 382; "the Devil and Jeffrey," i. 429; lines in Hints from Horace on, i. 430-433; counsel for Sir F. Burdett v. William Scott, i. 436, his articles in E.R. on:—Childe Harold, ii. 213; Giaour, iii. 77; Corsair and Bride of Abydos, iii. 151, 219; Hebrew Melodies, iii. 377; Prisoner of Chillon, iv. 6; Manfred, iv. 80-82; Beppo, iv. 158; Prophecy of Dante, and Marino Faliero, iv. 329; Sardanapalus, Two Foscari, and Cain, v. 5, 119, 204; Heaven and Earth, v. 282; Werner, v. 338; Don Juan, vi. xx; "refreshing," iv. 574; on Moore and Byron, v. 280; on the Pantisocratic or Lake School, vi. 175; on Byron's abuse of Southey, vi. 403; "once my most redoubted foe," vi. 404; his review of Barry Cornwall's Sicilian Story;—comparison of Don Juan with Diego di Montilla, vi, 445; holds up Scott as an example to Byron, vi. 459

Jehoshaphat, valley of, iv. 288

Jekyll, Joseph, Corr., i. 319; vi. 413, 504

Jemappes, battle of, vi. 13

Jenner, Edward, i. 307; and vaccination, vi. 50

Jephson, Two Strings to your Bow, i. 345; The Servant with Two Masters, i. 445

Jephtha's Daughter, iii. 387

Jeremiah, iii. 312; iv. 43

Jerningham, Edward, The Nunnery; The Old Bard's Farewell, i. 383

Jerningham Letters, i. 383

Jerningham, Sir George, Bart., i. 383

Jerreed, djerrid, jarɨd, a Turkish javelin, in. 97, 168

Jersey, Sarah, Countess of, vi. 541; vii. 37, 40

Jersey, Earl of, iv. 472

Jerusalem, iii. 401

Jesse, J.H., Memoirs, etc., of George III., vii. 31

Jesuits, the, ii. 493; v. 558

Jesus Christ, vi. 267

Jeux d'Esprit and Minor Poems, 1798-1824, vii. 1-88

Jews, v. 100, 236, 573

Jex-Blake, K., The Elder Pliny's Chapters on the History of Art, ii. 432

Joan of Arc, i. 313

Joo V., Don, ii. 87

Job, Book of, iii. 406; iv. 498; vi. 59, 605; vii. 34

Joel, iv. 43

John Bull, iv. 555, 571; v. 206

John Bull's Letter, iii. 280; vi. 75

John, of Trocnow, surnamed Zižka, or the "One-eyed," v. 549

John George, elector of Saxony, v. 373

John II. of France, v. 549

John Casimir V., king of Poland, iv. 201, 205, 211, 212; vi. 246

John Keats, vii. 76

Johnson, James, Musical Museum, vi. 64

Johnson, Miss, iii. 45

Johnson, Dr. Samuel, Lives of the Poets, i. 220, 401, 416, 423; Prologue to Irene, i. 400; Boswell's Life of, i. 401, 409, 449; ii. 460, 489; vi. 247; Rasselas, ii. 37, iii. 145; vi. 574; "Hell is paved with good intentions," iv. 499; "brandy for heroes," v. 592; Life of Milton, vi. 174; Life of Dryden, vi. 182; Vanity of Human Wishes, vi. 183; on misers, vi. 455; "liked an honest hater," vi. 482; Dictionary, vi. 575, and Lord Auchinlech's reminder, vii. 35

Johnston, J., "the Cheapside impostor," ii. 212, 213; iii. xx

Johnston, Major, leader of insurrection (1805) in N.S. Wales, v. 588

Johnstone, Sir James, ii. 4

Joncires, Victorini, v. 2

Jones, Inigo, iv. 161

Jones, Sir William, iii. 86; A Grammar of the Persian Language, iii. 100; Solima, iii. 110; Asiatic Research, iv. 555

Jonson, Ben, i. 304, 398, 420; iv. 239; and Sylvester, vi. 7; Every Man in his Humour, vi. 68

