The Power of Movement in Plants
by Charles Darwin
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Caustic (nitrate of silver), effect of, on radicle of bean, 150, 156; on the common pea, 160.

Cells, table of the measurement of, in the pulvini of Oxalis corniculata, 120; changes in, 547

Centrosema, 365

Ceratophyllum demersum, movements of stem, 211

Cereus Landbeckii, its rudimentary cotyledons, 97 — speciossimus, circumnutation of stem, 206, 207

Cerinthe major, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 49 —, of cotyledons, 49 —, ellipses described by hypocotyls when erect, 107 — effect of darkness, 124

Chatin, M., on Pinus Nordmanniana, 389

Chenopodium album, sleep of leaves but not of cotyledons, 314, 319

Chenopodium album, movement of leaves, 387

Chlorophyll injured by bright light, 446

Ciesielski, on the sensitiveness of the tip of the radicles, 4, 523

Circumnutation, meaning explained, 1; modified, 263-279; and heliotropism, relation between, 435; of paramount importance to every plant, 547

Cissus discolor, circumnutation of leaf, 233

Citrus aurantium, circumnutation of epicotyl, 28 —, unequal cotyledons, 95

Clianthus Dampieri, nocturnal movement of leaves, 297

Coboea scandens, circumnutation of, 270

Cohn, on the water secreted by Lathraea squamaria, 86, n.; on the movement of leaflets of Oxalis, 447

Colutea arborea, nocturnal movement of leaflets, 355

Coniferae, circumnutation of, 211 Coronilla rosea, leaflets asleep, 355

Corylus avellana, circumnutation of young shoot, emitted from the epicotyl, 55, 56 —, arched epicotyl, 77

Cotyledon umbilicus, circumnutation of stolons, 219, 220

Cotyledons, rudimentary, 94-98; circumnutation of, 109-112; nocturnal movements, 111, 112; pulvini or joints of, 112-122; disturbed periodic movements by light, 123; sensitiveness of, to contact, 125; nyctitropic movements of, 283, 297; list of cotyledons which rise or sink at night, 300; concluding remarks on their movements, 311

Crambe maritima, circumnutation of leaves, 228, 229

Crinum Capense, shape of leaves, 253 [page 578]


Crinum Capense, circumnutation of, 254

Crotolaria (sp.?), sleep of leaves, 340

Cryptogams, circumnutation of, 257-259

Cucumis dudaim, movement of cotyledons, 43, 44 —, sleep of cotyledons, 304

Cucurbita aurantia, movement of hypocotyl, 42 —, cotyledons vertical at night, 304 —, ovifera, geotropic movement of radicle, 38, 39 —, circumnutation of arched hypocotyl, 39 —, of straight and vertical hypocotyl, 40 —, movements of cotyledons, 41, 42, 115, 124 —, position of radicle, 89 —, rupture of the seed-coats, 102 —, circumnutation of hypocotyl when erect, 107, 108 —, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 169-171 —, cotyledons vertical at night, 304 —, not affected by apogeotropism, 509 —, tips cauterised transversely, 537

Curvature of the radicle, 193

Cycas pectinata, circumnutation of young leaf, whilst emerging from the ground, 58 —, first leaf arched, 78 —, circumnutation of terminal leaflets, 252

Cyclamen Persicum, movement of cotyledon, 46 —, undeveloped cotyledons, 78, 96 —, circumnutation of peduncle, 225 —, —, of leaf, 246, 247 —, downward apheliotropic movement of a flower-peduncle, 433-435

Cyclamen Persicum, burying of the pods, 433

Cyperus alternifolius, circumnutation of stem, 212 —, movement of stem, 509

Cytisus fragrans, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 37 —, sleep of leaves, 344, 397 —, apogeotropic movement of stem, 494-496


Dahlia, circumnutation of young leaves, 244-246

Dalea alopecuroides, leaflets depressed at night, 354

Darkness, effect of, on the movement of leaves, 407

Darlingtonia Californica, its leaves or pitchers apheliotropic, 450, n.

Darwin, Charles, on Maurandia semperflorens, 225; on the Swedish turnip, 230, n.; movements of climbing plants, 266, 271; the heliotropic movement of the tendrils of Bignonia capreolata, 433; revolution of climbing plants, 451; on the curling of a tendril, 570 —, Erasmus, on the peduncles of Cyclamens, 433 —, Francis, on the radicle of Sinapis alba, 486; on Hygroscopic seeds, 489, n.

Datura stramonium, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 298

Delpino, on cotyledons of Chaerophyllum and Corydalis, 96, n.

