An Australian in China - Being the Narrative of a Quiet Journey Across China to Burma
by George Ernest Morrison
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The road through the forest reaches the highest points, because it is at the highest points that the Chinese forts are situated, either on the road or on some elevated clearing near it.

The forts are stockades inclosed in wooden palisades, and guarded by chevaux de frise of sharp-cut bamboo. The barracks are a few native straw-thatched wooden huts. Perhaps a score or two of men form the garrison of each fort; they are badly armed, if armed at all. There are no guns and no store supplies. Water is trained into the stockades down open conduits of split bamboo. To anyone who has seen the Chinese soldiers at home in Western China, it is diverting to observe the credence which is given to Chinese statements of the armed strength of Western China. How much longer are we to persist in regarding the Chinese, as they now are, as a warlike power? In numbers, capacity for physical endurance, calm courage when well officered, and powers unequalled by any other race of mankind of doing the greatest amount of labour on the smallest allowance of food, their potential strength is stupendous. But they are not advancing, they are stationary; they look backwards, not forwards; they live in the past. Weapons with which their ancestors subdued the greater part of Asia they are loath to believe are unfitted for conducting the warfare of to-day. Should Japan bring China to terms, she can impose no terms that will not tend towards the advancement of China. Victories such as Japan has won over China might affect any other nation but China; but they are trifling and insignificant in their effect upon the gigantic mass of China. Suppose China has lost 20,000 men in this war, in one day there are 20,000 births in the Empire, and I am perfectly sure that, outside the immediate neighbourhood of the seat of operations, the Chinese as a nation, apart from the officials, are profoundly ignorant that there is even a war, or, as they would term it, a rebellion, in progress. Trouble, serious trouble, will begin in China in the near future, for the time must be fast approaching when the effete and alien dynasty now reigning in China—the Manchu dynasty—shall be overthrown, and a Chinese Emperor shall rule on the throne of China.

At a native village called Schehleh there is a likin-barrier. The yellow flag was drooping over the roadway in the hot sun. The customs officer, an amiable Chinese Shan, invited me in to tea, and brought his pukai for me to lie down upon. Like thousands of his countrymen, he had played for fortune in the Manila lottery. Two old lottery tickets and the prize list in Chinese were on one wall of his room, on the other were a number of Chinese visiting cards, to which I graciously permitted him to add mine.

Soldiers accompanied me from camp to camp, Chinese soldiers from districts many hundreds of miles distant in China. Some were armed, some were unarmed, and there was equal confidence to be reposed in the one as in the other; but all were civil, and watched me with a care that was embarrassing.

At the first camp beyond Schehleh the gateway was ornamented with trophies of valour. From two bare tree-trunks baskets of heads were hanging, putrefying in the heat. They were the heads of Kachin dacoits. And thus shall it be done with all taken in rebellion against the Son of Heaven, whose mighty clemency alone permits the sun to shine on any kingdom beyond his borders. Kachin villages are scattered through the forest, among the hills. You see their native houses, long bamboo structures raised on piles and thatched with grass, with low eaves sloping nearly to the ground. In sylvan glades sacred to the nats you pass wooden pillars erected by the roadside, rudely cut, and rudely painted with lines and squares and rough figures of knives, and close beside them conical grass structures with coloured weathercocks. Split bamboos support narrow shelves, whereon are placed the various food-offerings with which is sought the goodwill of the evil spirits.

The Kachin men we met were all armed with the formidable dah or native sword, whose widened blade they protect in a univalvular sheath of wood. They wore Shan jackets and dark knickerbockers; their hair was gathered under a turban. They all carried the characteristic embroidered Kachin bag over the left shoulder.

The Kachin women are as stunted as the Japanese, and are disfigured with the same disproportionate shortness of legs. They wear Shan jackets and petticoats of dark-blue; their ornaments are chiefly cowries; their legs are bare. Unmarried, they wear no head-dress, but have their hair cut in a black mop with a deep fringe to the eyebrows. If married, their head-dress is the same as that of the Shan women—a huge dark-blue conical turban. Morality among the Kachin maidens, a missionary tells me, is not, as we understand the term, believed to exist. There is a tradition in the neighbourhood concerning a virtuous maiden; but little reliance can be placed on such legendary tales. Among the Kachins each clan is ruled by a Sawbwa, whose office "is hereditary, not to the eldest son, but to the youngest, or, failing sons, to the youngest surviving brother." (Anderson.) All Kachins chew betel-nut and nearly all smoke opium—men, women and children. Goitre is very prevalent among them; in some villages Major Couchman believes that as many as 25 per cent. of the inhabitants are afflicted with the disease. They have no written language, but their spoken language has been romanised by the American missionaries in Burma.

We camped within five miles of the British border at the Chinese fortlet of Settee, a palisaded camp whose gateway also was hung with heads of dacoits. A Chinese Shan was in command, a smart young officer with a Burmese wife. He was active, alert, and intelligent, and gave me the best room in the series of sheds which formed the barracks. I was made very comfortable. There were between forty and fifty soldiers stationed in the barracks—harmless warriors—who were very attentive. At nightfall the tattoo was beaten. The gong sounded; its notes died away in a distant murmur, then brayed forth with a stentorian clangour that might wake the dead. At the same time a tattoo was beaten on the drum, then a gun was fired and the noise ceased, to be repeated again during the night at the change of guard. All foes, visible and invisible, were in this way scared away from the fort.

Hearing that I was a doctor, the commandant asked me to see several of his men who were on the sick list. Among them was one poor young fellow dying, in the next room to mine, of remittent fever. When I went to the bedside the patient was lying down deadly ill, weak, and emaciated; but two of his companions took him by the arms, and, telling him to sit up, would have pulled him into what they considered a more respectful attitude. In the morning I again went to see the poor fellow. He was lying on his side undergoing treatment. An opium-pipe was held to his lips by one comrade, while another rolled the pellet of opium and placed it heated in the pipe-bowl, so that he might inhale its fumes.