Jordan, Mrs., i. 353

Jordan, Professor, ii. 413

Jornandes, De Getarum Origine, iii. 235

Joseph and Potiphar's wife, vi. 255

Joseph, king, ii. 53, 89

Joseph II., Emperor, vi. 313. 414

Josephus, v. 208

Joshua, grave of, vi. 220

Joubert, Barthlmi Catherine, vi. 14

Journal de Savants, iv. 578

Journal de Trvoux, iv. 578

Journal des Economistes, vi. 461

Journal in Cephalonia, vii. 83

Journal of a Soldier of the 71st Regiment, vi. 376

Journal of the Archological Association, vi. 497

Journals of the House of Lords, iv. 542

Joy, Mr., iv. 472

Juba, king of Mauretania, vi. 236

Judges, iii. 118

Julia Alpinula, ii. 256, 299

Julian (A Fragment), iii. xxi, 419

Julian Alps ("Friuli's mountains"), ii. 348

Julian, Count, ii. 46, 89

Julian the Apostate, vi. 9

Juliet, i. 37, 38; her tomb at Verona, v. 562

Julius Alpinus, ii. 299

Julius Csar, ii. 375, 392, 434, 490, 514, 520; v. 476

Julius Csar, vi. 268

Julius II., Pope, iv. 271, 273; vi. 212

Julius III., Pope, ii. 508

Jungfrau, the, ii. 385; iv. 81, 82, 94, 102, 109

Junia, wife of Cassius, ii. 374

Junius, Letters of, iv. 476, 480, 512-515

Juno, wreck of the, vi. 105, 107, 108

Junot (Duke d'Abrants), ii. 39, 40

Jupiter, i. 14; vi. 130

Jupiter Olympius, temple of, i. 462; ii. 167

Jupiter Optimus Maximus, temple of, ii. 412

Jura range, the, ii. 269, 273

Justin Martyr, ii. 513

Justinian, ii. 166

Justinius, Hist., ii. 60; iv. 40; v. 79

Juvenal, i. 297, 303, 304, 351; ii. 187, 190, 416, 516; iii. 16, 301; v. 63, 64, 543, 613; vi. 27, 139, 254-256

Juvenilia, i. xi


Kaff (Mount Caucasus), i. 378; vi. 292

Kahn, Gustave, Don Juan, vi. xx

Kalamas river (Acheron), ii. 131, 180, 181

Kalamata, gulf of, iii. 249

Kaleidoscope, vi. 109

Kamschatka, i. 492

Kant, Professor Immanuel, vi. 418; vii. 32

Kara Osman, or Carasman, Oglou, iii. 166

Kashmeer, the butterfly of, iii. 105

Katzones, Lambros, iii. 194, 219

Kava, cava, or ava, a Tongan intoxicating drink, v. 600

Kazdaghy, Mount, vi. 211

Kean, Charles, as "Sardanapalus," v. 2; as "Manuel, Count Valdis," vii. 48

Kean, Mrs. Charles (Miss Ellen Tree), iv. 78; as "Myrrha" in Sardanapalus, v. 2

Kean, Edmund, i. 344; iv. 338, 436, 584, 587

Keary, C.F., The Francis Letters, iv. 513

Keates, Admiral Sir Richard Goodwin, iii. 25

Keats, George, vi. 446

Keats, Georgiana, vi. 446

Keats, John, Lines on, iii. xx; vii. 76; and Coleridge, v. 175; "killed off by one critique," vi. 445; Endymion, vii. 76

Kebbiera, Lilla, vi. 160

Keble, Christian Year, ii. 292

Keith, Lord, iii. 428

Kellerman, General, ii. 39

Kemble, Charles, i. 46, 344, 353

Kemble, John Philip, iv. 338

Kendal, Duchess of, iii. 209

Kennard, John Peirse, v. 175

Kennedy, Dr. James, Conversations on Religion with Lord Byron, iii. 393; v. 199

Kennet, D.D., White, Memoirs of the Family of Cavendish, v. 615

Kenney, James, i. 306; Raising the Wind, i. 342; Sweethearts and Wives, i. 343

Kent, Duke of, i. 498

Kent's London Directory, iv. 583

Kentucky, wars of, vi. 348

Keppel, Admiral Augustus, Viscount, vi. 12

Khmelntzky, Bogdn, iv. 211

Kibitka, springless carriage, vi. 383

Kidd, Captain, vii. 5

Kiepert, Carte de l'pire et de la Thessalie, ii. xxiv

Killiecrankie, ii. 292

Kilworth, Lord, i. 485

King, "Jew," i. 357; vi. 100

King, Leonard W., his article "Assyria" in Enc. Biblica, v. 4

King, R.J., Handbook to the Cathedrals of England, vi. 596

King, Rosa, i. 357

King John, i. 356; vi. 165

King Lear, ii. 196; vi. 256, 446

King Richard, i. 401

King's College, Cambridge, i. 392

Kings, Book of, v. 107

Kingsley, Rev. Charles, Last Buccaneer, iii. 451; on Don Juan, vi. xviii; Westward Ho! vi. 483; Letters and Memoirs, vi. 517

Kinkel, G., editor of Bibliotheca Teubneriana, iv. 243

Kinnaird, Douglas, iii. 375, 402; iv. 70, 343, 472, 478, 545, 549; v. 325, 537; vi. 12, 100, 373, 450, 455, 458, 546; vii. 77; Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, vi. 374; Letter to the Duke of Wellington on the Arrest of M. Marinet, ibid.