Delphinium nudicaule, mode of breaking through the ground, 80 —, confluent petioles of two cotyledons, 553

Desmodium gyrans, movement of leaflets, 257, n. —, position of leaves at night, 285 —, sleep of leaves, not of cotyledons, 314 —, circumnutation and nycti- [page 579]


tropic movement of leaves, 358-360 Desmodium gyrans, movement of lateral leaflets, 361 —, jerking of leaflets, 362 — nyctitropic movement of petioles, 400, 401 —, diameter of plant at night, 402 —, lateral movement of leaves, 404 —, zigzag movement of apex of leaf, 405 —, shape of lateral leaflet, 416 —, vespertilionis, 364, n.

Deutzia gracilis, circumnutation of stem, 205

Diageotropism, 5; or transverse-geotropism, 520

Diaheliotropism, 5; or Transversal-Heliotropismus of Frank, 419; influenced by epinasty, 439; by weight and apogeotropism, 440

Dianthus caryophyllus, 230 —, circumnutation of young leaf, 231, 269

Dicotyledons, circumnutation widely spread among, 68

Dionoea, oscillatory movements of leaves, 261, 271

Dionoea muscipula, circumnutation of young expanding leaf, 239, 240 —, closure of the lobes and circumnutation of a full-grown leaf, 241 —, oscillations of, 242-244

Diurnal sleep, 419

Drosera Capensis, structure of first-formed leaves, 414 — rotundifolia, movement of young leaf, 237, 238 —, of the tentacles, 239 —, sensitiveness of tentacles, 261 —, shape of leaves, 414 —, leaves not heliotropic, 450 —, leaves circumnutate largely, 454 —, sensitiveness of 570

Duchartre on Trephrosia cariboea, 354; on the nyctitropic movement of the Cassia, 369

Duval-Jouve, on the movements of Bryophyllum calycinum, 237; of the narrow leaves of the Gramineae, 413

Dyer, Mr. Thiselton, on the leaves of Crotolaria, 340; on Cassia floribunda, 369, n., on the absorbent hairs on the buried flower-heads of Trifolium subterraneum, 517


Echeveria stolonifera, circumnutation of leaf, 237

Echinocactus viridescens, its rudimentary cotyledons, 97

Echinocystis lobata, movements of tendrils, 266 —, apogeotropism of tendrils, 510

Elfving, F., on the rhizomes of Sparganium ramosum, 189; on the diageotropic movement in the rhizomes of some plants, 521

Elymus arenareus, leaves closed during the day, 413

Embryology of leaves, 414

Engelmann, Dr., on the Quercus virens, 85

Epinasty, 5, 267

Epicotyl, or plumule, 5; manner of breaking through the ground, 77; emerges from the ground under the form of an arch, 553

Erythrina caffra, sleep of leaves, 367 — corallodendron, movement of terminal leaflet, 367 — crista-galli, effect of temperature on sleep of leaves, 318 —, circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of terminal leaflets, 367

Eucalyptus resinifera, circumnutation of leaves, 244 [page 580]


Euphorbia jacquineaeflora, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 388


Flahault, M., on the rupture of seed-coats, 102-104, 106

Flower-stems, circumnutation of, 223-226

Fragaria Rosacea, circumnutation of stolon, 214-218

Frank, Dr. A. B., the terms Heliotropism and Geotropism, first used by him, 5, n.; radicles acted on by geotropism, 70, n.; on the stolons of Fragaria, 215; periodic and nyctitropic movements of leaves, 284; on the root-leaves of plants kept in darkness, 443; on pulvini, 485; on natural selection in connection with geotropism, heliotropism, etc., 570 —, on Transversal-Heliotropismus, 419

Fuchsia, circumnutation of stem, 205, 206


Gazania ringens, circumnutation of stem, 208 Genera containing sleeping plants, 320, 321

Geotropism, 5; effect of, on the primary radicle, 196; the reverse of apogeotropism, 512: effect on the tips of radicles, 543

Geranium cinereum, 304 — Endressii, 304 — Ibericum, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 298 — Richardsoni, 304 — rotundifolium, nocturnal movement of cotyledon, 304, 312 — subcaulescens, 304

Germinating seed, history of a, 548

Githago segetum, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 21, 108 —, burying of hypocotyl, 109 —, seedlings feebly illuminated, 124, 128 —, sleep of cotyledon, 302 —, — leaves 321

Glaucium luteum, circumnutation of young leaves, 228

Gleditschia, sleep of leaves, 368

Glycine hispida, vertical sinking of leaflets, 366

Glycyrrhiza, leaflets depressed at night, 355

Godlewski, Emil, on the turgescence of the cells, 485

Gooseberry, effect of radiation, 284

Gossypium (var. Nankin cotton), circumnutation of hypocotyl, 22 —, movement of cotyledon, 22, 23 —, sleep of leaves, 324 —, arboreum (?), sleep of cotyledons, 303 —, Braziliense, nocturnal movement of leaves, 324 —, sleep of cotyledons, 303 — herbaceum, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 168 —, radicles cauterised transversely, 537 — maritimum, nocturnal movement of leaves, 324

