Pioneers of the Old Southwest - A Chronicle of the Dark and Bloody Ground
by Constance Lindsay Skinner
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"Colonial and State Records of North Carolina." 30 vols. The chief fountain source of the early history of North Carolina and Tennessee.

W. H. Hoyt, "The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence." New York, 1907. This book presents the view generally adopted by historians, that the alleged Declaration of May 20, 1775, is spurious.

Justin Winsor (editor), "Narrative and Critical History of America." 8 vols. (1884-1889). Also "The Westward Movement." Cambridge, 1897. Both works of incalculable value to the student.

C. W. Alvord, "The Mississippi. Valley in British Politics." 2 vols. Cleveland, 1917. A profound work of great value to students.


R. G. Thwaites and L. P. Kellogg (editors), "Documentary History of Dunmore's War," 1774. Compiled from the Draper Manuscripts in the library of the Wisconsin Historical Society. Madison, 1905. A collection of interesting and valuable documents with a suggestive, introduction.

R. G. Thwaites, "Daniel Boone." New York, 1902. A short and accurate narrative of Boone's life and adventures compiled from the Draper Manuscripts and from earlier printed biographies.

John P. Hale, "Daniel Boone, Some Facts and Incidents not Hitherto Published." A pamphlet giving an account of Boone in West Virginia. Printed at Wheeling, West Virginia. Undated.

Timothy Flint, "The First White Man of the West or the Life and Exploits of Colonel Dan'l Boone." Cincinnati, 1854. Valuable only as regards Boone's later years.

John S. C. Abbott, "Daniel Boone, the Pioneer of Kentucky." New York, 1872. Fairly accurate throughout.

J. M. Peck, "Daniel Boone" (in Sparks, "Library of American Biography." Boston, 1847).

William Henry Bogart. "Daniel Boone and the Hunters of Kentucky." New York, 1856.

William Hayden English, "Conquest of the Country Northwest of the River Ohio, 1778-1783," and "Life of General George Rogers Clark," 2 vols. Indianapolis, 1896. An accurate and valuable work for which the author has made painstaking research among printed and unprinted documents. Contains Clark's own account of his campaigns, letters he wrote on public and personal matters, and also letters from contemporaries in defense of his reputation.

Theodore Roosevelt, "The Winning of the West," 4 vols. New York, 1889-1896. A vigorous and spirited narrative.


J. G. M. Ramsey, "The Annals of Tennessee." Charleston, 1853. John Haywood, "The Civil and Political History of the State of Tennessee." Nashville, 1891.

(Reprint from 1828.) These works, with the North Carolina "Colonial Records," are the source books of early Tennessee. In statistics, such as numbers of Indians and other foes defeated by Tennessee heroes, not reliable. Incorrect as to causes of Indian wars during the Revolution. On this subject see letters and reports by John and Henry Stuart in North Carolina "Colonial Records," vol. X; and letters by General Gage and letters and proclamation by General Ethan Allen in American Archives, Fourth Series, vol. II, and by President Rutledge of South Carolina in North Carolina "Colonial Records," vol. X. See also Justin Winsor, "The Westward Movement."

J. Allison, "Dropped Stitches in Tennessee History." Nashville, 1897. Contains interesting matter relative to Andrew Jackson in his younger days as well as about other striking figures of the time.

F. M. Turner, "The Life of General John Sevier." New York, 1910. A fairly accurate narrative of events in which Sevier participated, compiled from the "Draper Manuscripts."

A. W. Putnam, "History of Middle Tennessee, or Life and Times of General James Robertson." Nashville, 1859. A rambling lengthy narrative containing some interesting material and much that is unreliable. Its worst fault is distortion through sentimentality, and indulgence in the habit of putting the author's rodomontades into the mouths of Robertson and other characters.

J. S. Bassett, "Regulators of North Carolina," in Report of the American Historical Association, 1894.

L. C. Draper, "King's Mountain and its Heroes." Cincinnati, 1881. The source book on this event. Contains interesting biographical material about the men engaged in the battle.

French And Spanish Intrigues

Henry Doniol, "Histoire de la participation de la France de l'etablissement des Etats-Unis d'Amerique," 5 vols. Paris, 1886-1892. A complete exposition of the French and Spanish policy towards America. during the Revolutionary Period.

Manuel Serrano y Sanz, "El brigadier Jaime Wilkinson y sus tratos con Espana para la independencia del Kentucky, anos 1787 a 1797." Madrid, 1915. A Spanish view of Wilkinson's intrigues with Spain, based on letters and reports in the Spanish Archives.

Thomas Marshall Green, "The Spanish Conspiracy." Cincinnati, 1891. A good local account, from American sources. The best material on this subject is found in Justin Winsor's "The Westward Movement and Narrative and Critical History" because there viewed against a broad historical background. See Winsor also for the Latin intrigues in Tennessee. For material on Alexander McGillivray see the American Archives and the Colonial Records of Georgia.

Edward S. Corwin, "French Policy and the American Alliance of 1778." Princeton, 1916. Deals chiefly with the commercial aspects of French policy and should be read in conjunction with Winsor, Jay, and Fitzmaurice's "Life of William, Earl of Shelburne." 3 vols. London, 1875.

John Jay, "On the Peace Negotiations of 1782-83 as Illustrated by the Secret Correspondence of France and England." New York, 1888. A paper read before the American Historical Association, May 23, 1887.


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