The Proverbs of Scotland
by Alexander Hislop
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Where there's muckle courtesy there's little kindness.

Where there's naething the king tines his right.

While ae gab's teething anither's growing teethless.

Whiles you, whiles me, sae gaes the bailierie.

"Spoken when persons and parties get authority by turns."—Kelly.

White legs wad aye be rused.

Whitely things are aye tender.

White siller's wrought in black pitch.

Wi' an empty hand nae man can hawks lure.

"If you would have anything done for you, you must give something, for people will not serve you for nothing."—Kelly.

Wide lugs and a short tongue are best.

Wide will wear, but tight will tear.

Addressed to those who complain that a new article of dress is too wide for them.

Wiles help weak folk.

Wilfu' waste maks woefu' want.

Will and wit strive wi' you.

Wink at sma' fauts, ye hae great anes yoursel.

Winter thunder bodes summer hunger.

Wipe wi' the water and wash wi' the towel.

Wiser men than you are caught by wiles.

Wishers and woulders are poor house hauders.

Wit bought maks wise folk.

Wit is worth a weel-turned leg.

Wives maun be had whether gude or bad.

Wives maun hae their wills while they live, for they mak nane when they dee.

Women and bairns layne what they ken na.

That is, conceal what they know not.

Women and wine, dice and deceit, mak wealth sma' and want great.

Women laugh when they can, and greet when they will.

Women's wark is never dune.

Wood in a wilderness, moss on a mountain, and wit in a poor man's pow, are little thought o'.

Woo sellers ken aye woo buyers.

"Roguish people know their own consorts."—Kelly.

Wonder at your auld shoon when ye hae gotten your new.

A pert reply to persons who say they wonder how you could have done so and so.

Words are but wind, but seein's believing.

Words gang wi' the wind, but dunts are out o' season.

Work legs and win legs, hain legs and tine legs.

Worth may be blamed, but ne'er be shamed.

Wrang count is nae payment.

Wrang has nae warrant.

Wyte your teeth if your tail be sma'.

Ye breed o' auld maids, ye look high.

Ye breed o' gude maut, ye're lang o' comin'.

Ye breed o' Lady Mary, when you're gude ye're ower gude.

"A drunken man begg'd Lady Mary to help him on his horse, and having made many attempts to no purpose, he always reiterated the same petition; at length he jumped quite over. 'O, Lady Mary,' said he, 'when thou art good, thou art ower good.'"—Kelly.

Ye breed o' our laird; ye'll no do right, and ye'll tak nae wrang.

Ye breed o' Saughton swine, ye're neb's never oot o' an ill turn.

Ye breed o' the baxters, ye loe your neighbour's browst better than your ain batch.

Ye breed o' the chapman, ye're aye to handsel.

"Spoken to those who ask us hansel (that is, the first bit in the morning, the first money for their parcels of wares, or the like). Taken from pedlars who, coming into a house, will say, 'Give us hansel.'"—Kelly.

Ye breed o' the chapman, ye're never oot o' your gate.

Spoken to those who do business wherever they go.

Ye breed o' the craw's tail, ye grow backwards.

Ye breed o' the gowk, ye hae ne'er a rhyme but ane.

Or you are always talking on one subject.

Ye breed o' the gudeman's mither, ye're aye in the gate.

Ye breed o' the herd's wife, ye busk at e'en.

Ye breed o' the miller's dochter, that speir'd what tree groats grew on.

"Spoken when saucy fellows, bred of mean parentage, pretend ignorance of what they were bred with."—Kelly.

Ye breed o' the tod's bairns, if ane be gude, they're a' gude.

Ye breed o' the tod, ye grow grey before ye grow gude.

Ye breed o' the witches, ye can do nae gude to yoursel.

Ye breed o' water-kail and cock-lairds, ye need muckle service.

Used by servants whose employers are troublesome.

Ye ca' hardest at the nail that drives fastest.

Meaning that a person pretends to work much harder than is really required.

Ye cangle about uncoft kids.

Literally, quarrel about unbought goods.

Ye canna do but ye ower-do.

Ye canna fare weel but ye cry roast-meat.

"Bolt thy fine meal, and eat good paste without report or trumpet blast. They that are thirsty drink silently."—French.

Ye canna gather berries aff a whinbush.

Ye canna get leave to thrive for thrang.

Literally, you are so busy that you have no time to get rich.

Ye canna mak a silk purse out o' a sow's lug.

Ye canna preach oot o' your ain pu'pit.

Applied to persons who are diffident in the house of a stranger, or who are backward in describing an article out of their usual way of business.

Ye canna put an auld head upon young shouthers.

Ye canna see the wood for trees.

On a par with the man who went to London, but could not see the town for houses!

Ye come o' the house o' Harletillem.

"To 'harle,' to draw to one's-self by gripping or violent means."—Jamieson.

Ye come o' the M'Taks, but no o' the M'Gies.

That is, you take all you can get, but take care to give nothing.

Ye come to the gait's house to thig woo.

Or, you come for a thing which I have not to give. "You beg of him who is ready to steal."—English.

Ye crack crousely wi' your bannet on.

A hint to a person that his conduct is too familiar.

Ye cut before the point.

Ye cut lang whangs aff ither folk's leather.

Spoken to persons who are very liberal with things which do not belong to them.

Ye daur weel but ye downa.

Or try to do well, but cannot.

Ye didna draw sae weel when my mear was in the mire.

You did not assist me so much as I now assist you.

Ye didna lick your lips since ye leed last.

Ye drive the plough before the owsen.

Ye fand it where the Hielandman fand the tangs.

That was, in their proper place, at the fireside. A proverbial manner of saying that a thing has been stolen, in reply to those who say they found it.

Ye fike it awa, like auld wives baking.

"'To fike,' to dally about a business; to lose time by procrastination while appearing to be busy."—Jamieson.

Ye gae far about seeking the nearest.

Ye gang round by Lanark for fear Linton dogs bite you.

Ye gae gude counsel, but he's a fool that taks 't.

Ye glower like a cat oot o' a whinbush.

Ye got ower muckle o' your ain will, and ye're the waur o't.

Ye had aye a gude whittle at your belt.

Ye hae a conscience like Coldingham common.

"Coldingham moor, or common, was an undivided waste of above 6000 acres. The saying is applied to persons of lax principles, who can accommodate their consciences to all circumstances."—G. Henderson.

Ye hae a lang nose, and yet ye're cut lugget.

In appearance you have an advantage in one way, but not in another.

Ye hae a ready mou' for a ripe cherry.

Ye hae a saw for a' sairs.

Ye hae a streak o' carl hemp in you.

Figuratively this means that a person possesses firmness, or strength of mind.

Ye hae aye a foot oot o' the langle.

Ye hae as muckle pride as wad ser' a score o' clergy.

Ye hae baith your meat and your mense.

Applied to a person who has invited another to dine with him, but who has refused, or failed to make his appearance; meaning that you have both the meat he would have eaten, and the honour of having invited him.

Ye hae been gotten gathering nits, ye speak in clusters.

Ye hae been lang on little eird.

Ye hae to be pitied and prayed for, either to end ye or mend ye.

Ye hae been smelling the bung.

That is, you have been tippling.

Ye hae brought the pack to the pins.

"You have dwindled away your stock."—Kelly.

Ye hae ca'd your pigs to an ill market.

Ye hae come aff at the loupin-on-stane.

"'Loupin-on-stane,' a stone, or several stones, raised one above another, like a flight of steps, for assisting one to get on horseback. Metaphysically, to leave off any business in the same state as when it was begun; also, to terminate a dispute without the slightest change of mind in either party."—Jamieson.

Ye have fasted lang, and worried on a midge.

Ye hae come in time to tine a darg.

To "tine a darg," is to lose a day's work: you have arrived too late.

Ye hae found a mear's nest, and laugh at the eggs.

Ye hae gien the wolf the wedders to keep.

"You have entrusted a thing to one who will lose it, spoil it, or use it himself."—Kelly.

Ye hae got a stipend—get a kirk when ye like.

Ye hae got baith the skaith and the scorn.

Ye hae gotten a ravelled hesp to redd.

That is, you have a very difficult matter to arrange.

