Contemporary American Literature - Bibliographies and Study Outlines
by John Matthews Manly and Edith Rickert
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LOUISIANA Cable, George Washington King, Grace Elizabeth Matthews, Brander

MAINE Millay, Edna St. Vincent Robinson, Edwin Arlington

MARYLAND Mencken, H.L. (Baltimore) Sinclair, Upton (Baltimore)

MASSACHUSETTS Adams, Henry (Boston) Bradford, Gamaliel (Boston) Burgess, Gelett Child, Richard Washburn Connolly, James Brendan Du Bois, William E.B. Eaton, Walter Prichard Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins French, Alice ("Octave Thanet") Gerould, Katherine Fullerton Grant, Robert (Boston) Hardy, Arthur Sherborne Herrick, Robert (Cambridge) Lincoln, Joseph C. Littell, Philip Lovett, Robert Morss (Boston) Lowell, Amy (Brookline) Perry, Bliss Taylor, Bert Leston Woodberry, George Edward

MICHIGAN Baker, Ray Stannard ("David Grayson") Beach, Rex Comfort, Will Levington Curwood, James Oliver Ferber, Edna White, Stewart Edward

MINNESOTA Eastman, Charles Alexander (Ohiyesa) Lewis, Sinclair Norton, Grace Fallow Oppenheim, James (St. Paul)

MISSISSIPPI Bodenheim, Maxwell

MISSOURI (St. Louis) Akins, Zoe Bullard, Arthur ("Albert Edwards") Churchill, Winston Eliot, T.S. Hurst, Fannie Johns, Orrick More, Paul Elmer Teasdale, Sara Thomas, Augustus

NEBRASKA Piper, Edwin Ford


NEW JERSEY Brooks, Van Wyck Faulks, Theodosia Kilmer, Joyce Middleton, George Sedgwick, Anne Douglas Sharp, Dallas Lore Traubel, Horace

NEW YORK Bacheller, Irving Bangs, John Kendrick Beebe, William (Brooklyn) Benet, William Rose Broun, Heywood (Brooklyn) Burroughs, John Bynner, Witter (Brooklyn) Conkling, Grace Hazard (City) Conkling, Hilda Crapsey, Adelaide Cromwell, Gladys (City) Deutsch, Babette (City) Eastman, Max Erskine, John (City) Hagedorn, Hermann, Jr. (City) Hamilton, Clayton (Brooklyn) Hecht, Ben (City) Irwin, Wallace James, Henry (City) Johnson, Owen (City) Knibbs, H.H. Kreymborg, Alfred (City) Mackaye, Percy (City) Martin, Edward Sandford O'Neill, Eugene (City) Peabody, Josephine Preston (City) Scollard, Clinton Seeger, Alan Sterling, George Untermeyer, Louis (City) Wharton, Edith (City) Wheelock, John Hall Wilde, Percival (City)

NORTH CAROLINA Steele, Wilbur Daniel

OHIO Anderson, Sherwood Chester, George Randolph Gifford, Fannie Stearns Davis (Cleveland) Grey, Zane Howells, William Dean Torrence, Ridgely Untermeyer, Jean Starr Walter, Eugene (Cleveland) Watts, Mary S. Whitlock, Brand

OREGON Markham, Edwin

PENNSYLVANIA Aldington, Hilda Doolittle ("H.D.") Benet, Stephen Vincent Daly, T.A. (Philadelphia) Deland, Margaretta Wade Hergesheimer, Joseph (Philadelphia) Huneker, James Gibbons (Philadelphia) Martin, Helen Reimensnyder Mifflin, Lloyd Morley, Christopher Newton, Alfred Edward (Philadelphia) Repplier, Agnes (Philadelphia) Singmaster, Elsie Tarbell, Ida Van Dyke, Henry Widdemer, Margaret Wiggin, Kate Douglas (Philadelphia) Wister, Owen (Philadelphia) Wood, C.E.S.

