The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland
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His Majesties Commissioner in Councell having received the said supplication, promised to impart the same to His Majesty, and to report his diligence therein.

The Supplication of the Assembly to His Majesties High Commissioner, and the Lords of secret Councell.

Wee the Generall Assembly, considering with all humble and thankful acknowledgement, the many recent favours bestowed upon us by His Majestie, and that there resteth nothing for crowning of His Majesties incomparable goodnesse towards us, but that all the members of this Kirk and Kingdom be joyned in one and the same Confession and Covenant with God, with the Kings Majestie, and amongst ourselves: And conceiving the main lett and impediment to this so good a work, and so much wished by all, to have been the Informations made to his Majestie, of our intentions to shake off Civil and dutiful obedience due to Soveraignity, and to diminish the Kings greatnesse and authoritie, and being most willing and desirous to remove this and all such impediments which may hinder and impede so full and perfect an Union, and for clearing of our loyaltie, WEE in our own names, and in name of all the rest of the Subjects and Congregations whom we represent, do now in all humility represent to your Grace, His Majesties Commissioner, and the Lords of His Majesties most honourable privie Councel, and declares before God and the World, that we never had nor have any thought of with-drawing our selves from that humble and dutiful obedience to His Majestie, and to his Government, which by the descent & under the reign of 107 Kings is most chearfully acknowledged by us and our predecessors: And that we never had, nor have any intention nor desire to attempt any thing that may tend to dishonour of God, or the diminution of the Kings greatnesse and authoritie: But on the contrary, acknowledging our quietnesse, stabilitie and happinesse to depend upon the safety of the Kings Maj. Person, & maintenance of His greatnesse and Royal authority who is Gods Vice-gerent set over us, for the maintenance of Religion and ministration of Justice, We have solemnly sworn and do sweare, not only our mutual concurrence and assistance for the cause of Religion, and to the uttermost of our power, with our means and lives, to stand to the defence of our dread Soveraigne, his Person and authority, in preservation and defence of the true Religion, Liberties and Lawes of this Kirk and Kingdome, but also in every cause which may concerne His Majesties honour, shall according to the Lawes of this Kingdome, and the duties of good Subjects concurre with our friends and followers in quiet manner, or in armes, as we shall be required of His Majestie, His Councel, or any having his Authority. And therefore being most desirous to cleare our selves of all imputation of this kinde, and following the laudable example of our predecessors, 1589. do most humble supplicate your Grace, His Majesties Commissioner, and the Lords of His Majesties most honourable privie Councell, to enjoyn by Act of a Councel, that this Confession and Covenant, which, as a testimony of our fidelity to God, and loyaltie to our King, we have subscribed, be subscribed by all His Majesties Subjects, of what rank and quality soever.

The Act of the Lords of Councel at Edinburgh, August 30. 1639. containing the Answer of the preceding Supplication.

The which day in presence of the Lord Commissioner and the Lords of privie Councel, compeired personally John Earle of Rothes, James Earle of Montrose, John Lord Lowdoun, Sir George Stirling of Keir Knight, Sir William Douglas of Cavers Knight, Sir Henry Wood of Bonytoun Knight, John Smyth Burgesse of Edinburgh, Mr. Robert Barclay Provest of Irwing, Mr. Alexander Henderson Minister at Edinburgh, and Mr. Archbald Johnstoun Clerk to the General Assembly, and in the name of the present sitting General Assembly, gave in to the Lord Commissioner, and Lords of privie Councel, the Petition above written; which being read, heard, and considered by the saids Lords, they have ordained, and ordain the same to be insert and registrate in the books of Privie Councel, and according to the desire thereof, ordaines the said Confession and Covenant to be subscribed in time coming by all His Majesties Subjects of this Kingdome, of what ranke and quality soever.

The Kings Majesties Commissioners Declarations.

The which day His Majesties Commissioner, and Lords of Councel, after the receiving of the Supplication of the General Assembly, anent the subscribing of the Covenant, having returned to the Assembly, His Majesties Commissioner in name of the Councel, declared; That he had received the Supplication of the Assembly, desiring that the Covenant might receive the force of an Act of Councel, to be subscribed by all His Majesties Subjects, that they had found the desire so fair and reasonable, that they conceived themselves bound in duety to grant the same; and thereupon have made an Act of Councel to that effect: And that there rested now the Act of Assembly. And that he himself was so fully satisfied, that he came now as his Majesties Commissioner to consent fully unto it: And that he was most willing that it should be enacted here in this Assembly, to oblige all his Majesties Subjects to subscribe the said Covenant, with the Assemblies explanation. And because there was a third thing desired, His subscription as the Kings Commissioner, unto the Covenant, which he behoved to do, with a Declaration in writ, and he declared as a Subject, he should subscribe the Covenant as strictly as any, with the Assemblies Declaration; but as His Majesties Commissioner in his name behoved to prefix to his subscription, the Declaration following, which no Scots Subjects should subscribe, or have the benefit of, no not himself as Earle of Traquair. The tenor whereof follows:

Seeing this Assembly, according to the laudable form and custome heretofore kept in the like cases, have in an humble and dutiful way, supplicate to us His Majesties Commissioner, and the Lords of His most honourable Privie Councel, That the Covenant, with the explanation of this Assembly, might be subscribed: And to that effect that all the Subjects of this Kingdome by Act of Councel be required to doe the same: And that therein for vindicating themselves from all suspitions of disloyaltie, or derogating from the greatnesse and authoritie of our dread Soveraigne, have therewith added a Clause, whereby this Covenant is declared one in substance with that which was subscribed by His Majesties Father of blessed memory 1580, 1581, 1590. and oftner since renewed. Therefore I as His Majesties Commissioner, for the full satisfaction of the Subjects, and for settling a perfect Peace in Church and Kingdome, doe according to my foresaids Declaration and Subscription, subjoyned to the Act of this Assembly of the date the 17 this instant, allow and consent that the Covenant be subscribed throughout all this Kingdome. In witnes whereof I have subscribed the premisses.

Like as his Majesties Commissioner, read and gave in the Declaration following, of his consent to the Act of the Assembly 17. August, anent the causes of our by gone evils.

I John Earle of Traquair, His Majesties Commissioner this present Assembly, doe in His Majesties Name declare, that nothwithstanding of His Majesties own inclination, and many other grave and weightie consideration yet such is His Majesties incomparable goodnesse, that for settling the present distractions, and giving full satisfaction to the Subject, He doth allow, like as I His Majesties Commissioner do consent to the foresaid Act, and have subscribed the premisses.

Like as His Majesties Commissioner, read and gave in the Declaration following:

It is alwayes hereby declared by me His Majesties Commissioner, That the practise of the premisses, prohibited within this Kirk and Kingdome, outwith the Kingdome of Scotland shall never bind nor inferre censure against the practises outwith the Kingdome; which when the Commissioner required to be insert in the Register of the Kirk, and the Moderator in name of the Assembly, refused to give warrant for such practise, as not agreeable with a good conscience His Grace urged, that it should be recorded, at least that he made such a Declaration, whatsoever was the Assemblies Judgement in the contrair: And so it is to be understood to be insert here onely recitative.

Act ordaining the subscription of the Confession of Faith and Covenant, with the Assemblies Declaration.

The Generall Assembly considering the great happiness which may flow from a full and perfect Union of this Kirk and Kingdome, by joyning of all in one and the same Covenant with God, with the Kings Majestie, and amongst our selves, having by our great Oath declared the uprightnesse and loyaltie of our intentions in all our proceedings, and having withall supplicated His Majesties high Commissioner, and the Lords of His Majesties honorable Privie Councell, to injoyn by Act of Councell, all the Lieges in time coming to subscribe the Confession of faith and Covenant, which as a testimony of our fidelity to God and loyaltie to our King we have subscribed; And seeing His Majesties high Commissioner, and the Lords of His Majesties honorable Privie Councell, have granted the desire of our Supplication, ordaining by Civill authority, all His Majesties Lieges in time comming, to subscribe the foresaid Covenant, that our Union may be the more full and perfect, We by our Act and Constitution Ecclesiasticall, do approove the foresaid Covenant, in all the Heads and Clauses thereof and ordains of new, under all Ecclesiasticall censure, that all the Masters of Universities, Colledges, and Schooles, all Schollers at the passing of their degrees, all persons suspect of Papistry, or any other errour; and finally all the members of this Kirk & Kingdome, subscribe the same with these words prefixed to their subscription: The Article of this Covenant, which was at the first subscription referred to the determination of the General Assembly, being determined. And thereby the five Articles of Perth, the government of the Kirk by Bishops, the civill places and power of Kirkmen, upon the reasons and grounds contained in the Acts of the Generall Assembly declared to be unlawfull within this Kirk: we subscribe according to the determination foresaid. And ordains the Covenant, with this Declaration, to be insert in the Registers of the Assemblies of this Kirk, Generall, Provinciall, and Presbyteriall, ad perpetuam rei memoriam; and in all humility supplicates His Majesties high Commissioner, and the honourable Estates of Parliament, by their authority, to ratifie and injoyne the same, under all civill paines, which will tend to the glory of God, preservation of Religion, the Kings Majesties honour, and perfect peace of this Kirk and Kingdome.

Act anent Appellations.

The Assembly appointed that in all time hereafter, no Appellations should be leaping over either Presbyterie or Synod, but to ascend by degrees as from the Kirk Session to the Presbytry, or from the Presbyterie to the Synod, and from the Synod to the Generall Assembly, except it be after the Synod be past, and immediatly before the Generall Assembly, or in the time thereof, and renews all former Acts made to this effect.