Gravitation, movements excited by, 567

Gray, Asa, on Delphinium nudicaule, 80; on Megarrhiza Californica, 81; on the movements in the fruiting fronds of Aesplenium trichomanes, 257; on the Amphicarpoea monoica, 520; on the Ipomoea Jalappa, 557

Grease, effect of, on radicles and their tips, 182, 185

Gressner, Dr. H., on the cotyledons of Cyclamen Persicum, 46, 77; on hypocotyl of the same, 96

Gymnosperms, 389 [page 581]



Haberlandt, Dr., on the protuberance on the hypocotyl of Allium, 59; the importance of the arch to seedling plants, 87; sub-arial and subterranean cotyledons, 110, n.; the arched hypocotyl, 554

Haematoxylon Campechianum, nocturnal movement of leaves, 368, 369

Hedera helix, circumnutation of stem, 207

Hedysarum coronarium, nocturnal movements of leaves, 356

Helianthemum prostratum, geotropic movement of flower-heads, 518

Helianthus annuus, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 45 —, arching of hypocotyl, 90 —, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 305

Heliotropism, 5; uses of, 449; a modified form of circumnutation, 490

Helleborus niger, mode of breaking through the ground, 86

Hensen, Prof., on roots in worm-burrows, 72

Henslow, Rev. G., on the cotyledons of Phalaris Canariensis, 62

Hofmeister, on the curious movement of Spirogyra, 3, 259, n.; of the leaves of Pistia stratiotes, 255; of cotyledons at night, 297; of petals, 414 — and Batalin on the movements of the cabbage, 229

Hooker, Sir J., on the effect of light on the pitchers of Sarracenia, 450

Hypocotyl, 5; manner of breaking through the ground, 77; emerges under the form of an arch, 553

Hypocotyls and Epicotyls, circumnutation and other movements when arched, 98; power of straightening themselves, 100; rupture of the seed-coats, 102-106; illustration of, 106; circumnutation when erect, 107; when in dark, 108

Hyponasty, 6, 267

I. Iberis umbellata, movement of stem, 202.

Illumination, effect of, on the sleep of leaves, 398

Imatophyllum vel Clivia (sp.?), movement of leaves, 255

Indigofera tinctoria, leaflets depressed at night, 354

Inheritance in plants, 407, 491

Insectivorous and climbing plants not heliotropic, 450; influence of light on, 488

Ipomoea bona nox, arching of hypocotyl, 90 —, nocturnal position of cotyledons, 306, 312 — coerulea vel Pharbitis nil, circumnutation of seedlings, 47 —, movement of cotyledons, 47-49, 109 —, nocturnal movements of cotyledons, 305 —, sleep of leaves, 386 —, sensitiveness to light, 451 —, the hypocotyledonous stems heliotropic, 453 — coccinea, position of cotyledons at night, 306, 312 — leptophylla, mode of breaking through the ground, 83, 84 —, arching of the petioles of the cotyledons, 90 —, difference in sensitiveness to gravitation in different parts, 509 —, extraordinary manner of germination, 557 [page 582]


Ipomoea pandurata, manner of germination, 84, 557 — purpurea (vel Pharbitis hispida), nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 305, 312 —, sleep of leaves, 386 —, sensitiveness to light, 451 —, the hypocotyledonous stems heliotropic, 453

Iris pseudo-acorus, circumnutation of leaves, 253

Irmisch, on cotyledons of Ranunculus Ficaria, 96

Ivy, its stems heliotropic, 451


Kerner on the bending down of peduncles, 414

Klinostat, the, an instrument devised by Sachs to eliminate geotropism, 93

Kraus, Dr. Carl, on the underground shoots of Triticum repens, 189; on Cannabis sativa, 250, 307, 312; on the movements of leaves, 318 L.

Lactuca scariola, sleep of cotyledons, 305

Lagenaria vulgaris, circumnutation of seedlings, 42 —, of cotyledons, 43 —, cotyledons vertical at night, 304

Lathraea squamaria, mode of breaking through the ground, 85 —, quantity of water secreted, 85, 86, n.

Lathyrus nissolia, circumnutation of stem of young seedling, 33 —, ellipses described by, 107, 108

Leaves, circumnutation of, 226-262; dicotyledons, 226-252; monocotyledons, 252-257; nyctitropism of, 280; their temperature affected by their position at night, 294; nyctitropic or sleep movements, 315, 394; periodicity of their movements inherited, 407; embryology of, 414; so-called diurnal sleep, 445

Leguminosae, sleep of cotyledons, 308; sleeping species, 340

Le Maout and Decaisne, 67

Lepidium sativum, sleep of cotyledons, 302

Light, movements excited by 418, 563; influence on most vegetable tissues, 486; acts on plant as on the nervous system of animals, 487

Lilium auratum, circumnutation of stem, 212 —, apogeotropic movement of stem, 498, 499

Linnaeus, 'Somnus Plantarum', 280; on plants sleeping, 320; on the leaves of Sida abutilon, 324; on Oenothera mollissima, 383