In the morning the officer accompanied me to the gate of the stockade and bade me good-bye, with many unintelligible expressions of good will. His eight best soldiers were told off to escort me to the frontier, distant only fifteen li. It was a splendid walk through the jungle across the mountains to the Hongmuho. We passed the outlying stockade of the Chinese, and, winding along the spur, came full in view of the British camp across the valley, half-way up the opposite slope. By a very steep path we descended through the forest to the frontier fort of the Chinese, and emerged upon the grassy slope that shelves below it to the river.

There are a few bamboo huts on the sward, and here the Chinese guard left me; for armed guards are allowed no further. I was led to the ford, my pony plunged into the swift stream, and a moment or two later I was on British soil and passing the Sepoy outpost, where the guard, to my great alarm, for I feared being shot, turned out and saluted me. Then I climbed up the steep hill to the British encampment, where the English officer commanding, Captain R. G. Iremonger, of the 3rd Burma Regiment, gave me a kind reception, and congratulated me upon my successful journey. He telegraphed to headquarters the news of my arrival. It was of no earthly interest to anybody that I, an unknown wanderer, should pass through safely; but it was of interest to know that anyone could pass through so easily. Reports had only recently reached the Government that Western China was in a state of disaffection; that a feeling strongly anti-foreign had arisen in Yunnan; and that now, of all times, would it be inexpedient to despatch a commission for the delimitation of the boundary. My quiet and uninterrupted journey was in direct conflict with all such reports.

The encampment of Nampoung is at an elevation of 1500 feet above the river. It is well exposed on all sides, and has been condemned by military experts. But the law of fortifications which applies to any ordinary frontier does not apply to the frontier of China, where there is no danger whatsoever. The palisade is irregularly made, and is not superior, of course, to any round the Chinese stockades.

The houses are built of bamboo, are raised on piles, and thatched with grass. A company of the 3rd Burma Regiment is permanently stationed here under an English officer, and consists of 100 men, who are either Sikhs or Punjabis, all of splendid stature and military bearing. A picket of six men under a non-commissioned native officer guards the ford, and permits no armed Chinese to cross the border.

There are numbers of transport mules and ponies. In the creek there are plenty of fish; the rod, indeed, is the chief amusement of the officers who are exiled on duty to this lonely spot to pass three months in turn in almost uninterrupted solitude. There is a telegraph line into Bhamo, and it is at this point that connection will be made with the Imperial Chinese Telegraphs.

At the ford from fifty to one hundred loaded pack-animals, mostly carrying cotton, cross into China daily. A toll of six annas is levied upon each pack-animal, the money so collected being distributed by the Government among those Kachin Sawbwas who have an hereditary right to levy this tribute. The money is collected by two Burmese officials, and handed daily to the officer commanding. No duty is paid on entering Burma. Chinese likin-barriers begin to harass the caravans at Schehleh.

Beautiful views of the surrounding hills, all covered with "lofty forest trees, tangled with magnificent creepers, and festooned with orchids," are obtained from the camp. All the country round is extremely fertile, yielding with but little labour three crops a year. Cultivation of the soil there is none. Fire clears the jungle, and the ashes manure the soil; the ground is then superficially scratched, and rice is sown. Nothing more is done. Every seed germinates; the paddy ripens, and, where one basketful is sown, five hundred basketfuls are gathered. And the field lies untouched till again covered with jungle. Thus is the heathen rewarded five-hundred-fold in accordance with the law of Nature which gives blessing to the labour of the husbandman inversely as he deserves it.

In the evening the officer walked down with me to the creek, where I bathed in the shadow of the bank, in a favourite pool for fishing. As we crossed the field on our return, we met the two Burmese tribute-gatherers. They had occasion to speak to the officer, when, instead of standing upright like a stalwart and independent Chinaman, they squatted humbly on their heels, and, resting their elbows on their knees in an attitude of servility, conversed with their superior. How different the Chinaman, who confesses few people his superior, and none of any race beyond the borders of China!

From Nampoung to Bhamo is an easy walk of thirty-three miles. This is usually done in two stages, the halting place being the military station of Myothit, which is fourteen miles from Nampoung. On leaving Nampoung, an escort of a lance-corporal and two soldiers was detailed to accompany me. They were Punjabis, men of great stature and warlike aspect; but they were presumably out of training, for they arrived at Myothit, limp and haggard, an hour or more after we did. There is an admirable road through the jungle, maintained in that excellent order characteristic of military roads under British supervision. My Chinese from time to time questioned me as to the distance. We had gone fifteen li when Laotseng asked me how much farther it was to Santien (Myothit). "Three li," I said. We walked ten li further. "How far is it now?" he asked. "Only five li further," I replied, gravely. We went on another six li, when again he asked me: "Teacher Mo, how many li to Santien?" "Only eight more li," I said, and he did not ask me again. I was endeavouring to give him information in the fashion that prevails in his own country.

At Myothit we camped in the dak bungalow, an unfurnished cottage kept for the use of travellers. The encampment is on the outskirts of a perfectly flat plain, skirted with jungle-clad hills and covered with elephant grass. Through the plain the broad river Taiping flows on its muddy way to the Irrawaddy. One hundred sepoys are stationed here under a native officer, a Sirdar, Jemadar, or Subadar (I am not certain which), who called upon me, and stood by me as I ate my tiffin, and, to my great embarrassment, saluted me in the most alarming way every time my eye unexpectedly caught his. I confess that I did not know the gentleman from Adam. I mistook him for an ornamental head-waiter, and, as I regarded him as a superfluous nuisance, I told him not to stand upon the order of his going but go. I pointed to the steps; and he went, sidling off backwards as if from the presence of royalty. Drawing his heels together, he saluted me at the stair-top and again at the bottom, murmuring words which were more unintelligible to me even than Chinese.

During the night our exposed bungalow was assailed by a fearful storm of wind and rain, and for a time I expected it to be bodily lifted off the piles and carried to the lee-side of the settlement. The roof leaked in a thousand places, rain was driven under the walls, and everything I had was soaked with warm water.

Next day we had a pleasant walk into Bhamo, that important military station on the left bank of the Irrawaddy. We crossed the Taiping at Myothit by a bridge, a temporary and very shaky structure, which is every year carried away when the river rises, and every year renewed when the caravans take the road after the rains.

