Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language
by Walter G. Ivens
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loo v. i., to be fierce, wild, suspicious.

falooi, to persecute, cause to be wild. S. loo.

looua grass.

loulou 1. v. i., to be quick; 2. adv., quickly, quick. S. lauleu.

loulou 3. adj., whole, entire, in one piece. S. laku.

lu contraction for olu three, used to form trial number of pronoun; dalu, golu, etc. S. lu.

luga v. i., to loose.

lugatai, lugataini v. v. tr.

lugala v. n., loosing. S. luhe.

lui v. tr., to forbid, reserve; alu lui to set a taboo mark on. S. luu'i

lukumi v. tr., to restrain.

lulua 1. a stranger, guest.

lulua 2. a basket of plaited coconut leaf. S. luelue.

luu v. tr., to move, to depart. S. luu.


m adjectival prefix; moi broken.

ma 1. conjunction; ma ana, though; ma ka langi, or not, in questions; ma ta, but.

ma 2. adjectival prefix of condition; madiu; matala. S. ma.

maa 1. (gu) n., eye, face, aperture, gate; i maa, at the door, in the courtyard; gula i maa, outside; maana bara, gate; maa too (gu) to visit; toongi bono maa, sackcloth: 2. art. one, a; maa ni dara gi, young men; fai maae oru qailiu, the four winds; maae dangi, a day, maae dangi i fafo, two days hence; maae rodo, darkness; maae fera, a village. S. maa.

maa 3. voc., father; maa nau, father. S. ma'a.

maabala to no effect; rao maabala, to work unprofitably. S. maatala.

maabe v. i., to be willing; mu maabe ni elela, you were willing to rejoice.

maadara (gu) n., forehead. S. dara.

maafu v. tr., to cover with wrappings; maafu maa, to blindfold.

maala an ulcer, a sore.

maaligwou v. i., to be thirsty, gwou 1.

maalimaea enemy. mae.

maalitafa channel in reef. S. maalitawa.

maamana; ro maamana, father and son.

maasi v. tr., to await, expect.

maasia adj., while.

maauugala to mock at, used with poss.

mabe v. i., to be obedient, willing; manata mabe, patient. Cf. gwarimabe.

mabesi v. tr., to correct, rebuke.

madafi v. tr., to perceive, feel.

madalaba oven.

madiu adj., different, other, another, astray; too madiu gi, gentiles,

madiua 1. exclam. well, I never! 2. adj. different. S. diu.

mae, mamae v. i., to die, to be ill, to be numb, to be eclipsed, of moon.

maeli v. tr., to die of; bae maeli, to condemn to death.

maea v. n., death, sickness,

maela (gu) v. n., death, danger,

maemaefa v. n., sickness. S. mae.

mafo v. i., to be healed. Mota mawo.

magu n. clothing; si magu.

mai 1. adv., here, hither, this way; ita ana mai, hither; ita mai logo, thence. S. mai,

mai 2. transitive suffix to verb, ala, alamai; fatola, fatolamai. S. ma'i.

makalokalo adj., in the early morning, used with locative i.

makeso adj., weak, feeble.

Mala 1. Malaita; Mala baita, Big Malaita; Mala Tout, Little Malaita.

mala 2. mala iteite v. tr., to wound. Cf. S. mala masi.

malefo shell money,

malengai coconut,

malimali adj., sweet. S. malimeli.

malingi adj., split, overturned. S. malingi.

mamagu; v. i. bae mamagu, to revile.

mamagua n., weakness,

mamaloni adv., only, merely,

mamalu 1.(gu) n., a shadow; 2. v. i., to cast a shadow; sato e mamalu, it is towards evening. S. mamalu.

mamana v. i., to be true, real; doo mamana, truly; manata mamana, to believe.

mamanaa truly.

mamanaa n., power. S. nanama.

mana used of numerals over ten; aqala mana fai. U. mana.

manata 1. v. i., to think; manata suli to know; manata luga, to for- give; manata too (gu) to remember.

manatai v. tr. to pity.

manataila v. n., 1. pity, mercy; 2. thought. S. manata.

manata 2. v. i., to be quiet, tame. S. manata.

mani; qaimani, to help; qaimani fainau, help me; fatake qaimani, to be a peacemaker.

qaimania, v. n., a company. S. mani.

manu bird. S. manu.

manga time, occasion, place; i kade manga, at the time; i kade manga na, now; si manga uta, when?

mangata (na) n., midst, middle; used with loc. i. S. matanga.

mangisingisi adj., broken in pieces. ngi.

mango (gu) n. life, breath; mango fu, to be sad; mango suu, to faint.

mangoli v. tr., to breathe upon. S. mango.

mao 1. v. i., to dance. 2. n., a dance.

maoli v. tr., to dance; maoli mao. S. mao.

mara- (gu) n. of own accord, alone. S. maraa.

maraqai; alu maraqai, to become red and glowering, of sky.

marigo (gu) n. flesh, body.

matafa- (na) n., too matafana, to know. S. mataqa.

matai, mamatai v. i., to have ague; matai afedali, fever.

mataia v. n., disease, a sick person; si mataia.

matala adj., lone, alone, merely; tefe mwela matala, only son.

matanga (na) n., midst, used with locative; i mangata.