Act anent advising with Synods and Presbyteries before determination in Novations.

The Generall Assembly desiring that the intended Reformation being recovered, may be established, Ordains, that no Novation which may disturbe the peace of the Church, and make division, be suddenly proponed and enacted: But so as the motion be first communicate to the severall Synods, Presbyteries and Kirks, that the matter may be approved by all at home, and Commissioners may come well prepared, unanimously to conclude a solide deliberation upon these points in the Generall Assembly.

Act anent Ministers Catechising, and Family Exercises.

The Assembly considering that the long waited-for fruits of the Gospel, so mercifully planted and preserved in this Land, and Reformation of ourselves, and Families, so solemnly vowed to God of late in our Covenant, cannot take effect, except the knowledge and worship of God be caried from the Pulpit to every family within each Parish, hath therefore appointed that every Minister, besides his paines on the Lords day, shall have weekly catechising of some part of the Paroch, and not altogether cast over the examination of the people, till a litle before the Communion. Also that in every Familie the worship of God be erected, where it is not both Morning and Evening, and that the Children & Servants be catechised at home, by the Masters of the Families, whereof account shall be taken by the Minister, and Elders assisting him in the visitation of every Family: And lest they fail, that visitation of the severall Kirks be seriously followed by every Presbyterie, for this end among others. The execution and successe whereof, being tried by the Synods, let it be represented to the next Generall Assembly.

Sess. 24. Aug. 30. a meride.

The Assemblies Supplication to the KINGS MAJESTIE.

Most Gracious Souveraigne.

Wee Your Majesties most humble and loyall Subjects, the Commissioners from all the parts of this your Majesties ancient & native Kingdome, and members of the Nationall Assembly, conveened at Edinburgh by your Majesties speciall indiction, and honoured with the presence of Your Majesties high Commissioner, have been waiting for a day of rejoycing, and of solemne thanksgiving to be rendred to God by this whole Kirk and Kingdome, for giving us a King so just and religious, that it is not only lawfull for us to be Christians under Your Majesties government, which sometime hath been the greatest praise of great Princes, but also that it hath pleased Your gracious Maj. to make known that it is Your Royall will and pleasure, that all matters Ecclesiasticall be determined in free Nationall Assemblies, and matters civill in Parliaments; which is a most noble and ample expression of Your Majesties justice, and we trust shall be a powerful mean of our common happinesse under your Majesties most blessed Reign. In the mean while we do most humbly, upon the knees of our hearts, blesse your Majesty for that happinesse already begun in the late Assembly at Edinburgh; in the proceedings whereof, next under God, we have laboured to approve our selves unto Your Majesties Vice-gerent, as if Your Majesties eyes had been upon us, which was the desire of our souls, and would have beene the matter of our full rejoycing, and doe still continue Your Majesties most humble supplicants for Your Majesties civill sanction and ratification of the constitutions of the Assembly in Parliament; That your Majesties Princely power, and the Ecclesiasticall Authority joyning in one, the mutuall embracements of religion and justice, of truth and peace may be seen in this Land, which shall be to us as a resurrection from the dead, and shall make us, being not only so farre recovered, but also revived, to fill Heaven and Earth with our praises, and to pray that King CHARLES may be more and more blessed, and His throne established before the Lord for ever.

The Assembly appoints the next Generall Assembly, to sit at Aberdene the last Tuesday of July next, 1640. years. And warneth all Presbyteries, Universities and Burrows, to send their Commissioners, for keeping the same. And thereafter the Assembly was concluded by giving of thanks by the Moderator, and singing of a Psalme, according to the custome.


Sess. 2. July 29. 1640.

The Assembly having past the first day before they would make any Act in attending of His Majesties Commissioner.

This day the Moderator openly asked in face of the Assembly, if there was any Commissioner come from His Majestie: And finding there was none, the Assembly proceeded according to their Liberties.

Overtures given in by the Committee appointed by the last Assembly, anent the ordering of the Assembly-house: Which being read in audience of the Assembly they approved the same.

I. The Assembly finds it expedient for the ordering of the House in all time coming, that the Commissioners sit together unmixt, and that the places where they sit be railed about, or some other way divided from the seats of others, and that places be provided without the bounds of the Commissioners seats to persons of respect, who are not Commissioners, and others according to their qualities, as the Magistrates of the Town shall find most convenient.

II. Also that the Commissioners, having received tickets from the Magistrates of the Burgh, at the delivery of their Commissions, whereby they may have ready accesse to the Assemblie-House and place appointed for them, do keep the hour of meeting precisely, and whosoever comes after the time, or shall be found absent at the calling of the Rols, to be censured as the Assemblie sees fitting: And whatsoever Presbyterie, Burgh, or Universitie, shall not send Commissioners, or Commissioners sent from them doe not come at all to the Assembly, be summond unto the next Assembly, and censured as the Assembly shall find reasonable.

III. That foure persons of respect have warrant from the Assembly to injoyne that there be no standing, no din, nor disorderly behaviour; And if any shall disobey them, or direct his speech to any, except to the Moderator, and that one at once with leave at first asked and given, to be rebuked publikely by the Moderator: And if he desist not be removed out of the Assembly for that Session.

IV. That no motion come in unto the Assembly but by the Committee appointed for matters of that nature: And if the Committee refused to answer the same, let it be proponed to the Assembly with the reasons thereof.

V. That the minutes of ilk Session be read before their rising, and if the matter concerne the whole Kirk, let it be drawn up in forme and read in the beginning of the next ensuing Session, that the Assembly may judge whether or not it bee according to their minde.

Act anent the demolishing of Idolatrous Monuments.

Forasmuch as the Assembly is informed, that in divers places of this Kingdome, and specially in the North parts of the same, many Idolatrous Monuments, erected and made for Religious worship, are yet extant, Such as Crucifixes, Images of Christ, Mary, and Saints departed, ordaines the saids Monuments to be taken down, demolished, and destroyed, and that with all convenient diligence: And that the care of this work shall be incumbent to the Presbyteries and Provinciall Assemblies within this Kingdome, and their Commissioners to report their diligence herein to the next Generall Assembly.

Act against Witches and Charmers.

The Assembly ordaines all Ministers within the Kingdome, carefully to take notice of Charmers, Witches, and all such abusers of the people, and to urge the Acts of Parliament, to be execute against them: And that the Commissioners from the Assembly to the Parliament, shall recommend to the said supreme judicatory, the care of the execution of the Lawes against such persons in the most behoovefull way.

Sess. 5. Aug. 1. 1640.

Act for censuring speakers against the Covenant.

The Assembly ordaines, that such as have subscribed the Covenant and speakes against the same, if he be a Minister, shall be deprived: And if he continue so, being deprived, shall be excommunicate: And if he be any other man, shall be dealt with as perjured, and satisfie publikely for his perjury.

Sess. 10. Aug. 5. 1640.

Act against Expectants refusing to subscribe the Covenant.

The Assembly ordaines, that if any Expectant shall refuse to subscribe the Covenant, he shall be declared uncapable of a Pedagogie, teaching of a School, reading at a Kirk, Preaching within a Presbyterie, and shall not have libertie of residing within a Burgh, Universitie or Colledge: And if they continue obstinate, to be processed.


The Generall Assembly appoints the next Assembly, to be in St. Andrews the third Tuesday of July 1641. And that the Moderator in a convenient way, by the secret Councell—or otherwise as may best serve, request the Kings Majestie to send his Commissioner to the said Assembly. And if any exigent fall out, that the Presbyterie of Edinburgh give advertisement for an Assembly pro re nata.


Sess. 1. July 20. 1641.

John Earle of Weymes, His Majesties Commissioner, presented His Majesties Letter to the Assembly, whereof the tenor followeth.


Trustie and welbeloved, Wee greet you well. It is no small part of Our Royall care and desires, that the true Reformed Religion, wherein by the grace of God, We resolve to live and dye, be settled peaceably in that Our ancient and native Kingdome of Scotland, and that the same be truly taught, and universally received and professed by Our Subjects there, of all degrees. For preventing of all division and trouble hereafter, We did intend in Our Own Royall Person, to have been present at this Assembly; but conceiving it to be unfitting, to detaine the Ministers from their particular charges, till the time of Our coming to the Parliament. We have resolved to make knowne unto you by these, and by Our Commissioner, That in the approaching Parliament, it is Our intention by Our authority, to ratifie and confirm the Constitutions of the late Assembly at Edinburgh, that they may be obeyed by all Our Subjects living in that Our Kingdome. And that We will take into Our Royall consideration, by what meanes the Churches belonging to Our presentation, when any of them shall happen to need, may be best provided with well qualified Preachers: Like as We are not unwilling, to grant presentations unto such as in these times of trouble have entred into the Ministerie, providing they have been examined by the Presbyteries, and approved by them: Because We want not Our own feares of the decay of Learning in that Church and Kingdome, We intend also to consider of the best meanes for helping the Scooles and Colledges of Learning especially of Divinity, that there may be such a number of Preachers there, as that each Parish having a Minister, and the Gospel being preached in the most remote parts of the Kingdome, all Our Subjects may taste of Our care in that kinde, and have more and more cause to blesse God that we are set over them. And finally, so tender is Our care, that it shall not be Our fault if the Churches and Colledges there flourish not in Learning and Religion: For which Royall testimonie of Our goodnesse, We require nothing upon your part, but that which God hath bound you unto, even that you be faithfull in the charge committed unto you, and care for the soules of the people: That you study Peace and Unity amongst your selves, and amongst the people, against all Schisme and Faction; and that you not only pray for Us, but that you teach the People, which We trust are not unwilling to pay that honour and obedience which they owe unto Us, as his Vicegerent set over them, for their good; wherein We expect you will by your good example goe before them. Which hoping you will doe, We bid you farewell. From Our Court at Whitehall, the 10. day of July 1641.

