Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete
by Frederick Niecks
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[1833, in Grand Duo concertant [E major] pour M. Schlesinger. print.] piano et violoncelle sur des themes A. M. (July 6, de Robert le Diable, par F. Chopin Schlesinger. 1833.) et A. Franchomme.—Vol. II., p. 230.

Aug. or Trois Nouvelles Etudes [F. minor, A M. Schlesinger. Sept., 1840 flat major, and D flat major]. Etudes A. M. [this is de Schlesinger. Perfection de la the date of Methode des Moscheles et Fetis.—Vol. the II., p. 252. appearance of the Methode.]

(July 25, Variation VI. [Largo, E major, C] T. Haslinger. 1841.) from the Hexameron: Morceau de Troupenas et Cie. Concert. Grandes Variations de bravoure sur la Marche des "Puritains" de Bellini, composees pour le Concert de Mme. la Princesse Belgiojoso au benefice des pauvres, par MM. Liszt, Thalberg, Pixis, H. Herz, Czerny, and Chopin.—Vol. II., pp. 14, 15.

[Feb., 1842, Mazurka [A minor] pour piano, No.2 B. Schott's Sohne. announced of "Notre Temps."—Vol.II.,p.237 in Monats-berichte.


[May, OP. 4. Sonate [C minor] pour le C. Haslinger. 1851.] piano. Dediee a Mr. Joseph Elsner. S. Richault. (May, [This work was already in the hands 1851.*) of the German publisher, T. Haslinger, in 1828.]—Vol. I., pp. 62,112,118; Vol. II., p. 63.

1855. OP. 66-74 are the posthumous works A. M. with opus numbers given to the world Schlesinger. by Julius Fontana (publies sur fils. J. Meissonnier manuscrits originaux avec autorisation de sa famille).—Vol. II., 270-1.

OP. 66. Fantaisie-Impromptu [C sharp minor]. Composed about 1834.— Vol. II.. p. 261, 271.

OP. 67. Quatre Mazurkas [G major (1835), G minor (1849), C major (1835), and A minor (1846).]—Vol. II., p. 271.

OP. 68. Quatre Mazurkas [C major (1830), A minor (1827), F major (1830), and F minor (1849).]—Vol. I., pp. 112, 122 (No. 2).

OP. 69. Deux Valses [F minor (1836), and B minor (1829).]— Vol. I., pp. 112, 122 (No. 2).

OP. 70. Trois Valses [G flat major (1835), F minor (1843), and D flat major (1830).]—Vol. I., pp. 128, 200 (No. 3).

Op. 71. Trois Polonaises [D minor (1827), B flat major (1828), and F minor (1829).]—Vol. I., pp. 62 (Nos. 1 and 2), 112, 121 (Nos. 1, 2, and 3), 129 (No. 3).

OP. 72. Nocturne [E minor (1827)]; Marche funebre [C minor (1829)]; et Trois Ecossaises [D major, G major, and D flat major (1830)].— Vol. I., pp. 62, 112, 121 (No. 1); 112, 123 (No. 2); 202 (No. 3).

OP. 73. Rondeau [C major] pour deux pianos (1828).—Vol. I., pp. 62, 112, 116.

OP. 74. Seventeen Polish Songs by Witwicki, Mickiewicz, Zaleski, &c., for voice with pianoforte accompaniment. The German translation by Ferd. Gumbert. [The English translation of Stanley Lucas, Weber & Co.'s English edition is by the Rev. J. Troutbeck.]—Vol. II., p. 271-272.


[May, Variations [E major] pour le piano C. Haslinger. 1851.] stir un air allemand. (1824?) S. Richault. [although not published till 1851, this composition was already in 1830 in T. Haslinger's hands).—Vol. I.: pp. 53, 55, 56.

Mazurka [G major]. (1825.)—Vol. I., J. Leitgeber. p. 52; II., 236. Gebethner & Wolff. Mazurka [B flat major (1825)].—Vol. I., p. 52; II., 236.

Mazurka [D major (1829-30)].—Vol. I., PP—202-203; II., 236.

Mazurka [D major (1832.—A remodelling of the preceding Mazurka)].—Vol. I., pp. 202-203; II., 236.

Mazurka [C major (1833)].—Vol. II., Gebethner & p. 236. Wolff.

Mazurka [A minor. Dediee a son ami Bote & Bock. Emile Gail'ard.—Vol. II, p. 236.

1858. Valse [E minor].—Vol. II., p. 251. B. Schott's Sohne. Gebethner & Wolff.

1864. Polonaise [G sharp minor]. Dediee B. Schott's a Mme. Dupont.—Vol. I., p. 52 (see Sohne. also Corrections and Additions, Vol. Gebethner & I., p. VIII. Wolff.

1872. Polonaise [G flat major]. Nothing B. Schott's but the composer's autograph could Sohne. convince one of the genuineness of this piece. There are here and there passages which have the Chopin ring, indeed, seem to be almost bodily taken from some other of his works, but there is also a great deal which it is impossible to imagine to have come at any time from his pen—the very opening bars may be instanced.

Polonaise [B flat minor (1826)].— Gebethner & Vol. I., pp. 52-53. Wolff.

Valse [E major (1829)].— Vol. I., Gebethner & pp. 112, 122. Wolff. W. Chaberski.

Souvenir de Paganini [A major]. This piece, which I do not know, is mentioned in the list of the master's works given by Karasowski in the Polish edition of his life of Chopin. It was published in the supplement of the Warsaw Echo Muzyczne, where also the two preceding pieces first appeared.

About a Mazurka in F sharp major, published under Chopin's name by J. P. Gotthard, of Vienna, see Vol. II., p. 237; and about Deux Valses melancoliques (F minor and B minor) ecrites sur l'Album de Mme. la Comtesse P. 1844, see Vol. II., p. 251.

La Reine des Songes, which appeared in the Paris Journal de Musique, No. 8, 1876, is No. 1 of the Seventeen Polish Songs (transposed to B flat major) with French words by George Sand, beginning:

"Quand la lune se leve Dans un pale rayon Elle vient comme un reve, Comme une vision."

Besides this song, the letter-press, taken from George Sand's Histoire de ma Vie, is accompanied by two instrumental pieces, extracts from the last movement of the E minor Concerto and the Bolero, the latter being called Chanson de Zingara.


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