Bhamo is 1520 miles by land from Chungking; and it is an equal distance further from Chungking to Shanghai. The entire distance I traversed in exactly one hundred days, for I purposely waited till the hundredth day to complete it. And it surely speaks well of the sense of responsibility innate in the Chinese that, during all this time, I never had in my employ a Chinese coolie who did not fulfil, with something to spare, all that he undertook to do. I paid off my men in Bhamo. To Laotseng I gave 400 cash too many, and asked him for the change. At once with much readiness he ranged some cash on the table in the form of an abacus, and, setting down some hieroglyphics on a sheet of paper, he worked out a calculation, by which he proved that I owed him 400 cash, and, therefore, the accounts were now exactly balanced. For my own expenses I gave him 1175 cash in Tengyueh and 400 more in Bhamo, so that my entire personal expenses between two points nine days distant from each other were rather more than 3s. My entire journey from Shanghai to Bhamo cost less than L20 sterling, including my Chinese outfit. Had I travelled economically, I estimate that the journey need not have cost me more than L14. Had I carried more silver with me, I would still further have reduced the total cost of my tour. The gold I bought in Yunnan with my surplus silver, I sold in Burma for 20 per cent. profit, the rupees which I purchased in Tengyueh for 11d. were worth 13d. in Bhamo. For some curios which I purchased in the interior for L2 5s. I was offered when I reached civilisation L14. Without doubt the journey across China is the cheapest that can be done in all the world.

I was sorry to say good-bye to my men, who had served me so faithfully. And I cannot speak more highly of the pleasure of my journey than to declare that I felt greater regret when it was finished than I ever felt on leaving any other country. The men all through had behaved admirably, and it is only fair to add that mine was the common experience of travellers in far Western China. Thus a very great traveller in China and Thibet (W. W. Rockhill), writing in the Century, April, 1894, on the discomforts of his recent journey, says:

"But never a word of complaint from either the Thibetans or my Chinese. They were always alert, always good-tempered, always attentive to me, and anxious to contribute to my comfort in every way in their power. And so I have ever found these peoples, with whom I am glad to say, after travelling over 20,000 miles in their countries, I have never exchanged a rough word, and among whom I think I have left not one enemy and not a few friends."

Two days after their arrival in Bhamo my three men started on their return journey to Talifu. They were laden with medicines, stores, newspapers, and letters for the mission in Tali, which for months had been accumulating in the premises of the American Mission in Bhamo, the missionary in charge, amid the multifarious avocations pertaining to his post, having found no time to forward them to their destination to his lonely Christian brother in the far interior. And, had I not arrived when I did, they could not have been sent till after the rains. A coolie will carry eighty pounds weight from Bhamo to Tali for 12s.; and I need hardly point out that a very small transaction in teak would cover the cost of many coolies. Besides, any expenditure incurred would have been reimbursed by the Inland Mission. My three men were pursued by cruel fate on their return; they all were taken ill at Pupiao. Poor "Bones" and the pock-marked coolie died, and Laotseng lay ill in the hotel there for weeks, and, when he recovered sufficiently to go on to Tali, he had to go without the three loads, which the landlord of the inn detained, pending the payment of his board and lodging and the burial expenses of his two companions.



The finest residence in Bhamo is, of course, the American mission. America nobly supports her self-sacrificing and devoted sons who go forth to arrest the "awful ruin of souls" among the innumerable millions of Asia, who are "perishing without hope, having sinned without law." The missionary in charge told me that he labours with a "humble heart to bring a knowledge of the Saving Truth to the perishing heathen among the Kachins." His appointment is one which even a worldly-minded man might covet. I will give an instance of his methods. This devoted evangelist told me that a poor woman, a Kachin Christian, in whose welfare he felt deep personal interest, was, he greatly feared, dying from blood-poisoning at a small Christian village one hour's ride up the river from Bhamo; and he had little doubt that some surgical interference in her case would save her life. I at once offered to go and see her. I had received great kindness from many American missionaries in China, and it would give me great pleasure, I said, if I could be of any service.

The missionary professed to be grateful for my offer, but, instead of arranging to go that afternoon, named seven o'clock the following morning as the hour when he would call for me to take me to the village. At the time appointed I was ready; I waited, but no missionary came. There was a slight drizzle, sufficient to prevent his going to the sick woman but not sufficient to deter him from going to market to the Irrawaddy steamer, where I accidentally met him. So far from being abashed when he saw me, he took the occasion to tell me what he will, I know, pardon me for thinking an inexcusable untruth. He had written, he said, to the poor woman telling her, dying as he believed her to be, to come down to Bhamo by boat to see me.

In Bhamo I stayed in the comfortable house of the Deputy Commissioner, and was treated with the most pleasant hospitality. To my regret, the Deputy Commissioner was down the river, and I did not see him. He is regarded as one of the ablest men in the service. His rise has been rapid, and he was lately invested with the C.I.E.—there seems, indeed, to be no position in Burma that he might not aspire to. In his absence his office was being administered by the Assistant Commissioner, a courteous young Englishman, who gave me my first experience of the Civil Service. I could not but envy the position of this young fellow, and marvel at the success which attends our method of administering the Indian Empire. Here was a young man of twenty-four, acting as governor with large powers over a tract of country of hundreds of square miles—a new country requiring for its proper administration a knowledge of law, of finance, of trade, experience of men, and ability to deal with the conflicting interests of several native races. Superior to all other authorities, civil and military, in his district, he was considered fit to fill this post—and success showed his fitness—because a year or two before he had been one of forty crammed candidates out of 200 who had taken the highest places in a series of examinations in Latin, English, mathematics, &c. With the most limited experience of human life, he had obtained his position in exactly the same way that a Chinese Mandarin does his—by competitive examination in subjects which, even less than in the case of the Chinese, had little bearing upon his future work; and now, like a Chinese Mandarin, "there are few things he isn't."

On the face of it no system appears more preposterous; in its results no system was ever more successful. The Assistant Commissioner early learns self-reliance, decision, and ability to wield authority; and he can always look forward to the time when he may become Chief Commissioner.