me for mai hither; lea fasi me, come here,

mea 1. (gu) n. tongue; 2. v. i., mea too, to taste of.

meali v. tr., to lick.

meafa (na) v. n., tongue; meafana ere, tongues of fire. S. mea.

meme in pieces; too meme to break in pieces.

mi 1. personal pron. pl. 1. excl. we; used by itself as subj. or follows gami.

mi 2. transitive suffix to verb; ano, anomi.

midi v. i., to taste; midi odonga ana, to taste of.

mode v. tr. to mend, patch.

modela v. n., a patch.

moi adj., broken. S. 'o'i.

moko, momoko 1. v. i., to be corrupt, to smell; 2. n., corruption.

mokola v. n., corruption;

mokofa- (na) v. n., the smell of.

molagali n., all the islands; the world,

momoi v. tr. to buffet; afe e momoia na ola, the wind buffeted the ship.

momoko; momoko ia, breast, bosom.

mone adv., gives life to the narrative; tamone; otomone.

mori, momori, as mouri, to live. Cf. S. moli, walaimoli, mauri.

morumoru v. i., to be broken in pieces. S. morumoru.

mou, momou, v. i., to fear.

mouni v. tr.

moumoula v. n., fear. S. mau.

mouli to be left-handed, awkward. S. mauli.

moumouli (gu) n., left hand.

mouri, momouri v. i., to live.

mourisi v. tr., to survive, escape from.

mouria v. n., life.

mourila- (gu) v. n., life. S. mauri.

mousi v. tr., to cut off, sever. S. mousi.

mu. 1. pers. pron. pl. 2. used by itself as subj. or follows gamu; mu kafi lea mai i angita, when will you come?

mu. 2. pronoun, suff. to nouns, sing. 2., thy.

mumudi crumb, chip, scrap; mumudi i doo, scraps.


mwaa snake. S. mwaa.

mwaela laughter. famwaela.

mwaemwae v. i., to be obedient. S. mwae.

mwai 1. a bag;

mwaila adj., rich. S. mwa'i.

mwai 2. prefix marking reciprocity of relationship; ro mwai telana, mother and child; ro mwai fungona geni, mother and daughter-in-law; used as plural article, mwai asi nau, brethren. S. mwai.

mwaimwane, woman's brother, man's sister, a mwaimwane nau.

mwaluda adj., soft, gentle, kind, possible, easy.

mwane, a male, man, boy, exclam. you! added to proper nouns and to certain other words to show sex distinction. S. mwane.

mwaomwao v. i., to be weak, feeble.

mwela, child, boy, person; used with article ni of women; ni mwela ne, this woman; mwela bibiu, little child. S. mwela.

mwemwedua honey.


na 1. definite article, a, the; used with both sing. and pl.; gera na Grekia, the Greeks. Cf. Florida na. M. L. p. 524: na noni, the body; na sasigamu, your brethren; is in more frequent use than the corresponding nga in Sa'a; in many cases nouns are used without any article when the signification is general. S. nga.

na 2. pronoun suffixed to nouns, sing. 3; abana, his hand: added to the first of two nouns to express a genitive; i tolona fera, on the tops of the hills; gwauna na ai gi, head of men: added to cardinals to form ordinals. S. nd, Mota na.

na, nana 3. demonstrative pron., there, that, follows noun; si doo na, that thing.

na, nana 4. adv. follows the verb and denotes a preterite, already, finished; e sui na, e sui nana, it is finished; sui na, thereafter.

naga v. tr., to waste, to spend.

namo, inner harbour, lake, pool; suu i namo; asi namo a lake. S. namo.

nana, na 3. 4.

nani, nanani, v. i., to seek for.

nanisi v. tr.

nao (gu) n. face; with locative i; in front of, before; naoe gula, first place; i naogu, before my face; before my time, naonao tolia, chief portion at a feast.

nao v. i., to lead; nao tala, lead the way; eta inao, to lead. S. nao.

naofa (na) n. eldest, first, naofana mwela, eldest child, naofe mwela.

nare 1. v. tr., to roast on the embers.

nare 2. v. tr., to prepare, make ready, serve, wait upon.

nau 1. pers. pron. sing. 1. I, used by itself as subj. or follows inau; nau gu ote nau ni lea, I do not want to go. V. nau.

nau 2. as nau 1. but suff. as obj. to verbs and prepositions.

nau 3. fanau educate. S. nanau.

ne 1. demonstrative, there, that; a mwela ne, that person, he.

ne 2. interrogative pron. follows the interrogative ati, who; ati ne? e uta ne, how is it?

ne 3. v. i., to speak, make a sound.

nee v. i., to be still, silent.

nena demonstrative pron., that, follows the noun; doo nena, that thing.

neneo charcoal.

ni 1. genitive, of, belonging to; (a) used mainly in construction; fote ni fera, a native paddle; baea ni sugela, words of deceit, mwemwedua ni lalano, wild honey; (b) expressive of purpose, si gula ni lea inia, a place for him to go to; (c) expressive of condition, rosuli ni manatai gami, hear us in mercy, gera mou ni oli, they feared to return; fasia muka manata ni bae uri, think not to say thus; (d) added to verbal suffix giving transitive force foaa, foaataini. S. ni. Cf. M. L. p. 532.