Linum Berendieri, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 298 — usitatissimum, circumnutation of stem, 203

Lolium perenne, joints affected by apogeotropism, 502

Lonicera brachypoda, hooking of the tip, 272 —, sensitiveness to light, 453

Loomis, Mr., on the movements in the fruiting fronds of Asplenium trichomanes, 257

Lotus aristata, effect of radiation on leaves, 292 — Creticus, leaves awake and asleep, 354 — Gebelii, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 308 —, leaflets provided with pulvini, 353 — Jacobaeus, movements of cotyledons, 35, 109 —, pulvini of, 115 [page 583]


Lotus Jacobaeus, movements at night, 116, 121, 124 —, development of pulvini, 122 —, sleep of cotyledons, 308, 313 —, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 353 — major, sleep of leaves, 353 — perigrinus, movement of leaflets, 353

Lunularia vulgaris, circumnutation of fronds, 258

Lupinus, 340 — albifrons, sleep of leaves, 344 — Hartwegii, sleep of leaves, 341 — luteus, circumnutation of cotyledons, 38, 110 —, effect of darkness, 124

Lupinus, position of leaves when asleep, 341 —, different positions of leaves at night, 343 —, varied movements of leaves and leaflets, 395 — Menziesii, sleep of leaves, 343 — mutabilis, sleep of leaves, 343 — nanus, sleep of leaves, 343 — pilosus, sleep of leaves, 340, 341 — polyphyllus, sleep of leaves, 343 — pubescens, sleep of leaves by day and night, 342 —, position of petioles at night, 343 —, movements of petioles, 401 — speciosus, circumnutation of leaves, 236

Lynch, Mr. R., on Pachira aquatica, 95, n.; sleep movements of Averrhoa, 330


Maranta arundinacea, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 389-391 —, after much agitation do not sleep, 319

Marsilia quadrifoliata, effect of radiation at night, 292 —, circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaflets, 392-394 —, rate of movement, 404

Martins, on radiation at night, 284, n.

Masters, Dr. Maxwell, on the leading shoots of the Coniferae, 211

Maurandia semperflorens, circumnutation of peduncle, 225 Medicago maculata, nocturnal position of leaves, 345 — marina, leaves awake and asleep, 344

Meehan, Mr., on the effect of an Aecidium on Portulaca oleracea, 189

Megarrhiza Californica, mode of breaking through the ground, 81 —, germination described by Asa Gray, 82 —, singular manner of germination, 83, 556

Melaleuca ericaefolia, sleep of leaves, 383

Melilotus, sleep of leaves, 345 — alba, sleep of leaves, 347 — coerulea, sleep of leaves, 347 — dentata, effect of radiation at night, 295 — elegans, sleep of leaves, 347 — gracilis, sleep of leaves, 347 — infesta, sleep of leaves, 347 — Italica, leaves exposed at night, 291 —, sleep of leaves, 347 — macrorrhiza, leaves exposed at night, 292 —, sleep of leaves, 347 — messanensis, sleep of leaves on full-grown and young plants, 348, 416 — officinalis, effect of exposure of leaves at night, 290, 296 —, nocturnal movement of leaves, 346, 347 —, circumnutation of leaves, 348 —, movement of petioles, 401 [page 584]


Melilotus parviflora, sleep of leaves, 347 — Petitpierreana, leaves exposed at night, 291, 296 —, sleep of leaves, 347 — secundiflora, sleep of leaves, 347 — suaveolens, leaves exposed at night, 291 —, sleep of leaves, 347 — sulcata, sleep of leaves, 347 — Taurica, leaves exposed at night, 291 —, sleep of leaves, 347, 415

Methods of observation, 6

Mimosa albida, cotyledons vertical at night, 116 —, not sensitive to contact, 127 —, sleep of cotyledons, 308 —, rudimentary leaflets, 364 —, nyctitropic movements of leaves, 379, 380 —, circumnutation of the main petiole of young leaf, 381 —, torsion, or rotation of leaves and leaflets, 400 —, first true leaf, 416 —, effect of bright sunshine on basal leaflets, 445 — marginata, nyctitropic movements of leaflets, 381 — pudica, movement of cotyledons, 105 —, rupture of the seed-coats, 105 —, circumnutation of cotyledons, 109 —, pulvini of, 113, 115 —, cotyledons vertical at night, 116 —, hardly sensitive to contact, 127 —, effect of exposure at night, 293 —, nocturnal movement of leaves, 297 —, sleep of cotyledons, 308 —, circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of main petiole, 374-378 —, of leaflets, 378

Mimosa albida, circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of pinnae, 402 —, number of ellipses described in given time, 406 —, effect of bright sunshine on leaflets, 446

Mirabilis jalapa and longiflora, nocturnal movements of cotyledons, 307 —, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 387