"Ance let a hizzy get you in the girn, Ere ye get loose, ye'll redd a ravell'd pirn."—Allan Ramsay.

Ye hae gotten the chapman's drouth.

"From the severe exercise of a pedlar who travels on foot, the chapman's drouth is a proverbial phrase for hunger."—Jamieson.

Ye hae grown proud since ye quatted the begging.

Applied satirically to persons who pass their acquaintance in a proud manner.

Ye hae gude manners, but ye dinna bear them about wi' you.

Ye hae little need o' the Campsie wife's prayer, "That she might aye be able to think enough o' hersel'."

A reflection upon conceited or selfish people.

Ye hae mind o' yer meat though ye hae little o't.

Ye hae missed that, as ye did your mither's blessing.

Ye hae nae mair need for't than a cart has for a third wheel.

Ye hae nae mair sense than a sooking turkey.

"I ken I hae a gude deal o' the cuddy in me, when I'm straikit against the hair; and my mother used to say, I had mair than eneuch o' the sookin' turkey in me!"—The Disruption.

Ye hae ower foul feet tae come sae far ben.

Spoken jocularly to persons who, when they go to visit a friend, ask, "Will they come in?"

Ye hae ower muckle loose leather about yer chafts.

"Spoken to them that say the thing they should not."—Kelly.

Ye hae put a toom spune in my mouth.

A country farmer complained of having been fed with a "toom spune," when he had listened to the exhortations of a very poor preacher.

Ye hae run lang on little ground.

Ye hae sew'd that seam wi' a het needle and a burning thread.

Spoken facetiously when an article of clothing, which has been hurriedly mended, gives way soon.

Ye hae sitten your time, as mony a gude hen has done.

Ye hae skill o' man and beast and dogs that tak the sturdy.

Addressed satirically to persons who pretend to be very wise by those who do not admit their pretensions.

Ye hae stayed lang, and brought little wi' ye.

Ye hae ta'en the measure o' his foot.

Ye hae ta'en't upon you, as the wife did the dancin'.

Ye hae the best end o' the string.

Or the best of the argument.

Ye hae the wrang sow by the lug.

Ye hae tied a knot wi' your tongue you winna loose wi' your teeth.

Ye hae tint the tongue o' the trump.

"That is, you have lost the main thing."—Kelly.

Ye hae tint yer ain stamach an' found a tyke's.

Applied to those who, when very hungry, eat a great deal.

Ye hae wrought a yoken and loosed in time.

You have wrought a day's work in proper time.

Ye ken naething but milk and bread when it's mool'd into ye.

Or you know or care about nothing but your meat.

Ye kenna what may cool your kail yet.

Ye live beside ill neebors.

"Spoken when people commend themselves, for if they deserved commendation, their neighbours would commend them."—Kelly.

Ye'll beguile nane but them that lippen to ye.

Ye'll be hang'd and I'll be harried.

Ye'll break your neck as sune as your fast in this house.

Ye'll dee without amends o't.

Ye'll cool and come to yoursel, like MacGibbon's crowdy when he set it oot at the window-bole.

Ye'll dee like a trooper's horse—wi' your shoon on.

Ye'll do onything but work and rin errands.

Ye'll follow him lang or he'll let five shillings fa'.

Ye'll gang a grey gate yet.

"You will take a bad, evil, or improper course, or meet an evil destiny."—Jamieson.

Ye'll gar him claw a sair haffit.

"'Haffit,' the side of the head."—Jamieson.

Metaphorically, you will do something to injure or annoy him.

Ye'll gar me seek the needle where I didna stick it.

"That is, send me a-begging. Spoken to thriftless wives and spending children."—Kelly.

Ye'll gather nae gowd aff windlestraes.

Ye'll get as muckle for ae wish this year as for twa fernyear.

"Fern" signifies the preceding year. The proverb means that wishing begets nothing.

Ye'll get nae mair o' the cat but the skin.

Ye'll get waur bodes ere Beltane.

Addressed to a person who refuses the price offered for an article, meaning that, as worse offers will be made, the seller will be sorry he did not accept the present one.

Ye'll get your gear again, and they'll get the widdie that stole't.

Ye'll get your head in your hands and your lugs to play wi'.

Ye'll get your kail through the reek.

"The fact is, everybody about the house kens o' the muirburn that the mistress rais'd on you yestreen, for takin' up wi' Miss Migummery. Ye see when your auntie's in an ill key, she gars folk hear that's no hearknin'; an' ye ken yoursel', if she didna gie you your kail through the reek, Maister James."—The Disruption.

Ye'll hae the half o' the gate and a' the glaur.

Spoken facetiously when we make a friend take the outside of the footpath.

Ye'll hang a' but the head yet.

Ye'll let naething tine for want o' seeking.

Yellow's forsaken, and green's forsworn, but blue and red ought to be worn.

In allusion to the superstitious notions formerly held regarding these colours.

Ye'll ne'er be auld wi' sae muckle honesty.

Ye'll ne'er cast saut on his tail.

Ye'll ne'er craw in my cavie.

This means that such a person will never be welcomed in my house.

Ye'll ne'er grow howbackit bearing your friends.

From this we can infer that the person addressed does not allow himself to be troubled by his friends.

Ye'll ne'er harry yersel wi' your ain hands.

Ye'll ne'er mak a mark in your testament by that bargain.

That is, you will lose money by that transaction.

Ye'll ne'er rowte in my tether.

Of similar meaning to "Ye'll ne'er craw in my cavie."

Ye'll neither dance nor haud the candle.

Ye'll neither dee for your wit nor be drowned for a warlock.

A saying used to signify that a person is neither very wise nor very clever.

Ye'll no dee as lang as he's your deemster.

Ye'll no let it be for want o' craving.

Ye'll no mend a broken nest by dabbing at it.

Ye'll play a sma' game before you stand out.

Ye'll see the gowk in your sleep.

"When you awake in the morning you will see matters differently."—Jamieson.

Ye'll sit till ye sweat and work till ye freeze.

Ye'll tak mair in your mou' than your cheeks will haud.

Ye'll worry in the band like M'Ewen's calf.

"In plain English, you'll be hanged."—Kelly.

Ye loe a' ye see, like Rab Roole when he's ree.

Addressed to covetous, greedy persons. When Rab Roole was "ree," he was crazy with drink.

Ye look as bauld as a blackfaced wedder.

Ye look as if butter wadna melt in your mou', but cheese will no choke ye.

"I am beginning to think ye are but a queer ane—ye look as if butter wadna melt in your mouth, but I sall warrant cheese no choke ye.—But I'll thank ye to gang your ways into the parlour, for I'm no like to get muckle mair out o' ye."—St Ronan's Well.

Ye look as if ye had eaten your bedstrae.

"Ye look like a rinner," quo' the deil to the lobster.

"Spoken to those who are very unlikely to do what they pretend to."—Kelly.

Ye look like Let-me-be.

That is, very quiet and inoffensive.

Ye look liker a deil than a bishop.

Ye look liker a thief than a horse.

Yelping curs will raise mastiffs.

Ye maun be auld ere ye pay sic a gude wad.

Literally, you will be very old ere you can perform such a promise; proverbially, of course, that you look upon that promise as of no value.

Ye maun hae't baith simmered and wintered.

"'To simmer and winter,' to spend much time in forming a plan; to ponder; to ruminate."—Jamieson.

It also means, to trifle, to dilly-dally, to go round about a subject.

"'His heart was amaist broken.' 'It maun be unco brittle,' said Claud, with a hem. 'But what's the need o' this summering and wintering anent it? Tell us what has happened.'"—The Entail.

Ye maun redd your ain ravelled clue.

That is, you must extricate yourself from your difficulties without assistance.

Ye maun spoil or ye spin.

Ye maun tak the will for the deed.

Ye maunna throw awa the cog, tho' Crummie fling't.

Ye may be godly, but ye'll ne'er be cleanly.

Ye may be greedy, but ye're no greening.

Ye may dight yer neb and flee up.

An expression of indifference, addressed to a person whose opinion we consider of no value.

Ye may be heard where ye're no seen.

Ye may dance at the end o' a raip yet without teaching.

Ye may drive the deil into a wife, but ye'll ne'er ding him oot o' her.

Ye may end him, but ye'll ne'er mend him.