ni 2. personal article used with the names of females, both native and foreign; ni Alida, also used with certain nouns which denote women where in Sa'a nga or a is used, ni te nau, my mother; ni mwaimwane, a man's sister or a woman's brother; ni aia, female relations; ni doo the woman; ni mwela ne, that woman; is not used with afe wife, nor with geni female; is not used with plural. Duke of York ne, M. L. p. 566, Gilb. Is. nei, Efate lei, S. kei.

ni 3. interrogative used to (a) call attention; ni ai? I say, you! (b) in the sense of, is that so? S. ni.

ni 4. demonstrative attached to ta, one, a; tani aiai, some people; to oto; tani oto ni saiai. S. ni 3.

ni 5. a detachable prefix; doo nifai, doo ifai, what thing? S. ni 4.

ni 6. transitive suffix to verbs; mou, mouni. S. ni.

ni 7. pers. pron. sing, 3. it, used in explanation; na light fuana noni ni maa, the light of the body is the eye; e uta ro si lio ni amu, why are you of two minds?

ni 8. suff. pron. pl. 3. neut; i talani, in their place. S. ni.

nia personal pronoun sing. 3. he, she, it; used by itself as subj, or follows inia. S. nge'ie.

niania v. tr., to deny, repudiate.

nifai interrog. pron. what, follows noun; doo nifai, what thing?

nima, ninima 1. (gu) n. hand, arm; ninimana tala, corner of the way, beside the way. S. nime.

nima 2. for lima five.

nina v. i. to be accustomed to, be able. S. nina.

noabu sparrow hawk.

noni (gu) n. body, shape, fashion; noni fii, to suffer; noni fiila v. n., suffering; nonilau, to be safe and sound. Mao tino.

nono v. i., to place the face against, to sniff, to kiss; nono faini, to kiss.

nonoi v. tr. S. nono.

nue v. i., to be foolish, dumb.

nuela v. n., folly.

nui (na) n. a nest. S. niui.

nuku v. i., to be wrinkled. S. nuku.

nunulu v. i., to wither. S. nunulu.


ngado 1. v. i., to be firm; ngado fua, to trust, manata ngado ana, to rely on; too ngado, to remain firm.

ngado 2. i aena ngado, at the very bottom. S. i ngadona aena, at his feet.

ngae (na); adala i ngaena maa, envy. S. ngae.

ngaini transitive suffix to verb; saw, saungaini. S. nga'ini.

ngali 1. v. tr., to take, to receive.

ngalila v. n., burden.

ngali 2. canarium nut. S. ngali.

ngangarea adj., deep rooted.

ngasi v. i., to be firm, hard; bae ngasi, to speak sternly. Florida ngasi, hard.

ngi 1. v. tr., to divide; mangisingisi.

ngi 2. transitive suffix to verb; sau, saungi. S. ngi.

ngidu (gu) n., lip; ngidu auau fua, to hate. S. ngidu.

ngisi; fangisi, to acknowledge.

ngisu 1. v. i., to spit; 2. n. fe ngisu, spittle.

ngisufi v. tr., to spit on. S. ngisu.

ngosa v. i., to bud; ngosa faolu, just come into bud.

ngongosa, a spike, a horn; ngongose doo.

ngu 1. v. i., to sing; 2. n. a song.

nguli v. tr., to sing; ngulia ngu, to sing a song.


o pers. pron. sing. 2. thou, used by itself as subj. or follows ioe. S. o.

oa v. i. to share in.

oalangai v. tr., to distribute, to share in. S. 'oa.

oba v. tr., to take from, separate, divide. S. opa. Florida sopa.

obala v. n. separation.

odonga; midi odonga, to taste. S. ohonga.

odu v. tr., to command, order.

oe 1. an axe.

oe 2. v. i. to commit adultery.

oela v. n., adultery.

ofosi v. tr., to take down. S. oohosi.

ofu 1. v. i., together; ofu bae, to witness; 2. n. ofu si doo, a bundle.

ofu 3. v. i., to boil; ofu duqet to burst. S. ohu.

oga (gu) n., stomach, belly. S. 'oqa.

ogi (gu) 1. n., bone.

ogi (gu) 2. n., back, outside,

ogila a bone needle.

ogo a band, a creeper used for binding. S. oko.

ogosi v. tr., to destroy, pull down, uproot. S. ooho'i.

ogu 1. v. i., to collect, gather together; ogu malefola, money collecting; 2. adv., together, in company.

ogua v. n., company.

ogula v. n., ogule ai, a company of people.

oi v. tr., to break off. S. 'o'i.

oimae exclam. alas!

okasa unripe; maea okasa, sudden death.

oku summer. S. oku.

ola canoe, ship. S. 'iola.

ole v. tr., to betray; ole ilalo deceit.

oli 1. v. tr., to hold in the arms.

oli 2. v. tr., to return, go back; adv. back. S. 'oli.

olila v. n., return.

olisi v. tr., to answer; nia kafi olisida, then he answered them.

olitai partic. converted; olitai manata lau, repent.

olisusu v. i., to strive, quarrel, dispute, transgress; olisusu marana, to deny himself.

olo 1. v. i., to be deep.

olo 2. v. i., to cry out.

olosi v. tr.; olosia riilana, cried out.

olu numeral, three, e olu.

oluna ordinal, third, for the third time. S. 'olu.

omae v. i., to weep.