Mohl, on heliotropism in tendrils, stems, and twining plants, 451

Momentum-like movement, the accumulated effects of apogeotropism, 508

Monocotyledons, sleep of leaves, 389

Monotropa hypopitys, mode of breaking through the ground, 86

Morren, on the movements of stamens of Sparmannia and Cereus, 226

Mller, Fritz, on Cassia tora, 34; on the circumnutation of Linum usitatissimum, 203; movements of the flower-stems of an Alisma, 226

Mutisia clematis, movement of leaves, 246 —, leaves not heliotropic, 451


Natural selection in connection with geotropism, heliotropism, etc., 570

Nephrodium molle, circumnutation of very young frond, 66 —, of older frond, 257 —, slight movement of fronds, 509

Neptunia oleracea, sensitiveness to contact, 128 —, nyctitropic movement of leaflets, 374 —, of pinnae, 402 [page 585]


Nicotiana glauca, sleep of leaves, 385, 386 —, circumnutation of leaves, 386

Nobbe, on the rupture of the seed-coats in a seedling of Martynia, 105

Nolana prostrata, movement of seedlings in the dark, 50 —, circumnutation of seedling, 108

Nyctitropic movement of leaves, 560

Nyctitropism, or sleep of leaves, 281; in connection with radiation, 286; object gained by it, 413


Observation, methods of, 6

Oenothera mollissima, sleep of leaves, 383

Opuntia basilaris, conjoint circumnutation of hypocotyl and cotyledon, 44 —, thickening of the hypocotyl, 96 —, circumnutation of hypocotyl when erect, 107 —, burying of, 109

Orange, seedling, circumnutation of, 510

Orchis pyramidalis, complex movement of pollinia, 489

Oxalis acetosella, circumnutation of flower-stem, 224 —, effects of exposure to radiation at night, 287, 288, 296 —, circumnutation and nyctitropic movement in full-grown leaf, 326 —, circumnutation of leaflet when asleep, 327 —, rate of circumnutation of leaflets, 404 —, effect of sunshine on leaflets, 447 —, circumnutation of peduncle, 506 Oxalis acetosella, seed-capsules, only occasionally buried, 518 — articulata, nocturnal movements of cotyledons, 307 — (Biophytum) sensitiva, rapidity of movement of cotyledons during the day, 26 —, pulvinus of, 113 —, cotyledons vertical at night, 116, 118 — bupleurifolia, circumnutation of foliaceous petiole, 328 —, nyctitropic movement of terminal leaflet, 329 — carnosa, circumnutation of flower-stem, 223 —, epinastic movements of flower-stem, 504 —, effect of exposure at night, 288, 296 —, movements of the flower-peduncles due to apogeotropism and other forces, 503-506 — corniculata (var. cuprea), movements of cotyledons, 26 —, rising of cotyledons, 116 —, rudimentary pulvini of cotyledons, 119 —, development of pulvinus, 122 —, effect of dull light, 124 —, experiments on leaves at night, 288 — floribunda, pulvinus of cotyledons, 114 —, nocturnal movement, 118, 307, 313 — fragrans, sleep of leaves, 324 — Ortegesii, circumnutation of flower-stems, 224 —, sleep of large leaves, 327 —, diameter of plant at night, 402 —, large leaflets affected by bright sunshine, 447 — Plumierii, sleep of leaves, 327 — purpurea, exposure of leaflets at night, 293 — rosea, circumnutation of cotyledons, 23, 24 [page 586]


Oxalis rosea, pulvinus of, 113 —, movement of cotyledons at night, 117, 118, 307 —, effect of dull light, 124 —, non-sensitive cotyledons, 127 — sensitiva, movement of cotyledons, 109, 127, 128 —, circumnutation of flower-stem, 224 —, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 307, 312 —, sleep of leaves, 327 — tropoeoloides, movement of cotyledons at night, 118, 120 — Valdiviana, conjoint circumnutation of cotyledons and hypocotyl, 25 —, cotyledons rising vertically at night, 114, 115, 117, 118 —, non-sensitive cotyledons, 127 —, nocturnal movement of cotyledon, 307, 312 —, sleep of leaves and not of cotyledons, 315 —, movements of leaves, 327


Pachira aquatica, unequal cotyledons, 95, n.

Pancratium littorale, movement of leaves, 255

Paraheliotropism, or diurnal sleep of leaves, 445

Passiflora gracilis, circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaves, 383, 384 —, apogeotropic movement of tendrils, 510 —, sensitiveness of tendrils, 550 Pelargonium zonale, circumnutation of stem, 203 —, and downward movement of young leaf, 232, 233, 269

Petioles, the rising of beneficial to plant at night, 402

Petunia violacea, downward movement and circumnutation of very young leaf, 248, 249, 269.