SOUTH CAROLINA Cohen, Octavus Roy

TENNESSEE Harrison, Henry Sydnor Marks, Jeanette

VIRGINIA Cabell, James Branch (Richmond) Cather, Willa Sibert Cleghorn, Sarah Glasgow, Ellen (Richmond) Johnston, Mary Page, Thomas Nelson

WASHINGTON Davies, Mary Carolyn

WISCONSIN Gale, Zona Garland, Hamlin


Antin, Mary (Russia) Bjoerkman, Edwin (Sweden) Brody, Alter (Russia) Burnett, Frances Hodgson (England) Cahan, Abraham (Lithuania?) Carman, Bliss (Canada) Giovannitti, Arturo (Italy) Glass, Montague, (England) Hackett, Francis (Ireland) Harris, Frank (Ireland) Kennedy, Charles Rann (England) Leacock, Stephen (Canada) Lewisohn, Ludwig (Germany) Pinski, David (Russia) Ridge, Lola (Ireland) Roberts, Charles G.D. (Canada) Santayana, George (Spain) Seton, Ernest Thompson (England) Stringer, Arthur (Canada) Strunsky, Simeon (Russia) Tobenkin, Elias (Russia) Van Loon, Hendrik Willem (Holland) Wilkinson, Marguerite (Canada)


(This list is not complete but merely suggestive. Titles are given only in cases where the books might not be readily identified. Some special information is also given in parenthesis.)

AFRICA White, Stewart Edward

ALASKA Beach, Rex London, Jack

ANIMALS. See Nature.

ARIZONA White, Stewart Edward

ART AND ARTISTS Ficke, Arthur Davison (Japanese) Howells, W.D. (The Coast of Bohemia) James, Henry Norris, Charles G. (The Amateur)

BOSTON Grant, Robert Howells, William Dean

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS Aikman, H.G. Cahan, Abraham (The Rise of David Levinsky) Chester, George Randolph Dreiser, Theodore (The Financier, The Titan) Ferber, Edna Herrick, Robert Howells, William Dean (The Rise of Silas Lapham, The Quality of Mercy) Hurst, Fannie Kyne, Peter B. Lefevre, Edwin Tarkington, Booth (The Turmoil)

CALIFORNIA Atherton, Gertrude Austin, Mary Irwin, Wallace (Japanese) Lindsay, Vachel Markham, Edwin Sterling, George White, Steward Edward

CANADA Curwood, James Oliver Roberts, Charles G.D. Stringer, Arthur

CAPITAL AND LABOR Anderson, Sherwood (Marching Men) Atherton, Gertrude (Perch of the Devil) French, Alice (The Man of the Hour, The Lion's Share) Sinclair, Upton (The Jungle, Jimmy Higgins, King Coal) Tobenkin, Elias (The House of Conrad) Webster, H.K. (An American Family) Wharton, Edith (The Fruit of the Tree)

CHICAGO Dell, Floyd (The Briary Bush) Dreiser, Theodore Ferber, Edna (The Girls) Fuller, Henry B. (The Cliff Dwellers, With the Procession) Harris, Frank (The Bomb) Herrick, Robert Sandburg, Carl Webster, Henry Kitchell

CHILDREN Bacon, Josephine Dodge Daskam Bjoerkman, Edwin (The Soul of a child) Burnett, Frances Hodgson Comfort, Will Levington (Child and Country) Conkling, Hilda James, Henry (What Maisie Knew) Martin, George Madden Masters, Edgar Lee (Mitch Miller) Robinson, Edwin Meade (Enter Jerry) Tarkington, Booth (Penrod)

CLASSICAL WORLD Aldington, Mrs. Richard ("H.D.") Pound, Ezra

COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY LIFE Bacon, Josephine Dodge Daskam Fisher, Dorothy Canfield (The Bent Twig) Fitzgerald, F. Scott Johnson, Owen Williams, Jesse Lynch

COLORADO Cather, Willa Sibert (Song of the Lark) Sinclair, Upton (King Coal)

COUNTRY LIFE Bachellor, Irving (Eben Holden) Baker, Ray Stannard Howells, William Dean (The Vacation of the Kelwyns)

COWBOYS Clark, Badger Knibbs, H.H. White, Stewart Edward Wister, Owen

CREOLES Cable, George W. King, Grace

DEMOCRACY Bynner, Witter Lindsay, Vachel Sandburg, Carl

DESERT Grey, Zane Wood, C.E.S.

EDUCATION Comfort, Will Levington (Child and Country) Dell, Floyd (Were You Ever a Child?) Norris, Charles G. (Salt)

ENGLAND Burnett, Frances Hodgson James, Henry Wiggin, Kate Douglas

FRANCE Hardy, Arthur Sherborne James, Henry (The American, The Ambassadors) Tarkington, Booth (The Guest of Quesnay) Wharton, Edith

GENIUS Austin, Mary (A Woman of Genius) Drieser, Theodore (The Genius) James, Henry (The Death of the Lion, The Coxon Fund) Sedgwick, Anne Douglas (Tante)