Ye may gang farther and fare waur.

Ye may gape lang enough ere a bird flee into your mou'.

Ye may live and no pree the tangs.

Ye may tak a drink out o' the burn when ye canna tak a bite out o' the brae.

Ye may tine the faither looking for the son.

Ye may wash aff dirt, but never dun hide.

Ye mete my peas wi' your ain peck.

Ye needna mak a causey tale o't.

That is, I have told you so-and-so, but do not speak of it—do not publish it.

Ye ne'er see green cheese but your een reels.

Meaning that the person spoken to is very covetous of everything he sees.

Ye rave unrocked, I wish your head was knocked.

"Spoken to them that speak unreasonable things, as if they raved."—Kelly.

Ye're a' blawin' like a burstin' haggis.

Ye're a day after the fair.

Ye're a deil and nae cow, like the man's bull.

"Ye're a fine sword," quo' the fool to the wheat braird.

Ye're a foot behint the foremost.

Ye're a' grease, but I'm only grushie.

Ye're a gude seeker but an ill finder.

Ye're a' made o' butter, an' sew'd wi' soor milk.

Ye're a maiden marrowless.

Satirically applied to conceited maidens who hold high opinions of themselves, that they are unequalled.

Ye're a man amang geese when the gander's awa.

Ye're ane o' Cow-Meek's breed, ye'll stand without a bonoch.

Ye're ane o' snaw-ba's bairn time.

"That is, such as health and prosperity make worse, or who insensibly go behind in the world."—Kelly.

Ye're ane o' the tender Gordons—you daurna be hang'd for ga' in your neck.

Ye're an honest man, and I'm your uncle—that's twa big lees.

Ye're a' out o't and into strae.

That is, you are quite mistaken about the matter.

Ye're a queer fish no to hae fins.

Ye're as braw as Bink's wife,—like the sun on shairney water.

Ye're as daft as ye're days auld.

Ye're as fu' o' maggots as the bride o' Preston, wha stopt half way as she gaed to the kirk.

"We have not been able to learn who the bride o' Preston really was; but we have frequently heard the saying applied to young women, who are capricious and changeable.

"'The bride took a maggot, it was but a maggot, She wadna gang by the West Mains to be married.'"—G. Henderson.

Ye're as fu' o' mischief as an egg's fu' o' meat.

Ye're as lang tuning your pipes as anither wad play a spring.

Ye're as mim as a May puddock.

Ye're as sma' as the twitter o' a twined rash.

Ye're as souple sark alane as some are mither naked.

Ye're as stiff as a stappit saster.

"'Stappit saster,' a crammed pudding."—Jamieson.

Ye're a widdiefu' gin hanging time.

Ye're aye in a hurry, and aye behint.

Ye're best when ye're sleeping.

Ye're black aboot the mou' for want o' kissing.

"A jest upon a young maid when she has a spot about her mouth, as if it was for want of being kissed."—Kelly.

Ye're bonny enough to them that loe ye, and ower bonny to them that loe ye and canna get ye.

"Spoken as a comfort to people of an ordinary beauty."—Kelly.

Ye're busy to clear yoursel when naebody files you.

Ye're buttoned up the back like Achmahoy's dog.

Ye're but young cocks—your craw's roupy.

Ye're cawking the claith ere the wab be in the loom.

Or plucking your geese before they are caught.

Ye're come o' blude, and sae's a pudding.

A taunt upon those who boast of their gentle blood.

Ye're Davy-do-little and gude for naething.

Ye're either ower het or ower cauld, like the miller o' Marshach mill.

Ye're feared for the day ye never saw.

"You are afraid of far-enough."—English.

Ye're fit for coorse country wark—ye're rather strong than handsome.

Ye're gude to be sent for sorrow.

Ye're gude to fetch the deil a priest.

The two last sayings are applied to persons who take a long time to do anything about which they are sent.

Ye're like a bad liver—the last day there's aye maist to do wi' ye.

Ye're like a hen on a het girdle.

Ye're like an ill shilling—ye'll come back again.

Jocularly addressed to a person who is about to go away.

Ye're like a singed cat—better than ye're bonny.

Ye're like a Lauderdale bawbee, as bad as bad can be.

"The obnoxious Duke of Lauderdale, who was at the head of affairs in Scotland's 'persecuting times,' had, it appears, a principal hand in some detested coinage. The bawbee, or halfpenny so issued, soon became base money, and these Lauderdale bawbees were branded with a bad name."—G. Henderson.

Ye're like a rotten nit—no worth cracking for the kernel.

Ye're like Macfarlane's geese—ye hae mair mind o' your play than your meat.

"Macfarlane (of that ilk) had a house and garden upon the island of Inch-Tavoe. Here James VI. was on one occasion regaled by the chieftain. His majesty had been previously much amused by the geese pursuing each other on the loch. But when one, which had been brought to table, was found to be tough and ill fed, James observed, 'That Macfarlane's geese liked their play better than their meat,'—a proverb which has been current ever since."—Note to The Monastery.

Ye're like a sow—ye'll neither lead nor drive.

Ye're like Brackley's tup—ye follow the lave.

Ye're like laird Moodie's greyhounds—unco hungry like about the pouch lids.

Ye're like me, and I'm nae sma' drink.

Ye're like Piper Bennet's bitch—ye lick till ye burst.

Ye're like the cooper o' Fogo, ye drive aff better girs than ye ca' on.

"Said of those who attempt to reform anything, but who, instead of that, make matters worse."—G. Henderson.

Ye're like the corbie messenger—ye come wi' neither alms nor answer.

"He send furth Corbie Messingeir, Into the air to espy Gif he saw ony mountains dry. Sum sayis the Rauin did furth remane, And com nocht to the ark agane."—Sir David Lyndsay.

Ye're like the cow-couper o' Swinton, ye'll no slocken.

Ye're like the dead folk o' Earlstoun—no to lippen to.

"This is founded on a popular story, kept up as a joke against the worthy people of Earlstoun. It is said that an inhabitant of this village, going home with too much liquor, stumbled into the churchyard, where he soon fell asleep. Wakening to a glimmering consciousness after a few hours, he felt his way across the graves; but taking every hollow interval for an open receptacle for the dead, he was heard by some neighbour saying to himself, 'Up and away! Eh, this ane up an away too! Was there ever the like o' that? I trow the dead folk o' Earlstoun's no to lippen to!'"—Robert Chambers.

Ye're like the dog o' Dodha', baith double an' twa-faced.

Ye're like the dogs o' Dunraggit—ye winna bark unless ye hae your hinder end to the wa'.

Spoken to persons who will not complain or "make a noise" about a thing, unless they are guaranteed against any consequences that may ensue.

Ye're like the Kilbarchan calves—like best to drink wi' the wisp in your mou'.

Ye're like the lambs—ye do naething but sook and wag your tail.

Ye're like the man that sought his horse, and him on its back.

Ye're like the miller's dog—ye lick your lips ere the pock be opened.

"Spoken to covetous people who are eagerly expecting a thing, and ready to receive it before it be proffered."—Kelly.

Ye're like the minister o' Balie, preaching for selie.

Ye're like the swine's bairns—the aulder ye grow ye're aye the thiefer like.

Ye're like Towy's hawks—ye eat ane anither.

"I was ance gain to speir what was the matter, but I saw a curn o' camla-like fallows wi' them, an' I thought they were a' fremit to me, an' sae they might eat ither as Towy's hawks did, for onything that I cared."—Journal from London.

Ye're looking ower the nest, like the young craws.

Ye're minnie's milk is no out o' your nose yet.

Ye're mista'en o' the stuff; it's half silk.

"Jocosely spoken to them that undervalue a person or thing, which we think indeed not very valuable, yet better than they repute it."—Kelly.

Ye're nae chicken for a' ye're cheepin.

Ye're never pleased, fu' nor fasting.

Ye're new come ower—your heart's nipping.

Ye're no light where you lean a'.

Ye're no worth ca'ing out o' a kail-yaird.

Ye're o' sae mony minds, ye'll never be married.

Ye're out and in, like a dog at a fair.

Ye're ower auld farrant to be fley'd wi' bogles.

Ye're ower het and ower fu', sib to some o' the laird's tenants.