Sess. 3. July 28. 1641.

Act approving the Overtures of the Assembly at Aberdene, for ordering the Assembly-House.

The Overtures for ordering the Assembly-House, given in to, and approved by the Assembly of Aberdene the 29. July 1640. Act Sess. 2 were openly read, and again approved by this Assembly, and ordained to be kept the whole time thereof.

Sess. 5. July 30. 1641.

Act anent old Ministers bruiking their Benefices.

The Assembly having considered the Supplication given in by Doctor Robert Howie, Provest of the new Colledge of S. Andrews, whereby he craved, that (notwithstanding of his admission of his charge) he should not be prejudged of his full provision and maintenance during his life time: The Assembly thinks it fit and necessary, that his provision and maintenance should not be diminished, but that he should injoy the same fully, as before during all the dayes of his life time, and craveth his dismission to be only but a cessation from his charge, because of his age and inability: And declares, that old Ministers and professors of Divinitie, shall not by their cessation from their charge, through age and inabilitie, be put from injoing their old maintenance & dignity. And recommends this and others the like things, concerning the estate of that Universitie of S. Andrews, to the Parliament, and the Visitation to be appointed from the Assembly & Parliament. And likewise the Assembly being informed, that the said Doctor Howie hath been very painfull in his charge, and that he hath divers papers which would be very profitable for the Kirk: Therefore they think fit, that the said doctor Howie be desired to collect these papers, which doeth concerne, & may be profitable for the use of the Kirk, that the samine may be showne to the Visitors of the said Universitie.

Sess. 8. Aug. 2. 1641. a meridie.

Act against sudden receiving Ministers deposed.

The Assembly ordaines, that Ministers who are deposed either by Presbyteries, Synods, or Generall Assemblies, or Committees from Assemblies for the publike cause of the Reformation and order of this Kirk, shall not be suddenly received againe to the Ministerie, till they first evidence their repentance both before the Presbyterie and Synod, within the bounds where they were deposed, and thereafter the samine reported to the next ensuing Generall Assembly.

Sess. 9. Aug. 3. 1641.

The Overtures under-written, concerning the Universities and Colledges of this Kingdome to be represented by the Generall Assembly, to the Kings Majesty and Parliament, being openly read, the Assembly approved the saids Overtures, and ordained them to be recommended to the Parliament.

First, because the good estate both of the Kirk and Commonwealth, dependeth mainly upon the flourishing of Universities and Colledges, as the Seminaries of both, which cannot be expected, unlesse the poore meanes which they have, be helped, and sufficient revenues be provided for them and the same well imployed: Therefore that out of the rents of prelacies; Collegiat or Chapter-Kirks, or such like, a sufficient maintenance be provided for a competent number of Professors, Teachers, and Bursers in all faculties, and especially in Divinitie, and for upholding, repairing, and enlarging the Fabrick of the Colledges, furnishing Libraries, and suchlike good uses in every Universitie and Colledge.

II. Next for keeping of good order, preveening and removing of abuses, and promoving of pietie and learning, it is very needfull & expedient, that there be a communion and correspondencie kept betwixt all the Universities and Colledges. And therefore that it be ordained, that there be a meeting once every year at such times and places as shall be agreed upon, of Commissioners from every University and Colledge to consult and determine upon the common affairs, and whatsoever may concerne them, for the ends above-specified, and who also, or some of their number may represent what shall be needfull and expedient for the same effect, to Parliaments and Generall Assemblies.

III. Item, That special care be had that the places of the Professors, especially of Professors of Divinity in every University and Colledge. Be filled with the ablest men, and best affected to the Reformation and order of this Kirk.

Sess. 10. August 4. 1641.

Act against Impiety and Schisme.

The Assembly seriously considering the present case and condition of this Kirk and Kingdome, what great things the Lord hath done for us, especially since the renewing of our Covenant, notwithstanding our former backsliding and desertion; and if we shall either become remisse in the dueties of Piety, or shall not constantly hold and keep our Religion, unto which we have bound ourselves so straitly and solemnly, what dishonour we doe unto the Name of God before men, who have their eyes upon us, and how great judgements we bring upon our selves, upon these and the like considerations, The Assembly doth finde it most necessary to stirre up themselves, and to provoke all others both Ministers and people of all degrees, not only to the religious exercises of publike worship in the Congregation, and of private worship in their families, and of every one by themselves apart, but also to the duteies of mutual edification, by instruction, admonition, exhorting one another to fordwardnesse in Religion, and comforting one another in whatsoever distresse; and that in all their meetings, whither in the way of civill conversation, or by reason of their particular callings, or any other occasion offered by divine providence, no corrupt communication proceed out of their mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers: And because the best means have been, and may still be despised or abused, and particularly the duetie of mutual edification, which hath been so little in use, and so few know how to practise in the right manner, may be upon the one part subject to the mocking of ungodly and worldly men, who cannot endure that in others, which they are not willing to practise themselves, and upon the other part, to many errors and abuses, to which the godly through their weaknes may fall, or by the craftinesse of others may be drawn into, such as are Error, Heresie, Schisme, Scandal, Self-conceit, and despising of others, pressing above the common calling of Christians, and usurping that which is proper to the Pastoral Vocation, contempt or misregard of the publike means idle and unprofitable questions which edifie not, uncharitable censurings, neglect of duties in particular callings, businesse in other mens Matters and Callings, and many such others in doctrine, charity, and manners, which have dolefully rent the bowels of other Kirks, to the great prejudice of the Gospel.

Therefore the Assembly, moved with the zeal of God against all abuses and corruptions, and according to their manifold obligations, most earnestly desiring and thirsting to promove the work of Reformation, and to have the comfort and power of true godlinesse sensible to every soul, and Religion to be universally practised in every Family, and by every person at all occasions, Doth charge all the Ministers and Members of this Kirk whom they doe represent, that according to their several places and vocations, they endeavour to suppresse all impiety and mocking of religious exercises, especially of such as put foule aspersions, and factious or odious names upon the godly. And upon the other part, that in the fear of God they be aware and spiritually wise, that under the name and pretext of religious exercises, otherwayes lawful and necessary, they fall not into the aforesaid abuses; especially, that they eschew all meetings which are apt to breed Error, Scandall, Schisme, neglect of dueties and particular callings, and such other evils as are the works, not of the spirit, but of the flesh, and are contrary to truth and peace; and that the Presbyteries and Synods have a care to take order with such as transgresse the one way or the other.

Sess. 14. August 6. 1641. a Meridie.

Act anent Novations.

Since it hath pleased God to vouchsafe us the libertie of yearly General Assemblies, It is ordained according to the Acts of the Assembly at Edinburgh 1639. and at Aberdene 1640. that no Novation in Doctrine, Worship, or Government, be brought in, or practised in this Kirk, unlesse it be first propounded, examined, and allowed in the General Assembly, and that transgressors in this kinde be censured by Presbyteries and Synods.

Act. Sess. 15. August 7. 1641.

Overtures anent Bursars, and Expectants.

The Overtures under-written being openly read in audience of the Assembly, were approved, and declared by them to be Acts of the Assembly, in all time coming, to be observed respective, as the samine bears.

The Assembly thinks meet for maintaining of Bursars of Divinitie, that every Presbyterie that consists of twelve Ministers shall maintain a Bursar, and where the number is fewer nor twelve, shall be joyned with these out of another Presbyterie where their number exceeds; where this course is not already kept, it is to be begun without longer delay, and every Provincial is ordained to give an accompt of their number of Bursars, that is constantly to be entertained by their Province, at the next ensuing General Assembly.

II. No expectant shall be permitted to preach in publike before a Congregation, till first he be tryed after the same manner, howbeit not altogether with that accuracie which is injoyned by the act of the Assembly of Glasgow 1638. which prescribes the order and manner of tryall that is to be kept with these who are to be admitted to the holy Ministrie: and none so tryed shall preach in publike, without the bounds of the University or Presbyterie where he past his tryalls, till he first make it known to the other Presbyteries, where he desires to be heard, by a testimoniall from the Universitie or Presbyterie where he lived, that he hath bin of an honest conversation, and past his tryalls conform to the order here prescribed: Which being done in the meeting of the Province or Presbyterie, where he desires to be heard; he is to be allowed by them to preach within the bounds of that Province or Presbyterie, without any further tryall to be taken of him.

III. Expectants being educate in a Colledge that was corrupt, or under a corrupt Minister, if they themselves have been known to have been tainted with error, or opposite to our Covenant, and the blessed Work of Reformation within this Kirk, the same order is to be kept in admitting them to the holy Ministrie, or to any place in the Colledges or Schooles of this Kingdome, that was ordained to be kept in admission of these Ministers who fled out of the Countrey, and shew themselves opposite to our Covenant and Reformation.

Act Sess. 17. August 9. 1641.

Act against unlawfull Bands.