Pfeffer, Prof., on the turgescence of the cells, 2; on pulvini of leaves, 113, 117; sleep movements of leaves, 280, 283, 284; nocturnal rising of leaves of Malva, 324; movements of leaflets in Desmodium gyrans, 358; on Phyllanthus Niruri, 388; influence of a pulvinus on leaves, 396; periodic movements of sleeping leaves, 407, 408; movements of petals, 414; effect of bright sunshine on leaflets of Robinia, 445; effect of light on parts provided with pulvini, 363

Phalaris Canariensis, movements of old seedlings, 62 —, circumnutation of cotyledons, 63, 64, 108 —, heliotropic movement and circumnutation of cotyledon towards a dim lateral light, 427 —, sensitiveness of cotyledon to light, 455 —, effect of exclusion of light from tips of cotyledons, 456 —, manner of bending towards light, 457 —, effects of painting with Indian ink, 467 —, transmitted effects of light, 469 —, lateral illumination of tip, 470 —, apogeotropic movement of the sheath-like cotyledons, 497 —, change from a straight upward apogeotropic course to circumnutation, 499 —, apogeotropic movement of cotyledons, 500

Phaseolus Hernandesii, nocturnal movement of leaves and leaflets, 368 —, caracalla, 93 —, nocturnal movement of leaves, 368 —, effect of bright sunshine on leaflets, 446 [page 587]


Phaseolus multiflorus, movement of radicles, 29 —, of young radicle, 72 —, of hypocotyl, 91, 93 —, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 163-167 —, to moist air, 181 —, cauterisation and grease on the tips, 535 —, nocturnal movement of leaves, 368 —, nyctitropic movement of the first unifoliate leaves, 397 — Roxburghii, effect of bright sunshine on first leaves, 445 —, vulgaris, 93 —, sleep of leaves, 318 —, vertical sinking of leaflets at night, 368

Phyllanthus Niruri, sleep of leaflets, 388 — linoides, sleep of leaves, 387

Pilocereus Houlletii, rudimentary cotyledons, 97

Pimelia spectabilis, sleep of leaves, 387

Pincers, wooden, through which the radicle of a bean was allowed to grow, 75

Pinus austriaca, circumnutation of leaves, 251, 252 — Nordmanniana, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 389 — pinaster, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 56 —, movement of two opposite cotyledons, 57 —, circumnutation of young leaf, 250, 251 —, epinastic downward movement of young leaf, 270

Pistia stratiotes, movement of leaves, 255

Pisum sativum, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 158 —, tips of radicles cauterised transversely, 534

Plants, sensitiveness to light, 449; hygroscopic movements of, 489

Plants, climbing, circumnutation of, 264; movements of, 559 —, mature, circumnutation of, 201-214

Pliny on the sleep-movements of plants, 280

Plumbago Capensis, circumnutation of stem, 208, 209

Poinciana Gilliesii, sleep of leaves, 368

Polygonum aviculare, leaves vertical at night, 387 — convolvulus, sinking of the leaves at night, 318

Pontederia (sp.?), circumnutation of leaves, 256

Porlieria hygrometrica, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of petiole of leaf, 335, 336 —, effect of watering, 336-338 —, leaflets closed during the day, 413

Portulaca oleracea, effect of Aecidium on, 189

Primula Sinensis, conjoint circumnutation of hypocotyl and cotyledon, 45, 46

Pringsheim on the injury to chlorophyll, 446

Prosopis, nyctitropic movements of leaflets, 374 Psoralea acaulis, nocturnal movements of leaflets, 354

Pteris aquilina, rachis of, 86

Pulvini, or joints; of cotyledons, 112-122; influence of, on the movements of cotyledons, 313; effect on nyctitropic movements, 396


Quercus (American sp.), circumnutation of young stem, 53, 54 — robur, movement of radicles, 54, 55 —, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 174-176 [page 588]


Quercus virens, manner of germination, 85, 557


Radiation at night, effect of, on leaves, 284-286

Radicles, manner in which they penetrate the ground, 69-77; circumnutation of 69; experiments with split sticks, 74; with wooden pincers, 75; sensitiveness of apex to contact and other irritants, 129; of Vicia faba, 132-158; various experiments, 135-140; summary of results, 143-151; power of an irritant on, compared with geotropism, 151-154; sensitiveness of tip to moist air, 180; with greased tips, 185; effect of killing or injuring the primary radicle, 187-191; curvature of, 193; affected by moisture, 198; tip alone sensitive to geotropism, 540; protrusion and circumnutation in a germinating seed, 548; tip highly sensitive, 550; the tip acts like the brain of one of the lower animals, 573 —, secondary, sensitiveness of the tips in the bean, 154; become vertically geotropic, 186-191

Ramey on the movements of the cotyledons of Mimosa pudica, and Clianthus Dampieri at night, 297

Ranunculus Ficaria, mode of breaking through the ground, 86, 90 —, single cotyledon, 96 —, effect of lateral light, 484

Raphanus sativa, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 171 —, sleep of cotyledons, 301

