The Age of the Reformation
by Preserved Smith
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Hamilton Papers, 1532-90, ed. J. Bain.

Much in the English calendars for which see bibliography to chap. VI.

John Knox's Works, ed. Laing, 1846-64.

R. Lindsay of Pitscottie: Historie and cronicles of Scotland, ed. A. J. G. Mackay. 1899-1911. 3 vols.

Satirical Poems of the Time of the Reformation, ed. J. Cranstoun. 2 vols. 1891.

John Knox: The History of the Reformation of Religion in Scotland, ed. by Cuthbert Lennox. 1905.


P. Hume Brown: History of Scotland. 3 vols. 1899-1909.

W. L. Mathieson: Politics and Religion; a study of Scottish history from Reformation to Revolution. 2 vols. 1902.

D. H. Fleming: The Reformation in Scotland. 1910. (Strongly Protestant).

G. Christie: The Influence of Letters on the Scottish Reformation. 1908.

A. Lang: John Knox and the Reformation. 1905.

J. Crook: John Knox the Reformer. 1907.

A. B. Hart, "John Knox," in American Historical Review, xiii, 259-80. (Brilliant character study).

R. S. Rait: "John Knox," in Quarterly Review, vol. 205, 1906.

A. Lang: The Mystery of Mary Stuart. 1902.

Lady Blennerhassett: Maria Stuart, Koenigin von Schottland. 1907.

A. Lang: A History of Scotland. 4 vols. 1900-7.

P. Hume Brown: John Knox. 2 vols. 1895.

H. Cowan: John Knox. 1905.

A. R. Macewen: A History of the Church in Scotland. Vol. I (397-1546), 1913; Vol. II (1546-60), 1918. (Good).

A. Lang: "Casket Letters," Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1910.

P. Hume Brown: Surveys of Scottish History. 1919. (Philosophical).


SECTIONS 1 and 2. The Papacy and Italy 1521-1590.


C. Mirbt: op. cit.

Consilium delectorum cardinalium et aliorum praelatorum de emendanda ecclesia 1537. In Mansi: Sacrorum Conciliorum et Decretorum collectio nova, 1751, Supplement 5, pp. 539-47. The same in German with Luther's notes in Luther's Werke, Weimar, vol. 50.


L. von Pastor: A History of the Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages. English translation ed. by R. F. Kerr. Vols. 9-12. 1910 ff. (These volumes cover the period 1522-1549. Standard work dense with new knowledge).

L. von Pastor: Geschichte der Paepste seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters. Band VI. 1913; VII. 1920. (Of these volumes of the German, covering the years 1550-65, there is as yet no English translation).

P. Herre: Papsttum und Papstwahl im Zeitalter Philipps, II. 1907.

J. McCabe: Crises in the History of the Papacy. 1916. (Popular).

Mandel Creighton: op. cit.

L. von Ranke: History of the popes, their church and state, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, translated from the German by Sarah Austin. Vol. 1, 1841. (Translation of Ranke's Die roemischen Paepste, of which the first edition appeared 1834-6. A classic).

H. M. Vaughan: The Medici Popes. 1908. (Popular, sympathetic).

G. Droysen: Geschichte der Gegenreformation. 1893. (Oncken's Series).

E. Rodocanachi: "La Reformation en Italic," Revue des Deux Mondes, March, 1915.

Lord Acton: Lectures on Modern History, 1906, pp. 108 ff.

J. A. Symonds: The Catholic Reaction. 2 vols. 1887.

G. Monod: "La Reforme Catholique," Revue Historique, vol. cxxi (1916).

B. Wiffen: Life and Writings of Juan de Valdes. 1865.

C. Hare: Men and Women of the Italian Reformation. (1913).

Kirche und Reformation. Unter mitwirkung von L. v. Pastor, W. Schnyder, L. Schneller usw. hg. von J. Scheuber. 1917.

"Counter-Reformation" in the Catholic Encyclopaedia.

G. Benrath: Geschichte der Reformation in Venedig. 1886.

J. Burckhardt: op. cit.

SECTION 3. The Council of Trent


Concilium Tridentinum. Diariorum, actorum, epistularum, tractatuum nova collectio. Edidit Societas Goerresiana. 1901 ff. In course of publication; as yet have appeared vols. 1-5, 8, 10.

J. Susta: Die roemische Kurie und das Komil von Trient unter Pius IV. Aktenstucke zur Geschichte des Konzils von Trient. 4 vols. 1904-1914.

Le Plat: Monumenta ad historiam Concilii Tridentini spectantia. 7 vols. 1781-7.

The Canons and Decrees of the Sacred and Ecumenical Council of Trent, translated by J. Waterworth. 1848. Reprint, Chicago, 1917.

G. Drei: "Per la Storia del Concilio de Trento. Lettere inedite del Segretario Camille Olivo 1562." Archivio Storico Italiano 1916.

P. Schaff: The Creeds of Christendom. Vol. 2, 1877. (Latin text and English translation of canons and decrees).

The Cathechism of the Council of Trent, translated into English by J. Donovan. 1829.


J. A. Froude: Lectures on the Council of Trent. 1899.

P. Sarpi: The historie of the Councel of Trent. 1620. (Translation from the Italian, which first appeared 1619).

A. Harnack: Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte,[4] 1910, vol. iii, pp. 692 ff. English translation, vol. vii, pp. 35-117.

Ranke's remark that there was no good history of the Council of Trent holds good today. The best, as far as it goes, is in Pastor.

SECTION 4. The Jesuits


Bibliotheque de la Compagnie de Jesus. I ere partie: Bibliographie par les peres De Backer. 2eme partie par A. Carayan. Nouvelle ed. par C. Sommervogel. 10 vols. 1890-1909. Corrections et Additions par E. M. Riviere. 1911.

Monumenta historica Societatis Jesu, edita a Patribus ejusdem Societatis. Madrid, 1894-1913. 46 volumes.

Cartas de San Ignacio de Loyola, 6 vols. 1874-89.

Acta Sanctorum, July 7. 1731.

The Autobiography of St. Ignatius, English translation ed. by J. F. X. O'Connor. 1900.

Letters and Instructions of St. Ignatius Loyola, translated by D. F. O'Leary and ed. by A. Goodier. 1914.

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. Spanish and English, by J. Rickaby, S. J. 1915.

Beati Petri Canisii, S. J., Epistulae et Acta, ed. O. Braunsberger. 6 vols. as yet. 1896-1913.


H. Boehmer: Les Jesuites. Ouvrage traduit de l'allemand avec une Introduction et des Notes par G. Monod. 1910. (Standard work though very concise).

E. Gothein: Ignatius von Loyola und die Gegenreformation. 1895.

A. McCabe: A Candid History of the Jesuits. 1913. (Hostile but not unveracious).

B. Duhr: Geschichte der Jesuiten in den Laendern deutscher Zunge im 16ten Jahrhundert. Band I. 1907.

H. Fouqueray: Histoire de la Compagnie de Jesus en France. 2 vols. 1910-13.

E. L. Taunton: The Jesuits in England. 1901.

Francis Thompson: Saint Ignatius Loyola. 1913. (I mention this book by "a seventeenth century poet born into the nineteenth century" on account of the author's fame).

S. Brou: St. Francois Xavier. 2 vols. Paris, 1912.

J. M. Cros: St. Francois de Xavier, 2 vols. Toulouse, 1900.

On Xavier see also Mirbt, op cit., no. 350, A. D. White: Warfare of Science and Theology, 1896, ii, 5-22, and Pastor.

Life of St. Francis Xavier by Edith A. Stewart, with translations from his letters by D. Macdonald. 1917. (Popular and sympathetic).

W. G. Jayne: Vasco da Gama and his successors (1910), On Xavier, pp. 188 ff.

SECTION 5. The Inquisition and the Index


P. Fredericq: Corpus Documentorum Inquisitionis Neerlandicae, vols. 4, 5., 1900 ff.

L. von Pastor: Allegemeine Dekrete der roemischen Inquisition 1555-97. 1913.

Mandament der Keyserlijcken Maiesteit, vuytghegeven int Iaer xlvi. Louvain. 1546. One hundred facsimile copies printed for A. M. Huntington at the De Vinne Press, New York, 1896.

Catalogi Librorum reprobatorum & praelegendorum ex iudicio Academiae Louaniensis, Pinciae. MDLI. Mandato dominorum de consilio sanctae generalis Inquisitionis. One hundred facsimile copies printed for A. M. Huntington at the De Vinne Press, New York, 1895.

Catalogus librorum qui prohibentur mandato Illustrissimi & Rev. D. D. Ferdinand de Valdes, Hispalen. Archiepiscopi, Inquisitoris Generalis Hispaniae, 1559. One hundred facsimile copies printed at De Vinne Press, 1895.


H. C. Lea: A History of the Inquisition in Spain. 4 vols. 1906-7. Characterized by wide reading and the use of many manuscripts which Lea had copied from all European archives. A really wonderful work. The manuscripts on which it is based are still in his library in Philadelphia. I have been kindly allowed by his son and daughter to look over those on Spanish Protestantism.

H. C. Lea: The Inquisition in the Spanish Dependencies. 1908.

P. Fredericq: "Les recents historiens catholiques de l'Inquisition en France," Revue Historique, cix, 1912, pp. 307 ff. (A scathing criticism of the apologists of the Inquisition who have written against Lea).

E. N. Adler: Auto de Fe and the Jew. 1908.

E. Schaefer: Beitraege zur Geschichte des spanischen Protestantismus und der Inquisition. 3 vols. 1902.

G. Bushbell: Reformation und Inquisition in Italien um die Mitte des XVI Jahrhunderts. 1910.

F. H. Reusch: Der Index der verbotenen Buecher. 2 vols. 1883. (Standard).

J. Hilgers: Der Index der verbotenen Buecher. 1904. (Apologetic).

H. C. Lea: Chapters from the Religious History of Spain connected with the Inquisition. 1890. (Chiefly on the Index).

Articles: "Inquisition," "Holy Office," &c. in the Encylopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Protestantische Realencyclopaedie, Catholic Encyclopedia, &c.

G. H. Putnam: The Censorship of the Church of Rome. 2 vols. 1906.



SECTION 1. Spain


Coleccion de documentos ineditos para la historia de Espana. 112 vols. 1842 ff.

Nueva Coleccion de documentos ineditos &c. 6 vols. 1892-6.

Calendar of Letters, Despatches and State Papers, Spanish, &c., 15 vols. covering 1509-1603, except 1555-8. 1862 to date.

A. Morel-Fatio: Historiographie de Charles Quint. 1913. (Contains a new French version of the Commentaries of Charles V).

F. L. de Gomara: Annals of the Emperor Charles V, ed. by R. B. Merriman. 1912.


Rafael Altamira y Crevea: Historia de Espana, Tomo III,[3] 1913. (The best general history, very largely social, written in easy, popular style).

C. E. Chapman: The History of Spain. 1918. (Based on Altamira).

E. B. Merriman: The Rise of the Spanish Empire. 2 vols., to 1516. 1918. (Doubtless the future volumes of the excellent work will be even more valuable for our present purpose).

K. Haebler: Geschichte Spaniens unter den Habsburgern, Band 1, 1907. (Standard work for the period of Charles V).

Martin A. S. Hume: Spain, its Greatness and Decay 1479-1788. 1898. (Popular).

M. A. S. Hume: Philip II of Spain. 1897.

E. Gossart: Charles V et Philip II. 1930.

E. A. Armstrong: Charles V. Second ed. 1910. 2 vols.

W. H. Prescott: History of the Reign of Philip II, King of Spain. 1855-74. (Unfinished, a classic).

H. C. Lea: The Moriscos in Spain: their Conversion and Expulsion. 1901.

Bratli: Philippe II, roi d'Espagne, 1912. (An unhappy attempt to whitewash Philip; uses some new material).

M. Philippson: Westeuropa im Zeitalter von Philip II, Elizabeth und Heinrich IV. 1882.

SECTION 2. The Expansion of Europe

W. H. Prescott: History of the Conquest of Mexico. 1843. (A classic).

W. H. Prescott: History of the Conquest of Peru. 1847.

H. Vander Linden: "Alexander VI and the Bulls of Demarcation," American Historical Review, xxii, 1916, pp 1 ff.

I. A. Wright: Early History of Cuba, 1492-1586. 1916.

C. de Lannoy et H. Van der Linden: L'Expansion coloniale des Peuples Europeens. Vol. 1. Portugal et Espagne. 1907.

E. G. Bourne: Spain in America. 1904. (Excellent).

S. Ruge: Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen. 1881. (Oncken: Allgemeine Geschichte).

P. Leroy-Beaulieu: De la Colonisation chez les peuples modernes. 1st ed. 1874. 6th ed. 1908. 2 vols.

J. Winsor: Narrative and Critical History of America, vols. 1, 2, 1889, 1886.

H. Morse Stephens: The Story of Portugal. 1891.

G. Young: Portugal Old and Young. 1917.

The Commentaries of the great Afonso Dalboquerque, ed. by W. de G. Birch. 4 vols. 1875-84.