Ye're queer folk no to be Falkland folk.

Falkland, in Fife, was formerly a Royal residence; and the court manners, contrasted with those of the surrounding country, gave rise to the saying.

Ye ride sae near the rump, ye'll let nane loup on ahint you.

Ye rin for the spurtle when the pat's boiling ower.

That is, take precautions when it is too late.

Ye're sae keen o' clockin', ye'll dee on the eggs.

"Spoken to those who are fond of any new place, condition, business, or employment."—Kelly.

Ye're sair fashed hauding naething thegither.

Ye're sair stressed wi' stringing the milsey.

"A proverb addressed to those who make much ado about nothing, or complain of the weight of that work which deserves not to be mentioned. It refers to the cloth through which the milk is strained, being taken off the wooden frame, wrung out, and tied on again."—Jamieson.

Ye're seeking the thing that's no tint.

Ye're sick, but no sair handled.

Ye're the weight o' Jock's cog, brose and a'.

Ye're there yet, and your belt hale.

"Spoken when people say, 'They will go to such a place, and there do thrive and prosper,' &c., which we think unlikely."—Kelly.

Ye're thrifty and thro' thriving, when your head gangs doun your bottom's rising.

Ye're unco gude, and ye'll grow fair.

Ye're up in the buckle, like John Barr's cat.

Ye're very foresighted, like Forsyth's cat.

Ye're weel awa if ye bide, an' we're weel quat.

Ye're welcome, but ye'll no win ben.

Ye rin awa wi' the harrows.

"To run on with a great flow of language, assuming what ought to be proved, or totally disregarding what has been said on the opposite side."—Jamieson.

Ye seek grace wi' a graceless face.

Ye ser'd me as the wife did the cat—coost me into the kirn, and syne harl'd me out again.

That is, you have placed me in a good position merely to take me from it again.

Ye'se get your brose out o' the lee side o' the pot.

A promise of the best that the pot contains.

Ye shanna be niffered but for a better.

Ye shanna want as lang as I hae, but look weel to your ain.

Ye shape shune by your ain shauchled feet.

You judge of others by yourself.

Ye shine like a white gir about a shairney cog.

Ye shine like the sunny side o' a shairney wecht.

"A ridicule upon people when they appear fine."—Kelly.

Ye sit like craws in the mist.

That is, in the dark.

Ye sleep like a dog in a mill.

That is, with one eye open.

Ye sleep like a dog when the wife's baking.

Ye soon weary o' doin' weel.

Ye tak a bite out o' your ain buttock.

Ye tak but a foal's share o' the harrow.

Ye tak the first word o' flyting.

"'Wheelie, I'll be as plain as I'm pleasant—mind you're no to expect me to dance with you.' 'It's verra weel o' you, Miss Mary,' replied Andrew pawkily, 'to tak the first word o' flyting; but ye should first ken whether ye're come up to my mark or no.'"—Sir Andrew Wylie.

Ye tak mair in your gab than your cheeks can haud.

Ye wad be a gude Borrowstone sow—ye smell weel.

"Spoken when people pretend to find the smell of something that we would conceal."—Kelly.

Ye wad be a gude piper's bitch—ye smell out the weddings.

Ye wad clatter a cat to death.

"'Clatter,' to prattle, to act as a tell-tale."—Jamieson.

Ye wad gar me trow my head's cowed, though there's no shears come near't.

That is, you would make me believe a thing which I know to be quite false.

Ye wad mak a gude wife, ye haud the grip ye get.

Ye wad mak muckle o' me if I was yours.

Ye wad marry a midden for the muck.

Ye wad steal the pocks frae an auld wife, and syne speir where she got them.

Ye was bred about the mill, ye hae mooped a' your manners.

"Spoken to inferiors when they show themselves rude in their speech or behaviour."—Kelly.

Ye was ne'er born at that time o' the year.

"Spoken to them that expect such a place, station, or condition which we think above their birth."—Kelly.

Ye was put out o' the oven for nipping the pies.

With the same meaning, we once heard a vulgar little boy say to another, that he was "Put out of the workhouse for eating the number off his plate!"

Ye was sae hungry ye couldna stay the grace.

Ye watna what's behint your hand.

Ye watna what wife's ladle may cog your kail.

Ye watna where a blessing may light.

Ye winna craw trade.

That is, you will never admit that trade is good.

Ye winna put out the fire wi' tow.

Ye work by Macfarlane's lantern.

"The clan of MacFarlane, occupying the fastnesses of the western side of Loch Lomond, were great depredators on the Low Countries, and as their excursions were made usually by night, the moon was proverbially called their lantern."—Note to Waverley.

Ye yirr and yowl—ye bark, but daurna bite.

Young cowtes will canter.

"Meg, on her part, though she often called them 'drunken neer-do-weels, and thoroughbred High Street blackguards,' allowed no other person to speak ill of them in her hearing. 'They were daft callants,' she said, 'and that was all—when the drink was in, the wit was out; ye could not put an auld head upon young shouthers; a young cowt will canter, be it up hill or down—and what for no?' was her uniform conclusion."—St Ronan's Well.

Young ducks may be auld geese.

"A man at five may be a fool at fifteen."

Young folk may dee, auld folk maun dee.

Young saints, auld sinners.

"'I hae played wi' him mysel at Glennaquoich, and sae has Vich Ian Vohr, often of a Sunday afternoon.' 'Lord forgie ye, Ensign MacCombich,' said the alarmed Presbyterian; 'I'm sure the colonel wad never do the like o' that.' 'Hout! hout! Mrs Flockhart,' replied the Ensign, 'we're young blude, ye ken; and young saints, auld deils.'"—Waverley.

Your bread's baked, you may hing up your girdle.

Your een's greedier than your guts.

This is applied to persons who leave a "rough" plate—who, having asked for a dish, are unable to finish it.

Your een's no marrows.

Your een's your merchant.

Your fortune's coming wi' the blind carrier.

"Deed, Mr Stimperton, I'm no sae daft. Whaur wad the profit o' that be, I wonder? I trow, the principal and interest wad come back to me wi' the blind carrier. Set my nevo up wi' my hard won siller, truly!"—The Disruption.

Your head canna get up but your stamach follows.

Your mind's aye chasing mice.

Your mou's beguiled your hands.

Your purse was steekit when that was paid for.

A polite manner of intimating that the article in question has not been paid.

Your tongue is nae scandal.

Your tongue rins aye before your wit.

Your tongue wags like a lamb's tail.

Your thrift's as gude as the profit o' a yeld hen.

"Your will's law," quo' the tailor to the clockin' hen, when she pick'd oot his twa een, and cam for his nose.

Your wit will ne'er worry you.

Yule is young on Yule even, and auld on Saint Steven.



A', all.

A-be, to let alone.

A'body, every person.

Aboon, abune, above.

Aboot, about.

Adreich, askant.

Ae, one.

Aff, off.

Afore, before.

Aft, oft, frequently.

Aften, often.

Agley, aside, askant.

Ahint, behind.

Aiblins, perhaps.

Ail, injury, hurt.

Ain, own.

Air, soon, early.

Airn, iron.

Airt, art, direction.

Aith, an oath.

Aiver, a cart-horse, an old horse.

Ajee, to one side, askant.

Alane, alone.

Amaist, almost.

Amang, among.

An, if.

An', and.

Ance, once.

Aneath, beneath.

Anither, another

Aqual, equal.

A'thing, everything.

Atweel, very well, just so.

Atween, between.

Aucht, to own, possession.

Auld, old.

Auld-farrant, sagacious, shrewd, "old-fashioned."

Aumrie, a cupboard.

Auncient, ancient.

Ava, at all.

Awa, away, out of sight.

Awfu', awful.

Awmous, alms.

Ayont, beyond.

Ba', ball, the game of ball.

Backfriend, one who supports another.

Baillierie, the magistracy.

Bairn, a child.

Baith, both.

Baken, baked.

Bane, a bone.

Bann, to knock, to malign.

Bannet, a bonnet.

Bannock, home-baked flour cakes, or "scones."

Bardy-loon, mischievous or impertinent fellow.

Barefit, barefooted.

Barlikhood, obstinacy, ill-nature.

Batch, a baking.