There is a wonderful mixture of types in Bhamo. Nowhere in the world, not even in Macao, is there a greater intermingling of races. Here live in cheerful promiscuity Britishers and Chinese, Shans and Kachins, Sikhs and Madrasis, Punjabis, Arabs, German Jews and French adventurers, American missionaries and Japanese ladies.

There are many ruined pagodas and some wooden temples which, however, do not display the higher features of Burmese architecture. There is a club, of course; a polo and football ground, and a cricket ground. Inside the fort, among the barracks, there is a building which has a double debt to pay, being a theatre at one end and a church at the other, the same athletic gentleman being the chief performer at both places. But, at its best, Bhamo is a forlorn, miserable, and wretched station, where all men seem to regard it as their first duty to the stranger to apologise to him for being there.

The distinguished Chinese scholar and traveller, E. Colborne Baber, who wrote the classic book of travel in Western China, was formerly British Resident in Bhamo. He spoke Chinese unusually well and was naturally proud of his accomplishment. Now the ordinary Chinaman has this feature in common with many of the European races, that, if he thinks you cannot speak his language, he will not understand you, even if you speak to him with perfect correctness of idiom and tone. And Baber had an experience of this which deeply hurt his pride. Walking one day in the neighbourhood of Bhamo, he met two Chinese—strangers—and began speaking to them in his best Mandarin. They heard him with unmoved stolidity, and, when he had finished, one turned to his companion and said, as if struck with his discovery, "the language of these foreign barbarians sounds not unlike our own!"

In Bhamo I had the pleasure of meeting the three members of the Boundary Commission who represented us in some preliminary delimitation questions with the Chinese Government. A better choice could not have been made. M. Martini, a Frenchman, has been twenty years in Upper Burma, and is our D.S.P. (District Superintendent of Police). Mr. Warry, the Chinese adviser to the Burmese Government, is one of the ablest men who ever graduated from the Consular Staff in China; while Captain H. R. Davies, of the Staff Corps, who is on special duty in the Intelligence Department, is not only an exceptionally able officer, but is the most accomplished linguist of Upper Burma. These were the three representatives.

I sold my pony in Bhamo. I was exceedingly sorry to part with it, for it had come with me 800 miles in thirty days, over an unusually difficult road, at great variations of altitude, and amid many changes of climate. And it was always in good spirit, brave and hardy, carrying me as surely the last twenty miles as it had the first twenty. Yet, when I came to sell it, I was astonished to learn how many were its defects. Its height, which was 12.3 in Nampoung, had shrunk three days later to 11.3 in Bhamo. This one subaltern told me who came to look at the pony with the view, he said, of making me an offer. Another officer proved to me that the off foreleg was gone hopelessly; a third confirmed this diagnosis of his friend, and in a clinical lecture demonstrated that the poor beast was spavined, and that its near hind frog was rotten, "as all Chinese ponies' are," he added. One of the mounted constabulary, a smart officer, fortunately discovered in time that the pony was a roarer; while the Hungarian Israelite who lends help on notes of hand, post-obits, personal applications, and other insecurities, and is on terms of friendly intimacy with most of the garrison, when about to make an offer, found, to his great regret, that the pony's hind legs were even more defective than the fore. The end of it was that I had to sell the pony—for what it cost me. I am indebted to the Reverend Mr. Roberts, of the American Baptist Mission, for helping me to sell my pony. Mr. Roberts has a pious gift for buying ponies and selling them—at a profit. He offered me 40 rupees for my pony. I mentioned this offer at the Bhamo Club, when a civilian present at once offered me 50 rupees for the pony; he did not know the pony, he explained, but—he knew Roberts.

In a steamer of the Irrawaddy Flotilla Company I came down the river from Bhamo to Mandalay. When I left the Commissioner's bungalow, the entire staff of the establishment and of some neighbouring bungalows assembled to do me honour, creeping up to me, and with deep humility carrying each an article of my possessions from my room down to the porch. There were the dhobie and bearer, the waterman with his goatskin waterbag, the washerman who washed my blue Chinese garments as white as his own, the syce who did not collect grass, the cook who sent me ten bad eggs in three days, and the Christian Madrasi, the laziest rascal in Bhamo, who early confessed to me his change of faith and the transformation it had effected in the future prospects of his soul. There was the Burmese watchman, and the English-speaking Burmese clerk, and the coolie who went to the bazaar for me, and many others. They lined the stairs as I came out, and placed their hands reverently to their foreheads when I passed by. It was pleasant to see such disinterested evidence of their good will, and my only regret was that I could not reward them according to their deserts. But to the Chinese coolie who was grinning to see my paltry outfit carried by so many hands, and who gathered together all I possessed and swung off with it down past the temples to the steamer landing in the native city, I gave a day's pay, and cheerfully—though he then asked for more.

In Mandalay I was taken to the club, and passed many hours there reading the home papers and wandering through its gilded halls. Few clubs in the world have such a sumptuous setting as this, for it is installed in the throne-room and chambers and reception-halls of the palace of King Theebaw.

In the very centre of the building is a seven-storeyed spire, "emblematic of royalty and religion," which the Burmese look upon as the "exact centre of creation." The reception-hall at the foot of the throne is now the English chapel; the reading-room with its gilded dais where the Queen sat on her throne, with its lofty roof, its pillars of teak, and walls all ablaze with gilding, was the throne-room of Theebaw's chief Queen.

Mandalay is largely Chinese, and on the outskirts of the city there is a handsome temple which bears the charming inscription, so characteristic of the Chinese, "enlightenment finds its way even among the outer barbarians."

There is a military hospital with two nursing sisters, highly trained ladies from Bart.'s. Australians are now so widely distributed over the world that it did not surprise me to find that one of the two sisters comes from Melbourne.

From Mandalay I went by train to Rangoon, where I lived in a pretty villa among noble trees on the lower slope of the hill which is crowned with the famous golden pagoda, the "Shway-dagon," the most sacred temple of Indo-China. We looked out upon the park and the royal lake. I early went to the Intelligence Department and saw Major Couchman. In his office I met the chief Chinese interpreter, a Chinaman with a rare genius for languages. He is a native of Fuhkien province, and, of course, speaks the Fuhkien dialect; he knows also Cantonese and Mandarin. In addition, he possesses French, Hindustani, Burmese, Shan, and Sanscrit, and, in an admirable translation which he has made of a Chinese novel into English, he frequently quotes Latin. Fit assistant he would make to Max Mueller; his services command a high salary.