K. G. Jayne: Vasco da Gama and his Successors. (1910).

K. Waliszewski: Ivan le Terrible. 1904.

The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, by R. Hakluyt. 12 vols. 1903.

Purchas His Pilgrimes, by S. Purchas. 20 vols. 1905.

F. G. Davenport: European Treaties bearing on the History of the United States and its Dependencies. 1917.

W. C. Abbott: The Expansion of Europe. 2 vols. 1918.



As the sources for this chapter would include all the extant literature and documents of the period, it is impossible to do more than mention a few of those particularly referred to. Moreover, as most political histories now have chapters on social and economic conditions, a great deal on the subject will be found in the previous bibliographies.



Wm. Harrison's Description of England (1577, revised and enlarged 1586) ed. F. J. Furnivall. 1877 ff. 7 parts.

Social Tracts, ed. A. Lang from Arber's English Garner. 1904.


Handwoerterbuch der Staatswissenschaften,[3] ed. J. Conrad, W. A. Lexis, E. Loening. 8 vols. 1909-11. (Standard).

Woerterbuch der Volkswirtschaft,[3] hg. von L. Elster. 2 vols. 1911.

Social England, ed. by H. D. Traill and J. S. Mann. Vol. 3. Henry VIII to Elizabeth. 1902. (Standard work, originally published 1894).

S. B. Fay: The Hohenzollern Household. 1916.

A Catalogue of French Economic Documents from the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries, published by the John Crerar Library, Chicago, 1918.

H. van Houtte: Documents pour servir a l' histoire des prix de 1387 a 1794. 1902.

Cavaignac: "La Population de l'Espagne vers 1500." Seances et Travaux de l'Academie des Sciences morales et politiques, 79e Annee, 1919, pp. 491 ff. (puts the population at ten to twelve millions).

J. Culevier: Les denombrements de foyers en Brabant (XVIe et XVIIe siecles.) 1912.

W. Cunningham: Essay on Western Civilization in its Economic Aspect. Vol. 2. 1900.

J. Beloch: "Die Bevoelkerung Europas zur Zeit der Renaissance." Zeitschrift fuer Sozialwissenschaft, iii, 1900, pp. 765-86.

D. J. Hill: A History of Diplomacy in the International Development of Europe. Vol. 2. 1910.

C. H. Haring: "American Gold and Silver Production in the first half of the Sixteenth Century," Quarterly Journal of Economics, May, 1915.

C. H. Haring: Trade and Navigation between Spain and the Indies in the Time of the Hapsburgs. 1918.

L. Felix: Der Einfluss von Staat und Recht auf die Entwicklung des Eigenthums. 2te Haelfte, 2te Abteilung. 1903.

G. Wiebe: Zur Geschichte der Preisrevolution der 16. und 17. Jahrhunderten, in Von Miaskowski: Staats und sozialwissenschaftliche Beitraege, II, 2. 1895. (Important.)

G. d' Avenel: Histoire economique de la propriete, des salaires, des denrees et de tous les prix en general 1200-1800. 6 vols. 1894 ff. (Wonderfully interesting work).

G. d' Avenel: Decouvertes d'Histoire Sociale. 1910. (Brief summary of his larger work).

W. Naude: Die Getreidehandelspolitik der Europaeischen Staaten von 13ten bis zum 18ten Jahrhundert. 1896.

N. S. B. Gras: The Evolution of the English Corn Market. 1915.

A. P. Usher: The History of the Grain Trade in France. 1400-1710. 1913.

K. Haebler: Die wirtschaftliche Bluete Spaniens im 16. Jahrhundert und ihr Verfall. 1888.

B. Moses: "The Economic Condition of Spain in the 16th Century." American Historical Association Reports. 1893.

E. P. Cheyney: Social Changes in England in the Sixteenth Century as Reflected in Contemporary Literature. Part I, Rural Changes. 1895.

A. Luschin von Ebengreuth: Allgemeine Muenzkunde und Geldgeschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit. 1904.

SECTION 4. Life of the People


Das Zimmersche Chronik,[2] hg. v. K. A. Barack. 4 vols. 1861-2.

Social Germany in Luther's Time, the Memoirs of Bartholomew Sastrow, translated by A. D. Vandam. 1902.

T. Tusser: A Hundred Points of Good Husbandrie. 1558. (Later expanded as: Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry united to as many of Good Huswifery. 1573).

L. von Pastor; Die Reise Kardinals Luigi d'Aragona 1517-8. 1905. (Ergaenzungen und Erlaeuterungen zu Janssens Geschichte des deutschen Volkes. Band IV, Teil 4).

Baldassare Castiglione: The Book of the Courtier. English translation by Opdycke. 1903.

The Seconde Parte of a Register: being a Calendar of Manuscripts under that title intended for publication by the Puritans. 1593. By A. Peel. 2 vols. 1915.


E. B Bax: German Society at the Close of the Middle Ages. 1894.

P. V. B. Jones: Household of a Tudor Nobleman. 1917.

W. B. Rye: England as seen by Foreigners in the Days of Elizabeth and James I. 1865.

C. L. Powell: English Domestic Relations, 1487-1653: a study of Matrimony and Family Life in Theory and Practice as revealed in the Literature, Law and History of the Period. 1917.

W. Kawerau: Die Reformation und die Ehe. 1892.

P. S. Allen: The Age of Erasmus. 1914.

K. E. Greenfield: Sumptuary Laws of Nuernberg. 1918.

Preserved Smith: "Some old Blue Laws," Open Court, April, 1915.

H. Almann: Das Leben des deutschen Volkes bem Beginn der Neuzeit. 1893.

E. S. Bates: Touring in 1600. 1911.

T. F. Ordish: The Early London Theatres. 1894.

J. Cartwright: Baldassare Castiglione. 2 vols. 1908.

J. L. Pagel: Geschichte der Medizin. Zweite Auflage von K. Suedhoff. 1915.

A. H. Buck: The Growth of Medicine from the Earliest Times to about 1800. 1917.

H. Haeser: Geschichte der Medicin. Band II.[3] 1881.

F. H. Garrison: An Introduction to the History of Medicine. 1914.

J. Lohr: Methodisch-kritische Beitraege zur Geschichte der Sittlichkeit des Klerus, besonders der Erzdioezese Koeln am Ausgang des Mittelalters. 1910.

H. A. Krose: Der Einfluss der Konfession auf die Sittlichkeit nach den Ergebnissen der Statistik. 1900.

Henri (J. A.) Baudrillart: Histoire du luxe prive et public depuis l'antiquite jusqu' a nos jours. Vol. 3, Moyen Age et Renaissance. 1879.



Many of the books referred to in the last chapter and many general histories have chapters on the subject. Their titles are not repeated here.

English Economic History. Select Documents ed. by A. E. Bland, P. A. Brown and R. H. Tawney. 1914. (With helpful bibliographies and well-selected material).

H. G. Rosedale: Queen Elizabeth and the Levant Company. 1904.

E. Levasseur: Histoire des classes ouvrieres et de l' industrie en France avant 1789.[2] 2 vols. 1900-1.

G. Avenel: Paysuns et Ouvriers depuis sept cent ans.[4] 1904.

W. Cunningham: The Growth of English Industry and Commerce, during the Early and Middle Ages.[5] 1910. Modern Times.[3] 1894.

W. J. Ashley: The Economic Organisation of England. 1914. (Brief, brilliant).

G. Unwin: The Industrial Organization of England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 1904. (Scholarly).

A. P. Usher: The Industrial History of England. 1920.

J. W. Burgon: Life and Times of Sir T. Gresham. 2 vols. 1839.

O. Noel: Histoire du commerce du monde. 3 vols. 1891-1906.

H. G. Selfridge: The Romance of Commerce. 1918.

J. A. Williamson: Maritime Enterprise 1485-1558. 1913.

J. Strieder: Die Inventar der Firma Fugger aus dem Jahre 1527. 1905.

J. Strieder: Zur Genesis des modernen Kapitalismus. 1904.

J. Strieder: Studien zur Geschichte kapitalistischer Organisationsformen: Monopole, Kartelle, und Aktiengesellschaften im Mittelalter und zu Beginn der Neuzeit. 1914. (Highly important).

Clive Day: History of Commerce. 1907.

W. Mueck: Der Mansfelder Kupferschieferbergbau. 1910.

R. Ehrenberg: Das Zeitalter der Fugger. Band I, 1896.

C. A. Herrick: History of Commerce and Industry. 1917. (Text-book).

M. P. Rooseboom: The Scottish Staple in the Netherlands, 1292-1676. 1910.

W. Sombart: Krieg und Kapitalismus. 1913.

W. Sombart: Der Moderne Kapitalismus? 2 vols. in 3. 1916-7.

L. Brentano: Die Anfaenge des modernen Kapitalismus. 1916.

A. Schulte: Die Fugger in Rom. 2 vols. 1904.

Maxime Kowalewsky: Die oekonomische Entwicklung Europas bis zum Beginn der kapitalistischen Wirtschaftsform. Aus dem Russischen uebersetzt von A. Stein. Vol. 6. 1913. (Important).

E. E. Prothero: English Farming Past and Present. 1912.

E. F. Gay: "Inclosures in England in the 16th Century," Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 17, 1903.

E. F. Gay: Zur Geschichte der Einhegungen in England. 1902. (Berlin dissertation).

J. S. Leadam: The Domesday of Inclosures. 1897.

J. E. T. Rogers: Six Centuries of Work and Wages. 1884.

J. E. T. Rogers: A History of Agriculture and Prices in England. Vols. iii and iv, 1400-1582. 1882. (A classic).

J. Klein: The Mesta: A Study in Spanish Economic History. 1920.

R. H. Tawney: The Agrarian Problem in the Sixteenth Century. 1912.

W. Stolze: Zur Vorgeschichte des Bauernkrieges. (Staatsund sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen, hg. von G. Schmoller. Band 18, Heft 4). 1900.

J. Hayem: Les Greves dans les Temps Modernes. Memoires et Documents pour servir a l'histoire du commerce et de l'industrie en France. 1911.

L. Feuchtwanger: "Geschichte der sozialen Politik und des Armenwesens im Zeitalter der Reformation." Jahrbuch fuer Gesetzgebung, 1908, xxxii, and 1909, xxxiii.

J. S. Schapiro: Social Reform and the Reformation. 1909.

G. Uhlhorn: Die Christliche Liebestaetigkeit. 1895.

E. M. Leonard: The Early History of English Poor Relief. 1900.

O. Winckelmann: "Die Armenordnungen von Nuernberg (1522), Kitzingen (1523), Regensburg (1523) und Ypern (1525)," Archiv fuer Reformationsgeschichte, x, 1913 and xi, 1914.

J. L. Vives: Concerning the Relief of the Poor, tr. by M. M. Sherwood. 1917.

Liber Vagatorum, reprinted, with Luther's preface, in Luther's Werke, Weimar, vol. xxvi, pp. 634 ff.

Brooks Adams: The New Empire. 1902. (Fanciful).

K. Lamprecht: Zum Verstandnis der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Wandlungen in Deutschland vom 14-16. Jahrhundert. 1893.

Shakespeare's England, by various authors. 2 vols. 1916. chap. xi, G. Unwin: "Commerce and Coinage."

H. Schoenebaum: "Antwerpens Bluetezeit im XVI. Jahrhundert." Archiv fuer Kulturgeschichte, xiii. 1917.

O. Winckelmann: "Ueber die aeltesten Armenordnungen der Reformationszeit." Historische Vierteljahrschrift, xvii. 1914-5.

Stella Kramer: The English Craft Gilds and the Government. 1905.

Niederlaendische Akten und Urkunden zur Geschichte der Hanse und zur deutschen Seegeschichte . . . bearbeitet von R. Haepke. Band I (1531-57). 1913.

W. Cunningham: Progress of Capitalism in England. 1916.



SECTION 1. Biblical and Classical Scholarship

Novum Instrumentum omne, diligenter ab Erasmo Rot. recognitum et emendatum. Basileae. 1516. (Nearly 300 editions catalogued in the Bibliotheca Erasmiana. In Erasmi Opera Omnia, 1703, vol. VI.)

Novum testamentum graece et latine in academia Complutensi noviter impressum. 1514. Vetus testamentum multiplici lingua nunc primum impressum. In hac praeclarissima Complutensi universitate. 1517.