The Assembly taking to their consideration the question proponed unto them concerning the Band, the copy whereof was presented before them from the Parliament, doth find and declare that Bands of this and the like nature, may not lawfully be made: By which Declaration the Assembly doth not intend to bring any censure for what is past, and by the wisedome and care of the Committee of the Parliament is taken away, upon any person, who being required by the Moderator and the Clerk, shall under his hand declare before them, That as the Assembly doth finde that the subscribers are not astricted by their Oath to the tenor of the said Band, so he findeth himself not to be astricted by his Oath to the tenor thereof; but the intention of the Assembly is meerly to prevent the like in time coming.

Sess. 18. August 9. 1641. a meridie.

A Letter from some Ministers in England to the Assemblie.

Right Reverend and dear Brethren, now conveened in this Generall Assembly,

Wee most heartily salute you in the Lord, rejoycing with you in his unspeakable goodnesse, so miraculously prospering your late endeavours, both for the restoring and settling of your own Liberties and Priviledges, in Church and common wealth (which we heare and hope he is now about to accomplish) as also for the occasioning and advancing of the Worke of Reformation among our selves; for which as we daily blesse the highest Lord, sole Author of all one good, so doe we acknowledge your selves worthy Instruments thereof. And for that (besides all other respects) doe, and ever shall (by the help of God) hold you deare unto us, as our own bowels, and our selves obliged to tender unto you all due correspondence according to our power, upon all good occasions.

And now (dear Brethren) forasmuch as the Church of Christ is but one body, each part whereof cannot but partake in the weale and woe of the whole, and of Each other part; and these Churches of England and Scotland, may seem both to be imbarqued in the same bottome, to sink and swim together, and are so near conjoyned by many strong tyes, not only as fellow members under the same Head Christ, and fellow-subjects under the same King; but also by such neighbour-hood and vicinity of place, that if any evil shall much infest the one, the other cannot bee altogether free: Or if for the present it should, yet in processe of time it would sensibly suffer also. And forasmuch as evils are better remedied in their first beginning, then after they have once taken deep root; therefore we whose names are here under-written, in the behalf of our selves, and of many others, Ministers of the Church of England be bold to commend to your consideration; (being met together in this venerable Assembly) a difference of great concernment, which you may please (in brief) thus to understand. Almighty God having now of his infinite goodnesse raised up our hopes of removing the yoke of Episcopacie (under which we have so long groaned) sundry other forms of Church-government are by sundry sorts of men projected, to be set up in the roome thereof: One of which (amongst others) is of some Brethren that hold the whole power of Church-government, & all Acts thereunto appertaining (as Election, Ordination, and Deposition of Officers, with Admission, Excommunication & Absolution of Members) are by divine Ordinance in foro externo, to be decreed by the most voices, in, and of every particular Congregation, which (say they) is the utmost bound of a particular Church: endued with power of Government, & only some Formalities of solemne execution to be reserved to the Officers (as servants of the saids Church) if they have any, or if none, then to be performed by some other members, not in office, whom the said Church shal appoint thereunto, And that every of the said particular Congregations (whether they consists of few or many Members, and be furnished with Offices or not) lawfull: may & ought to transact, determine & execute all matters pertaining to the government of themselves amongst & within themselves without any authoritative (though not consulatory) concurrence or interposition of any other persons or Churches whatsoever, condemning all imperative and decisive power of Classes, or compound Presbyteries and Synods, as a meere usurpation. Now because we conceive that your judgement in this case may conduce much by the blessing of God, to the settling of this question amongst us; Therefore we doe earnestly intreat the same at your hands, and that so much the rather, because we sometimes hear from those of the aforesaid judgement, that some famous and eminent Brethren, even amongst your selves, doe somewhat encline unto an approbation of that way of government. Thus humbly craving pardon for our boldnesse, leaving the matter to your grave considerations, and expecting answer at your convenient leasure, We commit you, and the successe of this your meeting, to the blessing of the Almighty, in whom we shall ever remain.

London, 12 Ju'y. 1641.

Your faithfull Brethren to serve you in all offices of love.

The Assemblies Answer to the English Ministers Letter.

Right reverend and dearly beloved Brethren in our Lord and common Saviour Jesus Christ.

Wee the Ministers and Elders met together in this Nationall Assembly, were not a little refreshed and comforted by the good report which we heard of you, and others of our Brethren of the Kirk of England, by some of our Ministers, who by the good providence of our Lord had seen your faces, and conversed with you. But now yet more comforted by your Letters which we received, and which were read in the face of the Assembly, witnessing your Christian love, and rejoycing with us in God for his great and wonderfull Work in the Reformation of this Kirk, and in the beginning of a blessed Reformation amongst your selves, and that you are so sensible of your communion and fellowship with us, and to desire to know our minde and judgement of that which some Brethren amongst you hold, concerning Kirk-government.

We doe with our hearts acknowledge and wonder at the great and unspeakable wisedome, mercie, and power of our God, in restoring unto us the truth and puritie of Religion, after many Back-slidings and defection of some in this Kirk, & desire not only to confesse the same before the world, and all other Christian Kirks, but also doe pray for grace to walk worthy of so wonderful a love: We have been helped by your prayers, in our weak endeavours, & you have mourned with us, (we know) in the dayes of our mourning; and therefore is it that you doe now rejoyce and praise God with us. Neither are we out of hope, but the same God shall speedily perfect that which he hath begun amongst you, that your joy may be full, which is the desire of our soule, and for which we doe now pray, and in our severall Congregations will be instant at the throne of grace, for this and all other spirituall and temporall blessings upon the Kirk and Kingdome of England, by name, expecting the like performance of mutuall love from you and others equally minded with you, for your parts, till a common consent may be obtained, even that you will recommend the Kirk of Scotland by name in your prayers to God. Thus shall we be as one people, mourning and rejoycing, praying and praising together; which may be one meane of the preservation of Unity, and of many other blessings to us both.

We have learned by long experience, ever since the time of the Reformation, and specially after the two Kingdomes have been (in the great goodnesse of God to both) united under one Head and Monarch, but most of all of late, which is not unknown to you, what danger and contagion in matters of Kirk-government, of divine worship, and of doctrine, may come from the one Kirk to the other, which beside all other reasons make us to pray to God, and to desire you, and all that love the honour of Christ, and the peace of these Kirks and Kingdomes, heartily to endeavour, that there might be in both Kirks, one Confession, one Directory for publicke worship, one Catechisme, and one Forme of Kirk-government. And if the Lord who hath done great things for us, shall be pleased to hearken unto our desires, and to accept of our endeavours, we shall not only have a sure foundation for a durable Peace, but shall be strong in God, against the rising or spreading of Heresie and Schisme amongst our selves, and of invasion from forraine enemies.

Concerning the different Formes of Kirk-government, projected by sundrie sorts of men, to be set up in place of Episcopall Hierarchie, which we trust is brought near unto its period, we must confesse, that we are not a little grieved that any godly Ministers and Brethren should be found, who doe not agree with other Reformed Kirks in the point of government as well as in the matter of Doctrine and worship; and that we want not our own feares, that where the hedge of Discipline and Government is different, the Doctrine and Worship shall not long continue the same without change: yet doe not marvell much, that particular Kirks and Congregations which live in such places, as that they can conveniently have no dependencie upon superiour Assemblies, should stand for a kind of independencie and supremacie in themselves, they not considering that in a nation or Kingdome, professing the same Religion, the government of the Kirk by compound Presbyteries and Synods is a help and strength, and not a hinderance or prejudice to particular Congregations and Elderships, in all the parts of Kirk-government; and that Presbyteries and Synods are not an extrinsecall power set over particular Kirks, like unto Episcopal dominion, they being no more to be reputed extrinsecal unto the particular Kirks, nor the power of a Parliament, or Convention of Estates, where the Shires and Cities have their own Delegates, is to be held extrinsecal to any particular Shire or City.

Our unanimous judgement and uniforme practice, is, that according to the order of the Reformed Kirks, and the ordinance of God in his Word, not onely the solemne execution of Ecclesiastical power and authoritie, but the whole acts and exercise thereof, do properly belong unto the Officers of the Kirk; yet so that in matters of chiefest importance, the tacite consent of the Congregation be had, before their decrees and sentences receive final execution, and that the Officers of a particular Congregation, may not exercise this power independently, but with subordination unto greater Presbyteries and Synods, Provincial and National: Which as they are representative of the particular Kirks conjoyned together in one under their government; so their determination, when they proceed orderly, whether in causes common to all, or many of the Kirks, or in causes brought before them by appellations or references from the inferiour, in the case of aberation of the inferiour, is to the several Congregations authoritative and obligatorie and not consultatory only: And this dependencie and subordination, we conceive not only to be warranted by the light of nature, which doth direct the Kirk in such things as are common to other societies, or to be a prudential way for Reformation, and for the preservation of Truth and Peace, against Schisme, Heresie, and Tyranny, which is the sweet fruits of this government wheresoever hath place, and which we have found in ancient and late experience; but also to be grounded upon the Word of God, and to be conforme to the paterne of the Primitive and Apostolical Kirks: And without which, neither could the Kirks in this Kingdome have been reformed, nor were we able for any time to preserve Truth and Unity amongst us.

In this forme of Kirk-government, our unanimity and harmony by the mercy of God, is so full and perfect, that all the Members of this Assembly have declared themselves to be of one heart, and of one soule, and to be no lesse perswaded, that it is of God, then that Episcopal government is of men; resolving by the grace of God, to hold the same constantly all the dayes of our life, and heartily wishing that God would blesse all the Christians Kirks, especially the famous Kirk of England, unto which in all other respects we are so nearly joyned with this divine Forme of government. Thus having briefly and plainly given our judgement for your satisfaction, and desiring and hoping that ye will beleeve against all mis-reports, that we know not so much as one man, more or lesse eminent amongst us, of a different judgement, we commend you unto the riches of the grace of Christ, who will perfect that which he had begun amongst you, to your unspeakable comfort. Subscribed by our Moderator and Clerk.

