A History of the Four Georges, Volume I (of 4)
by Justin McCarthy
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Talbot, Charles, Lord Chancellor, ii. 9, 81. Talleyrand: Dines with William IV., iv. 117. On Alexander Hamilton, ii. 248; iv. 281. Tea tax introduced by Townshend, iii. 113. Telford, Thomas, death, iv. 282. Temple, John, iii. 155. Temple, Richard Grenville, Earl, iii. 26. Action on India Bill, iii. 234. Persuades Pitt to refuse office, iii. 73, 93. Removed from Lord-Lieutenancy, iii. 64. Resigns office, iii. 236. Shows King's speech to Wilkes, iii. 57. Supports Wilkes, iii. 116. Ten-pound franchise, iv. 130. Tenterden, Chief Justice, decision in Cobbett prosecution, iv. 157. Test Act: Debate on proposed repeal, ii. 176. Repeal proposed, ii. 110. Repealed, iv. 52, 67. Thackeray, W. M., iv. 286. Description of Hanover, i. 55. On George IV., iii. 242. On interview of George IV. and Sir Walter Scott, iv. 29. On interview of George IV. with Wellington, Lyndhurst, and Peel, iv. 78. On Laurence Sterne, ii. 302. On Swift's character, ii. 237, 238. Thames frozen (1716), i. 154. Thames Tunnel, iv. 93. Thistlewood, plots to assassinate Ministers, iv. 15. Thomas, —, iii. 179. Thornhill, Sir James, i. 68. Thurlow, Lord, iii. 228. Thynne, Thomas, Lord, i. 8. Tippu, English make treaty with, iii. 266. Tithe question, Ireland, iv. 207 seqq., 216, 220. Government proposal on, iv. 211, 245. Tobacco, excise duty on, i. 316. Tolbooth fired, ii. 64. Tone, Matthew, fights under Humbert, iii. 324. Tone, Theobald Wolfe, iv. 206. Death, iii. 327. Letter to his wife, iii. 324. Marriage, iii. 311. Project for colony in South Sea island, iii. 310. Scheme for French invasion of Ireland, iii. 311. Sketch of, iii. 309 seqq. Tonson, Jacob, Secretary to Kit-Kat Club, i. 74. Torcy, Marquis de, Secretary of State, France, i. 110. Tories: Attitude towards restoration of Stuarts, i. 16, 19. Doctrines, i. 17 seqq. Jacobitism and, iii. 24. Old school of, iv. 241. Origin of name, i. 17. Peace of Utrecht and, i. 92. Toulon: Retaken by French, iii. 304. Welcomes English fleet, iii. 303. Townshend, Alderman, opposes Wilkes, iii. 136. Townshend, Audrey, Marchioness of, iii. 110. Townshend, Charles ("Weathercock"), i. 99. Chancellor of Exchequer, iii. 109. Character, iii. 110. Death, iii. 113. Introduces tea tax for America, iii. 113. Townshend, Charles, Viscount: Accompanies King to Hanover, i. 237. Dismissed, i. 164. President of Council, i. 182. Resigns office, i. 304. Secretary of State, i. 97, 278. Sketch of, i. 99. Trading Guilds, origin of, iv. 255. Trafalgar, battle of, iii. 337. Traill, H. D., on Laurence Sterne, ii. 302. Treaties (see under various titles). Trichinopoly: Besieged, ii. 262. Relieved, ii. 264. Triennial Parliament Acts, i. 145. Triple Alliance, i. 161, 163. Tucker, Dean, on mutinous colonies, iii. 163. Tullibardine: Dies in Tower, ii. 232. Supports Young Pretender, ii. 205, 206. Turkey in 1716, i. 154.

Ulm, capitulation of, iii. 338. Union, Scotland's attitude towards, i. 83. University College Charter, iv. 261. University of London, Charter, iv. 261. Upper Ossory, John, Earl of, iii. 36. Utrecht, Treaty of, i. 95, 157, 227, 263. Campeachy logwood question and, i. 295. Tories and, i. 92. Trade disputes and, ii. 150. Will of Charles II. and, ii. 27.