GYPSIES Bercovici, Konrad

HAWAII London, Jack

HISTORICAL Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman (The Perfect Tribute, The Counsel Assigned—Lincoln; The Marshal—Napoleonic period.) Atherton, Gertrude (The Conqueror—Hamilton) Brooks, C.S. (Luca Sarto—15th century France) Bacheller, Irving (A Man for the Ages—Lincoln) Cable, George W. (Old Louisiana, especially New Orleans) Churchill, Winston (Richard Carvel—18th century; The Crisis—Civil War; The Crossing—early 19th century) Glasgow, Ellen (Civil War and Reconstruction periods) Hardy, Arthur Sherborne (Passe Rose—time of Charlemagne) Harris, Frank (Great Days—time of Napoleon) Hergesheimer, Joseph (The Three Black Pennys, Java Head—early American) Johnston, Mary (Colonies—Virginia) Mackaye, Percy (Various periods) Rice, Cale Young (Various periods) Tarkington, Booth (Monsieur Beaucaire—18th century England; Cherry—18th century America) Watts, Mary S. (Nathan Burke—early Ohio) Wharton, Edith (The Valley of Decision—18th century Italy)

ILLINOIS Lindsay, Vachel Masters, Edgar Lee

IMAGINARY COUNTRY Cabell, James Branch (Poictesme) Howells, William Dean (Altruria) McCutcheon, George Barr (Graustark)

IMMIGRANTS Antin, Mary (Russian) Cahan, Abraham (Lithuanian) Cather, Willa Sibert (Bohemian) Cournos, John Daly, T.A. (Irish, Italian) Mackaye, Percy (The Immigrants) Tobenkin, Elias (Russian)

INDIANA Ade, George Nicholson, Meredith Riley, James Whitcomb Tarkington, Booth

INDIANS Austin, Mary Eastman, Charles A. Garland, Hamlin (The Captain of the Gray Horse Troop.) Neihardt, John G. Sarett, Lew R. Wister, Owen (Red Men and White) Wood, C.E.S.

INTERNATIONAL SCENES Atherton, Gertrude (The Aristocrats, American Wives and English Husbands) Burnett, Frances Hodgson Howells, William Dean James, Henry Wharton, Edith

IOWA Garland, Hamlin Quick, Herbert

IRISH Daly, T.A. Dunne, Finley Peter

ITALY AND ITALIANS Daly, T.A. Fuller, Henry B. Howells, William Dean (A Foregone Conclusion) James, Henry (Roderick Hudson, Daisy Miller, The Portrait of a Lady, The Wings of a Dove, The Aspern Papers, etc.) Wharton, Edith (The Valley of Decision)

JAPANESE Irwin, Wallace (in California)

JEWS Brody, Alter Cahan, Abraham Glass, Montague Pinski, David Ridge, Lola

JOURNALISM Cournos, John (The Wall) Howells, William Dean (A Hazard of New Fortunes, The World of Chance)

KENTUCKY Allen, James Lane Cobb, Irvin S. Fox, John Martin, George Madden Rice, Alice Hegan

MARRIAGE Aikman, H.G. (Zell) Churchill, Winston (A Modern Chronicle) Deland, Margaretta Wade Dell, Floyd (The Briary Bush) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield (The Brimming Cup) Herrick, Robert (Together) Norris, Charles G. (Brass) Poole, Ernest (His Second Wife) Webster, Henry Kitchell (Thoroughbred) Widdemer, Margaret (I've Married Marjorie) Williams, Jesse Lynch (And So They Were Married)

MIDDLE WEST Anderson, Sherwood Cather, Willa Sibert French, Alice ("Octave Thanet") Gale, Zona Garland, Hamlin Lewis, Sinclair Lindsay, Vachel Masters, Edgar Lee Neihardt, John G. Piper, Edwin Ford Quick, Herbert Sandburg, Carl

MONTANA Atherton, Gertrude (Perch of the Devil—Butte)

NATURE Beebe, William Burroughs, John Eaton, Walter Prichard London, Jack Mills, Enos A. Roberts, Charles G.D. Seton, Ernest Thompson Sharp, Dallas Lore White, Stewart Edward

NEBRASKA Cather, Willa Sibert Piper, Edwin Ford

NEGROES Burnett, Frances Hodgson Cable, George W. Cohen, Octavus Roy (contemporary, city) Du Bois, William B. Howells, William Dean (An Imperative Duty) King, Grace Lindsay, Vachel (The Congo) O'Neill, Eugene (The Emperor Jones) Page, Thomas Nelson Sheldon, Edward (The Nigger) Torrence, Ridgely (Plays for a Negro Theatre)

