Hurlbut's Bible Lessons - For Boys and Girls
by Rev. Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
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3. Who was the mother of Jŏhn the Băptĭst? E-lĭsa-bĕth.

4. Who brought the news that Chrīst would soon come? The angel Gābrĭ-el.

5. Who was the mother of Jēsus? Māry.

6. Who heard the first news that Jēsus Chrīst was born? Shepherds.

7. Who came from a far country and brought gifts to the child Jēsus? Wise men.

8. Who took up the child Jēsus in the temple and gave thanks to God? Sĭme-on.

9. Who baptized Jēsus? Jŏhn the Băptĭst.

10. Who tried to tempt Jēsus to do wrong? Sātan, the evil spirit.

11. Who talked with Jēsus at night in Je-rusa-lĕm? Nĭc-o-dēmus.

12. Who met Jēsus by a well? The Sa-mărĭ-tan woman.

13. With what two sisters did Jēsus stay near Je-rusa-lĕm? With Mrthȧ and Māry.

14. What brother of these two sisters did Jēsus raise to life? Lăza-rŭs.

15. To what blind man did Jēsus give sight at Jĕrĭ-chō? To Br-ti-mus.

16. What rich man at Jĕrĭ-chō took Jēsus to his house? Zăc-chus.

17. Who poured costly perfume on the head of Jēsus at a supper? Māry, the sister of Lăza-rŭs.

=18.= What disciple of Chrīst sold him to his enemies for money? =J[=]udas.=

19. What ruler ordered that Jēsus should be put to death on the cross? Pīlate.

20. Who first saw Jēsus after he rose from the dead? Māry Măg-da-lēne.

Lesson XXXIV. Review of Places in the Gospel Story.

1. Where was Jēsus born? At Bĕthlĕ-hĕm.

2. To what land was he taken, that his life might be saved from King Hĕrod? To Ēġypt.

3. Where did Jēsus live as a boy? In Năza-rĕth.

4. In what place was he found when twelve years old? In the temple.

5. In what river was he baptized? In the river Jrdan.

6. Where was he tempted by Sātan? In the wilderness.

7. Where was his first miracle? At Cānȧ in Gălĭ-lee.

8. In what land did Jēsus preach during the first year of his teaching? In Jū-dēȧ.

9. Where did Jēsus talk with a woman by a well? In Sa-mārĭ-ȧ.

10. Where did Jēsus preach during the second year of his teaching? In Gălĭ-lee.

11. Where did he live while he preached in Gălĭ-lee? At Ca-pẽrna-ŭm.

12. On what sea did he still the storm? The Sea of Gălĭ-lee.

13. At what pool in Je-rusa-lĕm did he heal a man who could not walk? The Pool of Be-thĕsdȧ.

14. To what other pool at Je-rusa-lĕm did he send a blind man to wash? To the Pool of Sĭ-lōam.

15. At what place in Gălĭ-lee did he raise to life a widow's son? At Nāin.

16. Where did he feed five thousand people? Bĕth-sāĭ-dȧ.

17. On what mountain did he show his glory? On Mount Hẽrmon.

18. At what place did he raise Lăza-rŭs to life? At Bĕtha-ny.

19. At what place did Jēsus die on the cross? At Călva-ry.

20. From what mountain did Jēsus go up to heaven? From the Mount of Ŏlĭves.


Lesson XXXV. The First Days.

(Tell Story 1 in Part Seventh.)

1. Where did the followers of Chrīst meet after Jēsus went away to heaven? In Je-rusa-lĕm.

2. What day came ten days after Jēsus left the earth? The Day of Pĕnte-cŏst.

3. What seemed to fall from heaven on all the followers of Chrīst on the day of Pĕnte-cŏst? Tongues of fire.

4. What power came upon them all? Power from God.

5. What did they all begin to speak? The wonderful words of God.

6. Who preached to the people on that day? Pētẽr.

7. What new name was given to Pētẽr and the other eleven disciples of Chrīst? They were called apostles.

8. What did the apostle Pētẽr tell the people to do? To believe in Chrīst as their Saviour.

9. How many were added to the church on that day? Three thousand.

10. How did all these people act toward each other? Like brothers.

Lesson XXXVI. The Beautiful Gate, and the Apostles in Prison.

(Tell Stories 2 and 3 in Part Seventh.)