The Chinese in Rangoon are a predominating force in the prosperity of the city. They have deeply impressed their potentiality upon the community. "It seems almost certain," says a great authority, perhaps the greatest authority on Burma—J. G. Scott (Shway Yoe)—"that in no very long time Burma, or, at any rate, the large trading towns of Burma, will be for all practical purposes absorbed by the Chinese traders, just as Singapore and Penang are virtually Chinese towns. Unless some marvellous upheaval of energy takes place in the Burmese character, the plodding, unwearying Chinaman is almost certainly destined to overrun the country to the exclusion of the native race."

The artisans of Rangoon are largely Chinese, and the carpenters exclusively so. The Chinese marry Burmese women, and, treating their wives with the consideration which the Chinaman invariably extends to his foreign wife in a foreign country, they are desired as husbands even above the Burmans. Next to the British, the only indispensable element in the community is now the Chinese.

The best known figure in Burma is the Reverend John Ebenezer Marks, D.D., Principal of the St. John's College of the S.P.G. Dr. Marks has been thirty-five years in Burma, is still hale and hearty, brimful of reminiscences, and is one of the most amusing companions in the world. I think it was he who converted King Theebaw to Christianity. His school is a curiosity. It is an anthropological institute with perhaps the finest collection of human cross-breeds in existence. It is away out beyond the gaol, in large wooden buildings set in extensive playgrounds. Here he has 550 students, all but four of whom are Asiatics of fifteen different nationalities—Chinese, Karens, Kachins, Shans, and a varied assortment of Hindoos and Malays, both pure and blended with the native Burmese. All the different races represented in Burma have intermarried with the native Burmese, and the resulting half-breeds have crossed with other half-breeds. Most of the better class Eurasian boys (European-Asian) are educated here, some being supported by their fathers, some not. The former Dr. Marks ingeniously calls after their mothers; the latter, who have been neglected, retain the names (when they are known), of their fathers. It is amusing to meet among the latter the names of so many brave Englishmen who, in the earlier days when morals had not attained the strictness that now characterises them, gallantly served their country in Burma.

No woman in the world is more catholic in her tastes than the Burmese. She bestows her loves as variously as the Japanese. She marries with equal readiness Protestant or Catholic, Turk, Infidel, or Jew. She clings cheerfully to whichever will support her; but above all she desires the Chinaman. No one treats her so well as the Chinaman. If she is capable of experiencing the emotion of love for any being outside her own race, she feels it for the Chinaman, who is of a cognate race to her own, is hard-working, frugal, and industrious, permits her to live in idleness, and delights her with presents, loving her children with that affection which the Chinaman has ever been known to bestow upon his offspring. The Chino-Burmese is not quite the equal of his father, but he is markedly superior to the Burmese. The best half-caste in the East is, of course, the Eurasian of British parentage. Englishmen going to Burma are, as a rule, picked men, physically powerful, courageous, energetic, and enterprising; for it is the possession of these qualities which has sent them to the East, either for business or in the service of their country. And their Burmese companions—of course I speak of a condition of things which is gradually ceasing to exist—are all picked women, selected for the comeliness of their persons and the sweetness of their manners.

After a stay of two or three weeks in Rangoon, I went round by the British India steamer to Calcutta. Ill fortune awaited me here. The night after my arrival I was laid down with remittent fever, and a few days later I nearly died. The reader will, I am sure, pardon me for obtruding this purely personal matter. But, as I opened this book with a testimony of gratitude to the distinguished surgeon who cut a spear point from my body, where nine months before it had been thrust by a savage in New Guinea, so should I be sorry to close this narrative without recording a word of thanks to those who befriended me in Calcutta.

I was a stranger, knowing only two men in all Calcutta; but they were friends in need, who looked after me during my illness with the greatest kindness. A leading doctor of Calcutta attended me, and treated me with unremitting attention and great skill. To Mr. John Bathgate and Mr. Maxwell Prophit and to Dr. Arnold Caddy I owe a lasting debt of gratitude. And what shall I say of that kind nurse—dark of complexion, but most fair to look upon—whose presence in the sick room almost consoled me for being ill? Bless her dear heart! Even hydrochlorate of quinine tasted sweet from her fingers.



Adridge, Dr., of Ichang, 10

d'Amade, Capt., in Yunnan, 150

Ancestral worship, 67

Anderson, Dr. J., cited, 274, 277

Anpien, 79

Anti-foreign riots, 9, 54, 268

Arsenal in Yunnan, 175

Augustine mission, 6

Baber, E. C., cited, 51, 90, 239, 267; in Yunnan, 149; in Bhamo, 285; on distances, 187

Ball, Dyer, cited, 113, 224

Baller, Rev. F. W., cited, 113

Banks and banking, 95, 96, 163, 164

Barrow, Sir John, cited, 101, 110, 191

Beraud, Pere, of Suifu, 63, 65

Bhamo (Singai), 279-287

Bible Christian mission, in Chaotong, 99; in Tongchuan, 121

Blakiston, Capt., cited, 173

Blodget, Rev. Dr., cited, 123

Boell, M., of Le Temps, in Yunnan, 150

Bonvalot, G., in Yunnan, 149

Bridges, some notable, 26, 83, 85, 118, 186, 233, 240, 242

Broomhall, B., cited, 66, 67

Browne, Col. Horace, 246, 267, 268

Bugs in China and Spain, 55, 56

Burdon, Bishop, cited, 123

Cameron, Dr., missionary traveller, 213

Cantonese, 207; in Australia, 222-224

Caravans of cotton, 226, 271

Carruthers, A. G. H., assistant commissioner of customs, Chungking, 51

Cash currency of China, 161, 162

Chairen, the policeman of China, 77, 190

Chang-chen Nien, Brigadier-General, Tengyueh, 181, 246

Chang Chi Tung, the viceroy, 3, 4

Chang-show-hsien, 33

Chang Yan Miun, the giant of Yunnan, 184, 185

Chaochow, 200

Chaotong, the city of, 97-116; its converts, 178

Chehki, 137

Ch'en, merchant prince, 29, 30

Chennan-chow, 192

Chentu, city, 62; river, 62

Chiang, telegraph clerk, Yunnan, 168

China Inland Mission, in Hankow, 6; in Wanhsien, 27-29; in Chungking, 49; in Suifu, 65, 73, 75; in Yunnan, 177; in Tali, 213-216; results in Yunnan province, 178; in China generally, 180; its teaching, 65-71