Rattan, Mr., on the germination of the seeds of Megarrhiza Californica, 82

Relation between circumnutation and heliotropism, 435

Reseda odorata, hypocotyl of seedling slightly heliotropic, 454

Reversion, due to mutilation, 190 Rhipsalis cassytha, rudimentary cotyledons, 97

Ricinus Borboniensis, circumnutation of arched hypocotyl, 53

Robinia, effect of bright sunshine on its leaves, 445 — pseudo-acacia, leaflets vertical at night, 355

Rodier, M., on the movements of Ceratophyllum demersum, 211

Royer, Ch., on the sleep-movements of plants, 281, n.; on the sleep of leaves, 318; the leaves of Medicago maculata, 345; on Wistaria Sinensis, 354

Rubus idaeus (hybrid) circumnutation of stem, 205 —, apogeotropic movement of stem, 498

Ruiz and Pavon, on Porlieria hygrometrica, 336


SACHS on "revolving nutation," 1; intimate connection between turgescence and growth, 2, n.; cotyledon of the onion, 59; adaptation of root-hairs, 69; the movement of the radicle, 70, 72, 73; movement in the hypocotyls of the bean, etc., 91; sensitiveness of radicles, 131, 145, 198; sensitiveness of the primary radicle in the bean, 155; in the common pea, 156; effect of moist air, 180; of killing or injuring the primary radicle, 186, 187; circumnutation of flower-stems, 225; epinasty, 268; movements of leaflets of Trifolium incarnatum, 350; action of light in modifying the periodic movements of leaves, 418; on geotropism and heliotropism, 436, n.; on Tropaeolum majus, 453; [page 589]


on the hypocotyls slightly heliotropic, and stems strongly apheliotropic of the ivy, 453; heliotropism of radicles, 482; experiments on tips of radicles of bean, 523, 524; curvature of the hypocotyl, 555; resemblance between plants and animals, 571

Sarracenia purpurea, circumnutation of young pitcher, 227

Saxifraga sarmentosa, circumn utation of an inclined stolon, 218

Schrankia aculeata, nyctitropic movement of the pinnae, 381, 403 — uncinata, nyctitropic movements of leaflets, 381

Securigera coronilla, nocturnal movements of leaflets, 352

Seed-capsules, burying of, 513

Seed-coats, rupture of, 102-106

Seedling plants, circumnutating movements of, 10 Selaginella, circumnutation of 258 — Kraussii (?), circumnutation of young plant, 66

Sida napoea, depression of leaves at night, 322 —, no pulvinus, 322 — retusa, vertical rising of leaves, 322 — rhombifolia, sleep of cotyledons, 308 —, sleep of leaves, 314 —, vertical rising of leaves, 322 —, no pulvinus, 322 —, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of leaf of young plant, 322 —, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 397

Siegesbeckia orientalis, sleep of leaves, 319, 384

Sinapis alba, hypocotyl bending towards the light, 461 —, transmitted effect of light on radicles, 482, 483, 567 —, growth of radicles in darkness, 486

Sinapis nigra, sleep of cotyledons, 301

Smilax aspera, tendrils apheliotropic, 451

Smithia Pfundii, non-sensitive cotyledons, 127 —, hyponastic movement of the curved summit of the stem, 274-276 —, cotyledons not sleeping at night, 308 —, vertical movement of leaves, 356 — sensitiva, sensitiveness of cotyledons to contact, 126 —, sleep of cotyledons, 308

Sophora chrysophylla, leaflets rise at night, 368

Solanum dulcamara, circumnutating stems, 266 — lycopersicum, movement of hypocotyl, 50 —, of cotyledons, 50 —, effect of darkness, 124 —, rising of cotyledons at night, 306 —, heliotropic movements of hypocotyl, 421 —, effect of an intermittent light, 457 —, rapid heliotropism, 461 — palinacanthum, circumnutation of arched hypocotyl, 51, 100 —, of cotyledon, 51 —, ellipses described by hypocotyl when erect, 107 —, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 306

Sparganium ramosum, rhizomes of, 189

Sphaerophysa salsola, rising of leaflets, 355

Spirogyra princeps, movements of, 259, n.

Stahl, Dr., on the effect of Aecidium on shoot, 189; on the influence of light on swarm-spores, 488, n.

Stapelia sarpedon, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 46, 47 [page 590]


Stapelia sarpedon, minute cotyledons, 97

Stellaria media, nocturnal movement of leaves, 297

Stems, circumnutation of, 201-214

Stolons, or Runners, circumnutation of, 214-222, 558

Strasburger, on the effect of light on spores of Haematococcus, 455, n.; the influence of light on the swarm-spores, 488.

Strawberry, stolons of the, circumnutate, but not affected by moderate light, 454

Strephium floribundum, circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaves, 391, 392


Tamarindus Indica, nyctitropic movement of leaflets, 374

Transversal - heliotropismus (of Frank) or diaheliotropism, 438

Trapa natans, unequal cotyledons, 95, n.