C. R. Gregory: Die Textkritik des Neuen Testaments. 3 parts. 1900-9.

Articles "Bible," in Encyclopaedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Protestantische Realencyklopaedie, and Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart.

E. von Dobschuetz: The Influence of the Bible on Civilization. 1913.

F. Falk: Die Bibel am Ausgange des Mittelalters, ihre Kenntnis und ihre Verbreitung. 1905.

Martin Luther's Deutsche Bibel, in Saemmtliche Werke, Weimar, separately numbered, vols. i, ii, iii, v.

K. Fullerton: "Luther's doctrine and criticism of Scripture," Bibliotheca Sacra, Jan. and April, 1906.

H. Zerener: Studien ueber das beginnende Eindringen der lutherischen Bibeluebersetzung in der deutschen Literatur. 1911.

Lutherstudien zur 4. Jahrhundertfeier der Reformation, von den Mitarbeitern der Weimarer Lutherausgabe. 1917. pp. 203 ff.

K. A. Meissinger: Luther's Exegese in der Fruehzeit. 1911.

O. Reichert: Martin Luther's Deutsche Bibel. 1910.

Sir H. H. Howorth: "The Biblical Canon according to the Continental Reformers," Journal of Theological Studies, ix, 188 ff. (1907-8).

J. P. Hentz: History of the Lutheran Version of the Bible. 1910.

D. Lortsch: Histoire de la Bible en France. 1910.

A. W. Pollard: Records of the English Bible. 1911.

S. C. Macauley: "The English Bible," Quarterly Review, Oct. 1911, pp. 505 ff.

W. Canton: The Bible and the Anglo-Saxon People. 1914.

H. T. Peck: A History of Classical Philology. 1911.

Sir J. E. Sandys: "Scholarship," chap. ix in Shakespeare's England, 1916.

Sir J. E. Sandys: A History of Classical Scholarship. Vol. ii, 1908. (Standard).

H. Hallam: Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries. 1837-9. (Very comprehensive, in part antiquated, somewhat external but on the whole excellent).

SECTION 2. History


E. Fueter: Geschichte der Neueren Historiographie. 1911. French translation, revised, 1916. (Work of brilliance: philosophical, reliable, readable).

M. Ritter: "Studien ueber die Entwicklung der Geschichtswissenschaft." Historische Zeitschrift, cit. (1912). 261 ff.

E. Menke-Glueckert: Die Geschichtschreibung der Reformation und Gegenreformation. Bodin und die Begruendung der Geschichtsmethodologie durch Bartholomaeus Keckermann. 1912.

P. Joachimsen: Geschichtsauffassung und Geschichtschreibung in Deutschland unter dem Einfluss des Humanismus. Teil I. 1910.

G. L. Burr: "The Freedom of History," American Historical Review, xxii, 261 f. 1916.

A. Morel-Fatio: Historiographie de Charles-Quint. 1913.

F. C. Baur: Die Epochen der kirchlichen Geschichtschreibung. 1852.

L. von Ranke: Zur Kritik neueren Geschichtschreiber.[2] 1874.

G. Wolf: Quellenkunde der deutschen Reformationsgeschichte. Vol. i, 1915; vol. ii, 1916.

Article, "History" in Encyclopedia Americana, ed. of 1919.


N. Machiavelli: Istorie fiorentine. (to 1492). First ed. 1561-64. Numerous editions, and English translation by C. E. Detmold: The Historical, Political and Diplomatic Writings of N. Machiavelli. 4 vols. 1882.

Francesco Guicciardini: Storia fiorentina. (1378-1509). First published 1859. Istoria d' Italia. (1492-1534). First edition 1561-64; numerous editions since, and English translation by G. Fenton: The historie of Guicciardini. 1599.

Benvenuto Cellini: Life, translated by R. H. H. Cust. 2 vols. 1910. (The original text first correctly published by O. Bacci, 1901. Many English translations).

Paulus Jovius: Historiarum sui temporis libri. xlv. (1493-1347). 1550-52.

Polydore Vergil: Anglicae Historiae libri. xxvii, (to 1538). First edition, to 1509, Basle, 1534; 2d ed. 1555. (I use the edition of 1570. The best criticism is in H. A. L. Fisher's Political History of England 1485-1547, pp. 152 ff.)

Polydore Vergil: De rerum inventoribus libri octo. 1536. 2d ed., enlarged, 1557.

Caesar Baronius: Annales Ecclesiastici (to 1198). Rome. 1588-1607.

Ecclesiastica Historia . . . secundum centurias, a M. Flacio, et aliis. Magdeburg. 1559-74.

H. Bullinger: Reformationsgeschichte, hg. von J. J. Hottinger und H. H. Voegeli. 3 vols. 1838-40. (Index to this in preparation by W. Wuhrmann; Bullinger's Correspondence will also soon appear).

Joan. Sleidani: De statu religionis et reipublicae, Carolo Quinto Caesare, commentariorum libri xxvi. 1555. (My edition, 1785, 3 vols., was owned formerly by I. Doellinger).

Joannis Cochlaei: Historia de Actis et scriptis M. Lutheri 1517-46. Coloniae. 1549. (Critique in A. Herte's dissertation, Die Lutherbiographie des J. Cochlaeus. 1915).

J. Mathesius: Siebzehn Predigten von den Historien des Herrn Doctoris Martini Luthers. 1st ed. 1566; new ed. by Loesche. 1898.

Memoires de Martin et de Guillaume du Bellay: (1513-52). 1st ed. 1569. Critical ed. by V. L. Bourrilly and Fleury Vindry, 1908 ff.

Blaise de Monluc: Commentaires (1521-76); 1st ed. 1592; critical ed. by P. Courtreault. 1911-14.

Oeuvres de P. de Bourdeille, Seigneur de Brantome, ed. L. Lalanne. 11 vols. 1864 ff.

J. J. Scaliger: Opus novum de emendatione temporum. 1583, 1593.

Histoire ecclesiastique des eglises francaises reformees. Pub. par Baum et Cunitz. 3 vols. 1883-9. (Attributed, with probability, to Beza; first published 1580).

Jean Bodin: Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem, 1566.

Peter Martyr d' Anghiera: Opus epistolarum. 1530. (This rare edition at Harvard. The work is a history in the form of letters, partly fictitious, partly genuine. Cf. J. Bernays: Peter Martyr Anghierensis und sein Opus Epistolarum. 1891).

Ignatius de Loyola: Autobiography. Monumenta Societatis Jesu, ser. iv, tom. 1, 1904. English translation ed. by J. F. X. O'Connor. 1900.

George Buchanan: Rerum scoticarum historia. Edinburgh. 1582. (Cf. M. Meyer-Cohn: G. Buchanan als Publizist und Historiker Maria Stuarts. 1913).

John Knox: The History of the Reformation of Religion within the realm of Scotland. (First incomplete edition, 1586; critical complete edition by D. Laing, 1846, in vol. 1 of Knox's Works. Cf. A. Lang: "Knox as Historian," Scottish Historical Review, ii, 1905, pp. 113 ff).

John Foxe: Acts and Monuments of the Christian Martyrs. 1563. (The MS that I have compared with Fox is Harleian MS 419 of the British Museum, endorsed: "John Fox's Collection of Letters and Papers on Theological Matters," fol. 125).

Nicholas Sanders: De origine et progressu schismatis Anglicani. 1585.

Edward Hall: The Union of the Noble and Illustrious Families of Lancaster and York, 1542. Published as Hall's Chronicle, 1809.

Raphael Holinshed: Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. Vol. 1, 1577.

John Stow: The Chronicles of England from Brute unto this present year of Christ 1580. Second edition, The Annals of England, 1592.

SECTION 3. Political Theory


Erasmus: Institutio principis christiani, in Opera omnia, 1703, iv, 561.

The Utopia of Sir Thomas More (English and Latin) edited by G. Sampson with an introduction by A. Guthkelch. 1910.

N. Machiavelli: The Prince. (Innumerable editions and translations).

H. Jordan: Luthers Staatsauffassung. 1917. (Extracts from his works).

Zwingli: De vera et falsa religione, Werke ed. Egli, Finsler und Koehler, iii, (1914), 590 ff.

Calvin: Institutio, ed. 1541, cap. xvi.

L. Vives: De communione rerum. 1535.

Vindiciae contra Tyrannos, sive de principis in populum populique in principem legitima potestate. Stephano Iunio Bruto Celta Auctore. 1580.

Francisci Hotmani: Francogallia. Nune quartum ab auctore recognita. 1586.

E. de la Boetie: Discours de la servitude volontaire. In Oeuvres completes pub. par P. Bonnefon. 1892, pp. 1 ff.

De Jure Magistratuum in subditos [by Beza]. 1573

The Works of Mr. Richard Hooker, ed. J. Keble. 3 vols. 1888.

J. Bodin: Les six livres de la republique. 1577.

G. Buchanan: De Jure Regni apud Scotos. 1579.

J. de Mariana: De rege et regis institutione. 1599.


Lord Acton: "Freedom in Christianity," (1877), in The History of Freedom and other Essays, ed. J. N. Figgis and R. V. Lawrence. 1907.

W. A. Dunning: A History of Political Theories. Ancient and Medieval. 1902. From Luther to Montesquieu. 1905.

J. N. Figgis: Studies in Political Thought from Gerson to Grotius.[2] 1916.

J. Mackinnon: A History of Modern Liberty. Vol. 2. The Age of the Reformation. 1907.

L. Cardauns: Die Lehre vom Widerstandsrecht des Volkes gegen die rechtmaessige Obrigkeit im Luthertum und im Calvinismus des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. 1903.

R. Chauvire: Jean Bodin, Auteur de la Republique. 1914.

J. Kreutzer: Zwinglis Lehre von der Obrigkeit. 1909.

F. Meinecke: "Luther ueber christlichen Geminwesen und christlichen Staat," Historische Zeitschrift, Band 121, pp. 1 ff, 1920.

J. Faulkner: "Luther and Economic Questions," Papers of the Am. Ch. Hist. Soc., 2d ser. vol. ii, 1910.

K. D. Macmillan: Protestantism in Germany. 1917.

K. Sell: "Der Zusammenhang von Reformation und politischer Freiheit." Abh. in Theolog. Arbeiten aus dem rhein. wiss. Predigerverein. Neue Folge. 12. 1910.

L. H. Waring: The Political Theories of Martin Luther. 1910.

G. von Schulthess-Rechberg: Luther, Zwingli und Calvin in ihren Ansichten ueber das Verhaeltnis von Staat und Kirche. 1910.

K. Rieker: "Staat und Kirche nach lutherischer, reformierter, moderner Anschauung," Hist. Vierteljahrschrift, i, 370 ff. 1898.

E. Troeltsch: Die Soziallehren der christlichen Kirchen und Gruppen. 1912.

H. L. Osgood: "The Political Ideas of the Puritans." Political Science Quarterly, vi, 1891.

E. Treumann: Die Monarchomachen. Erne Darstellung der revolutionaeren Staatslehren des xvi Jahrhundert 1573-1599. 1885.

A. Elkan: Die Publizistik der Bartholomaeusnacht und Mornays Vindiciae contra tyrannos. 1905.

H. D. Foster: "The Political Theories of the Calvinists," American Historical Review, xxi, 481 ff. (1916).

Paul van Dyke: "The Estates of Pontoise," English Historical Review, 1913, pp. 472 ff.

E. Armstrong: "Political Theory of the Huguenots," English Historical Review, iv, 13 ff, 1889.

K. Glaeser: "Beitraege zur Geschichte der politischen Literatur Frankreichs in der zweiten Haelfte des 16. Jahrhundert." Zeitschrift fuer Franzoesische Sprache und Literatur. Vols. 31, 32, 33, 39, 45; 1904-18.

W. Sohm: "Die Soziallehren Melanchthons." Historische Zeitschrift, cxv, pp. 64-76. 1915.

Lord Acton: History of Freedom, pp. 212-31. (Reprint of introduction to L. A. Burd's edition of the Prince of Machiavelli.) 1907.

John Morley: Miscellanies, 4th series. 1908. 1 ff. "Machiavelli."

Dr. Armaingaud: Montaigne Pamphletaire. L'Enigme du Contr'un. 1910.

J. Jastrow: "Kopernikus' Muenz- und Geld-theorie." Archiv fuer Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, xxxviii, 734 ff. 1904.

K. Kautsky: Communism in Central Europe in the Time of the Reformation. 1897.

E. Jenks: A Short History of English Law. 1912.

A. Esmein: Histoire du Droit Francais.[6] 1905. (And later editions).

S. Schroeder: Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte.[5] 1907.

Walter Platzhoff: Die Theorie von der Mordbefugnis der Obrigkeit im XVI. Jahrhundert. Ebinger's Historische Studien, 1906.