Chinese, in Australia, 222-224; in Burma, 288-290

Chinese, avarice, 79; benevolence, 29; beauty of women, 13; cards, visiting, 181, 182; characters, reverence for, 170; courtesy, 255; desire to have children, 197, 198; etiquette, 230; friendliness, 140; good nature, 117; gratitude, 27, 28; inaccuracy, 99; indifference to pain, 104, to sound, 74, 169; irreverence, 195; justification by works, 169; kindness to children, 113, 290; laughter, 195; love at first sight, 153-155; politeness, 196, 197, 201, 255; respect for old age, 117, 198; thoughtfulness, 189; true felicity, 180; wonderful memory, 167, 168

Chipatzu, 22

Chueh, telegraph operator and interpreter, 248

Chungking, city of, 34-39

Chuhsing-fu, 187

Clarke, Mr. G. W., missionary traveller, 213

Clarke, Marcus, cited, 210

Coal on the Yangtse, 32

Coffins in China, 92, 137, 265

Colquhoun, A. R., in Yunnan, 150

Conversion, instances of rapid, 179

Converts, in China, 5; Wanhsien, 28; Chungking, 49; Suifu, 65; Chaotong, 99; Tongchuan, 121; Yunnan City, 177; Yunnan Province, 178, 179; Talifu, 214

Cooke, G. W., cited, 46, 176

Coolies' enormous loads, 90, 91

Couchman, Major, cited, 274; in Rangoon, 288

Crockery, 118, 119

Customs, China Inland (likin-barriers), 21, 48, 97, 118, 242, 272, 277

Customs, Imperial Maritime, 13, 25, 35-38

Davenport, Dr. Cecil, medical missionary, Chungking, 49

Davies, Capt. H. R., Bhamo, 285

Davis, Sir J. F., cited, 57

Dedeken, Pere, of Kuldja, 150

De Gorostarza, Pere, Provicaire in Yunnan, 172

De Guignes, cited, 140

Distances in China, 141, 278

Doctors in China, 107-110; mule-doctor, 145

Doolittle, Rev. Justus, cited, 69, 130, 170

Doudart de la Gree, in Yunnan, 149

Douglas, R. K., cited, 127

Dudgeon, Dr. J., cited, 112, 130

Du Halde, cited, 90, 108, 176

Dymond, Rev. Frank, missionary, Chaotong, 98, 99

Eclipse of the Sun, 125, 126

Edkins, Rev. Dr. J., cited, 130

Eitel, Rev. Dr. E. J., cited, 129

Excoffier, Pere, of Yunnan, 146

Famine in Chaotong, 99; in Tongchuan, 127; on the way to Yunnan, 137-144

Fan-yien-tsen, 82

Farrar, Ven. Archdeacon, cited, 191

Feng-hsiang, Gorge, 21, 30

Fengshui-ling, 240

Feng-tu-hsien, 33

Fenouil, Monseigneur, of Yunnan, 171, 172

Fraser, Consul E. H., Chungking, 45

Fuchou, 33

Fungshui, 157, 175

Fung-yen-tung, 205

Fu-to-kuan, fort of, 52

Ganai, Shan town, 254-256

Gates of a Chinese city, 174

Geary, H. Grattan, cited, 43

Giles, H. A., cited, 129

Gill, Mr. Hope, missionary, Wanhsien, 27

Gill, Capt. W., cited, 17, 90

Girls in China, 13, 14, 139, 140; bought, 155; sold, 100, 101; price of, 100

Goitre, 101, 145, 155, 185; its prevalence, 227, 228

Gold, on the Yangtse, 23; in Yunnan, 158-160

Graham, Mr., missionary, Yunnan, 177, 219

Grosvenor Mission in Yunnan, 149

Guinness, Miss G., cited, 213

Haas, M., 42-44

Hankow, the city of, 3-8

Hanyang, 3

Heads of criminals, 192; of dacoits, 273, 274

Hirth, Dr. F., Commissioner of Customs, 40

Hobson, H. E., cited, 31

Hokiangpu, 222

Hongmuho, 270, 275-277

Hosie, A. M., cited, 17; in Yunnan, 149

Hsiakwan, 200, 219, 221

Hsintan rapids, 15

Huanglien-pu, 226; goitre at, 228

Huc, Abbe, cited, 176

Iangkai, 144

Ichang, 9

Infanticide in China, 129, 130; in Chaotong, 101; in Tongchuan, 129

Inquirers at Wanhsien, 28; Yunnan, 177; Tali, 215

Iremonger, Capt. R. G., Nampoung, 275

Jensen, Mr. C., in Yunnan, 147; experiences in China, 156, 157; on distances, 187; to construct line to Burma, 238