1. Whom did Pētẽr and Jŏhn meet at the Beautiful Gate of the temple? A lame man.

2. What did Pētẽr say to the lame man? "In the name of Jēsus Chrīst, walk."

3. What did the lame man do? He walked and leaped and praised God.

4. Who did Pētẽr say had given to this man power to walk? Jēsus Chrīst.

5. What did the rulers of the city tell Pētẽr and Jŏhn? That they must not preach Chrīst.

6. How did Pētẽr and Jŏhn answer the rulers? "We must speak of what we know."

7. What good man gave his money to the poor in the church? Brna-băs.

8. Who died because they told a lie? Ăn-a-nīas and Săp-phīrȧ.

9. What did the rulers of the Jews do to Pētẽr and Jŏhn? They put them in prison.

10. How were they set free from the prison? By an angel of the Lord.

Lesson XXXVII. Stephen and Philip.

(Tell Stories 4 and 5 in Part Seventh.)

1. What good man preached in Je-rusa-lĕm? Stēphen.

2. What is told of Stēphen? His face shone like an angel's.

3. What did the Jews do to Stēphen? They stoned him to death.

4. What young man helped in the stoning of Stēphen? A young man named Saul.

5. What did Saul do to the followers of Chrīst? He beat them and put them in prison.

6. What worker for Chrīst was driven out of Je-rusa-lĕm by Saul? Phĭlĭp.

7. To what place did Phĭlĭp go preaching the gospel? To Sa-mārĭ-ȧ.

8. Where did an angel send Phĭlĭp from Sa-mārĭ-ȧ? To the desert.

9. Whom did Phĭlĭp meet in the desert? A man riding in a chariot.

10. What did Phĭlĭp do when he met this man? He preached Chrīst to him.

Lesson XXXVIII. The Voice that Spoke to Saul.

(Tell Story 6 in Part Seventh.)

1. To what place did Saul go, that he might break up the church there? To Da-măscus.

2. What took place when Saul was near Da-măscus? A light shone from heaven.

3. Who spoke to Saul from out of the light? The Lord Jēsus Chrīst.

4. What did the bright light do to Saul? It made him blind.

5. Who brought sight to Saul in Da-măscus? A follower of Chrīst named Ăn-a-nīas.

6. What else did Ăn-a-nīas do to Saul? He taught him how to be saved.

7. What did Saul do at once when he became a believer in Chrīst? He began preaching Chrīst.

8. What did the Jews of Da-măscus try to do when they found that Saul was preaching Chrīst? They tried to kill him.

9. How did Saul get away from the city of Da-măscus? In a basket.

10. Where did Saul go from Da-măscus? To Je-rusa-lĕm.

11. Where did he afterward go? To his home in Trsus.

Lesson XXXIX. About the Apostle Peter.

(Tell Story 7 in Part Seventh.)

1. To what place did the Apostle Pētẽr go? To Jŏppȧ, by the Great Sea.

2. What did Pētẽr do by a prayer at Jŏppȧ? He raised a woman to life.

3. Who was this woman whom Pētẽr raised to life? A good woman named Drcas.

4. What did God teach Pētẽr in a dream at Jŏppȧ? That people of every land and nation might be saved.

5. What did the Jews call the people of every nation except themselves? Ġĕntīles.

6. To what Ġĕntīle did God send Pētẽr to preach the gospel? To Cr-nē-lĭ-us a Rōman officer.

7. What did Pētẽr and the church at Je-rusa-lĕm learn from this? To preach Chrīst to the Ġĕntīles.

8. What was done to Pētẽr after this at Je-rusa-lĕm? He was put in prison.

9. What did the king intend to do with Pētẽr on the next day? To put him to death.

10. What happened to Pētẽr on that night? He was set free by an angel.

Lesson XL. The First Missionaries.

(Tell Story 8 in Part Seventh.)

1. Where did a great church of Chrīst grow up? At Ăntĭ-och in Syrĭ-ȧ.

2. Who preached and taught in the church at Ăntĭ-och? Brna-băs and Saul.

3. For what work were Brna-băs and Saul sent out from Ăntĭ-och? To preach the gospel in other lands.

4. What are those who go out to other lands to preach the gospel called? Missionaries.

5. To what island did the missionaries and Brna-băs first go preaching the gospel? To the island of ȳprus.

6. By what name was Saul called after this time? Paul, the apostle.

7. In what land did the missionaries, Paul and Brna-băs, preach after they left the island of yprus? In Āsiȧ Mīnor.

8. In what city of Āsiȧ Mīnor did they begin preaching the gospel? In Ăntĭ-och of Pi-sĭdĭ-ȧ.

9. In what place were they first worshipped as gods and then stoned? At Lystrȧ.

10. What did Paul and Brna-băs do in all the places which they visited on this journey? They planted churches of Chrīst.

11. To what place did they go again after their journey? To Ăntĭ-och in Syrĭ-ȧ.

Lesson XLI. Paul's Second Journey.