Kinnaird, Lord, iv. 472

Kipling, Rudyard, Barrack-Room Ballads, v. 72

Kirk, J.F., History of Charles the Bold, ii. 298

Kit-Cat Club, vii. 57

Kitto, Travels in Persia, v. 294

Kizlar aghasi, head of the black eunuchs, iii. 168

Kleeman, Nicholas Ernest, Voyage de Vienne Belgrade, vi. 216, 280

Klencke, Professor, Alexander von Humboldt, vi. 216

Knebel, iv. 81

Kneller, Sir Godfrey, vi. 496

Knight, American Mechanical Dictionary, v. 404

Knight, Cornelia, Personal Reminiscences, v. 563; Autobiography, vii. 35

Knight, H. Gally (Ilderim, a Syrian Tale; Phrosyne, a Grecian Tale; Alashtar, an Arabian Tale), iv. 175; vi. 230; vii. 44, 45, 51, 60, 70; Byron's Ballad on, vii. 58

Knight, Richard Payne, Taste, i. 337, 383; Monody on the death of C.J. Fox, i. 356; Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, i. 378, 454

Knight, Professor W., Life of William Wordsworth, iv. 341, 582; vi. 91, 178; Shakespeare, vi. 487, 502

Knight and Lacy, i. 234, 452

Knights of St. John, iv. 400

Knolles, The Turkish History, vi. 259

Koch, History of Europe, i. 468; ii. 364; iv. 197

Kochlani horses, v. 496

Kodrikas, Professor Panagios (Panagiotes), translation of Fontenelle, ii. 198

Koepang Bay, v. 583

Klbing, Professor Engen (Englische Studien), Ada Byron, ii. 289; Siege of Corinth, iii. 442, 449, 454, 472, 475, 496; Prisoner of Chillon, and other Poems, iv. 6, 15, 21, 42; Mazeppa, iv. 214; Marino Faliero, iv. 324, 329

Kolokotrones, v. 556

Kopreas, the herald, ii. 431

Korn, the, iii. 103, 109, 110, 113, 119, 181, 186, 195, 206

Kosciusko, v. 550, 551; vi. 418

Kotchbey, Matrena, iv. 202

Kotzebue, Augustus Frederick Ferdinand von, Pizarro, i. 344, 489

Kourakin, Prince Alexis Borisovitch, vi. 307

Koutousof, Michailo Smolenskoi, Commander of Austro-Russians at Austerlitz, vi. 351-354

Koutsonika, Suliote leader, ii. 180

Krasnoi, battle of, iv. 207

Krdschalies, Turkish levies, iii. 188

Krdener, Baronne de (Barbe Julie de Wietenhoff), v. 564

Kruitzner, Friedrich (Count Siegendorf), v. 327

Kunst und Alterthum, iv. 21, 80, 81, 340

Kyrle, John, "The Man of Ross," vi. 350


La Bdoyre, Charles Anglique Franois Huchet, Comte de, iii. 431

La Revanche, vii. 15

Lacedmon, ii. 155

Lachin y Gair, i. 171

Lactantius, De Fals Religione, ii. 512

Lady Hobart, wreck of the ship, vi. 96, 109, 110

Lady of the Lake, ii. 347

Laertius, Diogenes, i. 18, 414

La Fayette, v. 567; vi. 13

Lafitte, Jacques, Governor of Bank of France, vi. 456

Lafitte, Jean, chief of the Pirates of Barataria, iii. 296-298

Lafitte, Marshal, v. 567

Lafitte, Pierre, iii. 297

La Fontaine, de, vi. xviii; Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, vi. 62

La Harpe, Frdric Csar, v. 564

Laing, Malcolm, History of Scotland, etc.; Poems of Ossian, etc., i. 183

Laus, ii. 431

Lake School of Poets, the, ii. 115, 281; iii. 320, 473; iv. 184, 339, 485

Lalla Rookh, iii. 181, 186; iv. 176, 587

Lamartine, Voyage en Orient, ii. 171

Lamb, Lady Caroline (Glenarvon), i. 301, 476; ii. 429; iii. xx, xxi, 31, 59; iv. 177; v. 329; vi. 138, 451; vii. 45