Valley Forge, iii. 183. Vanhomrigh, Esther (Vanessa), i. 36. Alters her will, ii. 294. Vansittart, Governor of East India Company, iii. 251. Advice on quarrel of Nawab and Ellis, iii. 252. Vendome, Duc de, i. 100. Character, i. 158. Verazani forms settlement in Canada, ii. 283. Verden ceded to Hanover, i. 161. Verona Congress and Holy Alliance, iv. 39, 42, 45. Victoria, Princess Alexandrina: Birth, iii. 348. Heir-presumptive, iv. 101. William IV, and, iv. 117, 118. Vienna, Congress of, iv. 38. Vienna, Treaty of, i. 295; ii. 30. Virginia protests against Stamp Act, iii. 90. Voltaire, epigram on Byng, ii. 298. Von Steuben in America, iii. 183. Vote by ballot proposed, iv. 131.

Wade, General, clans surrender arms to, ii. 209. Wales, Prince of (see Frederick Lewis, Prince of Wales, and George IV.). Walkenshaw, Miss, ii. 233. Walmoden, Mme., ii. 48, 76, 304. Walpole, Baron, i. 224. Walpole, Horace, Earl of Orford: Account of his father (1742), ii. 189. Acquainted with Paris, iii. 293. Contrasts Townshend with Burke, iii. 112. Description of George I., i. 58. Description of Lord Hillsborough, iii. 148. Description of Mme. Kilmansegge, i. 7. Eulogy of Queen Charlotte, iii. 12. Maiden speech in defence of his father, ii. 195. On Bute's Administration, iii. 28. On Carteret, i. 235. On Chesterfield's speeches, ii. 5. On Coronation of George III., iii. 12. On dinner hour, iii. 18. On James Stuart, i. 11. On Lord George Gordon, iii. 193. On Whitefield's eloquence, ii. 139. On Wilkes's career, iii. 137. Walpole, Horatio, Lord: Ambassador to Paris, i. 237, 238, 291. Moves Address on Convention, ii. 171. Recalled from Paris, i. 304. Walpole, Sir Robert, Earl of Orford: Accepts war policy, ii. 180. Administration, i. 224 seqq., 305. Address to George II., i. 280. Advice to Princesses, ii. 126. At Houghton, i. 196; ii. 195. At Queen Caroline's death-bed, ii. 119. Attacks Peerage Bill, i. 176. Attempts to get influence of James Stuart, ii. 186. Attitude towards financial reform, ii. 36. Bill to adjust affairs of South Sea Company, i. 203, 205. Chairman of Committee of Secrecy, i. 105, 106, 168. Character, i. 165; ii. 8, 18, 196. Charges against, ii. 187, 195. Conduct on Prince of Wales's allowance, ii. 80. Correspondence with Townshend, i. 252. Corruption under, i. 231; ii. 13, 19, 90, 195; iii. 25. Created Earl of Orford, ii. 190. Death, ii. 196. First great finance minister, i. 229. Fiscal policy, i. 230, 309, 311 seqq. Foreign policy, i. 229, 236, 292, 305; ii. 24, 31, 149. Hails George II. King, i. 275. Health in 1742, ii. 188. Made K. B., i. 252. Made K. G., i. 252. Masterly inactivity, ii. 24, 31, 36. Moves Address (1715), i. 103. On Frederick, Prince of Wales, ii. 71. On Queen's illness, ii. 115. On Royal family, ii. 74. On South Sea Company, i. 188, 196. Paymaster-General, i. 97, 181. Pleads against war with Spain, ii. 155, 159. Quarrel with Townshend, i. 304. Relations with stage, ii. 95. Resigns office, i. 164; ii. 190. Restored to office, i. 278. Secretary of State for Scotland, i. 250. Settles dispute between Spain and Portugal, ii. 35. Sketch of career, i. 32; ii. 196. Speech on Bolingbroke, ii. 15. Speech on Prince of Wales's allowance, ii. 86. Speech on secession from Commons, ii. 174. War declared against Spain, ii. 178. Results of, ii. 183. War of Independence, ii. 43. War of Polish Succession, ii. 23 seqq. War of the Succession, purpose of, i. 92. War passion, ii. 148. War with Spain, iii. 29. Ward, Artemus, iii. 179. Ward, Henry, resolution on Irish State Church, iv. 212, 213, 214. Ward, Ned, ballad on