(Tell Stories 10, 11 and 12 in Part Seventh.)

1. Who went with Paul on his second missionary journey? Sīlas and Tĭmo-thy.

2. What great land did they visit on this journey? Europe.

3. In what city of Europe did they begin preaching the gospel? In Phĭ-lĭppī.

4. What was done to Paul and Sīlas at Phĭ-lĭppī? They were beaten and put in prison.

5. How were they set free from the prison at Phĭ-lĭppī? By an earthquake.

6. What did the jailor of the prison at Phĭ-lĭppī ask Paul and Sīlas when the earthquake came? "What must I do to be saved?"

7. What did Paul and Sīlas say to the jailor? "Believe on the Lord Jēsus Chrīst."

8. In what city after Phĭ-lĭppī did they preach the gospel? In Thĕs-sa-lo-nīcȧ.

9. In what city did Paul preach a sermon on a hill? In Ăthĕns, on Mrs' Hill.

10. Where did Paul stay two years, preaching? At Cŏrinth.

Lesson XLII. Paul's Third journey.

(Tell Stories 13 and 14 in Part Seventh.)

1. In what great city of Āsiȧ Mīnor did Paul preach on his third missionary journey? In Ĕphe-sŭs.

2. What did Paul do in Ĕphe-sŭs? Many great works of healing.

3. How long did Paul stay in Ĕphe-sŭs preaching? Three years.

4. What arose in Ĕphe-sŭs a little before Paul left the city? A great uproar against Paul.

5. To what places in Europe where Paul had preached before, did he go after leaving Ĕphe-sŭs? To Phĭ-lĭppī and Cŏrinth.

6. Where did Paul make a young man well, after he had fallen out of a window? At Trōăs.

7. At what place did Paul send for the leaders of the church at Ĕphe-sŭs? At Mī-lētus.

8. What did Paul speak to these leaders of the church? His farewell words.

9. What words of Jēsus did Paul tell them to remember? "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

10. Where did Paul end his third missionary journey? At Je-rusa-lĕm.

Lesson XLIII. Paul a Prisoner.

(Tell Stories 15, 16 and 17 in Part Seventh.)

1. What happened to Paul while he was worshipping God in the temple at Je-rusa-lĕm? He was taken by his enemies.

2. What did these enemies of Paul try to do? To kill him.

3. Who took Paul out of the hands of his enemies? Rōman soldiers.

4. Where was Paul taken to be kept from his enemies? Into the castle.

5. What did the Lord Jēsus say to Paul at night while he was in the castle? "Be of good cheer, Paul!"

6. To what place was Paul sent to be safe from the Jews? To [)]s-a-rēȧ.

7. Before what ruler was Paul brought to be tried? Before Fēlĭx the governor.

8. How long was Paul kept in prison at [)]s-a-rēȧ? Two years.

9. Before what other governor was Paul brought after two years? Before Fĕstus.

10. What king listened to Paul as he told how Chrīst had saved him? King A-grĭppạ.

Lesson XLIV. Paul in the Storm.

(Tell Story 18 in Part Seventh.)

1. To what place was Paul while a prisoner sent for another trial? To Rōme.

2. How did Paul and many other prisoners leave [)]s-a-rēȧ to go to Rōme? On board a ship.

3. What did Paul tell those on the ship that they would meet in the voyage? Great trouble and danger.

4. How did the trouble and danger come to those that were in the ship? From a great storm.

5. How long did the storm last? Two weeks.

6. What did an angel say to Paul in the night while the storm was raging? That all on the ship would be saved.

7. What did Paul say to those on the ship? "Be of good cheer."

8. How were the lives of the people saved from the storm? They were thrown upon an island.

9. What was the name of this island? Mĕlĭ-tȧ.

Lesson XLV. Paul at Rome.

(Tell Story 19 in Part Seventh. Stories 20 and 21 may be omitted.)