Bauch, insipid, tasteless, useless.

Bauchle, an old shoe.

Baudrons, a cat.

Bauk, to baulk, to disappoint.

Bauld, bold, courageous.

Bawbee, a halfpenny.

Bawty, a dog.

Baxters, bakers.

Bear, barley.

Beck, to bow, to curtsy.

Bedral, a beadle, church-officer.

Beetle, a heavy wooden mallet.

Behint, behind.

Beild, a shelter, protection, a house.

Bein, in comfortable circumstances, well-to-do.

Beit, to renew.

Beltane, the first of May, O. S.

Belyve, immediately, by-and-by.

Ben, inwards.

Bend-leather, thick leather, such as is used for soles of boots.

Besom, a broom, a brush.

Bicker, a small wooden dish or basin.

Bide, to stay, to endure.

Big, to build.

Biggin, a small house, a building.

Bink, a bench, a seat.

Birk, birch.

Birn, a burden.

Bit, a piece.

Blad, a blow or slap; cast or throw.

Blate, bashful, shy.

Blattran, rattling.

Blaw, to blow, to flatter.

Bleer-ee'd, bedimmed with tears, weak-sighted.

Bleeze, a blaze, to blaze.

Bletheration, nonsense, foolish language.

Blirt, to gush forth.

Blude, blood.

Board-claith, a table-cloth.

Bode, an offer, a portent.

Bodle, an ancient Scottish coin, value one-sixth of the English penny.

Bogle, bugbear, an object of terror.

Bonnie, bonny, pretty, beautiful, handsome, good-looking.

Bonoch, a cake or bannock.

Bore, a hole.

Bouk, bulk, compass.

Bourd, a jest, to jest.

Bourdna, do not jest.

Bowrock, cluster, heap, clump.

Brachens, ferns.

Brae, side of a hill, an inclined road.

Braid, broad.

Braird, blade of grass.

Brak, broke, did break.

Brat, a coarse apron.

Brattle, a rattle.

Braw, brawly, finely, gaily dressed.

Bree, broth.

Breed, to resemble, to take after.

Breeks, breeches, trousers.

Brig, bridge.

Brither, brother.

Brod, goad to drive oxen.

Brogue, bradawl.

Broke, kitchen refuse, pigs meat.

Broo, the fluid part of soup, juice.

Broose, a race at a country wedding.

Brose, a dish of oatmeal and boiling water.

Browst, a brewing.

Browster, a brewer.

Brunt, burned.

Bubbly-jock, a turkey-cock.

Buirdly, strongly made, stout.

Bum, to buzz like a bee.

Bummer, a bee.

Burn, a running stream, a brook.

Bursten, bursting.

Buskit, dressed, bedecked.

But-and-ben, two adjoining apartments.

But, without.

Buz, talk, ado, noise.

By, over, past.

By-gane, what has passed.

Byre, cowhouse.

Ca', to call, to name, to drive.

Caber, a rafter.

Cadger, a pedlar, gipsy, beggar.

Cairn, a heap of stones.

Callant, a boy, a youth.

Cam', did come.

Cangle, quarrel, differ.

Cankered, fretful, ill-natured.

Canna, cannot.

Canty, happy, cheerful.

Carl, carle, old man.

Carlin, old woman.

Castock, the core of a cabbage.

Cauff, chaff.

Cauld, cold.

Causey, the causeway.

Cawk, chalk

Ceevil, civil.

Chafts, the chops.

Chancy, lucky, fortunate.

Chanter, the drone of a bagpipe.

Chapman, a pedlar.

Chappin, a quart measure.

Chapping-sticks, dangerous tools or weapons.

Cheatery, fraud, deceit.

Cheep, to chirp, to squeak.

Cheil, a fellow, a person, a young man.

Chow, to chew.

Chuck, to toss, to play marbles.

Chuckie-stanes, pebbles, such as are used for garden walks.

Claes, clothes.

Claith, cloth.

Clarty, dirty, bespattered with mud.

Claver, to gossip, to talk foolishly.

Claw, to scratch.

Cleaving, a cleft.

Cleck, to hatch.

Cled, clad.

Cled-like, well clad.

Cleed, to clothe.

Clink, money, a blow, to throw down.

Clips, tongs for lifting or hanging up a pot.

Clishmaclaver, idle talk.

Clockin', clucking of hens.

Cloot, a hoof.

Clout, a patch, a rag, a slap with the hand.

Clue, a ball of worsted.

Clung, empty, collapsed, drawn together.

Cock-laird, a small landed proprietor who farms his own ground.

Cod, a pillow.

Coft, bought.

Cog, a wooden dish.

Come-speed, to succeed.

Coof, a simpleton, a stupid person.

Coorse, coarse.

Coost, to cast, to throw.

Coostin, thrown, cast off.

Corbie, a raven.

Corn, to feed a horse.

Cowed, frightened, coerced.

Cowp, fall, overturn.

Cowte, a colt, young horse.

Crab, to be angry, peevish.

Crabbit, angry, ill-natured.

Crack, a chat, a familiar conversation, to chat.

Crans, iron rods for supporting the pot while on the fire.

Crap, crop.

Crappie, the craw or crop of a fowl.

Craw, a crow.

Craw, to crow, exult, boast.

Creel, a basket carried on the back.

Creesh, grease, oil.

Creeshy, greasy, oily.

Croon, to hum a tune, to moan.

Crouse, courageous, lively.

Crowdy, gruel, thin brose, q. v.

Crummie, the cow.

Crunsh, to break with the teeth.

Cuddy, a donkey.

Cumbersome, troublesome.

Cunzie, property, money.

Curcuddoch, fond, familiar, warm in attentions.

Curly, curled.

Cursour, a stallion, a war-horse.

Cutty, a short spoon, a short clay pipe.

Cutty-stool, a small stool.

Dab, dabble, to peck.

Dad, a violent knock, a dash with the hand.

Dae, to do.

Daffin', sport, folly in general.

Daft, foolish, merry, idiotical.

Daigh, dough.

Daidle, to dilly-dally, to do a thing in a slow, sluggish manner.

Dang, did ding, q. v.

Darg, a day's work.

Darn, to mend stockings, to conceal.

Daur, to dare.

Daurna, dare not.

Dautie, a pet, fondling.

Daw, a drab, slattern.

Dead-lift, an emergency.

Dead-sweer, very unwilling, extremely averse to exertion.

Deave, to deafen with noise.

Dee, to die.

Deem, to judge, condemn.

Deil, deevil, devil.

Dight, to wipe, rub, to make ready.

Ding, to push, knock over, to surpass, excel.

Dink, to dress neatly, neat, trim.

Dinna, do not.

Dint, opportunity, chance.

Dirk, a Highland dagger, to stab with a dagger.

Dirl, a sharp stroke, the tremulation caused by a stroke.

Dish-clout, dish-towel, washing-cloth.

Disna, does not.

Dit, to close, to stop a hole.

Divot, a turf.

Dizzen, dozen.

Dochter, daughter.

Dock, to cut the hair, to shorten.

Docken, the dock herb.

Doited, stupid.

Dolour, sorrow, grief.

Donnart, stupid, dull.

Donsy, unlucky.

Doo, a dove, pigeon.

Dool, sorrow, woe.

Dorty, proud, saucy, easily offended.

Dosen, to settle down, to become cold.

Douce, grave, thoughtful, sober.

Dought, strength, power.

Doun, down.

Dounwith, downwards.

Doup, the end of a candle, the bottom of an egg.

Dovering, stupid, slumbering.

Dow, to wither, to decay, dirty.

Dowff, humble.

Downa, are unable, cannot.

Draff, brewer's grains.

Drap, a drop, to drop, a small quantity of liquor.

Draunt, a drawl.

Dree, to suffer, endure.

Dreigh, slow, tedious, dry.

Dronach, penalty, punishment.

Drouth, thirst, drought.

Drouthy, thirsty, fond of tippling.

Drucken, drunken.

Drudger, a plodding, industrious person.

Drumly, muddy.

Dub, a puddle, a pool of water.

Dummie, a dumb person.

Dune, done.

Dung, overcome, ill-used.

Dunsh, to jog, to thrust violently.

Dunt, a blow, a large piece.

Dyke, dike, a stone wall.