Edinburgh 9. August, 1641.

The Assemblies Answer to the Kings Majesties Letter.

Most gracious Soveraign,

Beside the conscience of that duetie which we owe to supreme Authority, we are not only encouraged, but confirmed by the Royal favour and Princely munificence, expressed in Your gracious Majesties Letters, which filled our hearts with joy, and our mouths with praise, to offer up our prayers with the greater fervencie to God Almightie for your Majesties happinesse, our selves for our own parts, and for the whole Kirks of this your Majesties Kingdome, which we doe represent, to serve Your Majestie in all humble obedience, our faithful labours for preserving Trueth and Peace amongst all Your Majesties Subjects, and our example (according to Your Majesties just commandments laid upon us) to be a presedent to others in paying that honour, which by all Lawes divine and humane, is due unto Your sacred Majestie, being confident that your Majestie shall finde at your coming hither much more satisfaction and content then can be expressed by

Your Majesties most humble Subjects and faithful Servants, the Ministers and Elders met together in the vonerable Assembly at St. Andrews, July 20, and Edinburgh, July 27. 1641.

Act anent the Kirk of Campheir.

The which day a motion was made in the Assembly, that it seemed expedient for correspondencie that might be had from forraigne parts, for the weal of this Kirk, That the Scots Kirk at Campheir were joyned to the Kirk of Scotland, as a Member thereof: Which being seriously thought upon and considered by the Assembly, they approved the motion, and ordained Master Robert Baillie Minister at Cilwinning, to write to Master William Spang Minister at Campheir, and Kirk-Session thereof, willing them to send their Minister, and a ruling Elder, instructed with a Commission to the next General Assembly to be holden at St Andrews, the last Wednesday of July 1642. at which time they should be inrolled in the Books of the General Assembly, as the Commissioners of the General Assembly of Scotland, from the Scots Kirk at Campheir.


The Assembly appoints the next General Assembly to be holden at St. Andrews, the last Wednesday of July next, 1642.


Act Sess. 1. July 27. 1642.

The Kings Letter to the Generall Assembly, presented by His Majesties Commissioner, the Earle of Dumfermling, July 27. 1642.


In the midst of Our great and weighty affaires of Our other kingdoms, which God Almighty, who is privie to Our Intentions, and in whom We trust, will in his own time bring to a wished and peaceable conclusion, We are not unmindfull of that duetie which we owe to that Our ancient and native Kingdome, and to the Kirks there, now met together by their Commissioners in a Nationall Assembly. God whose Vice-gerent We are, hath made Us a King over divers Kingdomes, and We have no other desire, nor designe, but to govern them by their own Lawes, and the Kirks in them by their own Canons and Constitutions. Where any thing is found to be amisse, We will endeavour a Reformation in a fair and orderly way; and where a Reformation is settled, We resolve, with that authoritie where with God hath in vested Us, to maintain and defend it in peace and libertie, against all trouble that can come from without, and against all Heresies, Sects, and Schismes which may arise from within. Nor do We desire any thing more in that Kingdom (and when We shall hear of it, it shall be a delight and matter of gladnesse unto Us) then that the Gospel be faithfully preached throughout the whole Kingdom, to the outmost skirts and borders thereof. Knowing that to be the mean of honour to God, of happinesse to the people, and of true obedience to Us. And for this effect, that holy and able men be put in places of the Ministery, and that Schooles and Colledges may flourish in Learning and true Pietie. Some things for advancing of those ends, We did of Our own accord promise in Our Letters to the last Assembly, and We make your selves Judges, who were witnesses to Our Actions, while We were there in Person, whether we did not perform them both in the point of presentations which are in our hands, and in the liberall provision of all the Universities and Colledges of the Kingdome, not only above that which any of Our Progenitors had done before Us, but also above your owne hopes and expectation. We doe not make commemoration of this Our Beneficence, either to please Ourselves, or to stop the influence of Our Royal goodnesse and Bountie for afterward, but that by these reall demonstrations of Our unfained desires and delight to do good, you may be the more confident to expect from Us, whatsoever in Justice We can grant, or what may be expedient for you to obtaine. We have given expresse charge to Our Commissioner, to see that all things be done there orderly and peaceably, as if We were present in Our Own Person; not doubting but in thankfulnesse for your present estate and condition, you will abstaine from every thing that may make any new disturbance, and that you will be more wise then to be the enemies of your own peace, which would but stumble others, and ruine your selves. We have also commanded Our Commissioner to receive from you your just and reasonable desires, for what may further serve for the good of Religion, that taking them to Our consideration, We may omit nothing which may witnesse Us to be indeed a nursing Father of that Kirk, wherein We were born and baptized, and that if ye be not happy, you may blame not Us, but your selves. And now what doe We again require of you, but that which otherwise you owe to Us as your Soveraigne Lord and King, even that ye pray for Our prosperitie and the peace of Our Kingdomes, that ye use the best meanes to keep Our People in obedience to Us and Our Lawes, which doth very much in Our personall absence from that Our Kingdom depend upon your preaching, and your owne exemplary loyaltie and faithfulnesse, and that against all such jealousies, suspitions, and sinister rumors as are too frequent in these times, and have been often falsified in time past, by the reality of the contrary events: Ye judge Us and Our professions by Our actions, which we trust through God in despight of malice shall ever go on in a constant way for the good of Religion, and the weal of Our People, which is the Chiefest of Our intentions and desires. And thus We bid you farewell. Given at Our Court at Leicester, the 23. of July, 1642.

To Our trusty and wel beloved the Generall Assembly in our Kingdom of Scotland conveened at S. Andrews.

Act Sess 3. July 29. 1642.

Act for bringing in of the Synode Books yeerly to the General Assemblies.

The Moderator calling to minde that which was forgotten in the preceeding Sessions, the examination of the Provincial Books, caused call the Roll of the Provinciall Assemblies, And the Assembly finding very few Provinces to have sent their Books to this Assembly, notwithstanding of the ordinance of the former Assembly thereanent, for the more exact obedience of that ordinance hereafter, the Assembly in one voyce ordaines, That the Books of every Provincial Assembly shall be brought and produced to every General Assembly: And that this may be performed, ordaines that every Clerk of the Provincials, either bring or send the said Books yearly to the General Assemblies, by the Commissioners sent to the Assemblies, from these Presbyteries where the Clerks reside. Which charge the Assembly also layes upon the said Commissioners, sent from the saids Presbyteries where the Clerks reside, may and while some meanes be provided, whereby the Clerks charges may be sustained for coming with the saids Books themselves: And that under the pain of deprivation of the Clerk, in case of his neglect, and of such censure of the saids Commissioners, in case of their neglect as the Assembly shall think convenient.

Act Sess 5. August 1. 1642.

Act anent the choosing of Kirk Sessions.

Anent the question moved to the Assembly, concerning the election of Kirk Sessions, The Assembly ordaines the old Session to elect the new Session both in Burgh and Land. And that if any place shall vaik in the Session chosen, by death or otherwise, the present Session shall have the election of the person to fill the vacand roome.

Sess 6. August 2. 1642.

The Report of the Interpretation of the Act at Edinburgh, anent tryal of Ministers.

The meaning of the foresaid Act, is not that an actual Minister to be transported, shall be tried again by the tryals appointed for trying of Expectants, at their entry to the Ministery, according to the Acts of the Kirk; but only that he bringing a Testimonial of his former tryals, and of his abilities, and conversation, from the Presbyterie from whence he comes, and giving such satisfaction to the Parochiners Presbyterie whereto he comes in preaching, as the Presbyterie finds his gifts fit and answerable for the condition and disposition of the Congregation, whereto he is presented. Because, according to the Act of the Assembly 1596. renewed at Glasgow, some that are meet for the Ministery in some places, are not meet for all alike: And Universities, Towns and Burghs, and places of Noblemens residence, or frequencie of Papists, and other great and eminent Congregations, and in sundry other cases, require men of greater abilities, nor will be required necessarily in the planting of all private small Paroches, the leaving of the consideration of these cases unto the judgement and consideration of the Presbyterie, was the only intention of the Act.

The Assembly approves the meaning and interpretation foresaid: And appoints the said Act, according to this interpretation, to stand in force, and to have the strength of an Act and ordinance of Assembly in all time coming.

Act Sess. 7. August 3. 1642.

Act anent the order for making Lists to His Majestie, and other Patrons for Presentations; The order of tryal of Expectants, and for trying the quality of Kirks.