Marlborough's return to England, i. 53. Ward, Plumer, author of "Tremaine," iv. 213. Ward, Sir John, petition on South Sea Company, i. 203. Wardle, Colonel, iii. 338. Warren, General, iii. 176. Washington, George: Character, iii. 188. Commands Continental army, iii. 181. Disapproves of Boston exploit, iii. 161, 163. Fires first shot against enemy, ii. 285. First President of American Republic, iii. 189. Sketch of career, iii. 180. Watson, Admiral, commands fleet against Suraj ud Dowlah, ii. 269. "Waverers," iv. 173. Webster, "Duchess of Malfi" quoted, iv. 11. Wedderburn, Alexander, Solicitor-General, iii. 149. Denounces Franklin, iii. 156, 157. On using military against mob, iii. 207. Sketch of, iii. 158. Speech on Middlesex election petition, iii. 131. "Weekly Political Register," Cobbett's article in, iv. 156, 157. Wellesley, Arthur (see Wellington, Duke of). Wellesley, Garret, Earl of Mornington, iii. 341. Wellesley, Richard C., Marquis of: Resigns Vice-royalty of Ireland, iv. 73. Sketch of career, iv. 72. Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of: Accompanies George IV. to Waterloo, iv. 28. At opening of Liverpool and Manchester railway, iv. 103. Attitude towards Catholic Emancipation, iv. 54, 56, 75, 106. Attitude towards Municipal Bill, iv. 260. Attitude towards Parliamentary reform, iv. 52. Attitude towards Queen Caroline, iv. 7. Character, iv. 120. Declines to form ministry, iv. 177. Duel with Lord Winchilsea, iv. 81. Interview with King on Catholic emancipation, iv. 77. Prime Minister, iv. 67, 100. Represents England at Congress of Verona, iv. 41, 42. Resigns office, iv. 113. Secretary for Foreign Affairs, iv. 238. Sketch of, iii. 341 seqq. Speech against Reform Bill, iv. 169. Speech on Parliamentary reform, iv. 108. Supports Poor Law Bill, iv. 229. Unpopular, iv. 153. Welsh Copper and Lead Company, and South Sea Company, i. 193. Wentworth, Lady, describes house in Golden Square, i. 70. Wesley, Charles, ii. 128, 137, 145. Accompanies John to Georgia, ii. 134. On Revivalist meetings, ii. 139. Wesley, John: Breaks away from Moravians, ii. 140. Breaks from discipline of Church of England, ii. 142. Character, ii. 134, 135, 137, 142. Dispute with Whitefield, ii. 139. Marriage, ii. 137. Organization, ii. 140. Sketch of, ii. 127 seqq. Visits Georgia, ii. 127. Wesleyan Movement, account of, ii. 127 seqq. In United States, ii. 144. Revivalist meetings, ii. 138. West Indian Planters, grant to, iv. 198, 200. West Indies, slavery in, iv. 190 seqq. Abolished, iv. 199, 200. Westminster Hall, iv. 268. Booths in, i. 64. Explosion in, ii. 45. Wetherell, Sir Charles, obstructs Reform Bill, iv. 163. Rescued from rioters, iv. 197. Weymouth, Lord, letter to magistrate in case of riot, iii. 120, 124. Wharncliffe, Lord, amendment to Reform Bill, iv. 169. Wharton, Duke of: Character, i. 264. Condemns South Sea Bill, i. 191, 198. Whately, —, private secretary to George Grenville, iii. 153. Whately, William, iii. 155. Wheler, appointed Governor-General, iii. 264. Whigs: Ascendency, iii. 24. Attitude towards Hanoverian Succession, i. 16. Doctrines, i. 17 seqq. Foreign policy (1716), i. 157. Nobles and Reform Bill, iv. 178. Origin of name, i. 17. Whitbread, efforts to inquire into troubles in Ireland, iii. 319. Whitefield, George, ii. 128, 137, 145. Disputes with Wesley, ii. 139. Oratory, ii. 139. White's chocolate-house, i. 76. Widdrington, Lord, a prisoner, i. 137, 138. Wilberforce, William: Later years, iv. 280. Supports Queen Caroline, iv. 6. Votes against Dundas, iii. 338. West-Indian Slavery and, iv. 191, 193, 