Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies)
by John Howie
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JOHN MAXWEL of Milton, (commonly called Milton Maxwel) another of the persecuting tribe, caused apprehend George M'Cartny, and was president of the Assize who condemned those ten of the Pentland sufferers that suffered at Ayr and Irvine 1666; after which he harrassed the poor persecuted people in Galloway, particularly on the water of Orr. After Neilson of Corsack's execution, he came with a party upon his house and riffled it; carrying away every thing portable, he destroyed the rest, and turned out the whole family with the nurse and sucking child to the open fields (lady Corsack being then at Edinburgh). But, with all this ill gotten gain, then and afterwards he was but ill served; for, after the Revolution, he was reduced to seek his betters, and amongst other places came to the house of Corsack, and cringed for an alms from the same lady Corsack before her window, which she generously gave him; but at the same time reminded him of his former wicked life, particularly, his persecuting the people of God. He went off, but with small amendment; and some time after ended his wretched life.—Samson's riddle, A—d—k—n, &c.

—— NISBET, (commonly called lieutenant Nisbet) a man of no high extraction, but born of creditable parents in the parish of Loudon; being inlisted a soldier, obtained for his good services in the persecuting work some time after Bothwel, a lieutenant's post, which he managed with such fury against the poor persecuted wanderers for the cause of Christ, as made him break over all limits or bonds of religion, reason or natural affection or relation; so that he apprehended James Nisbet, a cousin-german of his own, while attending a friend's burial who was executed at Glasgow; where the said James was also executed; and while ranging up and down the country like a merciless tyger, he apprehended another of his cousins, John Nisbet of Hardhill, and with him George Woodburn, John Fergushill and Peter Gemmel (in the parish of Fenwick); which three last he took out, and immediately without sentence shot dead; and then carried Hardhill, after he had given him seven wounds, to Edinburgh, where he was executed. He also apprehended severals in the said parish that were banished; and upon their return at the Revolution, he was amongst the first they saw at Irvine after they landed. At first they were minded to have justice executed upon him; but on a second thought referred him to the righteous judgment of God. After the Revolution, he soon came to beg his bread (as old soldiers oftimes do) and it was said, that coming to a certain poor woman's house in the east country, he got quarters, and for a bed she made him (what we call) a shake-down before a mow of peats (being all her small convenience could afford). On which he lay down, she going out on some necessary errand; a little after, when she returned, she found the wall of peats fallen upon him, which had smothered him to death; a very mean end for such a courageous soldier.—Wodrow, &c.

JAMES GIBSON, (called sometime bailie Gibson of Glasgow) brother to the merchant, but one qualified to barter the bodies of Christ's suffering members. He got the command of his brother's ship with those sufferers that were banished to Carolina in the year 1684. The inhumanity he exercised upon them in their voyage is incredible: they were thrust below hatches, and a mutchkin of water allowed them in 24 hours: so that some of them died of thirst, although they had 14 hogsheads to cast out on their arrival.—These who were sick, were miserably treated; and two endeavouring to escape, were by him beat 8 times a-day, and condemned to perpetual slavery. Nor could they have liberty to serve God; when they began to worship, they were threatened by him in an awful manner. After their arrival, they were by him sold for slaves, and for the most part died in that country. He returned to spend their price till 1699, that he again set out captain of the Rising Sun, with that little fleet for the settlement at Darien.—But being one of the most wicked wretches that then lived, and some of the rest nothing better, the judgment of God pursuing him and them, they fell from one mishap into another, until put off by the Spaniards from thence, they went to Jamaica; from thence every one made the best of their way to their own country. Captain Gibson set off from Blue-fields July 21, 1700: but before he made Florida their masts were off by the boards, which made them with much difficulty come up to Carolina, and making Charleston bar, the very place where he landed Christ's prisoners, just as one of the ministers were gone out, and some more with him, a hurricane came down Sept. 3. and staved the ship all in pieces, where Gibson and 112 persons every soul perished in the surges of the rolling ocean. The Lord is known by the judgments which he executeth.—Wodrow, History of Darien, &c.

JAMES, Duke of York, a professed papist and another excommunicated tyrant, used no small cruelties while in Scotland 1679, 1681 and 1684; but after his ascension to the crown 1685, he threw off the mask, and set himself might and main to advance popery, and exterminate the protestant in-religion in these nations, and for that purpose set all his engines at work to repeal the penal statutes against papists; but that not speeding to his wish, he had recourse to his dispensing power and to an almost boundless toleration; of which all had the benefit, except the poor suffering remnant in Scotland who were still harrassed, spoiled, hunted like partridges on the mountains and shot in the field. Nay, such was his rage, that he said it would never be well, till all the west of Scotland and south of Forth were made a hunting field; and to recite the cruelties by his orders exercised in the west of England by shooting, heading, hanging, and banishing ever seas those concerned in Monmouth's affair, beggars all description. However matters go on; he sends Castlemain to the pope; the pope's nuntio arrives in England; the king declares himself a member of the royal society of jesuits, imprisons the seven bishops in the tower, and threatens to convert England to popery or die a martyr.—But the prince of Orange arriving in England and his army forsaking him, he sets off in a yacht for France, but is taken for a popish priest by some fishermen and brought back. His affairs becoming desperate, he sets off again for France; from thence, with 1800 French, he landed next year in Ireland being joined by the bloody Irish papists. He, like his predecessors, had no small art in dissimulation. Now he told them in plain terms, he would trust or give commissions to no protestants; they stank in his nostrils; he had too long caressed the damned church of England; but he would now do his business without them. Accordingly a popish parliament was called, wherein 3000 protestants were forfeited, and to be hanged and quartered when taken, whereof many were plundered and killed, his cut-throats boasting they would starve the one half and hang the other. In short, they expected nothing but another general massacre. But being defeated on the banks of the Boyn by king William, July 1, 1691. he set off to France never to return. Here he continued till 1700, or by some 1701, that he took a strange disease, which they were pleased to call a lethargy, wherein he became quite stupid and senseless, and so died at St. Germains in that situation, after he had lived ten years a fugitive exile. He poureth contempt upon princes, and causeth them to wander in the wilderness, &c.—History of popery under James, Martyrs in flames, &c.

SIR ARCHIBALD KENNEDY of Colzen, another violent persecutor in Carrick and parts adjacent; for having got the command of a troop of militia, he ranged the country in quest of the sufferers, (a very puny employment for a gentleman) and amongst other cruelties killed one Wm. M'Kirgue at Blairquachen mill 1685, and the same year surprized a meeting for prayer near Kirkmichael, and shot Gilbert M'Adam for essaying to escape. And, though he got over the persecuting work, he obtained no reformation of a cruel and wicked life for some time after the Revolution.—The remarkable occurrence at his burial is sufficient to indicate in what circumstance he died; for, if we shall credit one present, as soon as the gentlemen lifted his corpse, a terrible tempest of thunder arose, to the terror of all present: when going to the church-yard it ceased a little; but when near the place of interment it recurred in such a fearful manner, that the flashes of fire seemed to run along the coffin, which affrighted them all: nay, from the lightness of the bier, it is said, that some were apt to conclude the body was thereby consumed, or else taken away by the devil from among their hands, before they gained the place of interment. A note of God's fiery indignation on such a fiery persecutor. Upon the wicked he shall rain fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest.Crookshanks, A—d R—n.

DUNCAN GRANT, a cripple with a tree leg who vaunted of his wickedness, was another of this hellish crew, (for so I may by this time call them). His leg did not hinder him from running, or rather riding up and down the country oppressing and killing God's people. In Clydesdale he uplifted 1500l. of fines. And being one of lord Airly's petty officers, he got a commission 1683, to hold courts in East Kilbride parish, upon which he quartered his party and harrassed them in a cruel manner. He spoiled the house and goods of John Wilson in High-Flet, to the value of 673l. seizing crops and land and all: and, though he got the gift of some land there, he did not long possess it; for, after the Revolution, he was reduced to extreme poverty, and went through the country now begging, (instead of robbing) until the day of his death, which was a very terrible one, if we may believe what I have often heard related by several judicious old men of good credit and reputation. He at last came to a kind of gentleman's house in the east country for quarters. The gentleman, coming to the hall, and seeing him in a dejected melancholy situation, asked the reason. At last, Grant told him, That, by a former paction, the devil was to have, him soul and body that night. Whether the gentleman believed the reality of this or rather took him to be crazed, I cannot say: but it was said, he gave him such advices as occurred to him, to break off his sins by repentance, and implore God's mercy, who was able to pardon and prevent his ruin, &c.—What answers he gave we know not; but he went to bed in the gentleman's barn. It appears, he asked no company, else they were not convinced fully in the matter. However, he was not like to open the door next morning, which made them at last break it open; where they found his body dissected on the floor, and his skin and quarters in such a position, as I shall forbear to mention, lest they should shock the humane reader's mind.—History of the sufferings &c. A—d R—n.