Lamb, Sir P., Viscount Melbourne, i. 300, 380; vii. 15

Lamb, Charles, i. 329, 343, 438; ii. 22, iv. 478; Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, iv. 81, 377; v. 489; Triumph of the Whale, iii. xx; On the Tragedies of Shakespeare, v. 339; Fragments of Criticism, vii. 18

Lamb, Hon. George, i. 300-302, 306, 368, 380; vii. 15; Whistle for It, i. 338

Lamb, Hon. Mrs. George (Caroline Rosalie Adelaide St. Jules), i. 301; iii. 31, 32, vii. 15

Lamb, Mary, i. 343

Lamb, William, i. 300, 306

Lamberti, Anton Maria, La biondina in gondoleta, iv. 456, 457

Lambro Canzani (or Lambros Katzones), iii. 194, 219

Lamech, v. 209

Lament of Tasso, ii. 354; iii. 503; iv. 139-152, 237, 266; v. 152; vii. 55

Lamentations, ii. 166

L'Amiti est l'Amour sans Ailes, i. 106, 220; ii. 12

Lamotte, i. 423

Lancashire Glossary, ii. 71

Lancaster, Henry, Duke of, v. 549

Lanciani, Professor R., Ruins and Excavations of Ancient Rome, ii. 413, 416, 424, 425, 436, 440

Lancilotto, iv. 321

Landino, Commentary on Dante, iv. 272

Landor, Walter Savage, Works, iii. 402; Idyllia Heroica Decem. Librum Phaleuciorum Unum, iv. 484; Gebir, iv. 485; v. 613, 614; A Satire on Satirists, etc., iv. 518; v. 614; Juvenal, v. 613; "that deep-mouthed Boeotian," vi. 445; his use of "commence" with the infinitive, vi. 567

Landsknechts, the, v. 520

Landwehr, Prussian troops at Leipsic battle, vii. 23

Lanfranchi, Palazzo, vi. 402

Lang, Andrew, Life and Letters of J.G. Lockhart, iii. 532; The Making of Religion, v. 601

Langeron, Andrault, Comte de, vi. 312

Langhorne, Rev. John, translator of Plutarch's Lives, iv. 109, 251, 352, 386, 423; v. 4, 5, 21, 72, 486, 487, 506; vi. 139, 226, 270, 339, 348, 376, 404, 477, 547

Lansdowne, Lady, iii. 72

Lansdowne, Granville George, Lord, Inscription for a Figure representing the God of Love, v. 633

Lansdowne, Henry Petty, 3rd Marquis of, i. 319, 340; iv. 472

Lansko, Catherine II.'s favourite, vi. 388, 389, 391, 412

Lanzi, ii. 490

Laocoon, ii. 445; vi. 200

Laos river, ii. 134, 182

La Pea, Captain-General, i. 469

Lapland, i. 489

La Plata, ii. 82

Lara, iii. 188, 219, 323-371, 443, 477, 508; vi. 235

Lardner and Co., i. 307

La Rousse, ii. 415

Las Cases, Mmorial de Ste. Hlne, v. 537

Lascy, General de, vi. 340, 347

Last Words on Greece, vii. 85

Latour, Major A. La Carrire, Historical Memoirs of the War in W. Florida and Louisiana, iii. 298

Lauderdale, Lord, iii. 45; iv. 472; vi. 67

Laugier, Sig. Abate, Istoria della Repubblica di Venezia, iv. 332, 335

Laura, Petrarch's, vi. 145

Laurence, Richard, translation of The Book of Enoch, v. 281, 302

Lausanne, iv. 53

Lavater, ii. 107

Laverne, L.M.P. Tranchant de, The Life of Field-Marshal Souvarof, vi. 222, 320-322

Lawler, C.F., the pseudo-Peter Pindar, ii. 213

Lawrence, Sir Thomas, i. 389; iv. 565

Lawrence v. Smith, v. 204

Lay of the Last Minstrel, i. 309, 310; ii. 19; iii. 96, 472; vi. 406, 458, 560

Layard, Sir A.H., Handbook of Painting, iv. 163

Lazzarino, Vittorio, Marino Faliero avant il Dogado, iv. 331, 403; Marino Faliero, La Congiura, iv. 325, 332, 333, 346, 349, 351, 356, 365, 383, 384, 432, 439, 448, 462