Forsameikle as His Majestie was graciously pleased in His Answer to the Petition, tendred by the Commissioners of the late Assembly to His Majestie, to declare and promise, for the better providing of vaiking Kirks at His Majesties Presentation with qualified Ministers, to present one out of a list of six persons, sent to His Majestie from the Presbyteries wherein the vaiking Kirk lyeth, as His Majesties Declaration, signed with his Royal hand at White-hall, the 3. of January last, registrate in the books of Assembly, this day at length beares. And suchlike whereas the Lords of Exchequer upon a Petition presented to them by the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly, and the Procurator and Agent for the Kirk representing two Prejudices; one, that gifts obtained from His Majestie of Patronages of Kirks, at His Presentation were passing the Exchequer, without the qualification and provision of a List, wherewith His Majestie was pleased to restrict himself; and the other, that some were seeking gifts of patronage of Bishop-Kirks, which we declared to belong to Presbyteries, to be planted by two Acts of the late Parliament, The saids Lords have ordained that no signatory containing gifts of patronages from His Majestie, shall passe hereafter, but with a speciall provision that the same shall be lyable to the tenor of His Majesties said Declaration. Ordaining also the Procurator & Agent of the Kirk to be advertised, & to have place to see all signaters whatsoever, containing any patronage, to the effect they may represent the interest of the Kirk therein; as the said Act of the date the 27 of June last, registrate also in the Books of Assembly, this day at length beares. Therefore that the saids Kirks which now are, or which were at his Majesties presentation the sayd third day of January last, may be the better provided with able Ministers, when the samine shall vaik, The Assembly ordaines that hereafter every Presbyterie shall give up yearly a Roll of the ablest of their Expectants, to their Synods; and that the Synods select out of these Rolls such persons whom they in certain knowledge judge most fit for the Ministrie and worthiest of the first place, With Power to the Synods to adde or alter these Rolls given by the Presbyteries, as they thinke reasonable: And that the Synods shall send the Rolls made by them in this manner, to the next Generall Assembly, who shall also examine the Rolls of the Synods, and adde or alter the same as shall be thought expedient. Which Roll made by the Generall Assembly, shall be sent to every Presbyterie & that the Presbyterie, with consent of the most or best part of the Congregation, shall make a List of six persons willing to accept of the presentation out of that Roll of the Assembly, upon every occasion of vacation of any Kirk within their bounds, and shall send the samine together with a blank presentation: The which (if His Majesty be Patron to the vacant Kirk) shall be sent by the said Procurator and Agent, to such as the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly, or in their absence the Presbyterie of Edinburgh: shall direct and think at that time most able and willing to obtain the presentation, to be signed and filled up by His Maj. choise of one of the List. And if the vacant Kirk be of a Patronage disponed by His Majesty since the 3. of January, in that case either the Presbyteries themselves shall send a List of six persons in maner aforesaid, with a blank presentation to the Patron, to be filled up by his choise, & subscribed or send the samine to the saids Officers of the Kirk, to be conveyed by them to the Patron of the vaiking Kirk, as the Presbyterie shall think most expedient. It is always declared, that this order shall be without prejudice to the Presbyteries, with consent foresaid, to put actual Ministers upon the said List of six persons, to be sent to the Patron of the said vaiking Kirks, if they please. And least that the nomination of Expectants by Presbyteries, Synods, or Assemblies, in their Rolls or Lists foresaid, be mis-interpreted, as though the Expectants nominated in these Rolls and Lists, were thereby holden & acknowledged to be qualified, which is not the intention of the Assembly, who rather think, that in respect of this Order, there should be a more exact tryal of Expectants then before: Therefore the Assembly ordaines, that no Expectants shall be put on the Rolls or Lists above-mentioned, but such as have been upon the publike exercise, at the least by the space of half a year, or longer, as the Presbyterie shall finde necessary. And suchlike ordaines, that hereafter none be admitted to the publike exercise, before they be tried according to the tryal appointed for Expectants, at their entrie to the Ministerie in the late Assembly at Glasgow, in the 24. Article of the Act of the 23. Session thereof: which tryall of the Assembly appoints to be taken of every Expectant, before his admission to the publike exercise. And suchlike ordaines, That the samine tryall shall be again taken immediatly before their admission to the Ministerie, together with their triall mentioned in the advice of some Brethren deputed for penning the corruptions of the Ministery, approven in the said Act of the Generall Assembly at Glasgow. And because that Kirks of the patronages foresaids, will vaik before the Rolls and Lists be made up by the Presbyteries, Synods, and General Assemblies, in manner foresaid: Therefore in the interim the Assembly ordains the Commissioners of every Presbyterie here present, to give in a List of the ablest Expectants within their bounds, the morn, to the Clerk of the Assembly, that the Assembly may out of these Rolls, make a List to be sent to every Presbyterie: Out of which the Presbyteries shall make a List of six persons, with consent foresaid, and send the samine upon vacancie of any Church within their bounds, together with a presentation to His Majestie, or any other patron, in manner foresaid. And because the Procurator and Agent of the Kirk cannot get sufficient information to the Lords of Exchequer anent the Right and Interest of the Kirk, and Presbyteries in Kirks, whereof gifts of patronages may be presented to the Exchequer: Therefore the Assembly ordaines for their better information hereanent, that every Presbyterie, with all diligence, use all meanes of exact tryall of the nature and qualitie of all Kirks within their bounds, as what Kirks belong to the Kings Majesties patronage, what to other Laick patronages, what Kirks of old were planted by the Presbyteries, and what by Prelates, and Bishops, before the Assembly at Glasgow 1638. what hath been the way and time of the change of the planting and providing of the Kirks, if any have been changed or any other thing concerning the nature and qualitie of every Kirk within their bounds, and to send the same to the Procurator of the Kirk with all diligence.

Act anent Lists for the Kirks in the High-lands.

The Assembly considering that in Argyle, and in other places of the Irish language, there will not be gotten six expectants able to speak that language, And therfore the Assembly is hopefull, that in these singular cases, His Majestie will be pleased for Kirks vacand in the Highlands, to accept of a List of so many expectants as can be had, able to speak the Irish language. And the Commissioners Grace promiseth to recommend it to His Majestie.

Overtures against Papists, non-Communicants, and profaners of the Sabbath.

The Assembly would draw up a Supplication to be presented by the Commissioners of the Presbyterie of Edinburgh to the Councell at their first meeting, for the due execution of the Acts of Parliament and Councell against Papists, wherein it will be specially craved, that the Exchequer should be the Intromettors with the Rents of these who are excommunicate, and that from the Exchequer the Presbyterie may receive that portion of the confiscate goods, which the Law appoints to be imployed ad pios usus.

II. Every Presbyterie would conveen at their first meeting, all known Papists in their bounds, and require them to put out of their company, all friends and servants who are Popish within one moneth: Also within that same space, to give their children, sons and daughters, who are above seven yeers old, to be educate at their charges, by such of their Protestant friends, as the Presbyterie shall approve, and finde sufficient caution for bringing home within three moneths such of their children who are without the Kingdom, to be educate in Schooles and Colledges at the Presbyteries sight; to finde caution likewise of their abstinence from Masse, and the company of all Jesuits and Priests.

III. That all, of whatsoever rank or degree, who refuse to give satisfaction in every one of the foresaid Articles, shall be processed without any delay; but those who give satisfaction shall be dealt with in all meeknesse, after this manner: The Presbyteries shall appoint such of their number as they shall find fittest to confer with them so frequently as the Brethren are able to attend, until the midst of October next, against which time, if they be not willing to go to Church, they shall give assurance to go and dwell in the next adjacent University Town, whether Edinburgh, Glasgow, St. Andrews, or Aberdene, from November 1. to the last of March, where they shall attend all the diets of conference which the Professor and Ministers of the bounds shall appoint to them: By which, if they be not converted, their obstinacy shall be declared in the Provincial Synods of April, and from thence their Processe shall go on to the very closure without any farther delay.

IV. That every Presbyterie, as they will be answerable to the next General Assembly, be careful to do their dutie in all the premisses.

V. That there be given presently by the Members of this present Assembly unto the Commissioners of the Presbyterie of Edinburgh, a List of all excommunicate Papists they know, and of all Papists who have children educate abroad, that they may be presented, together with our Supplication to the Councel, at their first sitting.

VI. That the Councel may be supplicate for an Act, that in no Regiment which goes out of the Kingdom, any Papists bear office, and that the Colonel be required to finde caution for this effect, before he receive the Councels warrant for levying any Souldiers: Also that he finde caution for the maintaining of a Minister, and keeping of a Session in his Regiment.

Item, The Assembly would enjoyn every Presbyterie to proceed against Non-communicants, whether Papists or others, according to the Act of Parliament made thereanent. And suchlike, that Acts of Parliament against prophaners of the Sabbath be put to execution.

The Assembly approves the Overtures foresaid, and ordains Presbyteries to put the samine to execution with all diligence: And that the Commissioners of every Presbyterie give in a List of the excommunicate Papists within their bounds, and of Papists children out of the countrey to the Clerk, that the same may be presented to the Councel by the Commissioners of this Assembly.

Act anent the joyning of the Presbyterie of Sky to the Synode of Argyle.

The General Assembly having considered the whole proceedings of the Commissioners of the late General Assembly holden at Edinburgh, anent the reference made to them concerning the Presbyterie of Sky, together with the whole reasons pro & contra in the said matter, after mature deliberation have ratified and approved, and by these presents ratifie and approve the Sentence of the saids Commissioners thereintil. And further ordains the said Presbytery of Sky, and all the Ministers and Elders thereof, to keep the meetings of the Provincial Assembly of Argyle, where they shall happen to be appointed in all time coming, suchlike as any other Presbyterie within the bounds of the said Province of Argyle uses to do: And that the samine Presbyterie be in all time hereafter within the Jurisdiction of the said Provincial Assembly, without any further question to be made thereanent.

Sess. 8. August 3. post Meridiem.

The Supplication of this Assembly to the KINGS MAJESTIE.

To the Kings most Excellent Maj. the hearty Thanksgiving, and humble Petition of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, met at St. Andrews, July 27. 1642.