ALEXANDER HUME, commonly called sheriff Hume, probably because employed by the sheriff or sheriffs depute in Renfrew, as a kind of inferior officer, and of that kind to persecute, pursue and oppress the sufferers, in which he proved a most industrious labourer, wherein he would run upon the least notice of any field preaching, and harrass people, particularly, in the parish of Eglesham, where he mostly resided: for instance, hearing that Mr. Cameron was preaching at a place in that parish called Mungie hill, he and one R—t D—p, another of these vassals, set off, and, while in the tent, they laid hold on it to pull it down, because he was on Eglinton's ground. Mr. Cameron told them, he was upon the ground of the great God of heaven, unto whom the earth and its fulness did belong, and charged them in his Master's name to forbear; and so they were detained by the people till all was over. Sometimes he, with the foresaid D—p, would go to the outed people's houses, and offer to throw them down or inform against them, whereby he got sums of money or other considerations. But all this, besides a large patrimony by his parents of some thousands of pounds, did not serve him long; for he came to beggary, wherein he was so mean as to go to some of these men's houses he had before offered or laid hands on to cast down, some of whom served him liberally. We ought not to be rash in drawing conclusions on the occurrences of divine providence; but people could not help observing that, having a little pretty girl, who was one moon-shine night playing with the children in the village and a mad dog came and passed through them all, and bit her; whereof she grew mad, and it is said was to bleed to death, whereby his name and offspring of a numerous family of 17 or 18 children became extinct. At last she died in misery and was buried. Upon his grave the school-boys cast their ashes, (the school being then in the church) till it became a kind of dunghill, and so remains to this day. This needed be no observation, were it not that such a nauseous and infamous monument is suitable enough unto such nauseous service and an infamous life.—A—d R—n.

JOHN GIBB, (from the largeness of his body commonly called meikle John Gibb) ship-master and sailor in Borrowstoness, set out amongst the most zealous part of the sufferers; but being but badly founded in principle, about the year 1681, he associated three men and twenty-six women to himself, and on a pretence of religious zeal to serve God, took to the decent places towards the west of Scotland; where from their often singing the mournful psalms, they were called the sweet singers. But they had not long continued there, till they fell into fearful delusions, disowning all but themselves; for, laying more stress upon their own duties of fasting and devotion than upon the obedience, satisfaction and righteousness of Christ, they soon came to deny part of the scripture, and to reject the psalms of David in metre; which began first to be discovered at Lochgoin in Fenwick parish. But returning eastwards towards Darmead, faithful Mr. Cargil had a meeting with them, and used all means with this mad-cap and his hair-brained followers to convict or reclaim them; but to no purpose. And when some asked his mind anent them, he said, he was afraid some of them would go great lengths, but be happily reclaimed; (which came to pass). "But for Gibb, there are many devils in him (said he), wo be to him; his name will stink while the world standeth." They were all taken to Edinburgh tolbooth, and about the first of May gave in a paper to the council, shewing how many days they had fasted all at once, how they had burnt the psalms,—and renounced the confession of faith, covenants, reforming acts of assembly, the names of days, months, &c. These extravagancies pleased York then in Edinburgh well, who dismissed them: after which, Gibb, the three men and two women went west to the Frost moss betwixt Airth and Stirling, where they burnt the holy bible (one night with a great light around them) with the most fearful expressions. Gibb and some of them were again apprehended and taken to the Canongate tolbooth, where they took such fits of fasting for several days, that their voices changed like to the howlings of dogs. Gibb became so possest of a roaring devil, like another demoniack, that the sufferers could not get exercise made in the room, which made two of them by turns lie upon him that time, holding a napkin to his mouth. But George Jackson, martyr, coming there, he asked, if that was his fashion? they said, it was. He said, he would stay his roaring.—After threatening to no purpose, he caused them stop in worship, till he beat him severely: after which, when they began, he would run behind the door, and with the napkin his mouth, sit howling like a dog. About 1684, he and one D. Jamie were banished to America, where it was said, Jamie became an atheist, and Gibb came to be much admired by the poor blind Indians for his familiar converse with the devil and sacrificing to him (a thing then more common than now in these parts). In consequence of such a wretched life, he died a dismal death as far down as 1720.—Wodrow, Walker's remarks.

SIR ROBERT GRIERSON of Lag, was another prime hero for the promoting of Satan's kingdom. I think that it was sometime after Bothwel that he was made sheriff or sheriff depute of Dumfries. But to relate all the sining, spoiling, oppression and murders committed by this worthy of Satan, or champion of his kingdom, were beyond my intention. I must leave it to his elegy, and the histories of that time, and only in a cursory way observe, that besides 1200l. of fines exacted in Galloway and Nithsdale shires, he was accessory to the murdering, under colour of their iniquitous laws, Margaret McLauchlan aged sixty-three years, and Margaret Wilton a young woman, whom they drowned at two stakes within the sea-mark, at the water of Bladnock. For his cold blood murders, he caused hang Gordon and Mr. Cubin on a growing tree near Irongray, and left them hanging there 1686. The same year, he apprehended Mr. Bell of Whiteside, D. Halliday of Mayfield, and three more, and, without giving them leave to pray, shot them dead on the spot. Whiteside, being acquainted with him, begged but one quarter of an hour to prepare for death; all he got from him was, "What the devil, have ye not got time enough to prepare since Bothwel?" and so he was shot. The same summer, Annandale having apprehended G. Short and D. Halliday, and having bound them, after quarters granted, the monster Lag came up, and, as they lay on the ground under cloud of night, caused shoot them immediately, leaving their bodies thus all blood and gore. Nay, such was their audacious impiety, that he with the rest of his bon companions, persecutors, would over their drunken bowls feign themselves devils, and those whom, they supposed in hell, and then whip one another as a jest on that place of torment. When he could serve his master this way no longer, he wallowed in all manner of atheism, drunkenness, swearing and adultery, for which he was excommunicated by the church after the revolution, and yet by the then powers was made justice of the peace sometime before 1714; a disgrace to any civilized nation, not to mention a presbyterian profession. Thus he continued in his wicked obstinate courses to an old age, although his name and estate are now extinct. But death's pangs at last arresting him, and all other refuges failing him under the views of his former wicked nefarious life, in imitation of his master Charles, he feigned himself of the popish profeshon, because a popish priest made him believe, for money, he could pardon all his sins, and even when in purgatory for them, he could bring him to heaven. And so we must conclude he died 1733, Dec. 23d, and went down to Tophet with a lie in his right hand, and so remains in spite of all the priest could mutter or mumble over him, as the author of his Elegy in his master's name well expresses it:

For when I heard that he was dead, A legion of my den did lead Him to my place of residence, And there he'll stay and not go hence. This Lag will know and all the rest, Who of my lodging are possest. On earth they can no more serve me; But still I'll have their companie, &c.

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To the foregoing List I shall subjoin a few more of these Satannical Heroes of inferior note, who also persecuted the Followers of the Lamb during the suffering period.

CORNELIUS ANDERSON, who was one of those ten sentenced to die at Air and Irvine, 1666, to save his own life became executioner to the rest (when the executioner poor Sutherland a native of the highlands would not do it) for which divine vengeance did pursue him; for coming down from the gibbet, the boys stoned him out of the town, and the noise of such an infamous action running faster than his feet could carry him, made him be hated of all honest men. This and horror of his own conscience haunting him made him go over to Ireland, where he was little better: almost no man would give him work or lodging. At last, he built a little house upon some piece of common ground, near Dublin, which in a little after accidently took fire, and so he and it were both burnt to ashes.—Crookshank's history, Walker's remarks.

—— MURRAY who, lest Kersland should escape, went behind the bed with a light and catched him standing with his Bible, while waiting on his sick lady in 1669, in a few days after became distracted, and in his lucid intervals (while alive) would cry and roar out under that agony, Oh, that ever he was instrumental in that matter.—Wodrow, &c.

—— one of these cursed wretches, who carried Mr. King from Glasgow 1679. After he had, with his companions on horseback, drunk to the confusion of the covenants and destruction of the people of God, rode off with the rest; and meeting one of his acquaintance at the Stable-green Port who asked where he was going, he said to carry King to hell; and then galloping after the rest, whistling and singing on the Lord's-day: But before he had gone many pace, behold, the judgment of Divine Omnipotency, his horse foundered on somewhat in the path, and his loaded carabine went off and shot him, and so he tumbled from his horse dead.—Wodrow.

DAVID CUNNING, or Cumming, being willingly hired by that bloody crew (who took Mr. King in the parish of Dalry near Kilwinning) to be their guide to Glasgow: but the horse they provided for him going stark mad, he was obliged to go on foot (after which the horse became as calm as ever.) But after Cumming's return, it was observable, that every person on meeting him started back, as if they had seen an apparition; for which they could give no other reason. However he had no success in the world, and died despicably.—Missive in Manuscript.

WILLIAM AUCHMUTIE, another of this black gang, riding with the rest of his party to Couper 1679, and espying that young excellent gentleman, young Aiton of Inchdarnie riding at some distance, brake off from the rest full speed after him; and, though he was his relation, he shot two balls through his body, without ever asking him one question, and so left him. And though he came again and asked forgiveness of him when dying which he readily granted with some advice, yet the justice and judgment of God seemed not to be satisfied; for in two or three years after, he died under the terrible agonies of an awakened conscience for the foresaid fact, and so launched to eternity.—Wodrow.