NEW ENGLAND Brown, Alice Connolly, James Brendan (Gloucester fishermen) Freeman, Mary Wilkins Frost, Robert Hergesheimer, Joseph (Java Head) Howells, William Dean Lee, Jennette Lincoln, Joseph (Cape Cod) Nathan, Robert O'Neill, Eugene (Beyond the Horizon) Robinson, Edwin Arlington Wharton, Edith (Ethan Frome, Summer) Wiggin, Kate Douglas

NEW MEXICO Corbin, Alice

NEW ORLEANS Cable, George W. King, Grace

NEW YORK Bercovici, Konrad (The Dust of New York) Ford, Sewell Glass, Montague (Jewish) Guiterman, Arthur (Old New York) Howells, William Dean (A Hazard of New Fortunes, The World of Chance) Hurst, Fannie James, Henry (Washington Square) Poole, Ernest (The Harbor) Strunsky, Simeon Wharton, Edith (The Age of Innocence)

NONSENSE Bangs, John Kendrick Burgess, Gelett Leacock, Stephen Marquis, Don

OHIO Anderson, Sherwood Howells, William Dean (The Leatherwood God, The New Leaf Mills) Watts, Mary S.

ORIENT Benet, William Rose (The Great White Wall) Comfort, Will Levington Guiterman, Arthur (Chips of Jade) Lindsay, Vachel (The Chinese Nightingale) Lowell, Amy (Fir-Flower Tablets) Pound, Ezra Tietjens, Eunice

PARIS Hardy, Arthur Sherborne Wharton, Edith (Madame de Treymes)

PENNSYLVANIA Deland, Margaretta (Alleghany) Hergesheimer, Joseph Martin, Helen R. (Dutch) Singmaster, Elsie (Dutch)

PHILOSOPHY (popular) Baker, Ray Stannard ("David Grayson") Brooks, Charles S. Crothers, Samuel McChord Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, and Cleghorn, Sarah (Fellow-Captains) Morley, Christopher Van Dyke, Henry

PIONEERS Cather, Willa Sibert (O Pioneers, My Antonia) Neihardt, John G.

POLITICS Atherton, Gertrude (Senator North) Churchill, Winston (Coniston, Mr. Crewe's Career) Tarkington, Booth (The Gentleman from Indiana) Whitlock, Brand Williams, Ben Ames (The Great Accident)

PRAIRIE LIFE Garland, Hamlin Piper, Edwin Ford Stringer, Arthur

PRIMITIVE LIFE London, Jack White, Stewart Edward

PSYCHO-ANALYSIS Aiken, Conrad Aikman, H.G. (Zell) Anderson, Sherwood (The Triumph of the Egg) Bjoerkman, Edwin (The Soul of a Child) Dell, Floyd (Moon-Calf)

RELIGION Churchill, Winston (The Inside of the Cup) Deland, Margaretta (John Ward, Preacher) Kennedy, Charles Rann (The Servant in the House, The Army with Banners) Van Dyke, Henry Wattles, Willard

SAN FRANCISCO Atherton, Gertrude

SEA AND SAILORS Connolly, James B. (Gloucester fishermen) Lincoln, Joseph C. (Cape Cod) O'Neill, Eugene Williams, Ben Ames

SOCIAL SERVICE AND SETTLEMENT WORK Bercovici, Konrad Harrison, Henry Sydnor (V.V.'s Eyes) Rice, Alice Hegan Wiggin, Kate Douglas

SOCIALISM Eastman, Max Giovannitti, Arturo Howells, William Dean (A Hazard of New Fortunes, Annie Kilburn, The Eye of the Needle, A Traveler from Altruria) Kennedy, Charles Rann Markham, Edwin Oppenheim, James Poole, Ernest Sinclair, Upton Traubel, Horace Whitlock, Brand (The Turn of the Balance)

SOCIETY Adams, Henry (Democracy, Esther) Atherton, Gertrude Grant, Robert James, Henry Wharton, Edith

SOUTH AMERICA Scott, Evelyn (Brazil)

SOUTH SEAS O'Brien, Frederick London, Jack

SPIRITUALISM, SUPERNATURAL Belasco, David (The Return of Peter Grimm) Brown, Alice (The Wind between the Worlds) Freeman, Mary Wilkins (The Wind in the Rosebush) Garland, Hamlin (The Tyranny of the Dark, The Shadow World, Victor Ollnee's Discipline)

STAGE Cather, Willa Sibert (Song of the Lark) Hurst, Fannie Sheldon, Edward B. (Romance) Watts, Mary S. (The Board-man Family) Webster, Henry Kitchell (The Real Adventure, The Painted Scene)

VERMONT Fisher, Dorothy Canfield (The Brimming Cup, Hillsboro People) Nathan, Robert (Autumn)