Jesuit Missionaries in China, 123, 173, 176

John, Rev. Dr. Griffith, cited, 130

Kachins ("protected barbarians"), 254, 259, 270, 273, 274

Kanhliang, Shan chief, 245

Kaw Hong Beng, Private Secretary to Viceroy, 4, 5

Kiangti, 117

Kong-shan, 141

Kueichow on the Yangtse, 18

Kuhtsing, its converts, 178

Kung Chao-yuan, Minister to Great Britain, 73

Kung-t'-an-ho, 33

Kweichou-fu, 21

Lacouperie, Terrien de, cited, 257

Lanchihsien, 60

Laokai, 148, 159

Laowatan river, 79; town, 85

Lay, G. T., cited, 13, 45

Leitoupo, 139

Lenz, F. G., in Yunnan, 150, 151

Li Han Chang, in Yunnan, 149

Li Hung Chang, 72, 149; on opium, 46, 190

Ling chi, 69, 231, 232

Li Pi Chang, Telegraph Manager, Yunnan, 151-153, 181, 184

Li-Sieh-tai, of Tengyueh, 246

Little, A. J., cited, 13, 122; in Chungking, 51

Little river, 40, 44, 52

Liu, Colonel, of Chinese Boundary Commission, 244, 245, 255

Liu, the Viceroy, 72

Lockhart, Dr. W., cited, 28, 130

Loh-Ta-Jen, Chentai at Ichang, 9

London Missionary Society, Hankow, 6; Chungking, 49

Lorain, Pere, Procureur in Chungking, 50

Luchow, 60

Lu-feng-hsien, 186

Luho, 187

MacCarthy, Justin, cited, 210

MacGowan, Rev. Dr. D. J., cited, 130

Maire, Pere, of Tongchuan, 133

Mander, S. S., cited, 47, 191

Manyuen (Manwyne), 264-269

Marco Polo, cited, 238; in Yunnan, 149

Margary, A. R., cited, 266; in Yunnan, 149, 246; his murder, 264-269

Marks, Rev. Dr. J. E., 289, 290

Martin, Rev. Dr. W. A. P., cited, 67, 170

Martini, M. (D.S.P.), in Bhamo, 285

Mason, Rev. G. L., cited, 28

Mateer, Rev. C. W., cited, 28, 140

Meadows, T. T., cited, 113, 154

Medhurst, Rev. W. H., cited, 87 (wrongly written "Meadows"), 197

Medhurst, Sir W. H., cited, 5, 45, 108

Medicines in China, 83, 107-110

Mekong river, 221, 233, 234

Mencius, cited, 198

Methodist Episcopalian Mission, 40, 54

Michie, A., cited, 124

Missionaries, success in China, 5; numbers in Hankow, 6

Missions Etrangeres de Paris, 6, 64, 65, 105, 122, 146, 171

Mi Tsang Gorge, 17

Mohammedans, and opium, 112; in Chaotong, 113, 114; near Tongchuan, 128; in Tali, 216; insurrection, 145, 185, 187, 203; superiority, 216; the milkman, 217

Momien (Tengyueh), the city of, 243-249

Money, changing, 95; remittance of, 95

Morgan, C. L., cited, 66, 70

Morphia, imported, 48, 49

Moule, Bishop, cited, 130

Moutot, Pere, Provicaire in Suifu, 63, 65

Muirhead, Rev. W., cited, 123

Mungtze, 148-150, 159

Myothit (Santien), 278, 279

Nampoung, encampment, 270, 275-278

Nantien, fort of, 250, 251

Opium, imports and exports of, 46-48; in Hankow, 3; in Chungking, 45; in Suifu, 72, 73; demoralising influence of, 41; —— refuge, Chungking, 41; —— ports, 33; poisoning by, 111, 112, 212; my chairbearers and, 94; my coolie and, 219; appeal for suppression, 190, 191

d'Orleans, Prince Henri, cited, 148; in Yunnan, 149

Parricide in China, 69

Pearson, Prof. C. H., cited, 186, 224

Peking Gazette, cited, 53, 169, 231

Pen, telegraph manager, Tengyueh, 244

Peng Yue-lin, high commissioner, cited, 192

Pidgin-English, 3, 9, 18

Piercy, Rev. G., cited, 191

Ping-shan-pa, 13

Pits for the dead, 133

Plague, bubonic, in Yunnan, 213

Pollard, Rev. S., missionary, Tongchuan, 121

Poppy, 37, 57, 78, 84, 118, 142; surreptitiously grown, 46

Post-offices, 95, 96

Prisons in China, 209-211

Punishments in China, 103, 104, 136, 239

Pupeng, 193

Pupiao, 236; my men die at, 281

Reade, Charles, cited, 209

Reed, Miss M., cited, 191

Reid, Rev. G., cited, 41, 192

"Rice Christians," 6

Roberts, Rev. Mr., missionary, Bhamo, 286

Rockhill, W. W., cited, 280, 281

St. Thomas, visit to Suifu, 65

Salween river, 237-240

Santa, Shan town, 259-263

Schehleh, 272, 277

Scott, J. G., cited, 287, 289

Sengki-ping, 84

Settee, fort of, 274, 275

Shachiaokai, 192

Shang-kwan, 204

Shans, 240, 252, 254, 256-269

Shih-pao-chai, 32

Shuichai, 234

Shweli river, 242

Silver in Yunnan, 161, 163; in Tengyueh, 249

Singai (Bhamo), 218

Sladen, Major, 267

Small feet, 14, 101, 153

Small-pox, 212, 213

Smith, Rev. A. H., cited, 41, 269

Smith, Rev. John, missionary, Talifu, 202, 209, 214, 219

Smith, Mr. Stanley P., his rapid conversion of a Chinaman, 279

Soldiers, their weapons, 234, 241, 249; fierceness of aspect, 263; courage, 271

"Squeezing" in China, 151, 152

Stead, W. T., cited, 152

Suicide by opium, 111; land of, 111, 112

Suifu, the city of, 62-75

Sutherland, Rev. Dr. A., cited, 123, 173

Swinburne, A. C., cited, 14

Szechuen, "country of the clouds," 82; population, 186; contrasted with Yunnan, 85-88; Catholic stronghold, 64

Taipingkai, Shan town, 263

Taiping-pu, 226

Taiping river, 246, 250, 252, 258, 278, 279

Tak-wan-hsien, 92, 94, 96

Tak-wan-leo, 92

Talichao, 234

Talifu, the city of, 202-219; its converts, 178

Tanto, 82

Taoshakwan, 86

Taoūen, 116

Tawantzu, 92

Taylor, Rev. Dr. J. Hudson, cited, 46, 67, 68, 70, 179; on opium, 46; on ancestral worship, 67; Chinese in lake of fire, 67, 68

Tchih-li-pu, 86

Telegraph, in Yunnan, 147; in Tali, 208; in Yungchang, 234; in Tengyueh, 243-248; system of telegraphing Chinese characters, 166-168; telegraphic transfers, 95, 159