omaea v. n., omaela v. n., wailing. Cf. oimae.

onionga, to mock, used with poss.; onionga ana, mocked him.

ono numeral, six; e ono.

onona ordinal, sixth, for the sixth time. S. ono.

ongataini v. tr., to vex, annoy,

ongiongi v. tr., to deceive.

oo a drum. S. 'o'o.

oobala a shed, hut.

oofa- (na) approaching to, with child.

ooga v. tr., to be tied together, to incur a debt.

ooganga v. n., debt.

oolo v. i., to be straight; adj. straight.

ooloa v. n., straightness.

ooni adv., temporary, empty, idle, naked; too ooni go, fleeting.

ore v. i., to fail, to fall short of, to lack; ore fanga, to abstain from eating, fast; ore fua to be lacking; ore ana, to be lacking; ani ore, to eat and leave some over. S. ore.

oro v. i., to be many; adj. many. faoroa.

oru 1. v. i., to blow; n. wind. S. ooru.

oru 2. widow; qe oru, a widow.

oso (gu) n. food for a journey. S. oto.

ote 1. plural article; ote ai gi, you women; ote ruana his fellows; ote geni women.

ote 2. v. tr., to fash, cause ennui to; gera ote gera, it wearied them.

ote 3. valley.

oto adv. perhaps; oto mone, is it so? denotes indefiniteness, used with ni following, tani oto ni saiai, certain persons.

otofa- (na) because of, on account of.


The sound represented by q is kw. In the words from Alite given by Dr. Codrington in M. L., p. p. 39 ff. the sound which appears in Lau as q is there written as ku; e. g. kuai, Lau qai, Sa'a wai, water; q in Lau may represent w in Sa'a qato, waato; qalu, walu; Ulaqa, Ulawa.

qadangi v. tr., to open up.

qae 1. v. tr., to beat, strike; qae mousi, to strike and cut off; qae maeli to kill with blows.

qae; 2. qae tafusi, to strain.

qae; 3. qae kudona, guiltless.

qai 1. prefixed to verbs, denotes reciprocity; sua, to encounter, qaisuasuafi, to meet; manata, to think, qaifamanatai to instruct; liu to move position, qailiu reciprocally; mani, (Sa'a mani, altogether), qaimani, to stand together, be of help to. The action of the original verb is enlarged and the subject included.

qai 2. n., water; maana qai, mouth of the stream, a harbor on the northeast coast, south of Aio.

qai 3. v. tr., to load, to fill up.

qaiara n., a command.

qaiaraa n., reward.

qaidori v. tr., to desire.

qaidoria v. n., desire. dori.

qaiduu v. tr., to revenge.

qaiduula v. n., vengeance. duu.

qaierisi v. tr., to command, importune.

qaierisia v. n., a command. erisi.

qaifamanatai v. tr., to instruct.

qaifamanataila v. n., instruction. manata

qaife; qaife agalo to drive out evil spirits; mwane qaife agalo a witch doctor.

qailangaini v. tr., to wag, nod, waive. langa, up.

qailiu adv., reciprocally, used of mutual action; manata baita fuagamu, qailiu, love one another; lea qailiu, to walk about. liu.

qailiua adj., humble, of low estate.

qaimaasi v. tr., to await, expect. maasi.

qaimanata v. tr., to have mercy upon, pity.

qaimanataia v. n., mercy. manata.

qaimani 1. v. tr., to help; qaimani fai, qaimani faini, to help; 2. used as prep., together, in company with; 3. v. i., to be reconciled with.

qaimania with one accord. S. mani.

qairaofai v. i., to agree with. rao to work.

qaisagali v. tr., to revolt, commit insurrection, take up arms, trouble,vex.

qaisagalia v. n., an insurrection.

qaisuasuafi v. tr,, to meet, encounter. sua.

qaisusu v. tr., to sacrifice.

qaisusia v. n., a sacrifice.

qaitaa v. i., to be a stranger; too ni qaitaa, to be a stranger. S. awataa.

qaitaga v. tr., to cause to scatter.

qaitali v. tr., to be disobedient to.

qala v. i., to lay an accusation; qala fafi, to accuse a person.

qalafi v. tr., to be delivered of a child.

qalu, 1. numeral, eight; e qalu.

qaluna, ordinal, eighth, for the eighth time.

qalu 2. v. i., to emerge; qalu tafa, to emerge from. S. waru.

qanga n., thunder, a gun.

qangafi of the lightning; sinamaaru ka qanagafia, the lightning 'thundered.'

qangareo v. i., to pass by.

qaqalifola v. i., to be pure, clean, fotoqaqalifola, a great calm.

qaqalila adj., cold, of the weather.

qaqaoa adj., white, clean.

qarao a creeper used for tying; an iron nail. S. wa'arao.

qare v. tr., to castrate.

qarela adj., stony.

qate v. i., to make an oration, is preceded by lali; laliqate, to make an oration; lali qatela v. n., an oration. S. wale.

qato a digging stick. S. waato.

qe 1. article; qe afe, a woman; qe oru, a widow; qe ia, a fish; na may be prefixed; na qe ia gi, the fishes. Nengone, Gaua, wa, we, M. L., p. 71.

qe 2. a simpleton, fool; gera qe, fools,

qele, qeqele, v. i., used with poss., to wonder at, be surprised.