Ee, eye.

Een, eyes, even so.

E'en, e'enin', evening.

E'enow, even now, at present.

Eider, more prominently.

Eild, age, old age.

Eird, earth.

Eith, easy.

Eithly, easily.

Elbuck, the elbow.

Eldin, fuel, coal, peat.

Elshie, cor. of Alexander.

Elshin, shoemaker's awl.

Eme, uncle.

Eneugh, enough, sufficient.

Ettle, to endeavour, aim, an intention.

Ewie, a ewe.

Eydent, eident, thrifty, diligent.

Fa', to fall.

Fa'an, has fallen.

Fae, foe.

Fair-fa', well betide, good luck to.

Faither, father.

Fallow, fellow.

Fand, found.

Farden, a farthing.

Fash, trouble, annoyance, to vex.

Fashery, trouble, vexation.

Fashious, troublesome.

Faugh, fallow land.

Fauld, to fold, embrace; a sheepfold.

Fause, false.

Fausehood, falsehood.

Faut, fault.

Fazart, a coward, dastard.

Fearsome, fearful, awful.

Februar, February.

Feckfu, strong, courageous.

Feckless, feeble, silly, weak—mentally or physically.

Feigh! an expression of disgust.

Fend, to work.

Ferlie, a wonder, to wonder at.

Fernyear, the preceding year.

Fey, predestined, fatality.

Fiddle, violin.

Fidge, to fidget.

Fidging, anxious, skittish, fidgeting.

Findsilly, apt to find.

Fit, foot.

Fiz, to hiss.

Flae, a flea.

Flee, a fly, to fly.

Fleech, to flatter.

Flether, to persuade, to influence.

Fley, to frighten.

Fleyer, a coward.

Flicher, to flatter.

Fling, to jilt, kick, throw off.

Flisket, easily annoyed, fretful.

Flit, to remove from one house to another.

Flounders, soles, plaice.

Flyte, to rage, quarrel, scold.

Fog, moss.

Foisonless, insipid, tasteless.

Foot-rot, a disease affecting the feet of sheep.

Forecast, forethought, premeditation.

Foregather, to meet with, to overtake.

Forfoughten, fatigued.

Forgie, forgive.

Forejeskit, jaded, worn out.

Forejidged, prejudged.

Forpit, the fourth of a peck.

Fou, drunk.

Founder, stumble.

Frae, from.

Freets, superstitious omens.

Fremit, foreign, not akin, strange.

Fresh, a thaw after frost.

Frist, to delay.

Fu', full.

Fuff, to puff, boast, threaten.

Furdersome, industrious, pushing.

Fyke, to trifle.

Fyle, to soil, defile, dirty.

Gab, the mouth; to speak.

Gae, go.

Gate, gait, road, way.

Gaislin', gosling; a stupid child.

Gane, gone.

Gang, to go.

Gar, to cause, force, compel.

Gat, did get.

Gatty, old-like, ill-natured.

Gaud, a rod or goad.

Gaun, going.

Gaunt, to yawn.

Gaw, to gall.

Gawsie, plump, jolly, stately.

Gaylie, middling.

Gear, wealth, property, goods.

Geary, having riches or wealth.

Gellock, gavelock, an iron crowbar or lever.

Ghaist, a ghost.

Gien, given.

Giff-gaff, exchange of gifts, mutual obligations.

Gileynour, a deceiver, a cheat.

Gillies, followers.

Gin, if.

Gir, girth, hoop.

Gird, to keep fast.

Girdle, a circular iron plate used for baking bread.

Girn, a snare.

Girnin', grinning, fretful.

Gizen, to become leaky from drouth.

Glaiket, wanton, foolish, playful, trifling.

Glaum, to snatch at, to aspire to.

Glaur, mud, mire.

Gled, a kite.

Gleg, smart, sharp-sighted, ready-witted, acute.

Glib, quick, ready in speaking.

Gliff, a fright; a passing sight.

Glitty, smooth, glossy.

Gloom, frown.

Glower, to stare.

Glum, morose, sour, sulky.

Glunshes, glooms.

Goavin', staring, looking intently.

Gowd, gold.

Gowdspink, goldfinch.

Gowk, a simpleton, one easily imposed on; a cuckoo.

Gowpen, the two hands joined to contain anything, as grain; also the quantity so contained.

Graip, a dung fork.

Graith, harness, horse-clothing.

Gramashes, riding hose, gaiters.

Grane, to groan.

Grape, to grope, search.

Grat, did weep, cry.

Gree, to agree.

Green, to covet, long for, desire.

Greet, to cry, weep.

Greive, overseer, steward, factor.

Grewsome, sullen, quarrelsome.

Grip, to catch, take hold of; a hold, a grip.

Grit, intimate, familiar.

Groat, fourpence.

Groats, milled oats.

Grosset, gooseberry.

Grumph, to grunt.

Grund, the ground, to be ground on a grindstone.

Grundstane, grindstone.

Grushie, thick, flabby, frowsy.

Gryce, a pig.

Gude, good.

Gudely, comely, handsome.

Gudes, goods, possessions.

Gudeman, husband, master of the house.

Gudemither, mother-in-law.

Gudewife, wife, mistress of the house.

Gully, a large pocket knife.

Gutcher, grandfather.

Guts, the stomach, belly.

Ha', a hall.

Hadden, held, kept.

Hae, have, take.

Haffit, the cheek, side of the head.

Haggis, a pudding peculiar to Scotland.

Hail, hale, whole, sound, healthy.

Hain, to economize, to use sparingly.

Hairst, harvest.

Haly, holy.

Hamald, homely, poor.

Hame, home.

Hamely, homely, frank, affable.

Handfu', handful.

Hansel, the first money received for goods, a present at a particular season of the year.

Hantle, a number or quantity.

Hap, to cover; chance.

Harn, coarse linen cloth.

Harns, brains.

Harigals, the heart, liver, &c., of a sheep.

Hastrie, reckless haste.

Haud, to hold, keep.

Haurl, to drag.

Hause, the throat; to embrace.

Haver, to gossip, to talk foolishly.

Haws, the fruit of the hawthorn.

Hech! an expression of surprise, sorrow, or fatigue; an exclamation.

Hecht, a promise.

Heft, the handle of a knife.

Here-awa, hereabout.

Herry, to plunder.

Hersel, herself.

Hesp, reeled yarn.

Het, hot.

Hetly, hotly.

Heuk, hook.

Hieland, Highland.

Himsel, himself.

Hing, to hang, to suspend.

Hirdy-girdy, a state of confusion.

Hirsel, a flock.

Hommel-corn, grain that has no beard.

Hooly, slowly, steadily.

Horse-couper, horse-dealer.

Hottle, hotel.

Houssie, a housewife; diminutive of house.

Hout! exclamation, fy! tut!

Howdie, a midwife.

Howe, a hollow.

Howkit, dug, hollowed.

Hudderin-dudderin, slovenly, flabby, loose.

Hurlbarrow, wheelbarrow.

Hutch, a poor cottage.

I', in.

Iceshogels, icicles.

Ilka, every, each.

Ill-faured, ill-favoured.

Ill-willy, ill-natured, malicious, spiteful.

Ingle, the fireside.

Ither, other; not the same.

Itsel, itself.

Januar, January.

Jauping, plashing.

Jaw, a wave or dash of water.

Jawp, to throw water upon a person, to bespatter.

Jig, to creak.

Jilt, a slight dash of water.

Joe, a sweetheart.

Jouk, to stoop, to avoid a blow; to yield to circumstances.

Jundie, a passing thrust.

Kail, colewort; broth is commonly termed kail; but, properly speaking, it is not kail until the second day.

Kail-yaird, a kitchen garden.

Kame, to comb, a comb.

Kamester, a woolcomber.

Kavel, a mean fellow.

Kebbuck, a cheese.

Kekle, to cackle, to be noisy.

Keek, to peep.

Kemper, a diligent worker.

Ken, to know.

Kent, known, did know.

Kep, to catch.

Keytch, to throw up, to turn over.

Kimmer, a female gossip.

Kirk, a church.

Kirkyaird, churchyard.

Kirn, a churn.

Kirtle, a petticoat, a short-gown.

Kist, a chest, a coffin.