ANDREW DALZIEL, a cocker or fowler, but a debauchee. While Mr. Cameron was preaching in a house in a stormy day near Cumnock, cried out, "Sir, we neither know you nor your God." To whom Mr. Cameron said, "You and all who know not my God in mercy, shall know him in his judgments, which shall be sudden, and surprising upon you, &c." Accordingly in a few days being in perfect health, he vomited his very heart's blood in the vessel wherein he had taken his breakfast plentifully, and so expired in a most frightful manner.—Walk. remarks.

JOHN SPIER a wicked wretch inlisted himself under major Balfour; and, amongst other pieces of his persecuting work, he apprehended Mr. Boyd (then a student) in Glasgow. A little after being ordered to stand centinel at the Stable-green Port, he must needs to be sure, get up upon the battlement of the Port, upon which he fell over, and broke his neck bone and so ended his wretched life.—Wodrow.

JOHN ANDERSON, indweller in Glasgow, in the year 1684, was amongst others prevailed upon to take that hell-hatched test upon his knee. Not long after he took a running issue in his left hand and knee. And though we are not to be too peremptory in drawing conclusions of this kind, yet we may relate what this poor man's apprehensions of the causes of this disease were. The disease still increasing, he still cried out, "This is the hand I lifted up, and this is the knee I bowed to take the test." And in a few days after he died in great horror of conscience.—Wodrow.

WILLIAM MUIRHEAD vintner there, on his taking said test, rising from his knees said to the administrator, "Now you have forced me to take the test on my knees, and I have not bowed my knee to God in my family these seven years." And though a rude wicked man, yet his conscience got up, and next Sabbath he was suddenly seized with bodily illness, and in that condition died.—Wodrow.

WILLIAM SPALDIE in Glasgow, a third, who there took and subscribed the test, in a little after fell under great remorse of conscience for taking that self contradictory test. At length he sickened. Some people having come to visit him, endeavoured to comfort him; but he utterly refused every thing of this nature; and when desired to consider the extensive greatness of the mercy of God in Christ, he said, "Speak not of mercy to me. I have appealed to God and attested him to judge me, and he will do it. I have sealed and signed my condemnation with mine own hand, &c." And so he died in great distress.—Wodrow.

JOHN FRAM in Loudon parish, was once a most zealous professor and in fellowship with John Richmond the martyr, yet to save his life, foully apostatized not only from the cause of Christ, but also was one of these who witnessed him to death. After which he became a bankrupt, and fled to Ireland; where it was said that he (who would not hang for religion) was there hanged for stealing of horses.

JOHN PATERSON, another of the same society, who witnessed him also to death, went from one thing to another, till he took the clap or French-pox, and died at Edinburgh miserable.

JOHN LOUDON and John Connel of the same society, and who acted the same part, were reduced to beggary afterwards.—Cloud &c.

PATRICK INGLES, son to Captain Ingles, with a party in May 1685, surprized ten or twelve men at a night meeting for prayer at Little Blackwood, (Kilmarnock parish) took ten prisoners, and shot James White, cut off his head with an ax, and carried it to New-milns, where one of them played with it for a foot-ball. Ingles procured a warrant to shoot the rest, had they not in the mean time been relieved by the country. Whether it was Patrick himself or one of the dragoons I cannot say, but it is said, he who used the martyrs head thus, being got up unto the top of the garrison house there, a little after when easing him over the battlement, fell backward over the wall, and broke his neck, which ended a wicked life by a miserable ignominious death.—Crookshanks, Appendix, A—d, R—n.

WILLIAM SMITH in Moor-mailing, (Shots parish) with his brother when returning home from Pentland, William stepped aside to a neighbour's house when near home upon a certain errand; but not coming out soon, his brother went to see for him. But when going past the window, he had a glance of two men and a woman standing round his brother, and a spit run through his throat: this made him flee for his life. William was not to be found, and as things then went, his brother durst make no inquiry after him. Near thirty years after, sometime after the revolution, he was found in a clift of a moss, standing as if he had been put down wanting the head. His brother came upon the first notice, and not minding the situation, grasped him in his arms: upon which he crumbled all down to dust. Which remains they gathered up and buried, upon which a stone was erected with a motto, which is to be seen to this day.—But let us hear what became of these murderers. One of the men, it is said, died in great horror of conscience, and would have discovered the fact, had not his brother and sister accomplices thrust a napkin into his mouth, and so he expired. Some time after, the other brother being abroad, was got lying dead upon the way in drink as was supposed. Last of all, the woman hanged herself, and was buried in two or three laird's grounds clandestinely, but still raised by orders of the proprietors; till being wearied, the buriers threw her carcase into an old coal-pit, and so the tragical story ended.—A—d R—n.

The Earl of Argyle, and others, made an attempt 1685, and though their quarrel was not altogether stated according to the antient plea of the Scottish covenanters; yet they came to rescue the nations from popery, slavery and bloody persecution; but being broke, and several of his officers and men taken, the gallant col. R——d Rumbol of Rye-house fled westward, and would it is thought have extricated himself of the enemy, had not a number of cruel country men risen, and (after a gallant resistance) taken him, west from Lismahagow, in the head of Dalsyrf or Glassford parish. Nay, it is said, they were so cruel that, while defending himself against three in number, having turned his horse with his back to a stone gavel, one of them came with a corn fork and put it behind his ear, and turned off his head-piece; to whom he said, "O cruel country man! that used me thus, when my face was to mine enemy." However, he was by them taken to Edinburgh, and from the bar to the scaffold, drawn up on a gibbet, then let down a little, and his heart taken out by the executioner while alive, and held out on the point of a bayonet, and then thrown into a fire; his body quartered, and placed on the public places of the nation.—But let us hear what became of these ungrateful wretches, who thus used and apprehended him who had ventured his life to deliver them from cruel bondage. Few of them died a natural death.

Mark Ker, one of the principal actors, and who was said to wound him after he was taken, and who it is said got his sword, was afterwards killed on a summer evening at his own door, (or run through by the same sword), by two young men who called themselves col. Rumbol's sons, and who, it is said, went off without so much as a dog's moving his tongue against them, &c.

George Mair, being abroad, when returning, wandered and fell over Craignethen craigs, got some of his limbs broke, and stuck in a thicket, and when found next day was speechless, and so died in that condition.

One —— Wilson was killed by the fall of a loft. Another in Hamilton (commonly called the long lad of the Nethertoun) got his leg broken, which no physician could cure, and so corrupted that scarce any person for the stink could come near him, &c.

—— Weir of Birkwood fell from his horse, and was killed; and his son not many years ago, was killed by a fall down a stair in drink after a dregy.

Gavin Hamilton who got his buff coat, (out of which Rumbol's blood could by no means be washed) lived a good while after a wicked and vicious life, yet his name and memorial is become extinct, and the place of his habitation is razed out, and become a plain field.—M. S.

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But what needs more?—Examples of this kind are numerous. God has provided us with his wonderful works, both in mercy and judgment, to be had in everlasting remembrance,—that their ends may be answered, and that they may serve for a memorial of instruction and admonition to those on whom the end of the world is come.

The Lord is by the judgments known which he himself hath wrought: The sinners hands do make the snares wherewith themselves are caught.

N. B. To the foregoing prodigies of wickedness, I intended to have added a number of examples of the same nature in England and elsewhere under the auspices of popery; but the Scots Worthies having swelled so far above expectation, to which this behoved to go as an Appendix as proposed, I was not only obliged to desist from my intended design in this, but even to contract or abridge my former transcript of these historical hints and omit several practical observations thereon, which might have been useful, or at least entertaining to the reader.—At the same time the reader is to observe, That all the authors are not named from whence they are collected, but only the most principal; nor are they to expect every circumstance in any one of these quoted in every example; for what is omitted by one author is observed by another; which rendered the knitting of such distant authors and variety of materials into such a small composition, a matter of some difficulty.



[266] For this see the conclusion of the general meeting at Blackgannoch, March 7, 1688, and last conclusion of the general meeting at Crawford John, April 21, 1697, and second conclusion of the general meeting at Carntable, Oct. 29, 1701. but what of this was done, cannot now be found.

[267] Such as Earls-hall, the laird of Meldrum, Livingston, bloody Douglas, major White, &c. as for lieutenant Drummond, captain Windrum, lieutenant Bruce and lieut. Turner, who went over with the rest of Dundee officers to France, they died at Tourelliers. See {illegible}stan and Perpignon hospitals, 1693 and 1694, miserable enough.

[268] Passing scripture instances, such as a Manasseh amongst the thorns, a penitent thief upon the cross,—the late earl of Argyle who was executed 1685, was a member of the bloody council many years, but this he lamented at his death, particularly his casting vote on Mr. Cargil; and for ought we can learn, in charity we must suppose he obtained mercy: and the youngest bailie in Edinburgh, who gave the covenants out of his hand to the hangman to be burnt, was afterwards thought to be a good man, and ever lamented that action, and did much service to Christ's prisoners after. Yet the Lord would not suffer him to go unpunished in this life, for it is said he never had the use of that hand after; and for all his stately buildings, they were burnt to ashes in 1700.