194. Wilkes, John: Arrested, iii. 59. At King's Bench, iii. 119. Attack on, iii. 64, 66. Brings actions against Lord Halifax and Wood, iii. 63. Candidate for Parliament, iii. 116, 117, 126, 137. Catholic Relief for Scotland and, iii. 195. Churchill and, iii. 55. Committed to Tower, iii. 60. Death, iii. 139. Duel with Martin, iii. 66. Elected Alderman for Farringdon Without, iii. 134. Elected Lord Mayor, iii. 137. Elected Sheriff, iii. 136. Expelled from House, iii. 130. Interview with Johnson, iii. 138. Later life, iii. 137. Liberated from prison, iii. 135. Literary executor to Churchill, iii. 69. M. P. for Aylesbury, iii. 49, 51. North Briton and, iii. 52, 55, 57. On rioters, iii. 209. Outlawed, iii. 68. Released by Judge Pratt, iii. 60, 63. Sketch of, iii. 48 seqq. Summoned before Commons, iii. 135. William III., opinion of Duke of Marlborough, i. 24. William IV.: Accession, iv. 96. Assents to Bill for Abolition of Slavery, iv. 199. Attitude towards Duke of Wellington, iv. 115. Attitude towards Irish State Church, iv. 219. Attitude towards Ministry (1831), iv. 151. Attitude towards Reform, iv. 172, 173, 175, 179, 181. Character, iv. 98, 114, 115, 120, 293. Conduct as admiral, iv. 115. Conduct to Mrs. Fitzherbert, iv. 88. Death, iv. 293. Dismisses Whig Government and sends for Sir Robert Peel, iv. 235. Illness, iv. 289. Lord High Admiral, iv. 60, 96. Marries Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen, iv. 97. Mrs. Jordan and, iv. 97. Opens Parliament (1831), iv. 154. Orangeism and, iv. 279. Popular, iv. 153, 154. Prayers for, iv. 292. Raises his children to Peerage, iv. 114. Sanctions Reform Bill, iv. 132. Speech from Throne (1830), iv. 100, 103, 108. Speech from Throne (1831), iv. 172. Speeches at state dinners, iv. 116, 117. Unconventionalities, iv. 118. Unpopular, iv. 179. Williamson, Dr. Hugh, iii. 154. Will's coffee-house, i. 75. Wilmington, Lord (see Compton, Sir Spencer). Wilmot, Olivia, sketch of, iv. 286. Wilmot, Robert, on grievances against Spaniards, ii. 154. Wilson, Alexander, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Bill against, ii. 66, 68. Wilson's execution and Porteous riots, ii. 60, 61. Winchilsea, Earl of: Duel with Duke of Wellington, iv. 81. On Princess Anne's Dowry, ii. 44, 45. Letter on Duke of Wellington and Catholic Emancipation, iv. 80. Window tax, iii. 239. Wine-drinking in Georgian era, iii. 20. Wintoun, Earl of, a prisoner, i. 137. Escapes, i. 142. Witherington, Matilda, wife of Wolfe Tone, iii. 311, 329. Wolfe, James: At Culloden, ii. 227, 282. Character, ii. 282. Death, ii. 290. Monument, ii. 290. Wood, Alderman, supports Queen Caroline, iv. 5. Wood, William, patent for copper coins, i. 164, 241, 244. Withdrawn, i. 248. Wooster, —, iii. 179. Wray, Sir Cecil, opponent of Fox at Westminster, iii. 238. Writs of Assistance, iii. 84, 86. Wyndham, Sir William: Announces secession from Commons, ii. 173. Death, ii. 179. Leader of Tories, i. 287. On grievances against Spaniards, ii. 156. On Salt Tax, i. 313. Sketch of, i. 288; ii. 179. Speech on repeal of Septennial Act, ii. 12. Wynn, Sir Walter Williams, supports Young Pretender, ii. 221. Wynn, Watkin Williams, argument against long Parliaments, ii. 12.

Yale College, places in lists, iii. 77. York, Frederick Augustus, Duke of: Death, iv. 60. Public career, iv. 60. York in 1714, i. 79. Yorktown, Cornwallis surrenders at, iii. 184. Young, Arthur, travels in France, iii. 293.

Zinzendorf, Count von, founds Moravian sect, ii. 134. Zoological Gardens opened, iv. 93.


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