O. H. Pannkoke: "The Economic Teachings of the Reformation." In a collection of essays entitled Four Hundred Years, 1917.

G. Schmoller: Zur Geschichte der nationaloekonomischen Ansichten in Deutschland waehrend der Reformationsperiode. 1860.

F. G. Ward: Darstellung und Wuerdigung der Ansichten Luthers ueber Staat und Gesellschaft. 1898.

SECTION 4. Science

J. P. Richter: The Literary Works of Leonardo da Vinci. 2 vols. 1883.

Les Manuscrits de Leonard de Vinci de la bibliotheque de l'Institut. Publies en facsimile avec transcription litterale, traduction francaise . . . par Ch. Ravaisson-Molien. 6 vols. 1881-91.

Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks; arranged and rendered into English by E. McCurdy. 1906.

Leonardo de Vinci: Notes et Dessins sur la Generation. 1901.

Leonard de Vinci: Feuillets inedits conserves a Windsor. 22 vols. 1901 ff.

Institute di Studi Vinciani:—Per il IVo centenario della morte di Leonardo da Vinci. 1919.

A. C. Klebs: Leonardo da Vinci and his anatomical studies. 1916.

Hieronymi Cardani: Opera Omnia. 1663. 10 vols.

W. W. R Ball: A Short Account of the History of Mathematics. 1901.

M. Cantor: Vorlesungen ueber Geschichte der Mathematik. Vol. 2 (1200-1668). 1900.

H. G. Zeuthen: Geschichte der Mathematik in 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. 1903.

Articles, "Algebra" and "Mathematics" in Encyclopedia Britannica.

Maximilien Marie: Histoire des sciences mathematiques et physiques, vols. 2 and 3. 1883-4.

F. Cajori: History of Mathematics.[2] 1919.

David E. Smith: Rara arithmetica. A catalogue of the arithmetics written before the year MDCI, with a description of those in the library of G. A. Plimpton. 1908.

F. Dannemann: Grundriss einer Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften.[2]. 2 vols. 1902.

W. A. Locy: Biology and its makers.[3] 1915.

W. A. Locy: The Main Currents of Zooelogy. 1918.

E. L. Greene: Landmarks of Botanical History. Part 1. 1909. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. 54).

J. V. Carus: Geschichte der Zooelogie bis auf Joh. Mueller und Ch. Darwin. 1872.

F. Cajori: A History of Physics in Its Elementary Branches. 1899.

Conradi Gesneri: Historiae Animalium, libb. iii, 3 vols. 1551-8.

Wm. Gilbert . . . on the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies . . . a translation by P. F. Mottelay. 1893.

E. Gerland: Geschichte der Physik von den aeltesten Zeiten bis zum Ausgange des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. 1913. (Work of high philosophical and scientific value).

J. C. Brown: A History of Chemistry from the Earliest Times Till the Present Day. 1913.

F. J. Moore: A History of Chemistry. 1918.

T. E. Thorpe: A History of Chemistry. 2 vols. 1909-10.

Quaestiones Novae in Libellum de Sphaera Johannis de Sacro Bosco, collectae ab Ariele Bicardo. Wittenberg, 1550. (Library of Mr. G. A. Plimpton, New York).

S. Guenther: Geschichte der Erdkunde. 1904.

Articles, "Geography" and "Map" in Encyclopaedia Britannica.

L. Gallois: Les geographes allemands de la Renaissance, 1890.

N. Copernici De Revolutionibus orbium caelestium libri vi. (First edition 1543; I use the edition of Basle, 1566).

L. Prowe: Nikolaus Coppernicus. 3 vols. 1883-4. (Standard).

Wohlwill: "Melanchthon und Kopernicus," in Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, iii, 260, 1904.

Luther on Copernicus, Bindseil: Lutheri Colloquia, 3 vols. 1863-66, vol. ii, p. 149. (This is the best text; the stronger form of the same saying, in which Luther called Copernicus a fool, seems to have been retouched by Aurifaber).

A. D. White: The Warfare of Science and Theology, 2 vols. 1896. Vol. i, pp. 114 ff.

A. Mueller: Nikolaus Copernicus. 1898.

Dorothy Stimson: The Gradual Acceptance of the Copernican Theory of the Universe. 1917. (Excellent).

W. W. Bryant: History of Astronomy. 1907.

Article, "Navigation," in Encyclopaedia Britannica.

SECTION 5. Philosophy

The Works of Luther, Melanchthon, Calvin, Zwingli, &c.

The Workes of Sir Thomas More, 1357. (Passage quoted, p. 329h).

De Trinitatis Erroribus per M. Servetum. (Printed, 1531; I use the MS copy at Harvard).

M. Serveti Christianismi Restitutio. (I use the MS copy at Harvard).

E. P. K. Mueller: Die Bekenntnisschriften der reformierten Kirche. 1903.

Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, translated by T. A. Buckley. 1851.

Thomas Cajetan's commentary on Aquinas, in the standard edition of the Summa, 1880 ff.

Catechism of the Council of Trent, translated into English by J. Donovan. 1829.

Altensteig: Lexicon Theologicum. 1583.

A. Harnack: A History of Dogma, translated from the third edition by N. Buchanan. 7 vols. 1901.

A. Harnack: Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte.[4] 1910. Vol. iii.

E. Troeltsch: Geschichte der christlichen Religion. 1909. (Kultur der Gegenwart).

E. M. Jones: Spiritual Reformers of the 16th and 17th Centuries. 1914.

O. Ritschl: Dogmengeschichte des Protestantismus, i, ii, Haelfte, 1912.

A. C. McGiffert: Protestant Thought before Kant. 1911.

J. Gottschick: Luther's Theologie. 1914.

Francis Bacon: Novum Organum, Bk. I, aphorisms xv, lxv, and lxxix; Essays i, (Truth), iii, (of Unity in Religion), xxxv, (Prophecy). Advancement of Learning, Bk. ix.

Montaigne's Essays, passim (numerous editions and excellent English translation by Florio).

W. Lyly: Euphues and Atheos (edited by E. Arber, 1904).

R. Ascham: The Schoolmaster. 1761.

Janssen-Pastor[20] ii, 461f (on the Godless Painters of Nuremberg; cf. also M. Thausing: A Duerer, translated by F. A. Eaton, 1882, ii. 248 f.)

Francois Rabelais: Oeuvres (numerous editions and translations).

J. M. Robertson: A Short History of Freethought.[2] 2 vols. 1906.

Colloque de Jean Bodin des Secrets caches et des Choses Sublimes. Traduction francaise du Colloquium Heptaplomeres, par R. Chauvire. 1914.

F. von Bezold: "Jean Bodins Colloquium Heptaplomeres und der Atheismus des 16. Jahrhunderts," Historische Zeitschrift, cxiii, 260-315.

Jordani Bruni Opera, ed. Fiorentino. 3 vols. 1879-91.

Giordano Brunos Gesammelte Werke, verdeutscht und erlaeutert von L. Kuhlenbeck. 6 vols. 1907-10.

W. Boulting: Giordano Bruno: His Life, Thought and Martyrdom. (1916).

L. Kuhlenbeck: Giorduno Bruno, seine Lehre von Gott, von der Unsterblichkeit und von der Willensfreiheit. 1913.

W. Pater: Gaston de la Tour. 1896.

J. R. Charbonnel: L'Ethique de Giordano Bruno et le deuxieme dialogue de Spaccio, traduction. 1919.

J. Owen: The Skeptics of the Italian Renaissance.[2] 1893.

J. Owen: The Skeptics of the French Renaissance. 1893.

A. M. Fairbairn; "Tendencies of European Thought in the Age of the Reformation," Cambridge Modern History, ii, chap. 19.

Allegemeine Geschichte der Philosophie. (Kultur der Gegenwart, Teil i, Abt. V.) 1909. W. Windelband: Die neuere Philosophie.

E. Cassirer: Das Erkenntnisproblem in der Philosophie und Wissenschaft der neuen Zeit. Vol. i.[2] 1911. (Excellent. First edition, 1906-7).

R. Adamson: A Short History of Logic. 1911.

H. Hoeffding: A History of Modern Philosophy. English translation. 2 vols. 1900.

R. Eucken: The Problem of Human Life as Viewed by the Great Thinkers. English translation. 1909.

J. M. Baldwin: Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology. 3 vols. 1901-5.

J. R. Charbonnel: La pensee italienne au XVIe siecle. 1919.

A. Bonilla y San Martin: Luis Vives y la filosofia del renacimiento. 1903.



SECTION 1. Tolerance and Intolerance

Lord Acton: The History of Freedom. 1907. "The Protestant Theory of Persecution," pp. 150-187. (Essay written in 1862).

T. Ruffini: Religious Liberty, translated by J. P. Heyes. 1912.

N. Paulus: Protestantismus und Toleranz. 1912.

G. L. Burr: "Anent the Middle Ages." American Historical Review. 1913, pp. 710-726.

P. Wappler: Die Stellung Kursachsens und Philipps von Hessen zur Taeuferbewegung. 1910.

Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, ix, s. v. "Persecution."

S. Castellion: Traite des Heretiques. A savoir, si on les doit persecuter. Ed. A. Olivet. Geneve. 1913.

P. Wappler: Inquisition und Ketzerprozess zu Zwickau. 1908.

J. A. Faulkner: "Luther and Toleration," Papers of American Church History Society, Second Series, vol. iv, pp. 129 ff. 1914.

K. Voelker: Toleranz und Intoleranz im Zeitalter der Reformation. 1912.

W. E. H. Lecky: A History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe. 2 vols. 1865. chapter iv, "Persecution" (in vols. 1 and 2 both).

Erasmi opera, 1703, ix, 904 ff. Proposition iii.

H. Hermelinck: Der Toleranzgedanke. 1908.

The Workes of Sir Thomas More, 1557, pp. 274 ff. (A Dialogue of Sir Thomas More, 1528).

Montaigne: Essays, Book ii, no. xix.

A. J. Klein: Intolerance in the Reign of Elizabeth. 1917.

R. Lewin: Luther's Stellung zu den Juden. 1911.

R. H. Murray: Erasmus and Luther: their attitude to Toleration. 1920.

SECTION 2. Witchcraft

Papers of the American Historical Association, iv, pp. 237-66. Bibliography of witchcraft by G. L. Burr.

N. Paulus: Hexenwahn und Hexenprozess, vornehmlich im 16. Jahrhundert. 1910.

G. L. Burr: The Witch Persecutions. Translations and Reprints issued by the University of Pennsylvania, vol. 3, no. 4, 1897.

G. L. Burr: The Fate of Dietrich Flade. 1891.

J. Hansen: Zauberwahn, Inquisition und Hexenprozess im Mittelalter, und die Entstehung der grossen Hexenverfolgung. 1900.

F. von Bezold: "Jean Bodin als Okkultist und seine Demonomanie." Historische Zeitschrift, cv. 1 ff. (1910).

Gosson: The School of Abuse (1578), ed. E. Arber, 1906, p. 60.

De Praestigiis demonum . . . authore Joanne Wiero . . . 1564.

Johannis Wieri: De lamiis. 1582.

Reginald Scott: The Discoverie of Witchcraft, wherein the Lewde dealing of Witches and Witchmongers is notably detected . . . whereunto is added a Treatise upon the Nature and Substance of Spirits and Devils. 1584. Reprinted by B. Nicholson, 1886.

W. Notestein: A History of Witchcraft in England 1558-1718. 1911.

W. E. H. Lecky: A History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe. 2 vols. 1865. Vol. 1, chaps. i, and ii.

Montaigne: Essays, vol. iii, no. xi.

H. C. Lea: A History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages. Vol. iii, 392 ff.

G. L. Kittredge: "A Case of Witchcraft," American Historical Review, xxiii, pp. 1 ff, 1917.

C. Mirbt: Quellen zur Geschichte des Papsttums und des roemischen Katholizismus.[3] 1911. p. 182. (Bull, Summis desiderantes).

G. Roskoff: Geschichte des Teufels. 1869.

A. Graf: Il diavolo. 1889.

H. C. Lea: The Inquisition in Spain, 1907, vol. iv, chaps. 8 and 9.

Statutes of the Realm, 5 Eliz. 16: An Act agaynst Inchantmentes and Witchcraftes. (1562-3).

T. de Cauzons: La Magie et la Sorcellerie en France. 4 vols. (1911).

E. Klinger: Luther und der deutsche Volksaberglaube. 1912. (Palaestra, vol. 56).

SECTION 3. Education

Album Academiae Vitebergensis 1502-1602, Band I, ed. K. E. Foerstemann, 1841. Band ii, 1895. Band iii Indices, 1905. (Reprint of vol. i, 1906).