[269] Buchanan mentions not his burial. Knox says, they gave him salt enough and a lead cap, and let him in the sea tower to see what the bishops would procure for him. Fox and Clark say, he lay {illegible} months unburied, and then like a carrion was thrown on a dunghill.—Sir David Lindsay of the Mount, made the following stanza on his death:

As for the Cardinal, I grant, He was the man we well could want, God will forgive it soon: But of a truth, the sooth to say, Altho' the Lown be well away, The fact was foully done.

[270] Spotswood would have us believe, there was nothing remarkable in her life or about her death more than what is incident to princes; but we must rather believe and follow Knox in this.

[271] The queen was at this time pregnant with James VI. Some historians have been inclined to think, from the intrigues this Rizio had with the queen, that James VI. Char. I. and II. and Jam. VII. had more of the nature, qualities, features and complexion of the Italian Fidler, than of the ancient race of the Stuarts, kings of Scotland.

[272] Mr. John Douglas once a great presbyterian, was the first bishop that thus entered by prelacy in Scotland; after which he became slothful and negligent in his office. But one time, coming into the pulpit at St. Andrew's he fell down in it and died.—Naphtali.

[273] Mr. Clark in his lives represents Mr Cooper as an eminent saint. No doubt he had his credentials from the bishops. But we must rather follow Mr. Calderwood and the author of the Fullfilling of the Scriptures.

[274] This king's reign has by historians been represented with different features; some making him a just, religious and wise prince: but whatever his abilities were and whatever advantage the church got in his minority, yet it is sure his reign was almost one continued scene of affliction and tribulation to Christ's faithful witnesses, and laid the foundation of all the evils that followed.

[275] The bishop of Winchester who wrote Spotiswood's life now prefixed to his history, represents him for moderation, patience and piety, as one of the greatest saints that ever lived. He says, He was always beloved of his master, and the only instrument for propagating Episcopacy in Scotland, to which he gave a testimony in his dying words, with much more fulsome stuff!

[276] The high fliers and English historians lay the blemishes of this reign on the covenanters, and make Charles I. the martyr.—As to his eternal state, it is not our part to determine; God has judged him: but sure, he was the prime instrument of all the broils and bloody disasters that took place in the end of his reign.

[277] Here observe, that Mr. William Violant formerly minister at Ferry Parton in Fife, was indulged to Cambusnethen 1699 (whom Mr. Wodrow calls a man of singular learning, moderation and temper,—perhaps because he wrote a pretended answer to the history of the indulgence) upon a time hearing some relate Mr. Cargil's faithfulness and diligence in preaching at all hazards, &c. Mr. Violant said, what needs all this ado? we will get heaven and they will get no more. This being again related to Mr. Cargil, he answered, yes, we will get more, we will get God glorified on earth, which is more than heaven. However Mr. Violant out lived the revolution, and was sometime minister of the established church, being one of these nominated by the general assembly 1690, to visit the south of Tay. While on his death-bed one of his brethren came to visit him, and asking how it was with him now? his answer was, "No hope, no hope." Whether this terminated in his final destruction {illegible} otherways, we know not: but sure we may say with the Psalmist, Thou tookest vengeance of their inventions.

[278] The author of Claverhouse's memoirs, says, That they were shot by James Carmichael laird of little Blackburn, and fifty whigs,—Vid. page 17.

[279] I could here relate several stories by tradition of his deceiving the devil with his shadow at a race in Muscovy, his delivering a woman from him by the burning of a candle,—his supplanting him in a hat full of money, &c. But I forbear.

[280] We have no account of Charters' death, but it is more than probable he died in that condition, as few or none of that tribe we read of were ever again recovered.

[281] Perhaps, some may think this anent proof of shot a paradox, and be ready to object here as formerly concerning bishop Sharp and Dalziel, "How can the devil have or give a power to save life? &c." Without entering upon the thing in its reality, I shall only observe; That it is neither in his power or of his nature to be a saviour of men's lives; he is called Apollyon the destroyer. 2. That even in this case, he is said to give only inchantment against one kind of mettle, and this does not save life; for the lead would not take Sharp and Claverhouse's life, yet steel and silver could do it: and for Dalziel, though he died not on the field, he did not escape the arrows of the Almighty.

[282] Concerning the death of the Duke of Drumlanerig, alias Queensbury, we have the following relation:—That a young man perfectly well acquainted with the Duke (probably one of those he had formerly banished) being now a sailor and in foreign countries, while the ship was upon the coast of Naples or Sicily, near one of the burning mounts, one day they espied a coach and six all in black going toward the mount with great velocity, when it came past them they were so near that they could perceive the dimensions and features of one that sat in it. The young man said to the rest, If I could believe my own eyes, or if ever I saw one like another, I would say, that is the duke. In an instant, they heard an audible voice echo from the mount, Open to the duke of Drumlanerig; upon which the coach, now near the mount, evanished. The young man took pen and paper, and marked down the month, day and hour of the apparition; and upon his return, found it exactly answereth the day and hour the Duke died. Perhaps some may take this representation of his future state for a romance; but it is as it has been oftimes related by old men of good credit and reputation.


Given in by JOHN GLEN, Merchant, Port-Glasgow.


James Glen, taylor Alex. M'Farlane do. George M'Gee smith Andrew Mann skipper Wm. Holm shoemaker James Erskine dyer Wm. Henderson baker Wm. Liddel do. James Couper skipper Humphray Davie shop keeper Archd. Brown taylor James Ronald shoemaker Wm. Wallace do. John Stiven tanner Wm. Allerdie weaver John Paton George Campbel weaver Robert Jamieson porter Samuel Fife Rope maker


Robert M'Farlane wright Andrew Simson do. James Munn do. James Morison do. David Fife weaver Wm. Lamont shoemaker Wm. Turner junr. smith Humphray M'Lean baker Wm. Hart do. James M'Kean copper smith John Armour weaver Wm. Gibb sawer James Graham carter Archd. Henderson wright Thomas Edmiston mason James Kelly wright George Neilston do. Duncan Buchanan sawer James Davidson weaver Malcolm White do. George Nicol do. Archd. Scott wright Daniel Fleming do. Archd. Taylor do. Dougal Gray clerk Moses M'Cool sawer John Biggar do. Archd. M'Vicar do. Wm. Holm do. Peter Sinclair do. James Stuart do. Andrew Fairlie do. John Gordon do. John Adam do. John Litsler do. Wm. Paterson wright Donald M'Intosh copper smith James White labourer James M'Kinzie baker John Rodger junr. smith Francis Sproul wright John Flane John Garner labourer


John Banks miner Thomas Ferguson do. William Gordon do. Wm. Watson do.


William Minzies hosier David Miller labourer Robert Taylor farmer Alexr. Hadridge do. James White do. John Greenlees labourer John Laird farmer John Laird do.

Andrew Dick, Erskine


Wm. Stuart school master Robert Barr shoemaker Alexr. Stevenson farmer Robert Orr smith Patrick Lindsay flax dresser


James Hamilton linen printer Matthew Bush do. John Stirling engraver Frederick Gordon do. Randolph M'Innes linen printer John Hall do. Wm. Yuill do. Patrick M'Farlane do. Andrew Aitken wright Walter Lindsay labourer John M'Grigor copperman Wm. M'Farlane shoemaker Wm. M'Aulay maltman John Barton farmer John Barr farrier William Gordon James Bain miller Robt. M'Farlane farmer John Cafor Andrew Aitken Patrick Gray Hellbrick


Thos. Maltman linen printer Thomas Kereg do. Adam White do. John Bryce couper Wm. Henderson shoemaker James Henderson linen printer John Alexander vintner Michael Lindsay Katharine Beatson, Drummond Robert Brash there


Bailie James Colquhoun George Walker shoemaker John Ewing do. John Mitchel do. Patrick Mitchel do. John Lindsay do. Patrick Colquhoun do. Peter Houston do. Elizabeth Lin Janet Donald Katharine Houston James Paterson sawer Robert Lata boatman John M'Alester wright Alexr. Williamson do. Alexander Brown do. Archibald Glen weaver James M'Niel do. John Houston do. Wm. Lang merchant Hugh Cameron do. Wm. Alexander wright John Webster baker Robert Lang farmer Wm. Lang malter


Robert Williamson stay maker Andrew Shields taylor William M'Farlane couper William Reid dyer Robert Gardiner shoemaker Mungo M'Intyre do. Jeremiah Rankin do. James Ker do. James Scott do. Alexander Little do. Archibald Fife weaver James Morison currier