Kith, acquaintance.

Kittle, to tickle; ticklish, difficult.

Kittlen, a kitten.

Knibblich, a small stone.

Knowe, a hillock.

Kyte, the belly.

Kythe, to appear.

Lack, to depreciate, discommend.

Laddie, diminutive of lad.

Lade, a load, laden.

Laigh, low.

Laird, landlord, proprietor, lord of the manor.

Laith, loth, reluctant.

Laithfu', shy, modest, bashful.

Landward, rustic.

Landlouper, an unsettled, changeable person.

Lang, long.

Langle, a rope by which the fore and hinder feet of a horse or cow are fastened together.

Langing, longing, wishing.

Lang-kail, boiled coleworts.

Lang-shanket, long-handed or shafted.

Langsyne, long ago, old times.

Lap, did leap.

Lassie, girl, diminutive of lass.

Lathron, a lazy, idle person.

Lave, the rest, others, remainder.

Laverock, a lark.

Lawin', a tavern reckoning.

Layne, conceal.

Leal, true, honest, faithful.

Lear, to learn, learning.

Leddy, lady.

Lee, to lie.

Leear, liar.

Len', lend, a loan.

Let-a-bee, to let alone.

Licht, alight.

Lichtit, alighted.

Lightlie, to undervalue, decry; to make light of.

Lift, the firmament.

Linn, a waterfall between two rocks.

Lint, flax.

Lippen, depend upon, trust to.

List, agile, active.

Lither, sleepy, lazy.

Loan, a lane; an open space near a farm or village where the cows are milked.

Loe, to love, to be in love.

Loof, the palm of the hand.

Loon, a clown, a rogue.

Loup, to leap.

Lout, to stoop, submit.

Lowe, a flame.

Lowin', flaming.

Lown, calm, sheltered.

Loose, to loose.

Lug, the ear; the handle of an article.

Lumm, a chimney.

Lunnun, London.

Madge-howlet, an owl.

Mailin', a farm.

Mair, more.

Maist, most.

Maister, master; an over-match.

Maistry, management, superiority.

Mak, make.

Makna, make not.

Malison, malediction, curse.

Manteel, a mantle.

Marrow, an equal, a match.

Maukin, a hare.

Maun, must.

Maunna, must not.

Maut, malt.

Mavis, a thrush.

May be, perhaps.

Mayna, may not.

Mease, to settle; to appease.

Mear, a mare.

Meltith, a meal.

Mends, amends, satisfaction.

Mense, manners, discretion.

Menseless, unmannerly, ill-bred, forward.

Menyie, the follower of a chieftain.

Messan, a mongrel dog.

Midden, a dunghill.

Middlin', moderately.

Midge, a gnat.

Mim, primness, affectation.

Mint, to aim, to endeavour.

Mird, jest.

Mirk, dark, obscure.

Misca', to abuse, to nickname.

Misken, neglect, overlook.

Mislear'd, mischievous, wild.

Misluck, misfortune.

Misrid, entangled, confused.

Misterfu', needy, begging.

Mither, mother.

Moaned, lamented.

Moistify, to moisten, to drink.

Mony, many.

Mool, to crumble; the earth of a grave.

Moop, to mump, to impair.

Mou, the mouth.

Moudiewart, a mole.

Mouter, grist; a miller's perquisite for grinding.

Mow, a heap, as of hay, fuel, &c.

Mows, jests.

Moyen, influence, interest.

Muck, dung.

Muckle, great, tall, much.

Muckledom, muckleness, greatness in size.

Muir, a moor, a heath.

Mump, to hint, to aim at.

Mune, moon.

Muslin-kail, a very poor broth.

Mutch, a woman's cap.

Mysel, myself.

Na, nae, no, not.

Naesay, a refusal.

Naething, nothing.

Naig, a nag.

Nancie, Agnes.

Nane, none.

Neb, a point, a bird's bill; the nose.

Neeboor, neighbour.

Needna, need not.

Neist, next.

Neuk, a nook, a corner.

Nicher, to neigh, to laugh.

Nieve, the fist, the hand.

Niffer, to barter, to exchange.

Nip, to pinch.

Nit, a nut.

Nitty-now, a lousy-head.

No, not.

Nowte, black cattle.

O', on, of.

Oe, a grandchild.

Olite, active, nimble, ready.

Ony, any.

Oo, wool.

Ool, an owl.

Oot, out.

Ort, to reject, throw aside; select.

Orts, that which is rejected or set aside.

Ou, very well; an expression of surprise or indifference.

Oursel, ourself.

Oursels, ourselves.

Ower, owre, over, across, too much, too.

Owercome, overcome; the issue, the surplus.

Owergang, to overrun, to exceed.

Owk, meek.

Owsen, oxen.

Oxter, the armpit.

Paiks, chastisement.

Pairt, part.

Paitrick, a partridge.

Parritch, oatmeal porridge.

Partan, the common sea-crab.

Pasche, Easter.

Pat, pot.

Patfu', a potful.

Peasweep, the lapwing.

Peat, turf, vegetable fuel.

Pechan, the stomach, the crop.

Penny-wheep, a common kind of beer; small beer.

Perfyteness, perfection.

Pick, to choose, to select.

Pickle, a small quantity.

Pig, an earthen pitcher.

Pike, to pick, to scratch with the finger nails.

Pintstoup, a pint measure.

Pirn, a reel, a bobbin.

Pit, to put.

Plack, two bodles, one-third of the English penny.

Pliskie, a mischievous trick.

Ploom, a plum.

Ploy, a merry meeting, an excursion.

Pock, a bag, a sack.

Poind, to distrain for rent.

Poortith, poverty.

Pouch, the pocket.

Pouse, to despoil.

Pow, the head.

Powther, gunpowder.

Pree, to taste.

Preen, a pin.

Prent, printed.

Primsie, precise, demure.

Puddin, pudding.

Puddock, a frog.

Pund, a pound weight.

Quaich, a small, shallow, drinking cup of wood or metal, with two handles.

Quat, to quit, to relinquish, to give over.

Quey, a young cow.

Quire, the choir of a church.

Quo', quoth, said.

Raible, a rhapsody of nonsense.

Raggit, ragged.

Raip, a rope.

Rash, a rush.

Ravelled, confused.

Raw, a row or line.

Rax, to stretch.

Reavers, robbers, thieves.

Red-wud, stark mad.

Redd, to put in order, to counsel, to caution.

Rede, afraid.

Ree, half-drunk, tipsy.

Reek, smoke.

Reeky, smoky.

Reem, cream, froth.

Reik, to reach, to stretch out the hand.

Reird, a scolding or noisy tongue.

Remede, remedy.

Reive, reeve, to rob, to steal.

Riggin', the ridge of a house.

Rin, to run.

Rip, a handful of unthrashed corn.

Rippling-kame, a flax-comb.

Rive, a tear, a rent.

Rock, a distaff.

Roon, a selvedge, a shred.

Rooser, a boaster.

Roupy, hoarse.

Routh, plenty, abundance.

Row, to roll up.

Rowan tree, the mountain ash.

Rowte, a roar, a lowing of cattle.

Royt, forward, rude, disorderly.

Ruse, to praise, to commend.

Sab, to sob.

Sae, so.

Saft, soft.

Sair, sore, sorely.

Sairy, poor, silly.

Sang, a song.

Sap, a sop.

Sark, a shirt.

Sauch, saugh, a willow-tree.

Saucht, peace, ease.

Saunt, a saint.

Saut, salt.

Saw, a proverb, an old saying; salve, plaster.

Sawn, sown.

Sax, six.

Sca'd, scabbed, scared.

Scambler, "a bold intruder upon one's generosity at table."

Scant, scarcity, want.

Scart, a scratch, to scratch.

Scaur, to scare, to be scared.

Schule, school.

Sclate, a slate.

Scone, a common flour cake.

Scouth, ease, liberty, freedom to say or do anything.

Scouther, to scorch, to singe, to burn slightly.

Scrimpit, straitened, oppressed.

Scunner, to be disgusted, to loathe.

Sea-maw, a sea-gull.

Seil, happiness, salvation.

Sel, self.

Selgh, a seal.

Ser', to serve.

Shae, a shoe.