J. C. H. Weissenborn: Akten der Erfurter Universitaet. 3 vols. 1884.

G. Buchanan: "Anent the Reformation of the University of St. Andros," in Buchanan's Vernacular Writings, ed. P. Hume Brown, 1892.

The Statutes of the Faculty of Arts and of the Faculty of Theology at the Period of the Reformation, of St. Andrews' University, ed. R. K. Hannay, 1910.

K. Hartfelder: Melancthoniana paedogogica. 1895.

F. V. N. Painter: Luther on Education, including a historical introduction and a translation of the Reformer's two most important educational treatises. 1889.

Mandament der Keyserlijcker Maiesteit, vuytghegeven int Jaer xlvi. Louvain. 1546. (100 facsimiles printed for A. M. Huntington at the De Vinne Press, N. Y., 1896. Contains lists of books allowed in schools in the Netherlands).

C. Borgeaud: Histoire de l' Universite de Geneve. 2 vols. 1900, 1909.

J. M. Hoefer: Die Stellung des Des. Erasmus und J. L. Vives zur Paedagogik des Quintilian. (Erlangen Dissertation). 1910.

F. Watson: Vives and the Renascence education of Women. 1912.

P. Monroe: Cyclopedia of education. 5 vols. 1912-3.

K. A. Schmid: Geschichte der Erziehung vom Anfang bis auf unserer Zeit. 5 vols. in 7. 1884-1902. (Standard).

A. Zimmermann: Die Universitaeten Englands im 16. Jahrhundert. 1889.

A. Zimmermann: England's "oeffentliche Schulen" von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart, 1892 (Stimmen aus Maria-Lach. vol. 56).

F. P. Graves: A History of Education during the Middle Ages and the Transition to Modern Times. 1910.

"Die Frequenz der deutschen Universitaeten in frueherer Zeit," Deutsches Wochenblatt, 1897, pp. 391 ff.

P. Monroe: A Text-Book of the History of Education. 1905. (Standard text-book).

W. S. Monroe: A Bibliography of Education. 1897.

G. Mertz: Das Schulwesen der deutschen Reformation. 1902.

F. Paulsen: Geschichte des gelehrten Unterrichts in Deutschland.[2] 2 vols. 1896-7.

W. Sohm: Die Schule Johann Sturms. 1912.

J. Ficker: Die Anfaenge der akademischen Studien in Strassburg. 1912.

Shakespeare's England, 1916. 2 vols. ch. 8 "Education" by Sir J. E. Sandys.

A. Roersch: L' Humanisme belge a l' epoque de la Renaissance. 1910.

Sir T. Elyot: The boke named the governour. 1531. (New edition by H. H. S. Croft. 2 vols. 1880).

Melanchthonis opera omnia, xi, 12 ff. "Declamatio de corrigendis adolescentiae studies." (1518).

E. Ascham: The Schole Master. 1571. (I use the reprint in the English Works of R. Ascham, ed. J. Bennet, 1761).

M. Fournier: Les Statuts et Privileges des Universites francaises depuis leur fondation jusqu'en 1789. 4 vols. 1890-4.

F. Bacon: The Advancement of Learning, Book ii.

Elizabethan Oxford: reprints of rare tracts ed. by C. Plumer. 1887.

Grace book [Greek delta] containing records of the University of Cambridge 1542-89, ed. by J. Venn. 1910.

Registres des proces-verbaux de la Faculte de theologie de Paris, pub. par A. Clerval. Tome I. 1917. (1505-23).

J. H. Lupton: A Life of John Colet. new ed. 1909. (First printed 1887. On St. Paul's School, pp. 169, 271 ff.)

W. H. Woodward: Des. Erasmus concerning the Aim and Method of Education. 1904. (Fine work).

F. P. Graves: Peter Ramus and the Educational Reformation of the 16th Century. 1912.

Encyclopaedia Britannica, articles "Universities" and "Schools."

Altamira y Crevea: Historia de Espana,[3] iii, 532 ff. (1913).

F. Gribble: The Romance of the Cambridge Colleges. (1913).

J. B. Mullinger: A History of the University of Cambridge. 1888.

G. C. Brodrick: A History of the University of Oxford. 1886.

C. Headlam: The Story of Oxford. 1907.

W. H. Woodward: Studies in Education during the Age of the Renaissance 1400-1600.

A. Bonilla y San Martin: Luis Vives y la filosofia del renacimiento. 1903.

A. Lefranc: Histoire du College de France depuis ses origines jusqu' a la fin du premier empire. 1893.

P. Feret: La Faculte de Theologie de Paris. Epoque Moderne. 7 vols. 1900-10.

W. Friedensburg: Geschichte der Universitaet Wittenberg. 1918.


Very fine reproductions of the works of the principal painters of the time are published in separate volumes of the series, Klassiker der Kunst in Gesamtausgaben, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart und Leipzig. A brief list of standard criticisms of art, many of them well illustrated, follows:

K. Woermann: Geschichte der Kunst aller Zeiten und Voelker. Band 4.[2] 1919.

S. Reinach: Apollo.[4] 1907. (Also English translation. Marvelously compressed and sound criticism).

J. A. Symonds: The Italian Renaissance. The Fine Arts. 1888.

L. Pastor: History of the Popes. (Much on art at Rome, passim).

B. Berenson: North Italian Painters of the Renaissance. 1907.

B. Berenson: Central Italian Painters of the Renaissance. 1897.

B. Berenson: The Venetian Painters of the Renaissance.[3] 1902.

B. Berenson: The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance.[2] 1903.

Giorgio Vasari: Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects, newly translated by G. du C. de Vere. 10 vols. 1912-14. (Other editions).

E. Lanciani: The Golden Days of the Renaissance in Rome. 1907.

E. Muentz: Histoire de l' art pendant la Renaissance. 3 vols. 1889-95.

J. Crowe and G. Cavalcaselle: History of Italian Painting. 1903 ff.

L. Dimier: French Painting in the Sixteenth Century. 1904.

L. F. Freeman: Italian Sculptors of the Renaissance. 1902.

H. Janitschek: Geschichte der deutschen Malerei. 1890.

H. A. Dickenson: German Masters of Art. 1914.

E. Bertaux: Rome de l' avenement de Jules II a nos jours.[2] 1908.

M. Reymond: L' Education de Leonard. 1910.

W. Pater: "Leonardo da Vinci," in the volume called The Renaissance, 1878. (Though much attacked this is, in my opinion, the best criticism of Leonardo).

S. Freud: Leonardo da Vinci. 1910.

W. von Seidlitz: Leonardo da Vinci. 2 vols. 1909. (Excellent).

Osvald Siren: Leonardo da Vinci. 1916.

Leonardo da Vinci: A treatise on painting, translated from the Italian by J. F. Rigaud. London. 1897.

C. J. Holmes: Leonardo da Vinci. Proceedings of the British Academy. 1919.

E. Muentz: Raphael, sa vie, son oeuvre et son temps. 1881.

W. Pater: "Raphael," in Miscellaneous Studies, 1913. (First written 1892: fine criticism).

Edward McCurdy: Raphael Santi. 1917.

H. Grimm: Life of Michael Angelo, tr. by F. E. Bunnett. 2 vols. New ed. 1906.

Crowe and Cavalcasselle: Life and Times of Titian. 1877.

H. Thode: Michelangelo und das Ende der Renaissance. 5 vols. 1902-13.

L. Dorez: "Nouvelles recherches sur Michel-Ange et son entourage," Bibliotheque de l' Ecole des Chartes. Vol. 77, pp. 448 ff. (1916), vol. 78, pp. 179 ff. (1917).

Romain Roland: Vie de Michel-Ange.[4] 1913.

The Sonnets of Michael Angela Buonarroti, translated into English by J. A. Symonds. (My copy, Venice, has no date).

R. W. Emerson: Essay on Michaelangelo.

A. Duerer's Schriftliche Nachlass, ed. E. Heidrich. 1908.

M. Thausing: A. Duerer.[2] 1876. (English translation from 1st ed. by F. A. Eaton. 1882).

Albrecht Duerers Niederlaendische Reise, hg. van J. Veth und S. Mueller. 2 vols. 1918.

A. B. Chamberlain: Hans Holbein the Younger. 2 vols. 1913.

A. Michel: Histoire de l'art depuis les premiers temps chretiens jusqu' a nos jours. 3 vols. 1905-8.

C. H. Moore: The Character of Renaissance Architecture. 1905.

R. Bloomfield: A History of French Architecture from the Reign of Charles VIII till the death of Mazarin. 2 vols. 1911.

SECTION 5. Belles Lettres

Note: The works of the humanists, theologians, biblical and classical scholars, historians, publicists and philosophers have been dealt with in other sections of this bibliography. Representative poets, dramatists and writers of fiction for the century (up to but not including the Age of Shakespeare in England or of Henry IV in France) are the following:

Italian: Ariosto, A. F. Grazzini, M. Bandello, T. Tasso, Berni, Guarini.

French: Margaret of Navarre, C. Marot, Rabelais, Joachim du Bellay, Ronsard, Montaigne.

English: Lyndesay, Skelton, Wyatt, Surrey, anonymous poets in Tottel's Miscellany, Sidney, E. Spenser, Donne, Lyly, Heywood, Kyd, Peele, Greene, Lodge, Nash, Marlowe.

German: Hans Sachs, Fischart, T. Murner, anonymous Till Eulenspiegel and Faustbuch, B. Waldis.

Spanish: The Picaresque novel, La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades.

Portuguese: Camoens.

As it is not my purpose to give even a sketch of literary history, but merely to illustrate the temper of the times from the contemporary belles lettres, only a few suggestive works of criticism can be mentioned here.

H. Hallam: Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries. 1838-9. (Old, but still useful).

J. A. Symonds: Italian Literature. 1888.

G. Lanson: Histoire de la litterature francaise.[9] 1906.

C. H. C. Wright: A History of French Literature. 1912.

C. Thomas: A History of German Literature. 1909.

E. Wolff: Faust und Luther. 1912.

The Cambridge History of English Literature, vol. iii, Renaissance and Reformation. 1908.

J. J. Jusserand: Histoire Litteraire du Peuple Anglais. Tome ii, De la Renaissance a la Guerre Civile. 1904. (Also English translation: a beautiful work).

Winifred Smith: The Commedia dell' Arte. 1912. (Notable).

A. Tilley: The Literature of the French Renaissance. 2 vols. 1904.



The purpose of the following list is not to give the titles of all general histories of the Reformation, but of those books and articles in which some noteworthy contribution has been made to the philosophical interpretation of the events. Many an excellent work of pure narrative character, and many of those dealing with some particular phase of the Reformation, are omitted. All the noteworthy historical works published prior to 1600 are listed in the bibliography to Chapter XII, section 2, and are not repeated here. The chronological order is here adopted, save that all the works of each writer are grouped together. In every case I enter the book under the year in which it first appeared, adding in parentheses the edition, if another, which I have used.

Francis Bacon (1561-1626): Essay lviii; also Essays i, iii, xxxv; Novum Organum Bk. i, aphorisms xv and lxv; Advancement of Learning, Bk. ix, and i.

Jacques-Auguste de Thou (Thuanus): Historiae sui temporis. 1604-20.

Hugo Grotius: Annales et historiae de rebus belgicis. 1657. (Written 1611 ff).

William Camden: Annales Rerum Anglicarnm et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. Pars I, 1615; Pars II, 1625.

Agrippa d'Aubigne: Histoire Universelle. 1616-20.

Paolo Sarpi: Istoria del Concilio Tridentino. 1619. (P. Sarpi: Histoire du Concile du Trente, French translation by Amelot de la Houssaie. 1699).

Arrigo Caterino Davila: Storia delle guerre civili di Francia. 1630.

Giulio Bentivoglio: Guerra di Fiandria. 1632-39.

Famiano Strada: De bello belgico decades duo. 1632-47.

Francois Eudes, [called] de Mezeray: Histoire de France. 1643-51.

David Calderwood (1575-1650): History of the Kirk of Scotland, ed. T. Thompson, 1842-9.

Lord Herbert of Cherbury: Life and Reign of Henry VIII. 1649.

Thomas Fuller: Church History, 1655. (Ed. Brewer, 6 vols. 1845).

J. Harrington: Oceana, 1656. (Harrington's Works, 1700, pp. 69, 388).

Sforza Pallavicino: Istoria del Concilio di Trento. 1656-7.

Annales ecclesiastici . . . auctore Reynaldo, ed. J. D. Mansi. Tomi 33-35. Lucae. 1755. (Oderic Reynaldus, who died 1671, was a continuator of Baronius, covering the period in church history 1198-1565).

Jean Claude: Defense de la Reformation. . . . 1673. (English translation: An historical defense of the Reformation. 1683).