Margaret Martin in Shots


John Train merchant James M'Culloch wright John Rentoul do. William Black do. James Auken do. Patrick Wotherspoon do. Robert Lintown do. James Lintown do. Archibald Martin mason Hugh Anderson do. Patrick Stobs do. John Carse reed maker Thomas Tudhope labourer David Scott mason David Picken wright Duncan Robertson Robert Findlay stone cutter John Brownlie mason Henry Sutherland do. John Campbel Wm. Scott weaver Matthew Brown do. William Cochran do. Robert Craig do. William Stevenson do. William Robertson do. John Dunlop do. John Willison do. Robert More do. John Macham do. John Campbel do. James Renfrew do. Thomas Gemmel do. John Peden do. Peter Lithgow do. Robert Stirling do. Neil Whyte do. Alexander Stuart do. James Bryce do. Edward Taylor do. Archibald Leckie do. John Sproul do. Alexander M'Gown do. Thomas Suttily do. James Hillhouse do. John Reid do. James M'Lymont do. Alexander Thomson do. Mungo White do. Thomas King do. James Brown hosier William Semple do. John Richmond smith Andrew Morison mason John Jack do. James Semple silk dresser John Dunlop weaver


John Balfour shoemaker John Rankin linen printer William Maxwel do. James Duncan do. Alexander Dalgliesh do. John Dalgliesh do. James Adam cutler John Strong do. John Brown bleacher John Niven yarn washer John Miller John Craig David Shephard weaver James Lang do. William Swap do. John Young do. Thomas Robertson do. William Dunlop do. Robert Stevenson do. John Gibson do. John Thomson labourer


William Livingston gardener Thomas Laird wright Hugh Allan shoemaker James Allison labourer William Pinkston weaver Robert Thomson do. Robert Spier senior do. Andrew Giffin do. Joseph Jamieson do. John Houston senior do. John Houston junior do. James Pinkerton do. Thomas Monie do. James Buchanan do. Robert Hall do. William Park do. William Provan do. William Gavin do. John Wright do. James Barr do. William Davis do. James Houston do.


Robert Boyd weaver James Patieson do. Robert Kilpatrick do. William Lindsay do. Robert Matthie do. John Guy do. Robert Hunter do. John Crawford do. David Kennedy do. Bryce Barr do. Andrew Smith do. Adam Barr do. Robert Gillespie do. Archibald Taylor do. John Knox do. Robert Jamieson of Boghead William Knox shoemaker Hugh Knox do. Robert Patrick do. Robert Fulton do. Robert Hunter taylor Robert Glen do. James Clark do. Robert Kerr merchant Thomas Miller mason John Houston do. James Craig shoemaker James Campbel flax dresser Allan Caldwell Thomas Howie carter William Pollock smith William Allan David Caldwall mason John Dunlop merchant James Pollock farmer


Robert Orr farmer James Orr weaver Robert Montgomerie shoemaker Thomas Houston mason John Logan do. William Findlay do. John Sheddan weaver John Barclay do. James Allan smith


John Boyd portioner Daniel Kerr do. Allan Spier of Kersland mill James Stirrat merchant John Lyle Andrew Hunter Samuel Hunter of Pastorhill Andrew Greg wright John Logan do. Allan Bogle farmer William Woodside do. Robert Ferguson do. Thomas Aitken portioner Thomas Milliken mason Robert Howie carter William Kirkwood flax dresser Alexr. M'Pherson coal grieve William Galston carter James Miller do. John Fulton John Plewhight dykebuilder William Archibald farmer John Muir weaver James Niel do. Robert Dunlop do. Robert Auld do. John Archibald do. Thomas Logan do. John Hamilton do. William Aitken do. David Auld do. Robert Stuart do. Hugh Oswald James Kerr do. John Montgomerie do. James Laurie do. John Auld do. Robert Aitken weaver Hugh Willison do. James Aitken weaver John Henry do. Matthew Stirrat do.


James Baillie junr. weaver Alexander Petter do. John Conn do. James Dotchen do. James Gray do. Robert Barr do. William Murdoch do. Duncan Lowdon do. John Starrat John Gath couper Irvine


Thomas Kirkwood merchant Hugh Gilmore do. Robert Boyd weaver John Dyet do. James M'Millan do. Alexander Howie wright Robert Gardiner causayer John Boyd Mary Black Jean Cowen


William Biggart farmer John Fleck do. James Galbraith do. William Dun do.


Thomas Hunter merchant James Watson wright Thomas Lauchlan do. George Starrat William Stevenson merchant Thomas Service wright Daniel Vicar do. John Craig merchant Elizabeth Anderson John M'Millan Bryce M{illegible} ship master John Ka{illegible} rope maker James Raside do. Robert Ingram junior James Hall ropemaker James Ske{illegible} weaver William Barr do. James Robertson do. Robert Workman do. Robert Dunlop do. James Hill


Daniel Kerr merchant Robert M'Naught wright John Wilson maltman Henry Reid weaver Slackmanan, 12 copies

Given in by Mr. CHRISTOPHER SCOTT, student in divinity now in Pathhead.

Adam Watson smith Pathhead Mr. James Thomson student in philosophy David Mitchel weaver there John Reid weaver Sinklertown Robert Forrester do. Pathhead James Mitchelson do. Mr. Aeneas M'Bean student in philosophy Mr. David Black do. Mr. John Thomson do. James Halley weaver there Walter Gray do. there Matth. Shields junior Gallatown John Goodwin manufacturer Pathhead John Drybrough smith there Laurence Mitchel weaver there John Lawson do. there George Adam do. there John Drybrough nailer there Andrew Wilson there Robert Gou{illegible} weaver in Grange Peter Fason weaver in Pathhead James Ure junior there John Mathieson weaver there James Forbes do. there Gilbert Fisher in Grange John Forgan weaver Pathhead Alexander Beveridge do. there David Forgan do. there David Miller wright there James Bodger weaver there John Mackin{illegible} weaver in the links of Kirkaldie James Stocks dyer Pathhead David Halley weaver there Robert Gibb do. there James Jackson weaver Pathhead William Taylor do. there Peter Killgour do. there Alex. Haggart flaxdresser there James Miller weaver there George White maltster there Robt. Dick gardener Sinklertown Eben. B{illegible}rte flaxdresser Pathhead Robert Coventry weaver there Andrew Blyth do. there James Smart do. there Andw. Waddel do. Kierbrae John Brown do. Pathhead James Johnston do. Sinklertown Robt. Brown candlemaker Pathhead Thomas Smart weaver there John Gray do. there Andrew Seath farmer there Thomas Bell Ceres parish George Mount there And. Wallace labourer Kettle Rachel Watson there

Given in by JOHN WHYTOCK weaver in Playfield Perth.


Peter Whytock weaver David Cairnie do. Hugh Cairnie do. John Watson do. John Killor do. Andrew Brown ditto John Wilson ditto James Lamb ditto Alexander Ferrier ditto James Taylor ditto David Smith ditto Andrew Wylie ditto John Carrick ditto William Bettie ditto David Kettle ditto John Young ditto Alexander Wilson ditto John Speedie shoemaker John Robertson tanner Alexander Miller ditto Walter Scobbie weaver Robert Glass merchant John M'Grigor flaxdresser Long Forgan David Gardiner in Muirtown

Wm. Scott weaver in East Shiels Charles Stark smith there Archd. Shaw marble cutter Glasgow Robt. Gibson weaver Pettinain Alexander Nairn Libberton James Gourlie in Stirling John Harvie there Thos. Kirkwood weaver Kilsyth Margaret Black of Lairn in Ireland, 12 copies James Muirhead farmer Kilsyth John Muirhead there Margaret Nimmo Delshanan Kirkintilloch Andrew Wilson servant there Jas. Dalrymple weaver Westside James Dickson do. Monkland George Brown merchant Perth, 12 copies Henry Buist there David Gardiner there Peter Taylor in Tapermalloch Revd. Mr. Preston minister of the gospel at Logieamen Revd. Mr. John Young minister of the gospel at Dumbarron Revd. Mr Laurence Reid minister of the gospel at Patha Condy Mrs Bisset in Perth Thomas Blair shoemaker there James Hamilton in Blantyre John Young innkeeper Alloa Wm. Young student of divinity Glasgow James Anderson in Strathmiglo, 12 copies John Muir junior merchant in Glasgow, 2 copies Wm. Blackwood plaisterer there Wm. Wallace in Blacklow Alex. Cuningham mason there Robert Young do. there

Given in by JAMES HOOD, taylor Glasgow.

William Todd Andrew Allan Andrew Hood Thomas Smith William M'Ewen Alexander Norrel

Given in by JOHN MEIN, London.

Thos. Orr East Smithfield, 2 cop. Alexander Grant Deptford Andrew Imbrie London William Clarke ship wright George Gregory Spittle fields David Imbrie Mr. Watson in great Towerhill Henry Russel Henry Hutton Daniel Cook Mrs. Toben Robt. Forsyth No. 100 Wapping

Given in by JOHN HARDIE Old Meldrum.

Revd. Mr. James Chalmers minister of the gospel in Daviot John Gelland Old Meldrum John Simson grieve Torvis William Reid in New Deer William Duguil in Odney William Dow in Marnoch William Cran merchant there

John Brown bookseller in Dunse, 24 copies

Given in by JAMES CRAIG shoemaker in Kilbride


William Riddel weaver James Shaw portioner Thomas Russel smith John Craig farmer William Arbuckle Wm. Wallace mains of Eglesham Christopher Strang there William C{illegible}r in Glassford Robert Hamilton smith there

Given in by ALEXANDER HUTCHISON in Newton.