Leacroft, Julia, i. 38, 41

Leake, William Martin, Researches in Greece, ii. 174, 204

Leander, iii. 13, 178

Lear, i. 26, 400

Le Chevalier, Jean Baptiste, Voyage de la Propontide, etc., iii. 13, 179, 210

Leckie, G.F., i. 349

Lecky, W.E.H., History of England in the Eighteenth Century, iv. 513

Le Clercq, Miss Rosa, actress, iv. 78

Lee, Harriet, Kruitzner; or, The German's Tale, v. 325, 326, 328-332, 337, 349, 418

Lee, Lady Margaret, vi. 146

Lee, Sophia, The Young Lady's Tale; The Clergyman's Tale, v. 337

Lee, Sophia and Harriet, Canterbury Tales, v. 325, 326, 381-384, 446; vii. 33

Leeds, Duchess of, i. 443

Leeds, Duke of, ii. 23

Leen river, vi. 495

Leeuwarden, ii. 407

Lefanu, Alicia, Memoirs of Mrs. F. Sheridan, vii. 33

Lefebvre, Marshal, ii. 94.

Leigh, Colonel George, ii. 23

Leigh, Hon. Mrs. George (Augusta Byron), i. 283; ii. 23, 212, 247, 248, 288; iii. 31, 32, 540, 544; iv. 80; vi. 22, 30, 410, 541; Stanzas to Augusta, iv. 54; Epistle to Augusta, iv. 57; Journal of Byron's Swiss tour, iv. 95

Leipzig (Leipsic), Fairs of, i. 489; battle of, v. 371, 553; vi. 50; vii. 22, 23

Lely, Sir Peter, vi. 496, 501

Le Mann, vi. 22

Leman, Lake, ii. 257, 269; iv. 17, 53

Lemprire, i. 437

Lenclos, Ninon de, iv. 212; vi. 246

Lens, Mr. Serjeant, vii. 22

Lentulus Spinther, ii. 405

Lenzoni, Marchioness, ii. 499

Leo X., Pope, ii. 489; iii. 367-369; iv. 273

Leoben, Treaty of, ii. 297

Leochares, ii. 446

Leon, Don Rodrigo Ponce de, iv. 530

Leone, Port, ii. 94

Leoni, Michele, Italian translation of Childe Harold, and of Lament of Tasso, iv. 244; of Don Juan, vi. 8

Leonidas, iii. 21; vi. 331

Leonora, Tasso's, iv. 145, 147

Leopardi, Alessandro, iv. 336

Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, ii. 450

Lepanto, battle of, ii. 126, 178, 340

Lepidus, ii. 492

Leptinus, Furius, ii. 520

Le Roux de Lincy, A.J.V., Recuel de Chants historiques franais, v. 472

Le Sage, Diable Boiteux, i. 56; iv. 516

Lesbia, i. 72

L'Espinasse, Mdlle. Claire Franoise, ii. 209

Lestrange, Sir R., iv. 484; vi. 550

Le Sur, Charles Louis, Histoire des Kosaques, iv. 211

Lethe, vi. 184

Letronne, J.A., La Statue vocale de Memnon, v. 497

Letter to the Editor of My Grandmother's Review, vi. 76

Lettere di Torquato Tasso, iv. 143, 144, 146, 150

Leucadia, now Santa Maura, ii. 126, 178

Leucadia's Cape (Cape Ducato), ii. 125

Leuctra, battle of, ii. 294

le Vasseur, Theresa, ii. 266

Levati, Professor Ambrogio, Viaggi di Francesco Petrarca, iv. 469

Levett, Ellis, vi. 410

Lewis, Matthew Gregory ("Monk" Lewis), i. 305, 307, 346, 356, 369; iii. 473; iv. 53, 80-82, 325, 337, 342; Tales of Terror, i. 309, 317; short account of, i. 317; Tales of Wonder; Ambrosio the Monk, ibid.; The Castle Spectre, i. 317, 409, 489; Life and Correspondence of, i. 318; Romantic Tales, iii. 389; The Wood Demon, v. 474

Lewtas, Matthew, ii. 36

Lexicon Universelle, iv. 174; vi. 259

Lezze, Luga da, iv. 432

Liakura mountain (Parnassus), i. 426; ii. 60, 62, 92, 186; iii. 113, 464

Liberal, The, iv. 281, 478, 479, 495, 518, 520, 570; v. 279, 471, 540; vi. 266; vii. 75, 76, 81