qelela v. n., wonderment, surprise.

qesu, qeqesu v. i., 1. to smoulder, burn; 2. to shine. S.'eso

qiqi n., a drop; qiqisi abu, drops of blood.


raa v. i., to climb up.;

raaraa n., light, sunlight; na raaraa. S. raaraa.

rabu, rarabu, rabusi, v. tr., to hit, strike, beat. S. rapu

rade n., a reed; fe rade. S. rade.

rafai v. tr., to exalt, elevate.

rage (gu) n., mind, heart, womb; rage ruarua, v. i., to doubt; rage sasu, to be angry; rage sasua, rage sasula, anger.

rakaraka; abu rakaraka, a flow of blood.

ramo v. i., to be strong; ramofua, to deliver.

ramola v. n., strength. S. ramo.

rao, rarao v. tr., to work; rao ana abana, his handiwork; rao uri, to do like, to work at, to tend.

raoa v. n., raola v. n., work.

rara 1. v. i., to be withered, ripe.

rarasi v. i., to shrivel, dwindle. S. rara.

rara 2. n., brightness, glory. S. rara.

rarafolo, stretched across, a crosspiece; ai rarafolo, a cross (late use). S. lala'i.

rarangia adj., glorious.

raramaa v. i., to be excessive. S. raramaa.

rarao v. i., to stick, cling, cleave. S. rarao.

rarapu v. i., to reach, arrive at. S. arapu.

rarata a skull. S. rarata.

rarau v. tr., to kindle, light.

raunga weapons.

rauraua adj., soft, pliable.

rebo v. i., to be full grown, adult, old. S. repo.

reqeta v. tr., to open.

rereba v. i., to be broad, wide,

reresi; age reresi, a lily, Crinum asiaticum.

rigi v. tr., to see.

rigita v. i., to be strong, firm. rigita fasi, to overcome.

rigitangaini v. tr., to do powerfully.

rii, riirii, to cry out; olosia riilana, cried out. S. rii, cicada.

ro 1. v. tr., ro suli, to obey, listen to.

ro 2. numeral, two, used only in composition; forms part of pers. pronoun goro, etc.; ro si doo, two things; e ro mwane, two men. S. ro.

ro 3. numeral, two, used with nouns of relationship; ro mamana; ro mwai sasina.

ro 4. ending of pers. pronoun daro; gamoro. ro 2.

rodo night; fe rodo, a night; rodo fi dao, till nightfall. S. rodo.

rogi yesterday; used with locative i, i rogi.

rongo; fafurongo, v. i., to listen to, to be a disciple; n. a disciple. S. qaarongo.

rorodoa adj., dark, used also as n., darkness. rodo.

roroi v. tr., to strengthen. S. roro'i.

rua numeral, two; e rua. S. rua.

ruana ordinal, second, second time; gera ruana gera, their fellows.

ruarua, tan ruarua, to be midway.

ruru (gu) 1. n. bosom, breast.

ruru; 2. ruru kore, an avalanche. S. ruru kore.

ruta n. dialect.

ruu v. i., to enter.

ruula v. n., entry.


sae 1. v. tr., to say, speak, tell, read; sae isingana, to finish speaking.

saetana, it is said. S. sae.

sae 2. adv. that, in reported speech.

saea adv. in order that, that so; saea o lea mai fuana, is it that you have come for this? denotes the subjunctive,

safali v. tr., to be equipped with.

saga v. i., to proceed; saga tafa to proceed out of.

sagali, sasagali, v. tr., to attack.

sai 1. n., place, duty, piece; sai i nonigu, my duty; sai oe, your duty; with ai 1. sai ai na, that one I mean; tani saiai, those which, in explanations.

sai; 2. sai gano, on the ground. S. hai. 2.

saitama (gu) v. tr., to know; gu langi si saitamana, I do not know; saitama dooa, knowledge.

sako v. tr., to catch. Mota sakau.

salo n. cloud, storm; salo uruuru, white fleecy cloud.

saloa adj., stormy. S. salo.

salofi v. tr., to prepare, clear a path, sweep.

samai v. tr., to fit on, to pair with. S. sama.

samola n. pride, overbearing,

sangoni v. tr., to feed, nourish. S. sangoni.

sao sago palm, thatch. S. sa'o.

sara beach, shore.

sarii a maiden; geni sarii; too ni sarii, to be unmarried.

sarofaia adj., gentle; harmless, blameless; too sarofaia, quiet,

sarufi v. tr., to burn.

sasala adv., up, upwards; adj. light. S. sa'asala.

sasalu v. i., to start, arise.

sasalungaini v. tr., to collect, make ready.

sasara 1. (gu) n., limb, branch, member. S. sasara.

sasara 2. v. i., to warm oneself at a fire,

sasi 1. (gu) n., brother, sister; sasigu, my brother.

sasina n., of relationship; ro mwai sasina, two brothers. S. 'asi.

sasi 2. to desire, used with fua; sasi fua, to desire; sasi diena fua, to love a person.

saso sun.

sasoai v. tr., to expose to the sun, dry. S. sato.

sasu 1. v. i., to smoke, of a fire. 2. n., smoke; rage sasu, to be angry; rage sasua, anger. S. sasu.

sata (gu) n., name; te satana, his name only; ati satamu, what is your name? with pers. pronoun, friend; sata nau, my friend.

sasata v. i., to be friendly with. S. sata.

sau 1. v. i., to kill; sau mwane, to commit murder; sau mwanea, murder.

saungi v. tr., to kill, to be ill of. S. sau.

sau 2. v. i., to become; sau ana mwane, to become man.

saufini 1. v. tr., to turn away, to hide. 2. adv. secretly,

saulafi evening. S. saulehi.

saumala adv., granted that, even supposing.

saungaini v. tr., to make, construct.

se n., here: used with locative i; i se, at the place; i sena, at that place, there.

seka, seseka, v. tr., to rend, tear.

sesele harlot.

si 1. negative, not; gu si saea, I do not know; langi may precede, gu langi si saea; e langi nau gu si lea, I am not going; follows the particles ka, ko.