1. What happened to Paul on the shore at the island of Mĕlĭ-tȧ? He was bitten by a poisonous snake.

2. What did Paul do, when the snake bit him? He shook it off and was not harmed.

3. What did the people of the island think when they saw no harm come to Paul? They thought that he was a god.

4. Who treated Paul and his friends kindly at Mĕlĭ-tȧ? Pŭblĭ-ŭs, the ruler of the island.

5. What did Paul do for the ruler Pŭblĭ-ŭs? He made his sick father well.

6. To what land did they sail from the island of Mĕlĭ-tȧ? To the land of Ĭta-ly.

7. At what great city did Paul's long journey end? At Rōme.

8. How long was Paul a prisoner at Rōme? Two years.

9. What did he do while a prisoner? He preached the gospel.

10. What did Paul write at the end of his life? "I have fought a good fight."

Lesson XLVI. Review on the Early Church.

1. In what city were the followers of Chrīst after Jēsus went to heaven? Je-rusa-lĕm.

2. On what day did the Holy Spirit come upon the disciples? The day of Pĕnte-cŏst.

3. Who was the leader of the church in its early days? The Apostle Pētẽr.

4. Who died because they told a lie? Ăn-a-nīas and Săp-phīrȧ.

5. What good man was stoned to death? Stēphen.

6. What young man helped in the stoning of Stēphen? Saul.

7. Who preached in Sa-mārĭ-ȧ after Stēphen was killed? Phĭlĭp.

8. Where did Saul become a believer in Chrīst? At Da-măscus.

9. What good woman was raised to life through the prayer of Pētẽr? Drcas.

10. To what Ġĕntīle or foreigner was Pētẽr sent to preach the gospel? To Cr-nēlĭ-ŭs.

11. How was Pētẽr set free from prison in Je-rusa-lĕm? By an angel.

12. What church sent out the first missionaries to preach the gospel? The church at Ăntĭ-och.

13. Who were the two missionaries sent out? Brna-băs and Saul.

14. What island did Brna-băs and Saul first visit in preaching the gospel? ȳprus.

15. By what name was Saul known after this? Paul.

16. Where were Paul and Brna-băs first worshipped and then stoned? Lystrȧ.

17. In what city was the gospel first preached in Europe? In Phĭ-lĭppī.

18. Where was Paul made a prisoner? In Je-rusa-lĕm.

19. On what island was Paul shipwrecked? Mĕlĭ-tȧ.

20. To what city was Paul taken as a prisoner after being shipwrecked? To Rōme.

* * * * *

Transcriber's Notes:

The following key explains the marking used to show pronunciation guides:

x Macron or solid line above a letter. ẍ Umlaut or two dots above a letter x Umlaut or two dots below a letter ẋ Dot above a letter x Dot below a letter x Circumflex or caret above a letter x Breve above a letter x Tilde above a letter x Tack above letter x Tack under a letter

Obvious punctuation errors repaired.

Page 10, "Ĭsra-el" changed to "Ĭsra-el" (sons did Jācob or Ĭsra-el)

Page 14, "Cānăan-ites" changed to "Cānăan-ītes" (over the Cānăan-ītes.)

Page 27, "Jo-sīah" changed to "Jo-sīah" (the time of Jo-sīah)

Page 29, "Pẽrsia" changed to "Pẽrsiȧ" (kingdom of Pẽrsiȧ)

Page 29, "Pĕrsiȧ" changed to "Pẽrsiȧ" (formed the kingdom of Pẽrsiȧ)

Page 29, "Esthẽr" changed to "Ĕsthẽr" (cared for Ĕsthẽr)

Page 29, "Esthẽr" changed to "Ĕsthẽr" (when he saw Ĕsthẽr)

Page 34, "Ēġypt" changed to "Ēġypt" (be taken to Ēġypt)

Page 36, "Băptist" changed to "Băptĭst" (Bĕth=ăba-rȧ? =Jŏhn the Băptĭst.=)

Page 36, "Nĭc-o-dēmus" changed to "Nĭc-o-dēmus" (at night? Nĭc-o-dēmus.)

Page 36, number 1. added to text for first question under "Jesus at Jacob's Well".

Page 42, question 3 was omitted from the text under "The Little Child".

Page 45, "Jĕri-chō" changed to "Jĕrĭ-chō" (of Pe-rēa? Jĕrĭ-chō.)

Page 54, "Ġĕntīles" changed to "Ġĕntīles" (Chrīst to the Ġĕntīles)

Page 55, "Āsiȧ" changed to "Āsiȧ" (city of Āsiȧ Mīnor)

Page 60, "MAP 1" added to text to match rest of books map titling.


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