VILLAGE AND PROVINCIAL TOWN LIFE Anderson, Sherwood (Winesburg, Ohio) Brown, Alice (New England) Deland, Margaretta (Pennsylvania) Freeman, Mary Wilkins (New England) Gale, Zona (Wisconsin) Lewis, Sinclair (Main Street—Minnesota) Lindsay, Vachel (The Golden Book of Springfield) Masters, Edgar Lee (Illinois) Williams, Ben Ames (The Great Accident)

VIRGINIA Cabell, James Branch Glasgow, Ellen Johnston, Mary Page, Thomas Nelson

WALES Marks, Jeannette

WAR Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman Atherton, Gertrude (The White Morning) Broun, Heywood Comfort, Will Levington (Red Fleece) Deland, Margaretta Wade (Small Things) Dos Passos, John Fisher, Dorothy Canfield Kilmer, Joyce Poole, Ernest (Blind) Seeger, Alan Wharton, Edith Whitlock, Brand Wilde, Percival (The Unseen Host)

WASHINGTON, D.C. Atherton, Gertrude (Senator North) Burnett, Frances Hodgson (Through One Administration)

WISCONSIN Gale, Zona Garland, Hamlin

WOMEN (PSYCHOLOGY OF) Churchill, Winston (A Modern Chronicle) Cleghorn, Sarah Deland, Margaretta (The Awakening of Helena Richie, The Rising Tide) Dreiser, Theodore (Sister Carrie, Jennie Gerhardt) Ferber, Edna (The Girls) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield Hergesheimer, Joseph (Linda Condon) Johnson, Owen (The Salamander, Virtuous Wives) Norris, Kathleen Tarkington, Booth (Alice Adams, Gentle Julia) Watts, Mary S. (The Rise of Jennie Cushing)

YOUTH (PSYCHOLOGY OF) Aikman, H.G. (Zell) Allen, James Lane (A Summer in Arcady, The Kentucky Warbler) Anderson, Sherwood Bjoerkman, Edwin (The Soul of a Child) Davies, Mary Carolyn Dell, Floyd Fitzgerald, F. Scott Hecht, Ben James, Henry (The Awkward Age) Nathan, Robert (Peter Kindred) Norris, Charles G. (Salt) Tarkington, Booth (Seventeen, Clarence) Widdemer, Margaret (The Boardwalk) Williams, Ben Ames (The Great Accident)

Transcriber's Note

The following errors and inconsistencies have been maintained.

Misspelled words and typographical errors:

Page Error xii "Loveman, Amy," should end with a . xii "Littell, Philip," should end with a . xii "Underwood, John Curtis," should end with . xiii "Aiken, Conrad," should end with . xv "Miscellany of American Poetry," should end with . xv "Stork, Charles Wharton," should end with . xviii "Morley, Christopher," should end with . xix "Mackay, Constance D'Arcy," should end with . xix "Mayorga, Margaret Gardner," should end with . xix "Shay, Frank," should end with . xix "Stratton, Clarence," should end with . 38 "By the Chrismas Fire" should read "Christmas" 80 "31 ('14)" should be "31 ('10)" 82 "my 'story,' he said," missing " after story,' 103 "Jeannette(Augustus)" missing space before ( 146 "portrait)" should read "(portrait)" 147 "Lit. Digest, 58 (18')" should read "Lit. Digest, 58 ('18)" 169 "Brown, Robert Carleton. Others, 1916" should have . at end 171 "Kennedy Charles Rann" should have , after Kennedy 172 "Gerould, Katherine Fullerton" should read Katharine 178 "Child, Richard Washburn" does not have an entry in the main text of the book 178 "Gerould, Katherine Fullerton" should read Katharine 178 "Hardy, Arthur Sherborne" should read Sherburne 179 "Jeanette" should read Jeannette 180 "Glass, Montague, (England)" has an extra , after Montague 182 "Bachellor" should read Bacheller 182 "Hardy, Arthur Sherborne" should read Sherburne 183 "Drieser, Theodore" should read Dreiser 183 "Hardy, Arthur Sherborne" should read Sherburne 183 "(The Captain of the Gray Horse Troop.)" has an extra . before the ) 186 "Hardy, Arthur Sherborne" should read Sherburne

The following words were inconsistently capitalized:

One-Act / One-act Present-Day / Present-day Who's Who In America / Who's Who in America

The following word was inconsistently spelled:

Bjoerkman / Bjorkman

Other inconsistencies:

ff. used in page references is sometimes closed up with the page numbers and sometimes spaced.


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