_si_ 2. article, a part, a piece, any; _si fou_, a stone; _si mangs_, _uta_, what time? _na_ may be prefixed, _na si baea taa ne_, what words? _si doo gu saea na_, the thing (that which) I said; _a _si Eaea_, the Word; is more definite and particular in meaning than _na_. U. _masi_.

si. 3. trans. suff. to verbs; ada, adasi.

si. 4. genitive; ofu si doo, bundles.

sie- (gu) n. used as preposition, to, towards, at, at the house of; lea go siena, go to him; siena ere, at the fire. S. sie.

sifo v. i., to go down; o sifo go; you go down. S. siho.

sikeraini, v. tr., to free from, cast off. S. sikera'ini.

siko locust.

sina, sinasina, v. i., to shine; fe bubulu sinasina, a bright star, n. light; sinasinana, its light. Mota singa.

sinali, moon, month.

sinalitaini, v. tr., to enlighten. S. sineli moonlight,

sinamaaru n., lightning; sinamaaru ka qangafia, the lightning 'roared.'

sinatai v. tr., to keep from, beware of, guard.

siqa numeral, eight; e siqa.

siqana ordinal, eighth, the eighth time. S. siwe.

siramo used with prep. fua, fonosi, to resist, compel. S. ramo.

sisime a gnat. S. sime.

siu 1. v. i., to wash, bathe; siu abu, to baptize.

siufi v. tr.

siula v. n., washing, bathing.

siu, sisiu 2. v. i,, to be conceived.

soe, sosoe, v. i., to call out, v. tr., to ask for, name; soea satana, ask his name.

soefataia, ecclesia, church (late use).

sofi v. tr., to find.

sofili v. tr., to collect, choose. S. so'ohi.

sogoni v. tr., to gather, reap.

sogonila v. n., gather, reap. Mota. sogon.

soi, sosoi, v. tr., to call; soi ledi, to question. S. soi.

sua; 1. qaisuasuafi, to meet. S. su'e.

sua, suasua 2. n., dung; suasuae ano, dung,

subi a club. S. supi.

suda v. i., to root, of pigs. S. sude.

sufi v. tr., to anoint, to rub, to shave with a razor. S. suhi.

suge, susuge v. tr., to deceive; suge fafi, to accuse; qalaa susuge, to accuse falsely.

suli (nau) prep., after, according to, used of motion towards; the locative i may precede. S. suli.

sulitalaa adj., safe, free.

sulu n., oil, liquid. S. sulu.

sulufou 1. mound of rocks, stone wall; ui sulufou, to build a mound (for a tomb).

Sulufou 2. an artificial islet near Ataa Cove, North Malaita.

sunga, sungaini, sungataini v. tr., to affirm, maintain, persuade,

sungi v. i., to make a noise, be glad.

sungia v. n., a cry, a noise.

Suraina artificial islet South of Ataa Cove; original home of Lau-speaking people in Port Adam.

surakena; bae surakena, to prompt, susu (gu) 1. n., breast, 2. v. i., to suck the breast, to have children at the breast. S. susu.

susu 3. v. i., to be firm; susu too, to be steadfast. S. susu.

susu 4. v. i., to stretch out; susu aba, stretch out the arm. S. susu.

susui v. tr., to touch with the fingers, to set on a stick.

susubi n. a dry stick, a horn (late use).

susuli v. tr., to know, understand, be aware of; ati susulia, who knows? I can't say.

susia, adj. unfruitful, not bearing fruit.

suu 1. a harbour. S. su'u.

suu 2. used with prep, fafi; suu fafi, to clothe, cover.

suula v. n., clothing, cloak.

suu 3. v. i., to set, of heavenly bodies, to dive, go down, sink.

suula v. n., a setting. S. suu.


ta 1. numeral; one, a certain one, at all; just, only, eta one; used as article, a, an, ta si fou, one rock; na tasi fou, one rock; ta sala nia, a friend of his; ta si doo, anything; ta ola lau, a different canoe; ta bali aba, one hand, the other hand; e langi si suu ana ta toongi, not clothed in any clothing; ta sasina ta ai, a man's brother; ta ro ai, only two people; used with the numerals, ta ro si lio, two minds; ta ro tangale penny, two hundred pence; may precede fe, tefuana ta fe uo, every hill; ta ro fe lamua, just two doves; ni may be added, ta ni aiai, some other. S. ta'a; Rotuma ta; cf. Florida, sakai, M. L. p. 524. Wango ta M. L. p. 511.

ta 2. adv. connects, resumes narrative, and, then.