Matthew Short baxter Moffat David French Wamphray William Proudfoot there Matth. Murray jun. in Bentpath Sim. Graham Newton Wamphray Robt. Ferguson herd in Finigal James Lochie in Windyshiels John Chisholm in Shiel James Hyslop in Wellroadhead James Purvos in Watcarrick John Anderson in Moodley William Scott in Holm Alexander Glencross Saughtrees William Proudfoot Johnston John Geddes Coriehall John Beatie in Lambhill Benj. Munel wright Saughtrees Wm. Little wright Coriemill

Given in by JAMES GOUDIE travelling chapman in Girvan.

Thos. Woderwood quarrier in Daily parish James Paterson weaver there Agnew Fletcher shoem. Maybole James Goudie merchant there Alex. Heron farmer Kirkoswald Sam. M'Lymont mercht Girvan William M'Queen mason there Hugh M'Quaker do. there John Ramsay shoemaker there Thomas M'llwrath currier there Joseph Baird weaver there

Revd. Mr. James Punton minister of the associate congregation at Hamilton James Miller flaxdresser William Hart merchant James Barr shoemaker Andrew Faulds in Carscallan William Fleming servant there Robert Strang in meikle Ernock Thos. Leister weav. in Hamilton Robert Smith do. there Andrew Smith hosier William Semple in Calton John Weir weaver there

Messrs. Gordon and M'Knight in Dudly Worcestershire, 12 cop.

Given in by JOHN HAGGART in Errol

Patrick Brown in Wardhead James Gentle in Errol Andrew Adam there John Thomson there John Matthieson there James Davie there John Mallock there Peter Pirie there James Rattray there David Gill there James Kelt in Godins

Given in by JOHN FORSYTH, shoemaker Stirling

Robt. Rae grocer Stirling John Henderson maltman there Robert Beleh there Katharine Connel there Duncan King workman there Alex. Wilson shoemaker there James Ferguson carpet weaver James Morison

Given in by JOHN WINGATE in St. Ninians


William Miller weaver John Thomas do. Archibald Gilchrist do. John Harvie do. John Forrester do. William Forsyth taylor Christian Anderson servant Thomas Gilchrist merchant John Miller do. Alexander Gilchrist do. John Wingate weaver James Paterson do. Robert Forrester do. Robert Paul nailer John Sharp smith John Kessim brewer John M'Farlane shoemaker


Walter Smith weaver James Smart shoemaker John M'Learn weaver Thomas Thomson do. John Fisher shoemaker


Thomas Anderson weaver John Stevenson ditto Archibald Smart shoemaker John M'Farlane weaver Alexander M'Farlane do. William Jeffray do. George Aitken do. John M'Donald do. James Munro do. Robert Waterson do. William Sharp do. James Johnson do. John Forfar do. Andrew Liddel do. Robert Stevenson do. Thos. Anderson do. wester Livelands John Baird do. Fategrin Andrew Cowan Touchgorun Thos. Jeffray smith Charters hall James Gillespie do. there Archd. Thomson taylor there Willm. Chalmers do. there George Miller smith New market John M'Killop Craiggarth Henry Edmund farmer in Hole

Given in by DAVID MILLER in Campsie

John Benny schoolmaster near Paisley John Galloway Burn foot William Thomson Arnbrae Janet Bulloch Blarveath Jas. Gilchrist weaver Campsie Moses N{illegible}lson do. there Robert Somerville merchant Kirkintilloch Robt. Aitken tayler Waterside John Stirling there Andrew Stirling there Archibald Stirling hosier Kirkintilloch John Stuart couper there John Ingli junr. smith there John Goodwin portioner there Mr William Fergus bailie of Kirkintilloch John King in Baldernock William Thomson farmer in Bridge end William Murdoch workman in Torrence John M'Kean merchant Campsie Robert Young in Denny Thos. Winning labourer Balmore

Given in by WILLIAM WHITE, bookseller in Beith


Robert Dunlop portioner Alexander Young Andrew Robinson farmer Alexander Robinson do. James Robinson wright John Robinson Matthew French servant John Miller weaver Matthew King portioner John Connel mason Adam Gibson farmer Robert Boyd do. Hugh Barklay smith John Paton weaver Thomas Robinson weaver James Spier portioner Hugh Barklay servant William Gishe farmer Robert Ranken dyer James Johnston farmer John Armour servant William Dickie servant George Park James Allan schoolmaster David Clark merchant Hugh Barklay taylor Hugh Anderson farmer Margaret Muir servant Robert Wilson do. William Paton James Govan miller John Hill flaxdresser William Anderson wright Andrew Mackie William Jack shoemaker James King wright Robert Dunlop baker Alexander Paton John Bogle farmer William King miller Hugh Barr


William Service farmer John Crawford do. William Donald do.


Robert Berkley William Rodger


John Sheddan portioner John Dow wright

Given in by JOHN M'LYMONT, travelling Chapman

Gilbert M'Lymont weaver in Newton Stuart William M'Lymont do. there James M'Kean do. there James M'Clure do. there John M'Clumpha do. there Anthony M'Gowan labourer Wm. M'Kean taylor there John M'Kie ferrier there Wm. Bogle gardener in Minigass Peter M'Kean mason at Ferrytown of Cree William Watson at Bridgend of Cree Robert Campbel at Largs Willm. Douglas in Bargonan Eliz. Hyslop in Knockvill Mary Broadfoot in Corbyknows

Given in by MATTHEW MILLER in Mauchlin

John Paterson tayl. in Mauchlin John Miller schoolmaster there Robert Gill there Alexander Ray there James Smith mason there Andrew Aird servant there Hugh Thomson smith Tarbolton Roberr Elliot do. there Willm Rattray weaver there Andrew Cowan wright Sorn Wilm. M'Gown miller do. James Ralston in Sorn James Mitchel in Craighall John Mitchel there John Baird there John Wilson there Wm. Currie wright St. Quivox James Kirkland mason there James Murdoch do. there John Armour schoolmaster Gibb's yard William Weir in Craigie William M'Henle in Mauchlin James Lees tanner there William Miller weaver Tarbolton


James Brown son to Wm. Brown 2 copies John Young in Ridgehill John Garvan in Burn John Young in muir of Rowallen


James Anderson weaver, 26 copies John Stevenson do. James Reside do. Andrew Smith Castlesalt do. John Blackwood do. James Jamieson do. James Muir in Robertland do. John Dunlop wright John Tannihill in Bogflit James Wilson portioner in Chapleton James Gemmel weaver Archibald Alexander do. James Alexander do. John Calderwood do. John Wylie taylor Robert Smith weaver


James Stevenson in Oldhall Andrew Cochran in Gilles John Hall shoemaker


Alexander Wylie Thomas Smith portioner Canaan John Stevenson


John King Junior in Gree


David Steel weaver in Lambroghten John Brown jun. in Bowstonhead Archibald Young in Mains

Alexander Wilson in town of Air 2 copies

Margaret M'Gillan near Wighton 6 copies


James Orr

Given in by JOHN M'DONALD, student of Divinity in Ceres.

Patrick Orr farmer in Ceres William Morton do. there John Turpie merchant in Carnum James Laing in Ceres

Given in by ROBERT INGLIS, bookseller in Edinburgh

Revd. Dr John Erskine, minister of the gospel in the old Gray-friar's Edinburgh, 2 copies Hugh Watson servant in Westerholls William Inglis schoolmaster in Carstairs

Given in by JAMES LANG bookseller Kilmarnock

Revd. Mr John Russel minister of the gospel in Kilmarnock George Fairservice schoolmaster George Miller shoemaker there James White do. there James Cuningham do. there Gavin Walker miller there James Freebairn plaisterer there John Dickie there William Arbuckle there George Thomson barber Alexander Giffin farmer in Dundonald John Rowat shoemaker David Ferguson in Craigie Mary Frances in Irvine Archibald M Ketton shoemaker in Saltcoats Mat. Alerton farmer Galston Alexr. Longmuir portioner in Dreghorn Robt. Creighton in Firmerlaw Samuel Muir weaver Kirkland John Wilson in Titwood Robert Hay quarrier Symington Wm. Hendry farmer Muir mill James Morison do. Riccarton Alexander Holm Robt. Parker farmer Burleith John Bunton do. in Puroch Thomas Earle weaver in Capperingtiren Wm. Arbuckle butcher in Kilmarnock John Dickie shoemaker there

Given in by ROBERT RAMSAY, taylor in Bathgate


Revd. Mr John Jamieson minister of the gospel Daniel Steel shoemaker John Gillan workman David Newlands merchant William Gray workman John Rule tanner George Ranken wright Margaret Muirhead Andrew Jeffray workman John Bryce mason David Tinnond do. Robert Ramsay taylor 10 copies James Marshal mason


Thomas Hodge weaver John Cuthbertson workman Gavin Inglis do. William Laurie smith Alexander Mitchel workman Robert Geddes do. William Sclate Robert Thomson Peter Newlands weaver

John Gardiner shoemaker Torphichen

Alexander Black stabler in Edinburgh

William Gray in Currie

Given in by Sir ARCHIBALD NICOL, weaver and bookseller in Glasgow.