Tengyueh (Momien), the city of, 243-249

"Term question," 122, 123

Theatre in Tengyueh, 246, 247

Tomme, M., in Yunnan, 150

Tongchuan, the city of, 120-134; its converts, 178

Tonquin, 148, 149

Tragedy of the Tali valley, 220, 221

Tremberth, Rev. Mr., missionary, Chaotong, 101

Tsen Yue-ying, the cruel Viceroy, 267

Tung-lo-hsia, 35

Turner, Rev. F. Storrs, cited, 46

Tu Wen Hsiu, the Mohammedan Sultan, 203

Ullathorne, Bishop, cited, 210

Vial, Pere, of Yunnan, 150

Voltaire, cited, 173

Von Richthofen, cited, 90

Wanhsien, the city of, 24-31

Warren, Consul Pelham, of Hankow, 8

Warry, Mr., Chinese adviser to the Burmese Government, 229, 261, 285

Wherry, Rev. J., cited, 123

Widows, virtuous, 52, 53, 78

Williams, Rev. Dr. S. Wells, cited, 47, 110, 126, 197, 267

Williamson, Rev. Dr. A. W., cited, 70, 223

Wong, banker in Yunnan, 163-166

Wong-wen-shao, the Viceroy, 180, 181

Woodin, Rev. S. F., cited, 66, 179

Woolston, Miss S. H., cited, 14

Wuchang, 3

Wuntho Sawbwa, 245, 253, 254

Wushan Gorge, 20

Wushan-hsien, 20

Yangki river, 221

"Yang kweitze", 18, 25, 228, 229

Yanglin, 145

Yangpi, 224

Yang Yu-ko, Imperialist general, 203, 204

Yeh, of the Chinese Boundary Commission, 224

Yehtan rapid, 19

Yenwanshan, 193

Ying-wu-kwan, 193

Yuenchuan, 60

Yungchang, the city of, 234, 235

Yunnan, the city of, 147-183; its converts, 177; the province of, 85-88; its converts, 178

Yunnanhsien, 196

Yunnan Yeh, 193

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Typographical errors corrected in text: Page vii: Hankow replaced with Ichang in chapter title Page ix: Teng-yueh replaced with Tengyueh Page 8: "My Chinese Passport" replaced with "The Author's Chinese Passport" Page 9: Kweichou replaced with Kweichow Page 22: Kueichou replaced with Kweichou Page 29: mid-day replaced with midday; mission replaced with missionary Page 30: Kueichou replaced with Kweichou Page 32: hill-sides replaced with hillsides Page 33: tow-line replaced with towline Page 34: Tung-to-hsia replaced with Tung-lo-hsia Page 44: Chung-king replaced with Chungking Page 47: Fuh-kien replaced with Fuhkien Page 57: rape seed replaced with rape-seed Page 58: mainroad replaced with main road Page 61: Comma after "Chinese, who," removed Page 62: tow-rope replaced with towrope Page 63: Tali-fu replaced with Talifu Page 64: trop materialistes italicised Page 69: ling-chi replaced with Ling chi Page 76: Semi-colon following Chaotong replaced with comma Page 77: Takwan-hsien replaced with Tak-wan-hsien, twice Page 78: Comma after "yellow rape-seed" removed; half-penny replaced with halfpenny Page 91: Chen-tu replaced with Chentu Page 96: ill paved replaced with ill-paved Page 97: Semi-colon following Chaotong replaced with comma Page 105: Etrangeres replaced with Etrangeres Page 111: trival replaced with trivial Page 118: main-road replaced with main road Page 125: Semi-colon after Tongchuan replaced with comma Page 139: Comma after "other heathen country" replaced with full stop Page 142: Kongshan replaced with Kong-shan Page 149: Chung-king corrected to Chungking Page 150: Yesutang replaced with Yesu-tang Page 154: Double quotes inside double quotes replaced with single quotes (single quotes used for the last reported speech in the story) Page 155: Single quote after "pretty safe" added; thick-neck replaced with thickneck Page 156: Momein replaced with Momien Page 161: uncivilized and civilization replaced with uncivilised and civilisation Page 162: Mexican Dollar replaced with Mexican dollar Page 164: Chung-king replaced with Chungking Page 172: Muntze replaced with Mungtze Page 184: Tong-chuan replaced with Tongchuan Page 186: Tai-ping replaced with Taiping Page 190: Full stop added after "in rags and barefoot" Page 192: Tali replaced with Talifu Page 193: a'accord replaced with d'accord Page 197: Question mark after "...that of a doctor?" replaced with full stop Page 199: mid-day replaced with midday Page 200: Yunnen replaced with Yunnan Page 204: Hsia-kwan replaced with Hsiakwan, twice Page 206: Commas added after "we replied" and "(you to go on)" Page 208: Mahommedan replaced with Mohammedan Page 219: Yung-chang replaced with Yungchang Page 220: Tali-fu replaced with Talifu Page 230: splended replaced with splendid Page 233: Full stop removed after Rivers; tea house replaced with teahouse Page 236: inn-keeper replaced with innkeeper Page 238: Laotseng replaced with Laotseng Page 246: Yung-chang replaced with Yungchang; "and other" replaced with "and another" Page 249: Yunnaness replaced with Yunnanese Page 259: Liliputians replaced with Lilliputians Page 270: Full stops after Power and Kachins removed Page 294: Chunking replaced with Chungking Page 295: Fenghsiang replaced with Feng-hsiang Page 296: Lingchi replaced with Ling chi Page 298: Subtopics under entry "Soldiers" separated with semi-colons Inconsistent capitalisations between the Table of Contents and individual chapter titles have been retained. Discrepancies between illustration captions and those in the list of illustrations retained, unless noted above. As the illustrations were not included with the original scans but were located during processing of this book, where there have been small differences the List of Illustrations has generally been preferred. One instance of Taouen with an unclear mark above the /u/, one instance of Taoūen. This has been left as is. Punctuation of standard abbreviations (Mr., Mrs., per cent., s. ) has been standardised. Pounds, shillings and pence have all been italicised.

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