ta 3. ending of verbal noun, seen in root afuta meaning all, and used only with suff. pron.; afutagera, all of them. S. ta.

ta 4. adv. added to sui, sui ta, thereupon; follows negative langi, langi ta, or.

ta; 5. ta mone, perhaps.

taa 1. interrog. pron. what? si taa na, what is it? S. taa.

taa 2. v. i., to be bad, evil.

taala v. n., evil; ade taala, evil doing. S. ta'a.

taba with suff. ani, tabaani, v. tr., to destroy, remove. S. tapa.

tae v. tr., to lift up. S. ta'e.

tafa adv., out; bae tafa, to speak out.

tafangaini v. tr., sae tafangaini, to speak out. S. taha.

tafangi v. tr., to understand; liona e tafangia, he understood it.

tafe, a bed, bench, barn, bier. S. tahe.

tafi v. i., to flee.

tafila v. n., flight. S. tahi.

tafo 1. v. tr., to catch fish; tafo ge ia.

tafo 2. v. tr., to purchase;

tafoa v. n., a bought person, servant. S. taho.

tafua dung heap. S. alilehu.

tafusi v. tr., to strain; gae tafusi.

taga 1. v. i., to scatter, throw away.

tagaani v. tr.

taga 2. v. tr., to lay out, spread.

taga 3. v. i., to sprout, burst into leaf. S. taka.

tagala 1. v. i., to be lost.

tagalaini, tagalangaini v. tr., to drive away, cause to be lost.

tagalaa adj., promiscuously, ala tagalaa, feed here and there.

tagala 2. adj., irreverent; soe tagala, take one's name in vain, tataga.

tagalo v. i., to be wandering.

tagalola adj., overgrown. S. takalo.

tagaloloa n., dust.

tagesi v. tr., to garnish, decorate, adorn.

tai 1. numeral, one; agala mana tai, eleven; taifili, alone. Wango. tai.

tai 2. v. tr., to mend.

taila v. n., a patch, seam.

tai 3. trans. suff. to verb; goni, gonitai; olitai participle.

taifili (a) alone; taifili gera, they alone. S. hili.

taini trans. suff. to verb; foaa, foaalaini. S. ta'ini.

taingaini v. tr., to lay up, store up.

take, tatake, v. i., to stand; takefonosi, to guard. S. ta'e.

takedila v. tr., to cause to hit, knock.

takufi v. tr., to receive. S. takuhi.

tala 1. way, path. S. tala.

tala 2. (gu) n., place, room; nao talagu, lead the way for me; roo talai fangala, work for food. S. tala.

tala 3. with prefix ma, matala, only, alone. S. tala 4.

talaa v. i., to shine, of sun.

talae v. i., to begin, to become; talae na ne, from this (that) time forth.

talaela, v. n., beginning. S. tala'ae.

talai, talani, partic., wantonly, for no reason. S. tale'i.

talatala v. i., to be diligent.

talo, with prefix aini; ainitalongaini, to proclaim. S. talo.

talu v. i., to sprinkle; talu fafi. S. danu.

tama- (gu), used with sae to know; nau gu sae tamana. I know (it).

tani some; tani oto ni saiai, some people.

tangafulu, numeral, ten, used only in counting; e tangafulu.

tangafulu ana tenth, for the tenth time. S. tangahulu.

tangalau numeral, one hundred; e tangalau; tangale doo, one hundred things. S. tangalau.

taofai, tataofai v. i., to stumble.

taraina today, now, bye and bye.

tarakaukau a bramble. kakau.

tarau v. i., to be continuous, traditional.

taraungaini v. tr., to do continuously. S. tarau.

taru a chamber. S. duru.

tasa v. i., to be too much, used in comparison; nia baita tasaa ana, it is bigger than it.

tasala v. n., ro fe tasala, twice as much,

tasaa adj. excessive.

tasaliu v. i., to be in excess, exceedingly.

tata adjectival prefix; tatagwelu, headlong. S. tata.

tatabi; tatabi i tala, a bifurcation of the path.

tatae v. i., to rise, arise; tatae oli, tatae olila, resurrection.

tataea v. n., a getting up, a steep place. S. ta'e.

tataga v. i., bae tataga, to speak blasphemously.

tatagala adj., bae tatagala, to speak blasphemously.

tatagwelu adj., headlong. S. tataqelu.

tatale v. tr., to uncover, reveal.

tatao v. i., to be flat, on one's back.

tau 1. v. i., to wash; tau aba, to wash hands.

taufi v. tr.

tau 2. v. i., to be far off; be a long time; too ka tau, too ka tau, for ever and ever. S. ha'atau.

te 1. numeral, one, the same, a certain one; te ni ai, a certain person; da tefe bae ana te si baela, they all said the same thing; te si na doo, everything; te taifilia inia, he only; used of units (cf. Sa'a ata), te fiu fe doo, only seven things; te ai ma te ai, one by one; too te ai, singly; equivalent to and; te na Mwela, and the Son. Florida keha, one, Kingsmill te, M. L. p. 246.

te 2. n., mother; ni te nau, my mother.

telana, n., of relationship, ro mwai telana, mother and child, wife. S. teitei.

tea v. tr., to utter, speak; e tea tesi baela nena, speaking the same words. S. tea.