Libochabo, ii. 174, 177

Libokhoro, ii. 134

Licensing Act, i. 415

Licenza village, ii. 523

Licinus (Csar's barber), i. 422

Licoo, Tonga, v. 601

Lido, the, ii. 470

Lie, lye, or ley, solution of potassium salts, vi. 505

Lieven, Count de, vii. 32

Lieven, Countess de, i. 476; vii. 32

Life, Writings, Times, and Opinions of Lord Byron, vii. 12

Lincoln, Bishop of, i. 356

Lincoln Cathedral, vi. 596

Lincy, A.J.V. Le Roux de, Recueil de Chants historiques franais, v. 472

Lindenau, vii. 83

Lindsay, Lady Anne, ii. 288

Lindsay, Lord, ii. 288

Lightning, ii. 360, 488

Ligne, Charles, Prince de, vi. 333

Ligne, Charles Joseph, Prince de, vi. 312; Mlanges Militaires, etc., vi. 313, 333; Memoirs, vi. 414

Ligny, vi. 345

Lines addressed by Lord Byron to Mr. Hobhouse on his Election for Westminster, iii. xx; vii. 69

Lines addressed to a Young Lady, i. 70

Lines addressed to George Anson Byron (spurious?), iii. xxi; vii. 41

Lines addressed to the Rev. J.T. Beecher, etc., i. 112

Lines composed during a Thunderstorm, ii. 119, 130

Lines found in the Travellers' Book at Chamouni (spurious), iii. xxi

Lines in the Travellers' Book at Orchomenus, iii. 15

Lines inscribed upon a Cup formed from a Skull, i. 276; iii. 129

Lines on hearing that Lady Byron was Ill, ii. 429; iv. 63

Lines on the Bust of Helen by Canova, ii. 370

Lines to a Lady Weeping, iii. 45

Lines to Mr. Hodgson. Written on board the Lisbon Packet, vii. 4

Lines to the Countess of Blessington, iv. 62, 64; v. 346

Lines written beneath a Picture, iii. 19

Lines written beneath an Elm in the Churchyard of Harrow, i. 208

Lines written in an Album at Malta, iii. 4

Lines written in "Letters of an Italian Nun, etc." by Rousseau, i. 15

Lines written in the Bible (spurious), iii. xx

Lines written on a blank leaf of "The Pleasures of Memory", iii. 50

Lintot, Barnaby Bernard, publisher of Pope's Iliad and Odyssey, vi. 56

Lioni, Niccolo, iv. 465

Lippincott's Magazine, iv. 32

Lipsius, Justus, ii. 299; Saturn. Sermon., ii. 520, 521

Lisbon, ii. 32; assassinations in, ii. 36, 86

Lissa, naval battle of, iii. 25; iv. 456, 457

Liszt, Franz, Mazeppa the "symphonic poem," iv. 203

Literary Chronicle, iv. 571; v. 540, 584

Literary Fund, i. 448

Literary Gazette, iii. 280; iv. 478, 571; v. 196, 540, 584; vi. xx

Literary Panorama, ii. xiv; iii. 444, 500

Literary Register, iv. 571, 580

Literary Souvenir, iv. 314

Literature, v. 333

Litta, Conte Pompeo, Celebri Famiglie Italiane, iii. 507

Liverpool, Robert Bankes Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of, i. 496, 497; vi. 374; vii. 14, 20, 28

Lividia, Point, iii. 248, 349

Livingstone, David, vi. 497

Livy, ii. 372, 377, 391, 392, 413, 496, 505, 510, 512, 513; iv. 251; v. 607

Lloyd, Charles, Poems on the Death of Priscilla Farmer, i. 368

Lloyd, Robert, Odes to Obscurity and Oblivion, i. 220

Loch na Garr, i. 238

Locke, John, i. 425; ii. 353, 504; v. 615; vi. 548, 610; vii. 12

Lockhart, John Gibson, Life of Scott, i. 318, 397; ii. 88; iii. 443; v. 206; Lang's Life of, iii. 532; A Sketch, v. 206