Shairney, befouled with dung.

Shank, to travel on foot.

Shanks, the legs, the feet.

Shanna, shall not.

Shauchle, to go slip-shod, to walk lazily.

Shaup, a husk.

Shaw, to show.

Shear, to reap, to cut close.

Shearer, a reaper.

Shears, scissors.

Sheeled, shelled.

Shent, confounded, blamed, disturbed, ashamed.

Shoo, force, persuade.

Shool, a shovel.

Shoon, shune, shoes.

Shore, to threaten.

Shot, a stroke in play, a move in chess or draughts.

Shouther, shoulder.

Shute, to push.

Sib, akin, related.

Sic, such.

Sicker, sure, certain.

Siller, silver, money.

Simmer, summer.

Sindle, seldom.

Sindry, separately.

Skail, to disperse, to scatter.

Skaith, harm, injury.

Skeel, skill.

Skelp, to whip, to slap.

Skink, a strong soup made of cows' hams.

Skreigh, to shriek.

Skyte, to shy, to fly off or against anything.

Slabber, to besmear.

Slid, slippery; wheedling, cunning.

Sliddry, slippery.

Slocken, to quench.

Sma', small.

Smit, to infect.

Smoor, to smother.

Snapper, to stumble, to err.

Snaw, snow.

Snawba', snowball.

Snite, to blow the nose.

Snodder, neater, tidier.

Sodger, a soldier.

Sonsy, stout, healthy, thriving.

Sooking, sucking.

Soom, to swim.

Soop, to sweep.

Soor, sour.

Sooth, true.

Souck, wile, persuade.

Sough, the low, mournful sound of wind.

Souter, a shoemaker, a cobbler.

Souther, to solder.

Sowens, pottage made of the dust in oatmeal seeds steeped and soured.

Sowp, a little (applied to liquids), a spoonful.

Spail, a chip of wood.

Spak, spoke.

Speir, speer, to inquire, to ask a question.

Spring, a cheerful tune.

Spune, a spoon.

Spurtle, a short stick for stirring porridge.

Stamach, the stomach.

Stane, a stone.

Stannin', standing.

Stark, strong.

Starns, stars.

Steek, to close, to shut; a stitch.

Steer, to stir, to trouble.

Stey, steep, precipitous.

Stimpart, the fourth part of a peck.

Stipend, the salary of a clergyman, a benefice.

Stirk, a young cow or bull.

Stock, a head of cabbage.

Stook, a stack of corn, consisting of twelve sheaves.

Stoor, dust.

Stot, a young bull or ox.

Stoup, a jug with a handle, a wooden water pitcher.

Straa, an expression of defiance.

Strae, straw.

Strake, to stroke; a stroke, a blow.

Strang, strong.

Straught, straight, to straighten.

Stravaig, to stroll about idly.

Streek, to stretch.

Strunt, to offend, sullenness.

Sturdy, a disease among sheep.

Sturt, rage, anger, trouble.

Sumph, a blockhead.

Sune, soon.

Sunks, a pad used in place of a saddle.

Suld, should.

Sute, soot.

Swat, did sweat, to perspire.

Sweer, sweird, averse, slow, unwilling, indolent.

Swith, quickly.

Synd, to rinse.

Syne, since, after that, then, late.

Tack, a lease.

Tacked, nailed to, attached.

Tae, to, too; the toe.

Taen, one, correlative of tither, the other; taken.

Taiken, a mark, a token.

Tait, a small quantity.

Tak, to take.

Tam, Thomas.

Tangs, the tongs.

Tap, the top.

Tappit-hen, a hen with a tuft of feathers on her head.

Tarrow, to take a loathing at meat; to be nice, particular.

Tauld, told.

Taury, tarry.

Tawpie, a foolish or idle woman.

Taws, the leather scourge used by schoolmasters.

Tee, the goal in such games as curling, quoits, &c.

Tent, to take care of, to observe.

Tentless, careless, incautious.

Tether, to tie up, to restrict.

Thae, those.

Theek, to thatch.

Theekit, thatched.

Thegither, together.

Thereout, without.

Thig, to borrow, to beg.

Thir, these, these here—used only of things at hand.

Thole, to suffer, to endure, to bear.

Thoom, the thumb.

Thow, a thaw.

Thrang, throng, busy.

Thraw, to twist, to oppose, to anger, to form.

Thrawart, cross-tempered.

Thrawn, obstinate.

Thrist, thirst.

Thrums, waste threads.

Thunner, thunder.

Ticht, tight.

Tig, to jest or trifle.

Till, to.

Tine, to lose.

Tinkler, a tinker.

Tint, lost.

Tippence, twopence.

Tither, the other.

Tocher, a dowry, fortune.

Tocherless, without a dowry.

Tod, a fox.

Tooly, to fight.

Toom, empty, to empty.

Toun, a town.

Toustie, cross.

Tout, to blow a horn; the blast of a horn.

Touzie, disordered, dishevelled.

Tow, a rope; hemp or flax in a prepared state.

Trewed, believed, trusted.

Trow, to believe, to credit.

Tryst, a fair, an appointment.

Tulzie, a quarrel; to quarrel, to fight.

Tup, a ram.

Twa, two.

Twal, twelve.

Twalpenny, a Scots shilling, of value one penny English.

Tyke, tike, a dog, a clumsy person.

Unco, strange, unknown, very, extremely.

Uncoft, unbought.

Unsicker, not secure, unsafe.

Untimeous, untimely, unseasonable.

Uphaud, to support, to uphold.

Upwith, upwards, elated.

Wa', a wall.

Wab, a web.

Wabster, a weaver.

Wad, would; a pledge, a wager.

Wae, sorrow, woe, sadness.

Waft, woof.

Wa'gang, a departure, going away.

Wair, spend.

Wail, wale, to choose.

Waly, an exclamation of grief.

Wame, the womb, the belly.

Wampish, to brandish, to flourish.

Wan, won.

Wark, work.

Warld, the world.

Warling, a worldling.

Warlock, a witch.

Warst, worst.

Wast, the west.

Wat, wet; addicted to tippling.

Watna, wot not, know not.

Wastrie, waste, prodigality.

Wauk, to awake, to watch.

Waukin, to awake.

Waukrife, wakeful.

Waur, worse.

Wean, a child.

Wee, little.

Weel, well, properly.

Ween, to suspect.

Weet, to wet.

Weird, fate, destiny; proof, confirmation.

Weise, beguile, attract.

Wersh, insipid, tasteless.

Wha, who, who?

Whalp, a whelp.

Whang, a thong, a large slice.

Whase, whose.

Whaup, a curlew.

Whaur, where.

Wheen, a number.

Whilk, which.

Whilliwha, to cheat, to influence, to cozen.

Whinger, "a short hanger, used as a knife at meals, and as a sword in broils."

Whins, furze.

Whisquer, windy, blustering.

Whittle, a knife.

Whupshaft, a whip handle.

Wi', with.

Widdie, a rope; a gallows.

Widdle, to wriggle, bustle; to attain by violent exertion.

Wight, courageous, stout.

Wimple, a curl, an undulation.

Window-bole, "the part of a cottage-window that is filled by a wooden blind, which may occasionally be opened."

Windlin, a bottle of straw or hay.

Wink, an instant, a twinkling.

Windlestrae, a stalk of ryegrass.

Winna, will not.

Wist, wished.

Wisp, to clean; to tie up with straw; a handful of straw.

Withershins, the contrary direction.

Wizen, weasand, the throat.

Woad, mad.

Woo, wool.

Woodie, diminutive of wood.

Worry, to strangle, to suffocate.

Wow, the cry of a cat.

Wrang, wrong, injury, hurt.

Wud, mad.

Wuss, to wish.

Wylie-coat, a flannel vest.

Wyte, to blame, to find fault with.

Yaird, a yard, a kitchen garden.

Yeld, barren.

Yer, your.

Yerk, to writhe, to start with pain.

Yeuky, itchy.

Yewns, "the refuse of grains blown away by the fanners."

Yirr, to snarl like a dog.

Yokin, the time that a horse should be in a cart.

Yoursel, yourself.

Yowl, to howl; the cry of a dog.

Yule, Christmas.

Commercial Printing Company, Edinburgh.


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