tefe, te 1. fe 2.; da tefe bae ana tesi baela, they all (only) said the same thing; tefe mwela matala, an only son.

tefou with one accord, together, always.

tefua adj., irreverently, haphazard.

tefliana all, every, ta tefuana tani too, all peoples; te 1. fu

tegelai partic., lost, dropped. S. tekela'i.

teo, teteo v. i., to lie down, sleep; teo bole, to dream; teo bolea, teo bolela, v. n., dream.

teteola adj., sleepy; maada e teteola, their eyes were sleepy.

teqa v. i., to be tall, high.

teqala adj.; take teqala, to stand erect. S. tewa.

terefi v. tr., to move as a fan, to fan. S. tetere.

tero v. i., to be ulcerous, lame, halt, withered.

tete; 1. manata tete, to be anxious.

tete; 2. bubu tete, to look fixedly.

teu a wooden bowl, a measure.

ti interrogative pronoun, sing, who? pl. gerati; ti gera, one of them; with pers. article a, ati gera, who of them? ati satamu, what is your name? S. tei.

tobi v. tr., to gather, garner; n. a chamber.

toda v. i., to gain, get, collect; toda bata, a tax gatherer.

toe v. tr., to strike against, to desire; liona e toea, he desired it.

tofu, totofu v. tr., to chop.

tofuli y. tr., to build, to chop down.S. tohu.

tokekela (gu) n., judgment.

tolafa (gu) n., way, method, custom. S. tolaha.

toli down; ada toli, look down; dau tolingi, to cast down; toli fanga to fast, toli fangala, fasting.

tolingi v. tr., to apportion, give share to at a feast.

tolia v. n., a portion at a feast. S. toli.

tolo a hill, the hill country; toloe fera, a hill. S. tolo.

tona v. i.; liona e tona, he was pricked at the heart, afraid.

too 1. (gu) v. tr., to hit; sato toona, the sun struck it; too matafana, to know; manata toona, know it; too ani, understand; too meme, hit and break in pieces; 2. to possess, have, too ai, to have relations.

tooa v; n., lio tooa, wisdom.

toonala v. n., manata toonala, thought.

too 3. v. i., to live, dwell, be; too laulau, to be whole; too salaa, to be a stranger, too ka tau, for ever. S. 'o'o.

toola (gu) v. n., way, fashion.

too 4. people, race; na too.

too 5. prefixed to numerals, at a time; too te ai, one at a time. S. too.

too 6. numeral, one thousand. S. to'o.

toongi 1. v. i., to clothe; n., clothes. S. tooni.

toongi 2. v. tr., to pack, load, place. S. tooni.

toromi v. tr., to pierce. S. toromi.

tosi v. tr., to throw away. S. 'asi.

tosiomelamwane a parable, proverb.

totolo v. tr., to raise the voice. S. totolo.

tou, totou, v. i., to be little; manata tou, to make little of; adj. little; ni ai tou, humbly.

toula v. n., manata toula, humility; toula (gu) in youth.

toula- (na), i toulana asi, on the surface of the sea.


ua adv., still, yet; ua mai inao, from of old; e mae ua na, already dead; ua mai ana lua, from the time of the flood, ua inao, old, aforetime; ua go i uarodo, while still dark; e langi ua, not yet, still wanting. S. ue.

uarodo dawn, morning. rodo.

ubuubu v. i., to be thick, deep. S. 'upu.

uda v. i., to be new, fresh.

udu, uduudu, v. i., to drip, n., a drop. S. 'udu.

udufa v. n., a dropping, drops.

ueli v. tr., to happen adversely to.

ufi 1. v. tr., to blow; ufi bungu, to blow a conch shell.

ufiani v. tr., to breathe into, inspire. S. 'uhi.

ufi 2. a yam. S. uhi.

ufi 3. v. tr., to draw water.

uga v. i,, to spill, to be wasted.

ugani v. tr., to grumble at. S. uqe.

ui, uiani v. tr., to throw, cast. S. 'u'i.

ulu v. i., to wade.

ulufaini v. tr., to carry a person over water. S. ulu.

ulufi v. tr., to vex, grieve. S. unuhi.

ulunga, urunga, to serve as a pillow; n., a pillow.

urungai v. tr., to recline the head. S. ulunge.

umu oven. S. umu.

unua n., folk lore, a yarn. S. unu.

unga (gu) n., skin.

uo hill; fe uo. S. uo.

uri 1. v. tr., to tread, tread on; uri sufu, to tread through.

urila v. n., tread, step. S. uri.

uri, urina, 2. adv., like, thus; nia kafi uri, he spake thus, rao uri, to do like, to tend, ele uri, to desire. S. uri.

uria adj., like, used as adv., toolada ka uria alafana, their way shall be like as if.

urii adv., just now.

uruuru; si salo uruuru, fleecy cloud.

usi (nau) prep., over, for, on behalf of.

usia n., a market; ifuli usia, in the market place. S. usie.

usu v. tr., to wipe, anoint. S. usu.

usungaia n., commandment. S. usunge'i.

uta 1. n., rain; v. i., to rain; na uta ka uta, the rain rains. Florida uha.

uta 2. adv., interrog. how? si manga uta, what time? nia kafi uta, what will he do? S. u'e.

uwa v. tr., to lift; uwa maa, to lift the eye. S. uwe.


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