Tecoma radicans, stems apheliotropic, 451

Tephrosia caribaea, 354

Terminology, 5

Thalia dealbata, sleep of leaves, 389 —, lateral movement of leaves, 404

Trichosanthes anguina, action of the peg on the radicle, 104 —, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 304

Trifolium, position of terminal leaflets at night, 282 — globosum, with hairs protecting the seed-bearing flowers, 517 — glomeratum, movement of cotyledons, 309 — incarnatum, movement of cotyledons, 309 — Pannonicum, shape of first true leaf, 350, 415 Trifolium pratense, leaves exposed at night, 293 — repens, circumnutation of flower-stem, 225 —, circumnutating and epinastic movements of flower-stem, 276-279 —, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 349 —, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of terminal leaflets, 352, 353 —, sleep movements, 349 — resupinatum, no pulvini to cotyledons, 118 —, circumnutation of stem, 204 —, effect of exposure at night, 295 —, cotyledons not rising at night, 118, 309 —, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of terminal leaflets, 351, 352 — strictum, movements of cotyledons at night, 116, 118 —, nocturnal and diurnal movements of cotyledons, 309-311, 313 —, movement of the left-hand cotyledon, 316 — subterraneum, movement of flower-heads, 71 —, of cotyledons at night, 116, 118, 309 —, circumnutation of flower-stem, 224, 225 —, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of leaves, 350 —, number of ellipses in 24 hours, 405 —, burying its flower-heads, 513, 514 —, downward movement of peduncle, 515 —, circumnutating movement of peduncle, 516

Trigonella Cretica, sleep of leaves, 345

Triticum repens, underground shoots of, become apogeotropic, 189 [page 591]


Triticum vulgare, sensitiveness of tips of radicle to moist air, 184

Tropaeolum majus (?), sensitiveness of apex of radicle to contact, 167 —, circumnutation of stem, 204 —, influence of illumination on nyctitropic movements, 338-340, 344 —, heliotropic movement and circumnutation of epicotyl of a young seedling, 428, 429 —, of an old internode towards a lateral light, 430 —, stems of very young plants highly heliotropic, of old plants slightly apheliotropic, 453 —, effect of lateral light, 484 — minus (?), circumnutation of buried and arched epicotyl, 27


Ulex, or gorse, first-formed leaf of, 415

Uraria lagopus, vertical sinking of leaflets at night, 365

V. Vaucher, on the burying of the flower-heads of Trifolium subterraneum, 513; on the protection of seeds, 517

Verbena melindres (?), circumnutation of stem, 210 —, apogeotropic movement of stem, 495

Vicia faba, circumnutation of radicle, 29, 30 —, of epicotyl, 31-33 —, curvature of hypocotyl, 92 —, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 132-134 —, of the tips of secondary radicles, 154 —, of the primary radicle above the apex, 155-158 —, various experiments, 135-143 —, summary of results, 143-151 —, power of an irritant on, compared with that of geotropism, 151-154 Vicia faba, circumnutation of leaves, 233-235 —, circumnutation of terminal leaflet, 235 —, effect of apogeotropism, 444 —, effect of amputating the tips of radicles, 523 —, regeneration of tips, 526 —, short exposure to geotropic action, 527 —, effects of amputating the tips obliquely, 528 —, of cauterising the tips, 529 —, of grease on the tips, 534

Vines, Mr., on cell growth, 3

Vries, De, on turgescence, 2; on epinasty and hyponasty, 6, 267, 268; the protection of hypocotyls during winter, 557; stolons apheliotropic, 108; the nyctitropic movement of leaves, 283; the position of leaves influenced by epinasty, their own weight and apogeotropism, 440; apogeotropism in petioles and midribs, 443; the stolons of strawberries, 454; the joints or pulvini of the Gramineae, 502


Watering, effect of, on Porlieria hygrometrica, 336-338

Wells, 'Essay on Dew,' 284, n.

Wiesner, Prof., on the circumnutation of the hypocotyl, 99, 100; on the hooked tip of climbing stems, 272; observations on the effect of bright sunshine on chlorophyll in leaves, 446; the effects of an intermittent light, 457; on arial roots, 486; on special adaptations, 490

Wigandia, movement of leaves, 248

Williamson, Prof., on leaves of Drosera Capensis, 414

Wilson, Mr. A. S., on the movements of Swedish turnip leaves, 230, 298

Winkler on the protection of seedlings, 108

Wistaria Sinensis, leaflets depressed at night, 354 —, circumnutation with lateral light, 452


Zea mays, circumnutation of cotyledon, 64 Zea mays, geotropic movement of radicles, 65 —, sensitiveness of apex of radicle to contact, 177-179 —, secondary radicles, 179 —, heliotropic movements of seedling, 64, 421 —, tips of radicles cauterised, 539

Zukal, on the movements of Spirulina, 259, n.


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