David Riddel plaisterer Glasgow William Blackwood do. there Andw. Blackwood hosier there Andrew Riddel weaver Kilbride Agnes Strang of Bogton there John Freebairn wright Rutherglen John Wilson do. there Robert Dun coalhewer Andrew Keir there Robert Arthur linen printer Cross mill John M'Nab do. there John Moffat do. there William Cumming do. there Walter M'Gregor do. there Peter M'Nicol do. Farnazie John Brown do. Cross mill Joseph Buchanan do. there Alexander Buchanan do. there John Ewing there Isobel Lindlay in Kilbride Robert Watson silk weaver Hole William Leitch weaver there Robert Anderson do. there John Montgomerie there John M'Ewen weaver in Grahams town James Angus dyer at Farnezie Thomas Ogilvie weaver Gorbals John Niven do. there William Henderson do. there Henry Muir Carotine Thomas Galloway there John Paterson smith in Rutherglen Pitcairns Ritchie there James Paterson there John Brown hammerman Calton James Wingate do. there John M'Lea tanner there John Walker Calder John M'Lean of north Medrox Mary Martin in Rew William Brown there John Paterson weaver Birkenshaw William M'Lean of south. Medrox John Stark taylor in Leckethill James Legat in Drumbowie James Towie weaver Glentore Margaret Brown in Rew William Shaw portioner in wester Glentore James Bogle weaver Slamanan David Auchinvole Auchinsterry, Cumbernauld Joseph Thom in Calder William Dickie silk weaver in Mauchlin James Ritchie weaver there Margaret Ferrier in Dalsholm William Smith coalhewer Knightewood James Aitken horsekeeper there Robert Watt wright Jordan hill James Mackie in Cumbernauld Joseph Williamson in Millbrae, New Monkland Gavin Bailie sawer Hamilton Alexr. Pomfrey weav. Millheugh John Burns of Braehead John Hamilton weaver Dalfeif James Davidson do. there James Drummond shoemaker Ann Alston there Janet Lepper there John Henderson mason Hamilton James Weir shoemaker in Blantyre John Maiklem gardener Campsie James Bollock weaver Neilston David Sprour do. there Michael Stevenson silk weaver there Thomas Gilmour weaver there John Gray do. there Robert Gilmour linen printer Eastwood Alexander Calderwood do. there John Bell do. there Andrew Faulds dyer there John Gilchrist wright Carluke John Husband in Hurlot Walter M'Farlane coal cutter there William Paterson James Craig weaver in Govan Matthew Gilmour do. there William Clow do. there George Jamie do. there James Morison do. there John Struthers do. there Wm. Robertson do. there John Robertson do. there James Shields mason there John Ritchie weaver there Wm. Campbel do. there John Lyle do. there Smellie Gellers manufactorer there David Gran weaver there John Russel do. there Wm. Liddel do. there John Lyon workman Carmunnock Arthur More miller there Thomas Muir coalhewer Rutherglen Wm. Roxburgh weaver Glasgow John Davie do. there Matthew Morison do. there John Duncan do. there Wm. Lang do. there John Hamilton of Gurhomlock Barony John Moffat farmer there Andrew Moffat mason there Robert Arthur at Garoch mill John Richmood of Carlenb, Sorn. Matthew Jamieson there James Wilton of Crafthead there George Cameron in Hill there Alexander Buchanan linen printer Cross mills John Arthur do. there Matthew Cameron do. there Wm. Jarvie workman Farnezie Daniel Spier in Monsshonse Sorn Jos. Aiton shoemaker Riccarton John Dick Craigie Jean Wilson there Hugh Templeton there George Marr coal hewer there Robert Lamon farmer Thornhill Robert Perier shoemaker there William Morton do. Craigie Matthew Dickie do. there William Allen farmer there George Bowie there Thomas Wallace there John Glover there John Wallace miller there James Hunter in Riccarton James Orr Mossside there Thomas Jamieson in Tarbolton Robert Lamont farmer there Ronald Hunter cowper there William Stephen wright there David Smith there William Lindsay there Wm. Auld farmer there Wm. Reid mason there Wm. Drips do. there John Gray do. there John Jamieson farmer there Hugh Reid there Janet Tait there Wm. Wright wright there Alexr. Paterson farmer there David Miller there David Wilson in Craigie John Armour taylor Galston David Borland there Robt. Goudie miller Garoch mill George Donald there John Brown in Barony Alexr. Moffat Parkhead there William Baxter do. there John Jarvie weaver Barony James Robertson in Eastwood Archebald Paterson there John Taylor there Robert Gilmour in Mearns John Faulds in Nethertown John Morison there Jas. Thomson wright Hackethead John Marshall do. there Peter Norris plumber Glasgow Arthur Laing wright Paisley James Philip Hackethead Matthew Laurie there Elizabeth Forrester there Sarah Gemmel there John Brown farmer Paisley John Ralston do. there William Adam in Mosslane Zach. Waterston farmer Govan Agnes Stark there Wm. Ritchie weaver there Jas. Fleming mason & wright there James Dove dyer Glasgow Robert Love plasterer there John Dun mason there Wm. Beggart do. Calton George Neill there Alex. Connel wright Carmunnock Alex. Anglie weaver Glasgow John M'Farlane shoemaker there Alexander Nicol do. there James Dun officer London David M'Creath Maybole David Crooks in Selnock Euphans Hodge in Galston John Carmichael there Andrew Willock there Alexander Mair there James Irvin there John Richmond there George Paterson hosier there William Parker there James Watt there Janet Smith there John Lamie workman there Robert Glover do. there John Goudie there John Anderson farmer Mauchlin William Hunter do. there John Hunter do. there John Reid do. there James Dickie do. there Wm. Meikle wright & glaz. there Matth. Ronald silk weaver there James Smith mason there Hugh Wallace of Bergow there Frances Murdoch there James Smith there Archibald Campbel there Andrew Ritchie there George Beveridge there James Oliphant there Elizabeth Lindsay there William Barrie there John D{illegible}ak there Robert Glover weaver there Mary Glover in Craigne Jas. Stuart shoemaker Glasgow John Shearer smith in Barony Wm. Watchman weaver there Robert Allan do. there James Wallace do. mid Quarter James Allan there John Wotherspoon weaver there John M'Allun do. there David M'Nair weaver Calton Robt. Buchanan wright there David Donald weaver there James Taylor do. there Gilbert Garth do. there Wm. Goven do. there Mat. Steel do. middle Quarter Wm. Dounie wright Carntine Geo. Chrichton coalhewer Barony Alex. M'Learn smith Calton Jas. Robertson miller Garscub Andrew George do. there Jas. Park coalhewer Anastand Geo. Crawford weaver Glasgow Archibald Bell do. there Thomas Park wright there Thomas Malcolm do. there George Arthur do. there John Rae weaver Calton Wm. Williamson teacher there Wm. Walker weaver there Wm. Crocket do. there Robert Wilson do. there John Alston do. there John Fife do. there James Lawson do. there Robert Hutton do. there William Gardiner do. there John Chrystie labourer there David Jack weaver there Robert Munro do. there John Garden do. there James Wylie do. there Adam Brown taylor there Mary Arthur there James Leigh potter Glasgow Alex. Moriton candlemaker there James Granger weaver Calton Jas. Henderson do. Drygate toll James Kay plasterer Gorbala Duncan Campbel cowper Glasgow John Burn shoemaker there Gavin Wotherspoon do. there Henry M Culloch do. there John Sheddan do. there John Pettigrew old Monkland Robt. Pettigrew wright there Christian Murdoch Glasgow Blackney Waddel old Monkland James Smith there John Pettigrew wright there Robt. Pettigrew sawer there Henry Pato teacher there William Thomson there Mat. Reid coalhewer Sandhills Wm. Erskine do. there Martin Rodger smith there Jas. Kinnibrugh tayl. Shettleston Wm. Walkinshaw miller Barony Wm. M'Leland plaisterer Glasg. John Niyison wright there Andrew Niven Gorbals William Reid nailer there John Burry weaver Calton Malcom M'Lean do. there Janet Zuill Glasgow Wm. Hamilton in Carmunnock John Warnock farmer Cathcart Andrew Park do. Eastwood George Deans weaver Neilston John Johnston do. Duckethall James Cochran do. there Robert Cunningham do. there John Wilson do. there Doug Graham bleacher Farnezie Willm. Morison Paisley James Airston weaver Neilston Robert Legat do. there Wm. M'Ewen there Alexr. M'Gregor Neilston Robt. Cumming labourer Paisley Robert Barr farmer there John Peacock in Pollock place Alexander Malcolm there Archibald Hamilton there James Henderson there Thos. Cullen shoemaker Calton John Shearer coalhewer Houlton James Lyle do. there Charles Colquhoun do. there Wm. Watt in Knightswood Grizel Gibb Dalsholm John Duncan of Milnfield John Gardner weaver Calton John Ross hammerman there William Glen weaver Glasgow Andrew Tury boatman Canal James Mitchel in Dalmarnock John Nisbet in Carntine John M'Pherson smith Glasgow Jas. Allan shoem. Calton 12 cop. Andrew M'Gilchrist Glasgow John Findlay there John Drummond there Hugh Henderson barber there Wm. Cochran weaver Paisley John Stuart hillman there James Lauchlan weaver there Robt. Miller bleacher Eastwood Alexander Leck weaver Arthur Campbel in Barony Alexr. Allan at Provan mill James Thomson in Rochelay Robt. Galloway mason Carntine John Blair coallier there Wm. Burnside do. there James Orrock weaver James Smith do. Calton Matthew Rea do. Robert Young in Postle Jas. Morton shoemaker Calton John Morison do. there Wm. Somerville miller Glasgow Wm. Henderson weaver there John Falconer there William Allan there John Gray Westmuir James Ralston Glasgow Wm. M'Gibbon there Agnes Dalrymple there James Glen farmer Woodside James Dickson Auldhousebridge James Findlay weaver Gorbals Peter Gray coalhewer Shettleston James Graham Glasgow Wm. Loudon gardener Dalbeth Agnes Dyer Glasgow Margaret Boyd there James Logan miller Woodside Jas. Graham shoemaker Calton Jas. Fisher do. in Callender Wm. Miller wright Glasgow John Buchanan do. there Mungo Ritchie do. Garscub Archibald Sword do. there Hugh Aitken coalhewer Jordanhill Robt. Purdon hammerman Barony Robt. Brown brewer Glasgow