Gilbert Burnet: History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 3 vols. 1679, 1681, 1715. (Ed. by Pocock, 6 vols. 1865 ff).

Louis Maimbourg: Histoire du Lutheranisme. 1680.

Pierre Jurieu: Histoire du Calvinisme et celle du Papisme mises en parallele. 1683. (English translation, 2 vols. 1823).

Veit Ludwig von Seckendorf: Commentarius historicus et apologeticus de Lutheranismo. 1688-92.

Jacques Benigne Bossuet: Histoire des variations des eglises protestantes. 1688. (I have used the editions of 1812 and 1841).

Pierre Bayle: Dictionnaire historique et critique, 1697., s.v. "Luther," "Calvin," &c.

Gabriel Daniel: Histoire de France. 1703.

Jeremy Collier: Ecclesiastical History, 2 vols. 1708-14. (ed. Lathbury, 9 vols. 1852).

Rapin Thoyras: Histoire d'Angleterre. 1723ff.

Johann Lorenz Mosheim: Institutiones historiae christianae recentiores. 1741.

Montesquieu: Esprit des Lois, 1748, Livre xxiv, chaps. 2, 5, 25; Livre xxv, chap. 2, 6, 11.

Frederick II (called The Great) of Prussia: De la Superstition et de la Religion. 1749. (Oeuvres, 1846, i, 204 ff).

Voltaire: Essai sur les moeurs et l' esprit des nations, et sur les principaux faits de l' histoire depuis Charlemagne jusqu'a Louis XIII. 1754. (Cf. also a passage in his Dictionnaire philosophique).

David Hume: History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688. The volumes on the Tudor period came out in 1759.

William Robertson: A History of Scotland. 1759.

William Robertson: History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. 1769.

Edward Gibbon: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 1776-88. (On the Reformation, chap. liv, end).

Encyclopedie, 1778, s.v. "Lutheranisme." (Anonymous article).

Johann Gottfried von Herder: Das Weimarische Gesangbuch, 1778, Vorrede.

Herder: Briefe das Studium der Theologie betreffend, 1784. (Saemtliche Werke, Teil 14).

Herder: Briefe zur Befoerderung der Humanitaet, 1793-7. (Samtliche Werke, Teil 14).

Michael Ignaz Schmidt: Geschichte der Deutschen. Aeltere Geschichte (to 1544), 1778 ff. Neuere Geschichte (1544-1660), 1785 ff.

Jakob Gottlieb Planck: Geschichte des protestantischen Lehrbegriffs, 6 vols. 1783-1800.

[M. J. A. N. de Caritat, Marquis] De Condorcet: Esquisse d'un tableau historique des Progres de l' Esprit humain. 1794. (I use the fourth edition, 1798, pp. 200 ff.)

F. A. de Chateaubriand: Essai historique sur les Revolutions, 1797. (Oeuvres, 1870).

Chateaubriand: Analyse raisonnee de l'histoire de France. (Oeuvres, 1865, Tome 8).

Friedrich von Hardenberg (called Novalis): Die Christenheit oder Europa, 1799 (Novalis' Schriften hg. von Minor, 1907, Band ii. Also English translation).

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832): Saemtliche Werke, Jubilaeumsausgabe, no date, Stuttgart and Berlin, i, 242 and ii, 279, and other obiter dicta for which see the excellent index. See also Gespraeche mit Eckermann, 1832, English translation in Bohn's library, p. 568.

Friedrich Schiller: Geschichte des Abfalles der Vereinigten Niederlande von der spanischen Regierung. 1788. (2d ed., much changed, 1801; translation in Bohn's library). Cf. also Schiller's letter to Goethe, Sept. 17, 1800, in Schiller's Briefe, hg. von F. Jonas, 1895, vi, 200.

Christoph Martin Wieland (1733-1813). His opinion, in 1801 is given in Diary &c of Henry Crabb Robinson, ed. T. Sadler, 3 vols., 1869, i, 109, and in "Charakteristik Lulhers," in Pantheon der Deutschen, 1794.

Charles de Villers: Essai sur l'esprit et l'influence de la Reforme de Luther. 1803. (English translation by James Mill, 1805).

William Roscoe: Life and Pontificate of Leo X. 1805.

J. G. Fichte: Reden an die deutsche Nation, 1808. Nr. 6.

Mme. de Stael: De l'Allemagne. 1813.

E. M. Arndt: Ansichten und Aussichten der deutschen Geschichte. 1814.

Arndt: Vom Worte und vom Kirchenliede. 1819.

Arndt: Christliches und Tuerkisches. 1828, pp. 255 ff.

Arndt: Vergleichende Voelkergeschichte. 1814.

Friedrich von Schlegel: Geschichte der alten und neuen Literatur. 1815. (Saemtliche Werke, 1822, ii, 244 ff).

Schlegel: Philosophie der Geschichte. 1829. (English translation in Bohn's Library).

Joseph de Maistre: De l'eglise gallicane. 1820, cap. 2. (Oeuvres, 1884, ii, 3 ff).

De Maistre: Lettres sur l'Inquisition espagnole. 1815 ff. (Oeuvres ii).

John Lingard: History of England, vols. 4, 5. 1820 ff.

G. W. F. Hegel: Philosophie der Geschichte. Lectures delivered first 1822-3, published as vol. ix of his Werke by E. Gans, 1837. (English translation by J. Sibree, 1857, in Bohn's Library).

Leopold von Ranke: Geschichte der romanischen und germanischen Voelker von 1491-1535. Band i, (bis 1514). 1824. Appendix: Zur Kritik neuerer Geschichtschreiber.

Ranke: Die roemischen Paepste, ihre Kirche und ihr Staat im XVI. und XVII. Jahrhiindert. 1834-6. (Many editions and translations of this and other works of Ranke).

Ranke: Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation. 1839-47.

Ranke: Zwoelf Buecher Preussischer Geschichte. Band i und ii, 1874.

Ranke: Die Osmannen und die Spanische Monarchie im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. 1877.

C. H. de Rouvroy, Comte de Saint-Simon: Nouveau Christianisme, Oeuvres, 1869, vii, 100 ff. (written 1825).

Henry Hallam: Constitutional History of England from the accession of Henry VII to the death of George II. 1827.

Hallam: Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries. 1837-9.

A. Thierry: Vingt-cinq letters sur l'histoire de France. 1827.

Francois-Pierre-Guillaume Guizot: Histoire de la civilisation en Europe. 1828. (English transl. by Hazlitt. 1846).

Guizot: Histoire de la civilisation en France. 4 vols. 1830.

Philipp Marheineke: Geschichte der deutschen Reformation. 4 vols. 1831-4.

Heinrich Leo: Geschichte der Niederlanden. 2 vols. 1832-5.

Leo: Lehrbuch der Universalgeschichte, 6 vols. 1835-44.

Friedrich von Raumer: Geschichte Europas seit dem Ende des 15. Jahrhundert. 1832-50.

A. Vinet: Moralistes des 16. and 17. siecles. 1859 (Lectures given 1832-47).

H. Martin: Histoire de France. 1833-6.

Heinrich Heine: Zur Geschichte der Religion und Philosophie in Deutschland. 1834.

Jules Michelet: Memoires de Luther ecrits par lui-meme, traduits et mis en ordre. 1835.

Michelet et Quinet: Les Jesuites. 1842.

Michelet: Histoire de France, vols. 8-10, 1855 ff.

J. H. Merle d'Aubigne: Histoire de la Reformation du 16. siecle. 5 vols. 1835-53. (English translation, 1846).

Thomas Babington Macauley: "On Ranke's History of the Popes," 1840, published in his Essays, 1842. There are also remarks on the effect of the Reformation in his History of England, 1848 ff.

John Carl Ludwig Gieseler: Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. Band iii, Abteilung 1, 1840. (Many later editions, and an English translation).

Jaime Balmes: El protestantismo comparado con el catolicismo en sus relaciones con la civilizacion Europea. 4 vols. 1842-4. (English translation as, Protestantism and Catholicism compared, 2d ed. 1851).

Thomas Carlyle: Heroes and Hero-worship. 1842.

Philarete Chasle: "La Renaissance sensuelle: Luther, Rabelais, Skelton, Folengo," Revue des deux Mondes, March, 1842.

Edgar Quinet: Le genie des religions. 1842.

Quinet: (see Michelet).

Quinet: Le Christianisme et la Revolution francaise. 1845.

Johann Joseph Ignaz von Doellinger: Die Reformation. 3 vols. 1846-8.

Doellinger: Luther, eine Skizze. 1851.

Doellinger: Kirche und Kirchen. 1861, p. 386.

Doellinger: Vortraege ueber die Wiedervereinigungsversuche zwischen den christlichen Kirchen und die Aussichten einer kuenftigen Union. 1872.

F. C. Baur: Lehrbuch der christlichen Dogmengeschichte. 1847.

Baur: Die Epochen der kirchlichen Geschichtschreibung. 1852.

Baur: Geschichte der christlichen Kirche, Band iv, 1863.

E. Forcade: "La Reforme et la Revolution," Revue des Deux Mondes, Feb. 1849.

William Corbbett: A History of the Protestant "Reformation" in England and Ireland, showing how that event has impoverished and degraded the main body of the People in these countries. 1852.

Napoleon Roussel: Les nations catholiques et les nations protestantes comparees sous le triple rapport du bien-etre, des lumieres et de la moralite. 1854.

William H. Prescott: History of the Reign of Philip II, King of Spain. 1855-72.

John Lothrop Motley: The Rise of the Dutch Republic. 1855.

Motley: History of the United Netherlands from the death of William the Silent to the Synod of Dort. 1860-7.

Motley: Life and Death of John of Barneveldt. 1874.

James Anthony Froude: History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. (Later: To the Spanish Armada). 1856-70.

Froude: Short Studies on Great Subjects. 1867-83.

Froude: The Divorce of Catharine of Aragon. 1891.

Froude: The Life and Letters of Erasmus. 1894.

Froude: Lectures on the Council of Trent. 1896.

Henry Thomas Buckle: History of Civilization in England. 1857-61.

Paul de Lagarde: "Ueber das Verhaeltnis des deutschen Staates zu Theologie, Kirche und Religion." Deutsche Schriften, 1886, pp. 48 ff. (Written in 1859, first printed 1873).

David Friedrich Strauss: Ulrich von Hutten. 1858.

Gustav Freytag: Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheit. 1859-62.

Ferdinand Gregorovius: Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter. 1859-71.

Lord Acton: Many essays and articles, beginning about 1860, mostly collected in his History of Freedom and Other Essays, 1906, and Historical Essays and Studies, 1907.

Acton: Lectures on Modern History. 1906. (I use the 1912 edition; the lectures were delivered in 1899-1901).

Acton: Letters to Mary Gladstone, ed. H. Paul, 1904.

Jacob Burckhart: Die Cultur der Renaissance in Italien. 1860. (English translation by S. G. C. Middlemore, 1878). Twentieth ed. by L. Geiger, 1919.

W. Stubbs: Lectures on European History. 1904. (Delivered 1860-70).

Francois Laurent: Etudes sur l'histoire de l'humanite. 18 vols. Vol. viii: La Reforme. (No date, circa 1862). Vol. xvii: La Religion de l'avenir. 1870. Vol. xviii: Philosophie de l'histoire. 1870. (pp. 340 ff).

John William Draper: History of the Intellectual Development of Europe. 1863.

Draper: History of the Conflict of Science and Religion. 1874.

W. E. H. Lecky: History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe. 1865.

K. P. W Maurenbrecher: Karl V und die deutschen Protestanten. 1865.

Maurenbrecher: England im Reformationszeitalter. 1866.

Maurenbrecher: Studien und Skizzen zur Geschichte der Reformationszeit. 1874.

Maurenbrecher: Geschichte der katholischen Reformation. 1880.

Henry Charles Lea: Superstition and Force. 1866.

Lea: Historical Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy. 1867.

Lea: Chapters from the Religious History of Spain connected with the Inquisition. 1890.

Lea: History of Auricular Confession and Indulgences in the Latin Church. 1896.

Lea: History of the Inquisition in Spain. 1906-7.

Lea: "The Eve of the Reformation," Cambridge Modern History, ii, 1902.

Ludwig Haeusser: Geschichte des Zeitalters der Reformation. 1867-8.

Frederic Seebohm: The Oxford Reformers, 1867.

Seebohm: The Era of the Protestant Revolution. 1874.

H. H. Milman: Savonarola, Erasmus and other Essays. 1870.

Eichhoff: Dr. Martin Luther: 100 Stimmen namhafter Maenner aus 4 Jahrhunderten. 1872.

George Park Fisher: The Reformation. 1873. (New ed. 1906).

John Richard Green: Short History of the English People. 1874.

Green: History of the English People, 4 vols. 1877-80.

