Manual of Surgery - Volume First: General Surgery. Sixth Edition.
by Alexis Thomson and Alexander Miles
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Temperature in surgical diseases, 35, 40

Temporal artery, compression of, 269

Tenderness, 34

Tendinitis, 416

Tendon sheaths, affections of, 421 syphilitic affections of, 424 tuberculosis of, 423, 424 tumours of, 424 whitlow of, 57

Tendons. See also Individual Tendons avulsion of, 411 calcification in, 416 diseases of, 411 dislocation of, 408 ganglion of, 217 grafting of, 16 inflammation of, 416 ossification of, 416 repair of, 8 rupture of, 406, 408 tumours of, 420 wounds of, 409

Tennis-player's elbow, 406

Teno-synovitis, varieties of, 421

Teratoma, 212

Tertiary syphilis, 151, 167

Tetanus, varieties of, 112

Tetany, 116

Thiersch's method of skin-grafting, 12

Thirst, treatment of, 40

Thoracic aneurysm, 312 duct, subcutaneous rupture of, 325 surgical anatomy of, 324 wounds of, 325

Thorax, rickety changes in, 469

Thrombo-phlebitis, 285

Thrombosis, 32, 281, 285, 292

Thyreoid gland, grafting of, 16 secondary tumours derived from, 500

Tibia, sabre-blade deformity of, 466

Tibial nerve, lesions of, 371

Tic, spasmodic, 373

Tinel's sign, 349

Toe-nail, ingrowing, 403

Toes, gouty affections of, 522 syphilitic dactylitis of, 176, 460, 466 tuberculous dactylitis, 460

Tomato tumour, 393

Tophi, gouty, 523

Torsion of blood vessels, 271

Torticollis, rheumatic, 413

Tourniquet, varieties of, 270, 272

Toxaemia, 21

Toxins, 21, 33

Tracheal tug in aneurysm, 312

Tracheotomy, 111

Trade arthritis, 525 bursitis, 426 epithelionia, 395

Transfusion of blood, 276

Transplantation of tissues, 10

Trench feet, 96

Trendelenburg's operation for varicose veins, 293

Treponema pallidum, 147

Trifacial neuralgia, 373

Trigeminal neuralgia, 373

Trismus, 117

Trochanteric bursa, 430

Trophic changes after nerve injuries, 348 ulcer, 73

Tropical elephantiasis, 386

Trunk neuroma, 354

Tubercle, anatomical, 134 bacillus, 133

Tuberculin, 138

Tuberculosis, 133. See also Individual Tissues and Organs bacillus of, 133 of bone, 454, 456, 458 bovine, 136 of bursae, 428 calcification in, 136 caseation in, 136 general, 135 human, 136 of joints, 512 of lymph glands, 331 of lymph vessels, 326 modes of infection, 136 of muscle, 416 of nails, 403 open-air treatment of, 137 passive hyperaemia in, 138 principles of treatment of, 137 of skin, 382, 385 of tendon sheaths, 423, 424 trauma in causation of, 135 vaccine treatment in, 138

Tuberculous abscess, 139 arthritic fever, 516 dactylitis, 460 granulation tissue, 136 lupus, 382 lymphadenitis, 331 lymphangitis, 326 onychia, 403 sinus, 143

Tuberculous ulcers, 73, 83

Tubulo-dermoids, 211

Tumor albus, 518

Tumours, 181. See also Individual Tumours and Tissues

Typhoid, joint lesions in, 508 osteomyelitis in, 452

Ulceration, of cartilage, 502, 514 definition of, 68

Ulcers, 68 ambulatory treatment of, 85 Bazin's disease, 74, 169 bone changes in, 79 callous, 79, 84 cancerous, 205 classification of, 70 clinical examination of, 68 conditions of, 77 crateriform, 395 duodenal, in burns, 236 epithelioma in, 500 healing, 77 gouty, 77 due to imperfect circulation, 71, 82 due to imperfect nerve-supply, 73, 82 inflamed, 79, 85 irritable, 79, 85 leg, 72, 169 malignant, 77 perforating, 73, 82 phagedaenic, 80, 85 pressure, 70 from radium, 70 rodent, 395 from Rontgen rays, 70 scorbutic, 77 skin-grafting, 14 spreading, 79 syphilitic, 76, 83, 158, 160, 169 traumatic, 70, 81 treatment of, 80 trophic, 73 tuberculous, 73, 83 varicose, 72 weak, 77, 83

Ulnar nerve, lesions of, 368

Uterine fibroids, 195

Vaccine treatment, 23, 40

Varicose aneurysm, 311 eczema, 292 ulcer, 72 veins, 287

Varix, 287

Veins, anatomy of, 258 entrance of air into, 265 injuries of, 264 repair of, 269 rupture of, 264 thrombosis of, 281 varicose, 287 wounds of, 264

Veldt sores, 382

Venereal disease. See Syphilis soft sore, 154

Venesection, 42

Venous cysts, 289

Verruca, 392

Vibrion septique, 101

Villous papilloma, 201

Volkmann's ischaemic contracture, 415

Vulva, diphtheria of, 111

Wardrop's operation for aneurysm, 308

Wart, 201, 392 venereal, 393 X-ray, 239

Wassermann's reaction, 156, 162

Weaver's bottom, 426, 430

Weir-Mitchell treatment in hysterical joint affections, 538

Wens, 389

Wet-cupping, 42

White swelling of joints, 515, 518

Whitlow, 55 gangrene from, 99 at nail fold, 56 purulent blister, 55 subcutaneous, 56 subperiosteal, 58 of tendon sheaths, 57 thecal, 57

Whitlow, of toes, 55 varieties of, 55

Winged scapula, 363

Wool-sorter's disease, 121

Wounds, 220. See also Individual Tissues and Regions acute suppuration in, 50 bullet, 229 contused, 218, 223 drainage of, 222 by electricity, 239 by explosives, 231 by firearms, 225, 227, 230 incised, 221 infection of, 107 lacerated, 223 open method of treating, 247, 248 pistol-shot, 226 punctured, 222 shell, 231 treatment, 241 in warfare, 225, 230

Wrist, drop-, 365

Wry-neck, rheumatic, 413

Xanthoma, 188

X-rays, burns by, 239 cancer from, 395 dermatitis from, 239 ulcers from, 239 warts from, 239 in diagnosis of aneurysm, 304 arthritis deformans, 530 bone diseases, 445 tumours, 485, 491, 496 tuberculosis, 455 foreign bodies, 233 joint tuberculosis, 516 in treatment of cancer, 208 lupus, 385 sarcoma, 201 tuberculosis, 138


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