Given in by PETER GOLD, in Newtown of Douglas

William Gold there Wm. Williamson there Hugh Gold there James Gold farmer there John Aitken there Robert Miller there John Forrest farmer west Calder

* * * * *

GLASGOW, June 4th, 1782

PROPOSALS For Printing by SUBSCRIPTION, In One large OCTAVO Volume.

An Elegant Edition of Three Hundred and Fifty-Two LETTERS,

By the Eminently Pious MR. SAMUEL RUTHERFORD, Professor of Divinity at St. Andrews.

To which is added,

The Author's Testimony to the covenanted work of Reformation, as it was carried on between 1638 and 1649.—And also his Dying Words, containing several Advices to some ministers and near relations. As also,

A large PREFACE and POSTSCRIPT, wrote by the Reverend Mr. M'WARD.


I. The book will be printed on a fair paper and good large Type, to consist of nearly 600 pages.

II. The price to Subscribers will be Two Shillings and Sixpence Sterling to be paid at the delivery of the book, neatly bound.

III. Those who subscribe for twelve copies, shall have one Gratis.

IV. The book will be put to the press as soon as a competent number of subscriptions are obtained.

The encouragers of this work are desired to send in their Names, with the number of Copies they want, to the Publisher, within two months after the date of this proposal.

SUBSCRIPTIONS are taken in by JOHN BRYCE, the Publisher, Glasgow; W. Knight, merchant, Aberdeen; J. Hardie, merchant, Old Meldrum; G. Brown, merchant, Perth; J. Brown, bookseller, Dunse; J. Newal, bookseller, Dumfries; A M'Credy, book-binder, Stranrawer; G. Caldwal, bookseller, Paisley; J. M'Casland, merchant, Greenock; J. Lang, bookseller, Kilmarnock; D. Miller, merchant, Camphe; J. M'Lymont, J. Glen, and A. Nicol, travelling chapmen; and all others intrusted with Proposals.

* * * * *

Transcriber's note:

Where a word differs from modern spelling, but is consistent within the text, e.g. atchievement, the original spelling is retained. Other typographical errors have been corrected, particularly where there is inconsistency within the text. The following list details these changes (including those described in the Errata):


p vii: Duch —> Dutch p viii: ths —> this p x: renegado —> renegade p xvi: A footnote anchor follows Oedipus, but there is no corresponding footnote


p xxxi: opportuuity —> opportunity

Lives and Characters:

p 45: duplicated word "and" removed p 46: defore —> before p 47: duplicated word "gives" removed p 49: oftner —> oftener p 54: Thar —> That p 55: judgement —> judgment p 58: forgivenness —> forgiveness p 66: ehey —> they p 82: Thet —> That p 85: exhprted —> exhorted p 88: band —> hand p 95: commited —> committed p 97: weerein —> wherein p 112: Aarran —> Arran p 112: handwritten text added: "doctrine, and therefore remitted him to ward in the castle of" p 115: weakned —> weakened p 117: year —> ear p 117: Hampton-cout —> Hampton-court p 125: duplicated word "shall" removed p 133: theif —> thief p 147: Scotish —> Scottish p 154: patnet —> patent p 166: duplicated prefix "re-" removed p 167: duplicated letter "e" in "even" across line break removed p 180: exepcted —> expected p 181: Cuningham —> Cunningham for consistency p 187: canot —> cannot p 190: proclamaon —> proclamation p 195: judicarories —> judicatories p 196: remonstrancs —> remonstrance p 196: changed univerty —> university p 201: endevoured —> endeavoured p 208: changed petitition —> petition p 208: changed ot —> at p 214: succeded —> succeeded p 218: duplicated word "a" removed p 218: changed cootinue —> continue p 226: yon —> you p 232: unparalelled —> unparalleled p 245: "is is well known" —> "it is well known" p 249: duplicated word "the" removed p 253: clossest —> closest p 253: tolboth —> tolbooth p 258: tu —> to p 262: Extra text added (from Errata) p 264: baronses —> baroness p 264: promotter —> promoter p 270: Loudoun —> Loudon p 271: Loudoun —> Loudon p 271: lef —> left p 292: 1657 —> 1651 (from Errata) p 293: duplicated letter "E" in "Edinburgh" removed p 316: conant —> covenant p 319: ocurred —> occurred p 321: conditition —> condition p 324: contsary —> contrary p 348: he —> the p 350: wich —> with p 354: redeem —> redeemed p 358: must —> most p 365: at —> as p 375: duplicated word "on" removed p 381: chuch —> church p 402: sollicitations —> solicitations p 405: in —> from (from Errata) p 426: stoped —> stopped p 432: droping —> dropping p 435: it —> its p 435: Edingburgh —> Edinburgh p 448: Fanguirs —> Tanguirs (from Errata and for consistency) p 448: priseners —> prisoners p 449: chearfulness —> cheerfulness p 452: Learmoril —> Learmond (from Errata) p 452: duplicated word "in" removed p 462: Lermonnt —> Lermont p 464: Penland —> Pentland p 464: unparalelled —> unparalleled p 468: interrred —> interred p 475: rery —> very p 479: destribute —> distribute p 479: (6.) —> (9.) p 494: thir —> their p 499: Fulliallan —> Tullialen (from Errata) p 499: druken —> drunken p 501: disswading —> dissuading for consistency p 502: first —> farther (from Errata) p 504: duplicated word "time" removed p 510: duplicated word "and" removed p 514: ect —> etc p 536: disswaded —> dissuaded p 556: entring —> entering p 560: word "He" inserted before answered p 602: duplicated letter "a" in "about" removed p 606: wheu —> when p 607: inventored —> inventoried p 607: duplicated word "who" removed p 616: Warristoun —> Warriston


P. 291 —> P. 292 P. 505 —> P. 405

Judgment and Justice:

p 9: Aaran —> Arran p 15: Added word "of" after "footsteps" p 16: errected —> erected p 28: disolve —> dissolve p 29: Duplicated word "from" removed p 29: Duplicated word "a" removed p 30: recissory —> rescissory p 31: Fanquirs —> Tanguirs (for consistency) p 31: Miln —> Milne p 33: assasinate —> assassinate p 33: Added word "body" after "heart from his" p 33: Added word "assembly" after "1638" p 34: outragious —> outrageous p 35: laueration —> laureation p 38: drunkeness —> drunkenness p 43: Dumfermline —> Dunfermline p 45: Duplicated word "the" removed p 45: Duplicated word "of" removed p 46: roted —> rotted p 56: frome —> from p 56: patridges —> partridges p 65: steped —> stepped




fn 15: duplicated word "that" removed fn 68: 2634 —> 1634 fn 103: melignants —> malignants fn 150: location of footnote anchor unclear fn 156: location of footnote anchor unclear fn 200: footnote truncated in original fn 227: Stirleg —> Stirling (from Errata) fn 229: meerly —> merely fn 246: counsellours —> counsellors fn 246: iucurable —> incurable fn 246: hetrodox —> heterodox fn 246: accessary —> accessory fn 246: strengthned —> strengthened fn 251: scribler —> scribbler fn 253: most —> must fn 263: they —> the king (from Errata) fn 277: Cambusnethan —> Cambusnethen (for consistency)

Changes to the following words (or variations on them) were made on several pages, primarily for consistency within the text:

threatning(s) —> threatening(s), threatned —> threatened untill —> until couragious —> courageous accomodate —> accommodate sherriff —> sheriff diocess —> diocese acknowledgement —> acknowledgment Naphthali —> Naphtali


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