Lodge, G.H., Rosalynd, ii. 293; History of Ancient Art, ii. 431

Lodi, battle of, vi. 14

Lofft, Capel, i. 359, 441

Logotheti, Signor, ii. 176

Lombardy, ii. 342; Venetian, iv. 197

London, Don Juan's description of, vi. 425

London Gazette Extraordinary, ii. 40; vi. 336

London Magazine, iii. 535; iv. 42; v. 472; vi. 188

London Review, i. 403

Londonderry, Robert Stewart, Lord, iv. 560; v. 568, 569, 570; vi. 307

Londos, Andreas, vi. 168, 169

Long, Edward Noel ("Cleon"), i. 101

Long, Sir Tylney, Bart., i. 485

Longfellow, translation of Dante's Paradiso, iv. 247

Longinus, On the Sublime, vi. 26, 74, 551

Longman, i. xii, 234, 427; ii. x; v. 280; vii. 9

Longwood controversy, the, v. 538, 544

Lonsdale, James, 1st Earl, iv. 586

Lonsdale, William, 2nd Earl, iv. 341, 582, 585; vi. 5

Lord Byron's Verses on Sam Rogers, iv. 538

Lord of the Isles, ii. 244

Loredano, iv. 377

Loredano, Jacopo, v. 123, 195

Loredano, Marco, v. 123

Loredano, Pietro, Admiral of the Venetian fleet, v. 123

Lorraine, Claude, ii. 168; vi. 502

Lorraine, Franois Mercy de, ii. 186

Louis Philippe, vi. 425

Louis XII., vi. 212

Louis XIV., i. 402; ii. 453; iv. 334, 514

Louis XV., ii. 282

Louis XVI., iv. 13, 493

Louis XVIII., v. 539; vi. 313, 333, 374; Letters d'Artwell, v. 566

Louisiana, iii. 296-298

Louvel, v. 567

Love and Death, vii. 84

Love and Gold, iii. 411

Lovelace, Lady (Augusta Ada Byron), ii. 215, 287, 289; vi. 274

Lovelace, Ralph Gordon Noel, 2nd Earl of, i. 262, 264, 387; ii. 215; MS., i. 265-267, 271-273, 277, 278, 387, 389, 391-397, 399, 400, 402, 404-408, 410-413, 416, 418-430, 433, 434, 436, 438, 440, 443, 444, 446-450

Lovelace, Richard, Orpheus to Beasts, iii. 165; To Althea—From Prison, iv. 28

Lovelace, William King Noel, 1st Earl of, ii. 215

Lovell, Robert, iv. 521

Love's Labour's Lost, vi. 87

Love's Last Adieu, i. 109

Lowe, Sir Hudson, Governor of St. Helena, ii. 239; v. 544, 545; vi. 444

Lowe, John Hudson, surgeon in the Army, v. 545

Lowertz, iv. 97

Lozre, v. 549

Lucan, Pharsalia, ii. 156, 246, 372

Lucanus, Ocellus, De Universi Natur, ii. 198

Lucian, Ver Histori, iv. 43; De Syri De, iv. 115; Hermotimus, v. 396

Lucietta. A Fragment, vii. 81

Lucifer, Byron's conception of, v. 199-203, 210; vi. 183

Lucius Faunus, De Antiq. Urb. Rom., ii. 510-513

Lucretia, iv. 334

Lucretius, i. 485; ii. 93, 121, 367; iii. 57; De Rerum Nat., vi. 604

Lucullus, L., vi. 563

Lud, General Ned, vii. 42

Luddites, the, vii. 42

Ludus Coventri, v. 200, 207

Ludwig, Otto, iv. 329

Luis, Maria Jos, Regent of Portugal, ii. 43

Lunville, Treaty of, ii. 297

Lupercalia, the, ii. 512

Lusieri, Don Battista, ii. 109, 168, 171, 172, 190

Luther, vi. 303, 380

Lutherans, the, v. 520

Lutraki, or Utraikey, ii. 142, 143

Luttrell, H., vi. 175

Lutzen, battle of, iii. 431; v. 371, 553

Lycanthropy, vi. 380

Lyceum Theatre, Werner at, v. 324; Moore's M.P.; or, The Blue Stocking at, vii. 12

Lycophron, Cassandra or Alexandra, iv. 243

Lycurgus, i. 29

Lynedoch, Thomas, Lord, i. 469

Lyons, Gulf of, vi. 92

Lysander, ii. 336

Lysippus, ii. 336

Lyttleton, Lord, iii. 209

Lytton, Bulwer (The Last of the Tribunes), ii. 415; vi. 567


Macassar oil, vi. 19

Macaulay, Lord, Lays of Ancient Rome, ii. 391; Byron "singled out as an expiatory sacrifice," iii. 534; Critical and Historical Essays, iv. 72; v. 542

Macbeth, i. 84, 131, 401, 408, 432; ii. 50, 57, 244, 291, 307, 423, 452; iii. 280, 346, 476, 480, 483, 510; iv. 44, 157, 181, 338, 341, 386, 388, 401, 451; v. 393, 611; vi. 12, 184, 199, 202, 203, 265, 281, 375, 441, 453, 505, 559, 578, 590, 594