John Addington Symonds: The Renaissance in Italy, 7 vols. 1875-86.

Symonds: "Renaissance," article in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th, 10th, 11th ed.

Johannes Janssen: Geschichte des deutschen Volkes seit dem Ausgange des Mittelalters, 1876-88. (Twentieth ed. of vols. 1, 2; eighteenth ed. of vols. 3-8, by L. Pastor, 1913 ff).

Emile de Laveleye: Le protestantisme et le catholicisme dans leurs rapports avec la liberte et la prosperite des peuples, 1875.

Richard Watson Dixon: History of the Church of England from the abolition of the Roman jurisdiction, 6 vols. 1878-1902.

Friedrich Nietzsche: Menschliches, Allzumenschliches. 1878, p. 200.

Nietzsche: Die froehliche Wissenschaft. 1882, Sections 35, 148, 149, 385. (And other obiter dicta, cf. Werke, vii, 401).

Pasquale Villari: Niccolo Machiavelli e i suoi tempi. 1878. (English transl., 1891).

Ludwig (von) Pastor: Die kirchliche Unionsbestrebungen unter Karl V, 1879.

Pastor: Geschichte der Paepste seit dem Ausgange des Mittelalters, 7 vols. 1886-1920. (English translation of German vols. 1-5, making 12 vols, ed. by Antrobus and Kerr).

H. M. Baird: The Rise of the Huguenots in France. 1879.

Baird: The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 1886.

Georg Christian Bernhard Puenjer: Geschichte der christlichen Religionsphilosophie seit der Reformation. 2 Baende. 1880-3. (English translation of the first volume as, History of the Christian Philosophy of Religion from the Reformation to Kant, by W. Hastie. 1887).

J. E. Thorold Rogers: History of Agriculture and Prices in England, vol. iv, 1882, pp. 72 ff.

Rogers: The Economic Interpretation of History, 1888, pp. 83 ff.

K. W. Nitzsch: Geschichte des deutschen Volkes bis zum Augsburger Religionsfriede, hg. von Matthaei, 1883-5.

Heinrich von Treitschke: "Luther und die deutsche Nation," 1883. (English translation in Germany, France, Russia and Islam, 1915, 227 ff. Other criticisms of the Reformation may be found in his other works, e.g., Deutsche Geschichte im 19. Jahrhundert, 1 Teil,[5] 1895, pp. 86, 391).

Charles Beard: The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in its relation to Modern Thought and Knowledge. 1883.

A. Stern: Die Socialisten der Reformationszeit. 1883.

Matthew Arnold: St. Paul and Protestantism. 1883.

Adolf (von) Harnack: Martin Luther in seiner Bedeutung fuer die Geschichte der Wissenschaft und der Bildung. 1883 (Fifth ed. 1910).

Harnack: M. Luther und die Grundlegung der Reformation. 1917.

Harnack: Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte, Band iii, 1890. (Fourth ed. 1910, and English translation by Neil Buchanan, 1897).

Harnack: Das Wesen des Christentums. 1900. (English translation, What is Christianity? 1901).

Harnack: "Die Bedeutung der Reformation innerhalb der allgemeinen Religionsgeschichte," Reden und Aufsaetze, Baud ii, Teil ii, 1904.

Harnack: "Die Reformation," Internationale Monatsschrift, xi, 1917.

M. Monnier: La Reforme, de Luther a Shakespeare. (Histoire de la litterature moderne). 1885.

Leo Tolstoy: Thoughts and Aphorisms. 1886-93. Tolstoy's Works, English, 1905, xix, 137 f.

Philip Schaff: History of the Christian Church. Vol. VI, The German Reformation. 1888. Vol. VII, The Swiss Reformation. 1892.

F. von Bezold: Die Reformation. 1890. (In Oncken's Allgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen).

F. von Bezold, E. Gotheim und R. Koser: Staat und Gesellschaft der neueren Zeit. 1908. (Die Kultur der Gegenwart, Teil ii, Abteilung V).

William Cunningham: Growth of English Industry and Commerce during the early and Middle Ages. 1890. (Fourth ed. 1905).

Cunningham: Growth of English Industry and Commerce in Modern Times. 1882. (3d ed. 1903).

Cunningham: Western Civilization in its Economic Aspects in Ancient Times. 1898.

Cunningham: Western Civilization in its Economic Aspects in Modern Times. 1900. (I also have the advantage of having taken notes of Dr. Cunningham's lectures at Columbia University, November, 1914).

Rudolph Cristoph Eucken: Die Lebensanschauungen der grossen Denker. 1890. (7th ed. 1907: English translation, The Problem of Human Life, by W. Hough and Boyce Gibson, 1909).

F. Simmel: Soziale Differenzierung. 1890.

Robert Flint: History of the Philosophy of History. 1893.

C. Borgeaud: The Rise of Modern Democracy in Old and New England. Translated by Mrs. B. Hill. Preface by C. H. Firth. 1894. (First published in French periodicals 1890-1).

Herbert L. Osgood: "The Political Ideas of the Puritans," Political Science Quarterly, vi, 1 ff., 201 ff., 1891.

Wilhelm Dilthey: "Auffassung und Analyse des Menschen im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert." Archiv fuer die Geschichte der Philosophie, iv, (1891) 604 ff., v, (1892), 337 ff.

Dilthey: "Die Glaubenslehre der Reformatoren," Preussiche Jahrbuecher, lxxv, (1894), pp. 44 ff.

Dilthey: "Weltanschauung und Analyse des Menschen seit Renaissance und Reformation." Gesammelte Schriften, ii, 1914.

E. A. Freeman: Historical Essays, 4th series, 1892.

Karl Lamprecht: Zum Verstandnis der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Wandlungen in Deutschland vom. 14. bis zum 16. Jahrhundert. 1893.

Lamprecht: Deutsche Geschichte, Band 5, 1894-5.

Otto Pfleiderer: Philosophy and Development of Religion. (Gifford Lectures at Edinburgh), 1894, vol. ii, pp. 321 ff.

Pfleiderer: "Luther as the founder of Protestant civilization." In Evolution and Theology, 1900, pp. 48-79. (Address given 1883).

E. Belfort Bax: German Society at the Close of the Middle Ages. 1894.

Bax: The Peasants' War in Germany. 1899.

Bax: The Rise and Fall of the Anabaptists. 1903. (Large portions of the three works by Bax have been reprinted in his German Culture Past and Present. 1915).

Brooks Adams: The Law of Civilisation and Decay. 1895.

Brooks Adams: The New Empire. 1902.

Karl Kautsky: Vorlaeufer des neuren Sozialismus, Band i, "Der Kommunismus in der deutschen Reformation," 1895. (Communism in Central Europe in the Time of the Reformation, transl. by J. L. and E. G. Mulliken. 1897).

A. Berger: Die Kulturaufgaben der Reformation. 1895. ([2] 1908).

Berger: M. Luther in kulturgeschichtlicher Darstellung, 3 parts, 1895, 1907, 1919.

Berger: Ursachen und Ziele der deutschen Reformation. 1899.

Berger: Sind Humanismus und Protestantismus gegensaetzig? 1899,

H. Hauser: "De l'humanisme et de la Reforme en France," Revue Historique, July-Aug. 1897.

Karl Sell: "Die wissenschaftliche Aufgaben einer Geschichte der christlichen Religion," Preussische Jahrbuecher, xcviii. (1899), 12 ff.

Sell: Christentum und Weltgeschichte seit der Reformation. 1910.

Sell: Der Zusammenhang von Reformation und politischer Freiheit. Abhandlungen in Theologischen Arbeiten aus dem rheinischen wissenschaftlichen Predigerverein. N. F. 12. 1910.

John Mackinnon Robertson: A Short History of Freethought. 1899. ([3] 1915).

Robertson: A Short History of Christianity. 1901. ([2] 1913).

S. N. Patten: The Development of English Thought. A Study in the Economic Interpretation of History. 1899. (Fanciful).

Ferdinand Brunetiere: "L'oeuvre litteraire de Calvin." Revue des Deux Mondes, Oct. 15, 1900.

Brunetiere: "L'oeuvre de Calvin." (1901). Discours de Combat, ii, 1908, pp. 121 ff.

Williston Walker: The Reformation. 1900.

Walker: A History of the Christian Church. 1918.

A. Loisy: L'Evangile et l'Eglise. 1901. (Answer to Harnack's Wesen des Christentums).

A. Lang: History of Scotland, i, 1901, p. 382.

A. F. Pollard: Henry VIII. 1902.

A. F. Pollard: Thomas Cranmer. 1904.

Pollard: Political History of England 1547-1603. 1910.

James Gairdner: The English Church in the Sixteenth Century (1509-58). 1902.

J. Gairdner: Chapters in the Cambridge Modern History, ii, 1902.

Gairdner: Lollardy and the Reformation. 4 vols. 1908 ff.

Mandell Creighton: A History of the Papacy, vol. 5, 1902.

E. Armstrong: The Emperor Charles V. 1902.

H. Lemonnier: Histoire de France (ed. par E. Lavisse), v, 1903-4.

James Harvey Robinson: "The Study of the Lutheran Revolt," American Historical Review, viii, 205. 1903.

J. H. Robinson: "The Reformation," Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1911.

Auguste Sabatier: Les religions d'autorite et la religion de l'esprit. 1903. ([4] 1910. English translation 1904).

(H. M.) Alfred Baudrillart: L'Eglise catholique, la Renaissance, le Protestantisme. 1904. (English translation by Mrs. Philip Gibbs. 1908).

W. H. Frere: The English Church in the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I, 1904.

H. A. L. Fisher: A Political History of England 1486-1547. 1904.

Fisher: The Republican Tradition in Europe, 1911, pp. 34 ff.

J. H. Mariejol: Histoire de France (ed. par E. Lavisse), Tome vi, 1904.

E. P. Cheyney: The European Background of American History, 1904, p. 168.

O. Hegemann: Luther in katholischem Urteil. 1904.

Friedrich Heinrich Suso Denifle: Luther and Luthertum in der ersten Entwicklung, i, 1904; ii, hg. von A. M. Weiss, 1909.

Max Weber: "Die protestantische Ethik und der 'Geist' des Kapitalismus," Archiv fuer Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, xx and xxi, 1905.

George Santayana: Reason in Religion, 1905, pp. 114-124.

Santayana: Winds of Doctrine, 1913, pp. 39-46.

Santayana: Egotism in German Philosophy, 1917, pp. 1 ff., 23.

P. Imbart de la Tour: Les Origines de la Reforme, 3 vols. 1905-13.

P. Imbart de la Tour: "Luther et l'Allemagne," in Revue de metaphysique et morale, 1918, p. 611.

David J. Hill: A History of Diplomacy in the International Development of Europe, vol. 2, 1906, pp. 422 f, 460.

A. W. Benn: A History of English Rationalism in the Eighteenth Century, 1906, pp. 76 f.

J. Mackinnon: A History of Modern Liberty, Vol. iii, The Age of the Reformation, 1906.

T. M. Lindsay: A History of the Reformation. 2 vols. 1906-7.

H. Boehmer: Luther im Lichte der neueren Forschung. 1906. (2d. ed. 1909, 3d. 1913, 5th 1918, each much changed).

Ernst Troeltsch: Bedeutung des Protestantismus fuer die Entstehung der modernen Welt. 1906. (2d ed. 1911; English translation, "Protestantism and Progress." 1912).

Troeltsch: Protestantisches Christentum und Kirche in der Neuzeit, 1906. (Kultur der Gegenwart, I, Teil iv, 1). 2d ed. 1909.

Troeltsch: "Protestantismus und Kultur," in Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1912.

Troeltsch: Die Soziallehren der christlichen Kirchen und Gruppen, 1912.

Troeltsch: "Renaissance und Reformation," Historische Zeitschrift, cx. 519 ff., 1913.

Troeltsch: "Die Kulturbedeutung des Kalvinimus," Internationale Wochenschrift, iv, 1910.

Troeltsch: "Luther und der Protestantismus," Neue Rundschau, Oct. 1917.

T. Brieger: "Die Reformation." In Weltgeschichte 1500-1648, ed. Pflugk-Harttung, 1907. (Published separately, enlarged, 1909).

F. Loofs: Luther's Stellung zum Mittelalter und zur Neuzeit. 1907.

Horst Stephan: Luther in den Wandlungen seiner Kirche. 1907.

A. Kalthoff: Das Zeitalter der Reformation. 1907.

Otto Pfleiderer: Die Entwicklung des Christentums. 1907.

Joseph Fabre: La pensee moderne, de Luther a Leibnitz. 1908.

F. Lepp: Schlagwoerter des Reformationszeitalters. 1908.

Paul Sabatier: Les Modernistes, 1908 (Translated, Modernism, 1908, pp. 75 ff).