Our hearts were filled with great joy and gladnesse at the hearing of Your Majesties Letter, which was read once and again in face of the Assembly, every line thereof almost either expressing such affection to the Reformed Religion, and such Royal care of us, as we could require from a Christian Prince; or requiring such necessary duties from us, as we are bound to performe as Ministers of the Gospel, and Christian Subjects: For which, as solemne thanks were given by the Moderator of the Assembly, so do we all with one voice in all humility, present unto Your Majestie the thankfulnesse of our hearts, with our earnest prayers to God for your Majesties prosperity, and the peace of Your Kingdoms, that Your Majestie may be indeed a nursing Father to all the Kirks of Christ in Your Maj. Dominions; & especially to the Kirk of _Scotland_ honoured with Your Birth and Baptisme: Promising our most serious indeavours by doctrine and life, to advance the Gospel of Christ, & and to keep the people in our charge in Unity and Peace, and in all loyalty and obedience to Your Majestie and Your Laws. Your Majesties commands to Your Commissioner, the Earle of _Dumfermling_, to receive from us our just and reasonable desires for what may further serve for the good of Religion here, the favours which we have received already, and Your Maj. desires and delight to do good, expressed in Your Letter, are as many encouragements to us, to take the boldnesse in all humility to present unto Your Majestie (beside the particulars recommended to Your Majesties Commissioner) one thing, which for the present is the chiefest of all Our desires, as serving most for the glory of Christ, for Your Majesties Honour and Comfort; and not onely for the good of Religion here, but for the true happinesse and peace of all Your Majesties Dominions; which is no new motion, but the prosecution of that same by the Commissioners of this Your Majesties Kingdom in the late Treatie, and which Your Majestie, with advice of both houses of Parliament, did approve in these words: _To their desire concerning unitie in Religion and uniformitie of Church government, as a speciall meanes of conserving of Peace betwixt the two Kingdoms, upon the grounds and reasons contained in the Paper of the 10 of_ March, _given in to the Treaty and Parliament of_ England: It is answered upon the 15 of _June, That his Majestie, with advice of both Houses of Parliament, doth approve of the affection of His Subjects of_ Scotland, _in their desire of having the conformity of Church-government, betwixt the two Nations, and as the Parliament hath already taken into consideration _ the reformation of Church government, so they will proceed therein in due time, as shall best conduce to the glory of God, the Peace of the Church, and of both Kingdoms, 11 of_ June 1641. In Our answer to a Declaration sent by the now Commissioners of this Kingdom from both Houses of Parliament, we have not onely pressed this point of unity in Religion and Uniformity of Church government, as a meane of a firme and durable union betwixt the two Kingdomes, and without which former experiences put us out of hope long to enjoy the puritie of the Gospel with Peace, but also have rendred the reasons of our hopes and confidence, as from other considerations, so from Your Majesties late Letter to this Assembly, that Your Majestie in a happy conjunction with the Houses of Parliament, will be pleased to settle this blessed Reformation, with so earnestly desired a Peace in all Your Dominions. And therfore we Your Majesties most loving Subjects, in name of the whole Kirks of _Scotland_, represented by us, upon the knees of our hearts, do most humbly and earnestly beg, that Your Majesty in the deep of Your Royall Wisdom, and from Your affection to the true Religion, and the Peace of Your Kingdoms, may be moved to consider, that the God of Heaven and Earth is calling for this Reformation at Your hands, and that as you are his Vice-gerent, so You may be his prime Instrument in it. If it shall please the Lord (which is our desire and hope) that this blessed unitie in Religion and Uniformity in Government shall be brought about; Your Majesties Conscience, in performing of so great a dutie: shall be a well-spring of comfort to Your Self, Your memory shall be a sweet favour, and Your name renowned to all following generations. And if these unhappy commotions and divisions shall end in this peace and unity; then it shall appeare in the Providence of God, they were but the noyse of many waters, and the voyce of a great thunder before the voyce of harpers harping with their harps, which shall fill this whole Iland with melodie and mirth, and the name of it shall be, THE LORD IS THERE.

The Declaration of the Parliament of England, sent to the Assembly.

The Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, finding to their great grief, that the distractions of this Kingdome dayly increase, and that the wicked Counsels and practises of a malignent party amongst us (if God prevent them not) are like to cast this nation into bloud and confusion, To testifie to all the World how earnestly they desire to avoid a Civill Warre, they have addressed themselves in an humble Supplication to His Majestie, for the prevention thereof. A Copy of which their petition, they have thought fit to send at this time to the National Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to the intent that that Church and Kingdome (whereunto they are united by so many and so near bounds and tyes, as well Spiritual as Civil) may see that the like minde is now in them, that formerly appeared to be in that Nation. And that they are as tender of the effusion of Christian bloud on the one side, as they are zealous on the other side of a due Reformation both in Church and State. In which work, whilest they were labouring, they have been interrupted by the plots and practises of a malignant party of Papists, and ill affected persons, especially of the corrupt and dissolute Clergy, by the incitement and instigation of Bishops and others, whose avarice and ambition being not able to bear the Reformation endeavoured by the Parliament, they have laboured (as we can expect little better fruit from such trees) to kindle a flame, and raise a combustion within the bowels of this Kingdom: Which if by our humble supplication to His Majesty it may be prevented, and that according to our earnest desire therein, all Force and Warlike preparations being laid aside, we may returne to a peaceable parliamentary proceeding, We do not doubt, but that by the blessing of Almighty God upon our endeavours, we shall settle the matters both in Church and State, to the encrease of His Majesties honour and State, the peace and prosperitie of this Kingdome, and especially to the glory of God, by the advancement of the true Religion, and such a Reformation of the Church, as shall be most agreeable to Gods Word. Out of all which, there will also most undoubtedly result a most firme & stable Union between the two Kingdomes of England and Scotland, which according to our Protestation, we shall by all good wayes and meanes, upon all occasions, labour to preserve and maintain.

Subscribitur John Brown, Cler. Parl.

The Assemblies answer to the Declaration of the Parliament of England.

The Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland having received a Declaration sent unto them by the Commissioners of this Kingdome, now at London, from the Honourable Houses of the Parliament of England expressing their care to prevent the effusion of Christian bloud in that Kingdome, and their affections to Reformation both in Kirk and State, and having taken the same to such consideration as the importance of so weighty matters, and the high estimation they have of so wise and honourable a meeting as is the Parliament of England, did require; have with universall consent resolved upon this following Answer.

I. That from the recent sense of the goodnesse of God, in their own late deliverance, and from their earnest desire of all happinesse to our native King and that Kingdome, they blesse the Lord for preserving them in the midst of so many unhappy divisions and troubles from a bloudy Intestine War, which is from God the greatest Judgement, and to such a nation the compend of all calamities. They also give God thanks for their former and present desires of a Reformation, especially of Religion, which is the glory and strength of a Kingdome, and bringeth with it all temporall blessings of prosperity and peace.

II. That the hearts of all the Members of this Assembly, and of all the wel-affected within this Kingdome, are exceedingly grieved and made heavy, that in so long a time, against the professions both of King and Parliament, and contrary to the joynt desires and prayers of the godly in both Kingdomes, to whom it is more deare and precious then what is dearest to them in the world, the Reformation of Religion hath moved so slowly, and suffered so great interruption. They consider that not only Prelates, formall Professours, profane and worldly men, and all that are Popishly affected, are bad councellours and workers, and do abuse their power, and bend all their strength and policies against the Work of God; but the God of this world also, with Principalities and powers, the rulers of the darknesse of this world, and spiritual wickednesse in high places, are working with all their force and fraud in the same opposition, not without hope of successe, they having prevailed so farre from the beginning, That in the times of the best Kings of Juda of old, and the most part of the Reformed Kirks of late, a through and perfect Reformation of Religion hath been a work full of difficulties, Yet doe they conceive, that as it ought first of all to be intended so should it be above all other things, with confidence in God, who is greater then the World, and he who is in the World, most seriously endeavoured. And that when the supream providence giveth opportunity of the accepted time & day of salvation, no other work can prosper in the hands of his servants, if it be not apprehended, & with all reverence & faithfulnesse improved. This Kirk and Nation, when the Lord gave them the calling, considered not their own deadnesse, nor staggered at the promise through unbelief, but gave glory to God. And who knoweth (we speak it in humility and love, and from no other mind then from a desire of the blessing of God upon our King and that Kingdome) but the Lord hath now some controversie with England, which will not be removed, till first and before all, the worship of his name and the government of his house be settled according to his own will? When this desire shall come, it shall be to England after so long deferred hopes, a tree of life, which shall not only yeeld temporell blessings unto themselves, but also shall spread the branches so far, that both this nation and other reformed Kirks shall finde the fruits thereof to their great satisfaction.