Macchiavelli, ii. 369, 493

Macdonald of Rineton, Captain, i. 192

Macdonell, Sir James ("Jack Jargon"), vi. 508

Macdonough, Commodore, vi. 508

Macfarlane, Charles, Constantinople in 1828, iii. 207

Machiavelli, Niccol, The Prince (Il Principe), vi. 303, 424

Maciejowice, battle of, v. 551

Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Campbell, "Incidental Music to Manfred," iv. 78

Mackenzie, Henry, Julia de Roubign, iii. 510

Mackinnon, Daniel, vi. 69, 276

Mackinnon, Henry, vi. 69

Mackintosh, Sir James ("Dick Dubious"), iii. 535; vi. 507; Vindici Gallic; Introductory Discourse; lecture in The Law of Nature and Nations, vii. 32

Macklin, Love la Mode, i. 464

Maclise, Daniel, iv. 540; his portrait of Macready as "Werner," v. 324

McMahon, Colonel, vii. 27

Mac-Murchad, Dermot, king of Leinster, iv. 334

Macneil, Hector, Scotland's Skaith, etc.; The Waes of War, i. 362; iv. 182

Macpherson, James, Ossian, i. 177, 183; iii. 26

Macready, as "Pierre" in Venice Preserved, ii. 331; "the Doge" in Marino Faliero, iv. 324; as "Sardanapalus," v. 2; Reminiscences, v. 2, 114, 324; as "Francis Foscari," v. 114; "Werner," v. 324

Macri, Catinco or Katinka, iii. 16; vi. 280

Macri, Mariana, iii. 16

Macri, Theodora, ii. 176; iii. 15

Macri, Theresa (afterwards Black), "Maid of Athens," ii. 75, 176; iii. 15, 16

Madame Lavalette (spurious), iii. xx

Madden, i. 470

Madison, President, iii. 298

Madrid, taken by the French, v. 550; its clime, vi. 409

Mcenas, ii. 409

Maffei, ii. 431

Mafra, the Escurial of Portugal, ii. 37, 43, 87

Magarenses, the, ii. 431

Magasin Encyclopdique, v. 302

Magazine of History (American), iii. 298

Magdalen College, Oxford, vi. 496

Magdeburg, siege of, v. 416

Maggior Consiglio (Great Council, Venice), iv. 361, 382, 399, 427, 438

Maghinard of Cavalcanti, Marshal, ii. 501

Maginn, William, John Gilpin and Mazeppa, iv. 203; Miscellanies, v. 326, 329

Mahala, Cain's wife, v. 209

Maharbal, ii. 508

Mahmout Pasha, ii. 206

Mahomet (Macon), iv. 296; vi. 139

Mahomet II., ii. 201

Ma, Cardinal Angelo, ii. 324

Maid of Saragoza, ii. 58, 91

Maimonides, Moses, Porta Mosis, iii. 109, 121

Mainotes (or Mainates), ii. 169, 193; iii. 83, 94, 132, 134

Maitland, Captain F.L., of the Bellerophon, v. 546

Maitland, G., printer, i. 478

Majorian, Emperor, iii. 251

Malamani, Isabella Teotochi, I suoi amici, iv. 457

Malatesta, Parisina, ii. 354

Mal bigatto (silkworm), term of contempt and reproach, iv. 389

Malcolm, Colonel, ii. 50

Malcolm, Sir John, History of Persia, vii. 49

Malespini, Celio de', alias Orazio, iv. 144

Malipiero, Doge Pasquale, v. 118

Mallet, i. 326

Malone, Edmund, editor of Spence's Anecdotes, vii. 53

Malo-yaroslavetz, battle of, vi. 351

Malplaquet, iv. 262

Malta, iii. 24;

Maltby, Harriet (Mrs. Nichols), i. 129, 263

Malthus, Thomas Robert, vi. 436, 459, 461, 555

Malthus, Mrs. T.R. (ne Eckersall), vi. 461

Malvern Hills, v. 609

Mamonoff, Dmitrief, Catherine II.'s favourite, vi. 389

Mamurra, vii. 17

Man in the Iron Mask (Man in the Black Velvet Mask), iv. 514

Mandeville's Tales, i. 314

Manetti, Giannozzo, iv. 253

Manfred, ii. 122, 218, 223, 254, 286, 383, 424, 426; iv. 15, 21, 41, 48, 51, 52, 63-65, 77-136, 325, 327, 340; v. 199, 200, 223, 227, 286, 332, 385, 469, 480, 500; vi. xvi, 129, 198; vii. 55

Manfrini Palace, iv. 162

Manichans, the, v. 202, 209, 216, 232

Manicheism, Byron's, v. 206, 209, 254

Manilius, Astronomicon, v. 554

Manin, Doge Lodovico, iv. 457

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