Paul Sabatier: L'Orientation religieuse de la France actuelle, 1911. (Translated, France Today, its Religious Orientation, 1913, pp. 49-51).

John Morley: Miscellanies, Fourth Series, 1908, pp. 120 ff.

R. Eckert: Luther im Urteil bedeutender Maenner. 1908. (2d ed., expanded, 1917).

E. Boutroux: Science et religion dans la philosophie contemporaine, 1908, p. 13.

L. Zscharnack: "Reformation und Humanismus im Urteil der deutschen Aufklaerung," Protestantische Monatshefte, 1908, xii, 81 ff, 153 ff.

F. Rachfahl: "Kalvinismus und Kapitalismus," Internationale Wochenschrift, iii, 1909.

E. Fueter: "Die Weltgeschichtliche Bedeutung des Calvinismus." Wissen und Leben, ii, 1909, pp. 269 ff.

E. Fueter: Geschichte der neueren Historiographie. 1911. (French translation, 1916).

E. Fueter: Geschichte des Europaeischen Staatensystems 1492-1559. 1919.

W. Windelband: Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie, p. 395. (Kultur der Gegenwart, Teil I, Abt. 5, 1909).

Solamon Reinach: Orpheus, 1909.

Jacob Salwyn Schapiro: Social Reform and the Reformation. 1909.

F. Katzer: Luther und Kant. 1910.

Emil Knodt: Die Bedeutung Calvins und des Calvinismus fuer die protestantische Welt. 1910.

Jaeger: "Germanisierung des Christentums," Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1910.

A. Dide: J. J. Rousseau, le Protestantisme et la Revolution francaise. (1910).

J. Rivain: Politique, Morale, Religion; Sur l'Esprit protestant; Protestantisme et progres; l'Eglise et l'Etat. 1910.

C. Burdach: "Sinn und Ursprung der Worte Renaissance und Reformation." Koenigliche-preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungsberichte, 1910, pp. 594-646.

W. Koehler: Idee und Persoenlichkeit in der Kirchengeschichte. 1910.

W. Koehler: "Luther," in Morgenrot der Reformation, hg. von Pflugk-Harttung, 1912.

W. Koehler: Martin Luther und die deutsche Reformation. 1916.

W. Koehler in Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1909. i, 2117 ff.

Koehler: "Erasmus," 1918. (Klassiker der Religion).

Koehler: Dr. M. Luther, der deutsche Reformator. 1917.

H. T. Andrews: "The Social Principles and Effects of the Reformation." In Christ and Civilization, ed. J. B. Patten, Sir P. W. Bunting and A. E. Garvie, 1910.

Fernand Mouret: Histoire generale de l'Eglise. Tome 5. La Renaissance et la Reforme. 1910. ([2] 1914).

A. Humbert: Les Origines de la Theologie moderne, 1911.

Hartmann Grisar: Luther. 3 vols. 1911-13.

Preserved Smith: Life and Letters of Martin Luther, 1911. (Especially the preface to the second edition, 1914).

Preserved Smith: "Justification by Faith," Harvard Theological Review, 1913.

Preserved Smith: "Luther," International Encyclopaedia, 1915.

Preserved Smith: "The Reformation 1517-1917." Bibliotheca Sacra, Jan. 1918.

Preserved Smith: "English Opinion of Luther," Harvard Theological Review, 1917.

Hillaire Belloc: "The Results of the Reformation." Catholic World, Jan. 1912.

P. Wernle: Renaissance und Reformation. 1912.

Alfred Plummer: The Continental Reformation. 1912.

Maxime Kowalewsky: Die oekonomische Entwicklung Europas bis zum Beginn der kapitalistischen Wirtschaftsform. Aus dem Russischen ueberstezt von A. Stein. Vol. vi, 1913, pp. 51 ff.

J. B. Bury: A History of Freedom of Thought. 1913.

G. L. Burr: "Anent the Middle Ages," American Historical Review, 1913.

Burr: "The Freedom of History," American Historical Review, Jan. 1917.

W. J. Ashley: Economic Organization of England, 1914, pp. 64 ff.

A. Elkan: "Entstehung und Entwicklung des Begriffs 'Gegenreformation,'" Historische Zeitschrift, cxii, pp. 473-93, 1914.

E. M. Hulme: The Renaissance, the Protestant Revolution and the Catholic Reformation. 1914. (Second ed. 1915).

G. Wolf: Quellenkunde der deutschen Reformationsgeschichte, 2 vols. 1915, 1916.

A. E. Harvey: "Economic Self-interest in the German Anti-clericalism of the 15th and 16th Centuries," American Journal of Theology, 1915.

Harvey: "Economic Aspects of the Reformation," Lutheran Survey, Aug. 1, 1917, pp. 459-64.

Harvey: "Martin Luther in the Estimate of Modern Historians," American Journal of Theology, July, 1918.

W. P. Paterson: "Religion," chap. 9 of German Culture, ed. by W. P. Paterson, 1915.

John Dewey: German Philosophy and Politics. 1915.

H. Cohen: Deutschtum und Judentum. 1915.

G. Kawerau: Luther's Gedanken ueber den Krieg. 1916.

G. Monod: "La Reforme Catholique," Revue Historique, cxxi, 1916, esp. pp. 314 f.

F. S. Marvin: Progress and History, 1916. (Essays by various authors).

Shailer Mathews: The Spiritual Interpretation of History, 1916, esp. pp. 57 ff.

Frank Puaux: "La Reformation jugee par Claude et Jurieu." Bulletin de la Societe de l'histoire du Protestantisme, Juillet-Sept. 1917.

L. Marchaud: La Reformation: ses causes, sa nature, ses consequences. 1917.

N. Weiss: "Pour le Quatrieme Centenaire de la Reformation," Bulletin de la Societe de l'histoire du Protestantisme, 1917, pp. 178 ff.

K. D. Macmillan: Protestantism in Germany. 1917.

Georg von Below: Die Ursachen der Reformation, 1917.

H. M. Gwatkin: "Reformation," in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, 1917.

Alfred Fawkes: "Papacy," ibid.

Max Lenz: "Luthers weltgeschichtliche Stellung," Preussische Jahrbuecher, clxx, 1917.

Chalfant Robinson: "Some Economic Aspects of the Protestant Reformation Doctrines." Princeton Theological Review, October 1917.

Arthur Cushman McGiffert: "Luther and the Unfinished Reformation." Address given at Union Seminary Oct. 31, 1917, published in the Union Seminary Bulletin, 1918.

Revue de Metaphysique et Morale, Sept.-Dec., 1918. Special number on the Reformation with important articles by C. A. Bernouilli, Imbart de la Tour, N. Weiss, F. Buisson, F. Watson, Frederic Palmer, E. Doumergue and others.

W. K. Boyd: "Political and Social Aspects of Luther's Message," South Atlantic Quarterly, Jan., 1918.

H. Scholz: "Die Reformation und der deutsche Geist." Preussische Jahrbuecher, clxx, 1, 1918.

F. Heiler: Luther's Religionsgeschichtliche Bedeutung. 1918.

F. T. Teggart: The Processes of History, 1918, pp. 162 ff.

Lucy H. Humphrey: "French Estimates of Luther," Lutheran Quarterly, April, 1918. (Interesting study).

J. Paquier: Luther et l'Allemagne. 1918.

Wilbur Cross Abbott: The Expansion of Europe 1415-1789. 2 vols. 1918.

H. E. Barnes: "History," Encyclopaedia Americana, 1919.

George Foot Moore: History of Religions: Judaism, Christianity, Mohammedanism. 1919.

P. Hume Brown: Surveys of Scottish History. 1919. (Essays posthumously collected).

J. Haller: Die Ursachen der Reformation. 1919.

F. Arnold: Die deutsche Reformation in ihren Beziehungen zu den Kulturverhaeltnissen des Mittelalters. 1919.

D. H. Bauslin: The Lutheran Movement of the Sixteenth Century. 1919.



Aalst, 264. Aberdeen, University of, 12. Abgarus, 585. Abyssinia, 405. Acontius, J., 627. Acton, Lord, 357, 377, 642, 737, 741. Adams, B., 726. Adrian VI, Pope, appeal to Germany, 84 f., 378. and Luther, 241, 378. and Inquisition, 242, 378, 415. pontificate, 378 f., 389. in Spain, 427. and art, 690. Aerschot, Duke of, 269. Aeschylus, 574. Aesop, 574. Africa, 10, 437, 441, 443, 445 f., 473, 525, 533, 616. Agriculture, 540 ff. Agrippa of Nettesheim, H. C., 420, 508, 510, 638 f. Aigle, 161. Aix-in-Provence, 203. Alamanni, L., 373. Albertinus, A., 453. Albertus Magnus, 612. Albigenses, 35. Albuquerque, A. d', 443. Alcala, University of, 12, 400, 565, 673. Aleander, J., 78, 80, 191, 195, 241. Alencon, 195. Charles, Duke of, 189. Aleppo, 446. Alesius, A., 354. Alexander VI, Pope, 17 f., 407, 418, 435, 709. Algiers, 449. Allenstein, 618. Almeida, F. d', 442. Altdorf, 670. Alva, Duke of, defeats German Protestants, 120. besieges Metz, 200. regent of the Netherlands, 254, 257 ff., 672. and England, 332, 335, 339 f. art of war, 488. Amazon, 438. America, 275, 407, 416, 430, 435 ff., 457, 512, 523, 616, 651. gold and silver from, 473 ff. Amboise, 197. Tumult of, 210 f. Amboyna, 524. Ameaux, 175. Ammonius, A., 649. Amsterdam, 244, 257, 261 f., 275, 531. Amyot, 576. Anabaptists, 82. in Germany, 99 ff. and Melanchthon, 117. and polygamy, 120. in Sweden, 138. in Poland, 142. in Transylvania, 145. in Switzerland, 154 ff. in Netherlands, 237, 243 f., 248 f., 295. in England, 295, 308, 315. in Italy, 376, 417. and Council of Trent, 392. and Bible, 573. communism, 606. persecuted, 644 f. for toleration, 646. judged by Bax and Kautsky, 726. Andalusia, 433 f. Andelot, 205. Andrea del Sarto, 680. Anghierra, P. M. d', 702. Anjou, Francis, Dnke of, 269 f., 272, 274, 602. Anne Boleyn, Queen of England, 287, 290 f., 293, 295, 298 f., 548, 588, 676. Anne of Cleves, Queen of England, 306 f. Anne, Queen of France, 182 f. Anthology, 574. Antwerp, 237, 239 ff., 245, 256 f., 260, 265, 284, 355, 442, 454, 467, 472, 565. trade, 523 ff., 531 f., 537. charity, 559. art, 683. Appenzell, 146. Aquaviva, 410. Aquinas, T., 34, 43, 47, 163, 529, 590, 624. Arabs, 442 f., 448. Aragon, 428. Arbuthnot, A., 355. Archangel, 526. Arcimboldi, 136. Aretino, P., 694. Argyle, Earl of, 360. Ariosto, 11, 19, 374, 502, 508 ff., 628, 692. Aristarchus, 617. Aristophanes, 574. Aristotle, 49, 52, 63 f., 66, 513, 574, 590, 609, 612, 617, 623. reaction against, 636 f. Armentieres, 256. Armstrongs, 505. Arndt, 718. Arras, League of, 271 ff. Art, 3, 674, 91. [Transcriber's note: 691?] Gothic, 7. rewards of artists, 472. history of, 582 f. painting, 674 ff. architecture, 685 ff. Reformation and Counter-reformation, 689 ff. Artois, 239. Arzila, 446. Ascham, R., 327, 497 f., 634 f., 667 f., 671, 692. Ashley, 729. Asia, 447 f., 474, 616. Aske, R., 304. Askewe, A., 309. Atahualpa, 440. Atlantic, 10, 442, 490, 523. Aubigne, M. d', 723. Aubigne, T. A. d', 600 f. Augsburg, 74, 113, 128, 454. Diet of (1518), 46, 67. Diet of (1530), 110, 116 ff. Diet of (1548), 129, 239. Diet of (1555), 130. Religious Peace of, 114, 130 ff., 255, 650. Confession, 116 f., 122, 130, 145, 299, 392. banks, 520 f., 527 f. pauperism, 559 f. Augustine, 34, 65, 584, 606. Augustinian Friars, 67, 240, 702, 708. Australia, 443. Austria, 74 ff., 79, 146, 158, 238. Rudolph IV, Duke of, 44. Don John of, 266 ff., 272. Matthew, Archduke of, 268 ff. Auvergne, 202. Avicenna, 513. Avignon, popes at, 14, 42. Azores, 435, 441. Aztecs, 438 f.

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