III. The Commissioners of this Kingdome in the late Treaty of peace, considering that Religion is not only the meane of the service of God and saving of Souls, but is also the base and foundation of Kingdomes and Estates, and the strongest band to tye Subjects to their Prince in true loyaltie, and to knit the hearts of one to another in true unity and love, They did with preface of all due respect and reverence, far from arrogancy or presumption, represent in name of this Kingdome, their serious thoughts and earnest desires for unity of Religion, That in all His Majesties Dominions, there might be one Confession of Faith, one directory of worship, one publike Catechisme, and one form of Kirk Government. This they conceived to be acceptable to God Almighty, who delighteth to see his People walking in truth and unity, to be a speciall meanes for conserving of peace betwixt the Kingdomes, of easing the Kings Majesty, and the publike government of much trouble, which ariseth from differences of Religion, very grievous to Kings and Estates, of great content to the King himself, to his Nobles, his Court, and all his people, when (occasioned to be abroad) without scruple to themselves, or scandal to others; all may resort to the same publike worship, as if they were at their own dwellings; of suppressing the names of Heresies, and Sects, Puritans, Conformists, Separatists, Anabaptists, &c. Which do rent asunder the bowels both of Kirk and Kingdome, of despaire of successe to Papists and Recusants, to have their profession, which is inconsistent with the true Protestant Religion, and authority of Princes, setup again, and of drawing the hearts and hands of Ministers, from unpleasant and unprofitable Controversies, to the pressing of mortification, and to Treatises of true pietie, and practical Divinity. The Assembly doth now enter upon the labour of the Commissioners, unto which they are encouraged, not only by their faithfulnesse in the late Treaty, but also by the zeale and example of the Generall Assemblies of this Kirk in former times, as may appeare by the Assembly at Edinburgh, Decemb. 25. in the year 1566. which ordained a Letter to be sent to England against the Surplice, Tippet, Cornercap, and such other Ceremonies as then troubled that Kirk, that they might be removed. By the Assembly at Edinburgh, April 24. 1583. humbly desiring the Kings Majesty to command his Ambassadour, then going to England, to deale with the Queen, that there might be an Union and Band betwixt them & other Christian Princes & Realmes, professing the true Religion for defence and protection of the Word of God, and Professors thereof, against the persecution of Papists and confederates joyned and united together by the bloudy league of Trent: as also that his Majesty would disburden their brethren of England of the yoke of Ceremonies, imposed upon them, against the liberty of the Word: And by the Assembly at Edinburgh March 3. 1589. ordaining the Presbyterie of Edinburgh to use all good and possible means for the relief and comfort of the Kirk of England, then heavily troubled for the maintaining the true discipline and government of the Kirk, and that the Brethren in their private and publike prayers, recommend the estate of the afflicted Kirk of England to God, While now by the mercy of God the conjunction of the two Kingdomes is many wayes increased, the zeale of the Generall Assembly towards their happinesse ought to be no lesse. But besides these, the Assembly is much encouraged unto this duetie, both from the Kings Majesty and his Parliament, joyntly, in their Answer to the proposition, made by the late Commissioners of the Treaty, in these words: To their desire concerning unity of Religion, and uniformity of Kirk government as a speciall meanes for conserving of peace betwixt the two Kingdomes, upon the grounds and reasons contained in the paper of the 10 of March, and given in to the treatie and Parliament of England: It is answered upon the 15. of June, That his Majestie with advise, of both Houses of Parliament doth approve of the affection of His Subjects of Scotland in their desire of having conformitie of Kirk government between the two Nations, and as the Parliament hath already taken into consideration the Reformation of Kirk government, so they will proceed therein in due time, as shall best conduce to the glory of God, the peace of the Kirk, and of both Kingdomes. And also severally: for His Majestie knoweth that the custodie and vindication, the conservation and purgation of Religion, are a great part of the duetie of Civill authority and power. His Majesties late practise while he was here in person, in resorting frequently to the exercises of publike worship, His Royall actions, in establishing the worship and government of this Kirk in Parliament, and in giving order for a competent maintenance to the Ministery and Seminaries of the Kirk, and His Majesties gracious Letter to the Assembly (seconded by the speech of His Majesties Commissioner) which containes this religious expression: Where any thing is amisse, we will endeavour a Reformation in a fair and orderly way, and where Reformation is settled, we resolve with that authority wherewith God hath vested us, to maintain and defend it in peace and liberty, against all trouble that can come from without, and against all Heresies, Sects, and Schismes, wich may arise from within. All these doe make us hopeful that His Majestie will not oppose, but advance the work of Reformation. In like manner the Honourable Houses of Parliament, as they have many times before witnessed their zeale, so now also in their Declaration sent to the Assembly, which not only sheweth the constancy of their zeale, but their great grief that the worke hath been interrupted by a malignant party of Papists and evill affected persons, especially of the corrupt and dissolute Clergie, by the incitement and instigation of Bishops and others, their hope according to their earnest desire, when they shall returne to a peaceable and Parliamentary proceding, by the blessing of God, to settle such a Reformation in the Church, as shall be agreeable to Gods word, and that the result shall be a most firm and stable union between the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland, &c. The Assembly also is not a little encouraged by a Letter sent from many reverend Brethren of the Kirk of England, expressing their prayers and endeavours against every thing which shall be found prejudiciall to the establishment of the Kingdome of Christ, and the Peace of their Soveraigne. Upon these encouragements, and having so patent a doore of hope, the Assembly doth confidently expect, that England will now bestirre themselves in the best way for a Reformation of Religion, and do most willingly offer their prayers and utter-endeavours for furthering so great a Work, wherein Christ is so much concerned in his glory, the King in his honour, the Kirk and Kingdome of England in their happinesse, and this Kirk and Kingdome in the purity and peace of the Gospel.

IV. That the Assembly also from so many reall invitations, are heartened to renew the Proposition made by the aforenamed Commissioners of this Kingdome, for beginning the Work of Reformation, at the uniformity of Kirk-government. For what hope can there be of Unity in Religion, of one Confession of Faith, one Form of Worship, & one Catechisme, till there be first one Forme of Ecclesiasticall Government? Yea, what hope can the Kingdome and Kirk of Scotland have of a firme and durable Peace, till Prelacie, which hath been the main cause of their miseries and troubles, first and last, be plucked up, root and branch, as a plant which God hath not planted, and from which, no better fruits can be expected then such sower grapes, as this day set on edge the Kingdome of England?

V. The Prelaticall Hierarchie being put out of the way, the Work will be easie, without forcing of any conscience, to settle in England the government of the Reformed Kirks by Assemblies. For although the Reformed Kirks do hold, without doubting, their Kirk Officers, and Kirk government by Assemblies higher and lower, in their strong and beautifull subordination, to be jure divinio, and perpetuall: yet Prelacie, as it differeth from the Office of a Pastor, is almost universally acknowledged by the Prelates themselves, and their adherents, to be but an humane ordinance, introduced by humane reason, and settled by humane Law and Custome for supposed convenience: which therefore by humane authority, without wronging any mans conscience, may be altred and abolished upon so great a necessity, as is a hearty conjunction with all the Reformed Kirks, a firm and well grounded Peace betwixt the two Kingdomes, formerly divided in themselves, and betwixt themselves by this partition wall and a perfect Union of the Kirks in the two Nations: which although by the providence of God in one Hand, & under one Monarch, yet ever since the Reformation, and for the present also, are at greater difference in the point of Kirk-government, which in all places hath a more powerfull influence upon all the parts of Religion, then any other Reformed Kirks, although in Nations at greatest distance, and under divers Princes.

VI. What may be required of the Kirk of Scotland for furthering the Work of Uniformitie of Government, or for agreeing upon a common Confession of Faith, Catechisme, and directory for Worship, shall according to the order given by this Assembly, be most willingly performed by Us, who long extreamly for the day when King and Parliament shall joyn for bringing to passe so great, so good a Work, That all Warres and Commotions ceasing, all Superstition, Idolatry, Heresie, Sects, and Schismes being removed, as the Lord is one, so his name may be one amongst us; and mercy and truth, righteousnesse and peace meeting together, and kissing one another, may dwell in this Iland.

Act Sess. 8. Aug. 3. 1642.

Overtures for transplantation of Ministers; and provision of Schools, ordained by the late Assembly at Edinburgh to be sent to Synods, and reported to this Assembly.

Act Sess. 11. Edinb. August 5. 1642.

These Overtures underwritten, anent the transporting of Ministers and Professors to Kirks and Colledges, being read in audience of the Assembly, and thereafter revised by a Committee appointed for that effect, The Assembly appoints them to be sent to the severall Synods, to be considered by them, and they to report their judgements thereof to the next Generall Assembly.

I. No transportation would be granted hereafter without citation of parties having interest (viz. the Minister who is sought and his Parish) to hear what they can oppose, and the matter is to come first to both the Presbyteries (viz. that wherein the Minister dwels, whose transportation is sought, and the other Presbyterie to which he is sought if the Kirks lye in several Presbyteries) and if the Presbyteries agree not, then the matter is to be brought to the Synod, or Generall Assembly (which of them shall first occure after such transportation is sought) and if the Synod (occurring first) agree not; or if there be appeale made from it, then the matter is to come to the Generall Assembly.

II. A Minister may be transplanted from a particular Congregation (where he can onely doe good to a part) to such a place, where he may benefit the whole Kirk of Scotland because, in reason the whole is to be preferred to a part, such as Edinburgh.

1. Because all the great Justice Courts sit there, as Councell, Session, Justice Generall, Exchequer, &c. and it concerns the whole Kirk, that these Fountains of Justice be kept clean, both in the point of Faith, and Manners.

2. Because there is great confluence to Edinburgh, from time to time, of many of the chief Members of the whole Kingdome, and it concerns the whole Kirk to have these well seasoned, who (apparantly) are to be the Instruments of keeping this Kirk and Kingdome in good temper.

That this may be the more easily done, the Assembly first recommends to Edinburgh, that some young men of excellent spirits may be (upon the charges of the said Town) trained up, at home or abroad, toward the Ministery from time to time. Secondly we meane not, that all the places of the Ministrie of Edinburgh be filled with Ministers to be transported by Authority of this Act, but only till they be provided of one Minister (transplanted by the Authority of the Assembly) for every Kirk in Edinburgh, and that the rest of the places be filled either according to the Generall Rules of transportation for the whole Kingdome, or by agreement with actuall Ministers, and their Parishes, with consent of the Presbyterie or Synod, to the which they belong.

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